Week 1 -- Schedule

|Week 1 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TA; Les. 1, 1-5; Adding |TA; Les. 2, 6-12; |TB; Les. 3, 13-17; Missing |TA; Les. 4, 18-22; Missing |TB; Les. 5, 22-25; Order of|

| |Whole Numbers and Money / |Multiplying Whole Number |Numbers in Addition / |Numbers in Multiplication /|Operations, Part I |

| |Subtracting Whole Numbers |and Money / Dividing Whole |Missing Numbers in |Missing Number in Division | |

| |and Money / Fact Families |Number and Money / Fact |Subtraction | | |

| | |Families | | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice Pg. |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | |687; Set A 1-24, |Pg.688; 1-24, find the |Pg.688; 1-24, find the | |

| | |multiplication; Set B 1-24,|missing number |missing number | |

| | |division with a remainder | | | |

|Notes |

|Fast Facts Tests: TA = Test A, 64 Addition Facts; TB = Test B, 100 Addition Facts; TC = Test C, 100 Subtraction Facts; TD = Test D, 64 Multiplication Facts; TE = |

|Test E, 100 Multiplication Facts; TF = Test F, 90 Division Facts (in “L”); TG = Test G, 30 Fractions to Reduce; TH = Test H, 72 Mixed Multiplication and Division; |

|TI = Test I, 28 Fractions to Simplify; TJ = Test J, 24 Mixed Numbers as Improper Fractions; TK = Test K, Linear Measurement Facts; TL = Test L, Liquid Measure |

|Facts; TM = Test M, Percents to Fractions and Decimals; TN = Test N, Measurement Facts; TO = Test O, Adding Integers; TP = Test P, Adding and Subtracting Integers; |

|TQ = Test Q, Multiplying and Dividing Integers; TR = Test R, 90 Division Facts (horizontal); TS = Test S, 48 Divisions with Remainders; TT = Test T, 60 Improper |

|Fractions to Simplify; TU = Test U, 40 Fractions to Reduce; TV = Test V, 50 Fractions to Simplify; TW = Test W, Write 30 Percents as Fractions; TX = Test X, 24 |

|Fraction-Decimal-Percent Equivalents |

|Week 2 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TC; Les. 6, 26-30; |TC; Les. 7, 30-34; Linear |TA; Les. 8, 35-38; |TC; Les. 9, 39-42; The |TC; Les. 10, 43-47; |

| |Fractional Parts |Measure |Perimeter |Number Line: Ordering and |Sequences / Scales |

| | | | |Comparing | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 3 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 1 |TD; Les. 11, 47-52; “Some |TD; Les. 12, 53-58; Place |TA; Les. 13, 58-62; |TD; Les. 14, 63-67; The |

| | |and Some More” and “Some |Value Through Trillions’ / |“Larger-Smaller-Difference”|Number Line: Negative |

| | |Went Away” Stories |Multiple-Step Problems |Stories / |Numbers |

| | | | |“Later-Earlier-Difference” | |

| | | | |Stories | |

| |___ / 100 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed | | |Pg.689; 1-30, write in | | |

| | | |digits | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 4 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TC; Les. 15, 67-71; “Equal |TEST 2 |TD; Les. 16, 72-76; |TE; Les. 17, 77-82; Number |TB; Les. 18, 83-88; Average|

| |Groups” Stories | |Rounding Whole Numbers / |Line: Fractions and Mixed |/ Line Graphs |

| | | |Estimating, Bar Graphs |Numbers | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | |Pg.690; 1-25, Rounding | |Pg.690; 1-14, find average;|

| | | | | |15-22, what number is |

| | | | | |halfway |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 5 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TD; Les. 19, 89-95; Factors|TC; Les. 20, 96-99; |TEST 3 |TD; Les. 21, 100-105; |TC; Les. 22, 106-110; |

| |/ Divisibility |Greatest Common Factor | |Comparing Fractions with |“Equal Groups” Stories with|

| | |(GCF) | |Pictures |Fractions |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | |Pg.691; 1-10, list factors;| | |Pg.691-692; 1-25 |

| | |11-25, find GCF | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 6 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TD; Les. 23, 111-114; |TC; Les. 24, 115-119; |TE; Les. 25, 120-123; |TEST 4 |TF; Les. 26, 123-127; |

| |Fraction Manipulatives, |Adding and Subtracting |Fraction Manipulatives, | |Writing Division Answers as|

