BASE Insight Forum, Empire, Leicester Square

0830 - 1300

Registration and refreshments


Lucy Gregory, Research Director, The Walt Disney Company

Driving the video category forward

Robert Price, Managing Director, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and Chair, BASE

Liz Bales, CEO, BASE

Economic and market conditions effecting the video category

Felipe Florez Duncan, Partner, Oxera

Felipe considers the macro, leisure, and entertainment trends in the UK and, the potential impact of the Digital Single Market.

Consumer electronics market and the advent of UHD

Nick Simon, Business Development Director, GfK

Nick discusses the changing face of connected devices and the potential for UHD Blu-ray.

Understanding multi-channel consumers

James Brown, Insight Director Entertainment & Telecoms, Kantar Worldpanel

James provides an insight into multi-channel consumers and how they buy and access content video in different ways. What are the different motivations by format and what does this mean for both physical and digital video?

To own or to rent – understanding consumers’ mindsets

James Burke, Director Insight Solutions, Kantar Media

Using research specially commissioned for today’s event, James looks at shoppers’ decision making process of when to buy content or rent, and the psychology behind these decisions.

In conversation: James Gay-Rees, Executive Producer

James is a British BAFTA winning writer and producer of numerous films, including critically acclaimed Senna and Exit Through the Gift Shop amongst others, and of course James has just won an Oscar for Amy.


What’s creating value for us?

Rudy Osorio, Category Head, Blu-ray and DVD, HMV

Rudy provides an insight into shopper behaviour and the retail environment.

Understanding subscription services and how they are consumed

Julia Lamaison, Media Research and Insight Director,GfK

Julia provides an insight into the factors that are driving change in the market and the impact on distributors and retailers, digging deep into the dynamics of subscription services.

Observations on the transactional digital market

David Sidebottom, Principal Analyst Entertainment Media, Futuresource Consulting

David evaluates the market for Film product, with a focus on the pace of change with the evolution of digital services, drawing on data from the Digital Movie Tracker and the consumer research survey, Living With Digital.

Marcus Arthur, President UK and Australia, BBC Worldwide

Marcus discusses his unique position as publisher and retailer, BBC Store’s early days, and how the category can collaborate to engage younger audiences in owning content.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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