14950 S. Laramie Avenue

Oak Forest, IL 60452


Dr. Lori J. Leppert, Principal Inspiring Lifelong Learning

G. Kerkstra Elementary School

Fourth Grade Homework Policy

Dear Parents,

The following letter explains Kerkstra’s 4th grade homework policy. Please read over carefully and discuss it with your child.

Homework is usually assigned Monday through Friday. These assignments should take approximately 40 minutes to complete. It is important to remember that not all students work at the same pace. Therefore, if your child is working on homework for more than 40 minutes, finish the page orally with them and sign the page so we know you are aware that your child could not finish the assignment. If your child finishes in less than 40 minutes encourage them to read more or review spelling or math facts. Reading daily for 15 minutes is a required part of their homework.

We expect students to do their best job on each homework assignment. It should be neat, accurate, and done in their best handwriting. All math work should be completed in pencil. Careless work will be returned home, to be redone.

We expect homework to be completely finished and ready to be handed in the morning of the day for which it was assigned. If your student is absent more than one day, please call the office and make arrangements to pick up the assignments your child has missed.

An Assignment Notebook is provided to each student to help him/her keep track of daily assignments. This is a great way to help students become organized and responsible. Time will be provided in class daily for your student to copy assigned work. Likewise, while at home, it is necessary for you to help your child continue the habit of using this great tool. Develop a system the two of you can use to make sure the assignment book is used on a daily basis. Use the “Messages” box to send related messages. We know that with all of us working as a team, we can help your child achieve to his/her greatest potential.

Please sign the bottom portion of this letter and have your child return it to school. Thank you for your efforts and support!


ms/d/4 Mrs. Graczyk, Mrs. Hood, and Mrs. Twardy

I/ We have read over and discussed the 4th grade homework policy with my child.

Student’s Name: Rm. #:

Parent/Guardian Signature Date:


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