| |Part 1 |Fractions that Have Common |Part 2 | |Mixed Numbers, Multiples |

| | |Denominators | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 100 | |

|Extra Practice if | | | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | | |Pg.692; 1-25, write as |

| | | | | |mixed number |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 7 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TC; Les. 27, 128-133; Using|TF; Les. 28, 134-137; |Investigation 1, 138-141; |TB; Les. 29, 142-147; |TE; Les. 30, 148-152; Least|

| |Manipulatives to Reduce |Fraction Manipulatives, |Frequency Tables / |Multiplying Fractions / |Common Multiples (LCM) / |

| |Fractions / Adding and |Part 3 |Histograms / Surveys |Reducing Fractions by |Reciprocals |

| |Subtracting Mixed Numbers | | |Dividing by Common Factors | |

| | | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | |Pg.692-693, Set A 1-25, |Pg.693; 1-20, Find LCM |

| | | | |reduce fractions, Set B | |

| | | | |1-24, add or subtract then | |

| | | | |simplify | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 8 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 5 |TF; Les. 31,153-158; Areas |TG; Les. 32, 158-163; |TG; Les. 33, 164-167; |TD; Les. 34, 168-172; |

| | |of Rectangles / Comparing |Expanded Notation / Elapsed|Writing Percents as |Decimal Place Value |

| | |Differences |Time |Fractions, Part 1 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |___ / 100 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | | |Pg.693-694; 1-6, write in |Pg.694; 1-20 | |

| | | |standard form; 7-10, write | | |

| | | |in expanded notation; | | |

| | | |11-20, find time elapsed | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 9 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TG; Les. 35, 172-177; |TEST 6 |TF; Les. 36, 178-182; |TG; Les. 37, 183-186; |TA; Les. 38, 187-191; |

| |Writing Decimal Numbers as | |Subtracting Fractions and |Adding and Subtracting |Adding and Subtracting |

| |Fractions, Part 1 / Reading| |Mixed Numbers from Whole |Decimal Numbers |Decimal Numbers and Whole |

| |and Writing Decimal Numbers| |Numbers | |Numbers / Squares |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed |Pg.694-695; 1-15, write as | |Pg.695; 1-15 | | |

| |a decimal; 16-25, write | | | | |

| |each fraction as decimal | | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 10 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TG; Les. 39, 191-195; |TD; Les. 40, 196-200; Using|TEST 7 |TG; Les. 41, 201-205; |TC; Les. 42, 206-211; |

| |Multiplying Decimal Numbers|Zero as a Place Holder / | |Renaming Fractions by |Equivalent Division |

| | |Circle Graphs | |Multiplying by 1 |Problems / Missing Numbers |

| | | | | |Problems with Fractions and|

| | | | | |Decimals |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | | | |

|Needed | |Pg.695-696; Set A 1-20, | | | |

| | |addition / subtraction; Set| | | |

| | |B 1-21, multiplication / | | | |

| | |division | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 11 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TG; Les. 43, 212-216; |TF; Les. 44, 217-220; |TG; Les. 45, 221-226; |TEST 8 |TE; Les. 46, 226-230; |

| |Simplifying Decimal Numbers|Dividing a Decimal Number |Writing Decimal Numbers in | |Mentally Multiplying |

| |/ Comparing Decimal Numbers|by a Whole Number |Expanded Notation / Other | |Decimal Numbers by 10 and |

| | | |Multiplication Forms | |by 100 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 100 | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed | |Pg.696; 1-24 |Pg.696-697; 1-8, write in | | |

| | | |expanded notation; 9-16 | | |

| | | |write in decimal form | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 12 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TG; Les. 47, 231-234; |TH; Les. 48, 235-240; |TG; Les. 49, 241-246; |TH; Les. 50, 247-250; |TEST 9 |

| |Subtracting Mixed Numbers |Dividing by a Decimal |Decimal Number Line |Rounding Decimal Numbers | |

| |with Regrouping, Part 1 |Number |(Tenths) / Dividing by a | | |

| | | |Fraction | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 100 |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed |Pg.697; 1-24 |Pg.697; 1-24 | |Pg.698; 1-20 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 13 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TG; Les. 51, 251-254; |TD; Les. 52, 254-258; |TG; Les. 53, 258-264; More |TI; Les. 54, 265-269; |TG; Les. 55, 270-274; |

| |Mentally Dividing Decimal |Decimals Chart / |on Reducing / Dividing |Common Denominators, Part 1|Common Denominators, Part 2|

| |Numbers by 10 and by 100 |Simplifying Fractions |Fractions | | |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice | | | | |

|Needed |Pg.698; 1-24 | | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 14 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 10 |TH; Les. 56, 274-278; |TI; Les. 57, 278-281; |TG; Les. 58, 281-285; |TI; Les. 59, 285-288; |

| | |Adding and Subtracting |Comparing Fractions by |Adding Mixed Numbers |Adding Three or More |

| | |Fractions: Three Steps |Renaming with Common | |Fractions |

| | | |Denominators | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |___ / 100 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | | | |

|Needed | |Pg.698-699; 1-21 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 15 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TH; Les. 60, 289-293; |TEST 11 |TG; Les. 61, 294-298; Prime|TD; Les. 62, 299-302; |TJ; Les. 63, 303-307; |

| |Writing Mixed Numbers as | |Numbers |Subtracting Mixed Numbers |Polygons |

| |Improper Fractions | | |with Regrouping, Part 2 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | | |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | | | |Pg.699; 1-24 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 16 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TH; Les. 64, 308-313; Prime|TJ; Les. 65, 314-318; |TEST 12 |TJ; Les. 66, 318-322; Using|TI; Les. 67, 323-326; |

| |Factorization / Division by|Multiplying Mixed Numbers | |Prime Factorization to |Dividing Mixed Numbers |

| |Primes / Factor Tree | | |Reduce Fractions / Naming | |

| | | | |Solids | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed |Pg.699; 1-24 |Pg.700; 1-21 | | |Pg.700; 1-21 |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 17 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TJ; Les. 68, 327-332; Lines|TG; Les. 69, 333-338; |TD; Les. 70, 339-343; |TEST 13 |TH; Les. 71, 344-348; |

| | |Reducing Fractions Before |Rectangular Coordinates | |Fractions Chart / |

| | |Multiplying | | |Multiplying Three Fractions|

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 100 | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed | | |Pg.701; 1-25 | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 18 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TJ; Les. 72, 349-353; |TI; Les. 73, 354-358; |Investigation 2, 358-360; |TK; Les. 74, 360-363; |TG; Les. 75, 364-367; |

| |Exponents / Writing Decimal|Writing Fractions as |Drawing on the Coordinate |Coordinate Geometry |Comparing Fractions by |

| |Numbers as Fractions, Part |Decimal Numbers |Plane | |Converting to Decimal Form |

| |2 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | | | |

|Needed | |Pg.702; 1-10 convert | | | |

| | |fraction to decimal; 11-22,| | | |

| | |convert decimal to fraction| | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 19 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 14 |TK; Les. 76, 368-372; |TJ; Les. 77, 373-376; |TK; Les. 78, 377-380; |TI; Les. 79, 381-387; Area |

| | |Finding Unstated |Liquid Measure |Classifying Quadrilaterals |of a Parallelogram |

| | |Information in | | | |

| | |Fractional-Part Problems | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |___ / 100 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | | | |

|Needed | |Pg.702-703; 1-24 | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Week 20 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TK; Les. 80, 388-394; |TEST 15 |TL; Les. 81, 394-398; |TI; Les. 82, 398-402; Ratio|TK; Les. 83, 402-406; Order|

| |Arithmetic with Units of | |Writing Fractions as | |of Operations, Part 2 |

| |Measure | |Percents, Part 1 | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | | |Pg.703; 1-20 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 21 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TL; Les. 84, 406-409; |TG; Les. 85, 409-413; |TEST 16 |TD; Les. 86, 413-416; |TL; Les. 87, 417-421; Area |

| |Changing Percents to |Operations with Fractions | |Finding Missing Factors |of a Triangle |

| |Decimals |and Decimals | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed |Pg.704; 1-25 |Pg.705; 1-12, write as | | |Pg.705-706; 1-12 |

| | |fraction; 13-24, write as | | | |

| | |decimal | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

| |

|Week 22 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TK; Les. 88, 422-426; |TJ; Les. 89, 427-430; |Investigation 3, 430-432; |TH; Les. 90, 433-437; |TEST 17 |

| |Comparing Negative Numbers |Faces, Edges, and Vertices |Platonic Solids |Geometric Formulas | |

| |/ Square Root | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 100 |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 23 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TL; Les. 91, 438-443; |TI; Les. 92, 443-448; |TK; Les. 93, 448-452; |TG; Les. 94, 453-456; |TD; Les. 95, 457-460; |

| |Probability / Chance |Expanded Notation with |Writing Fractions as |Reducing Units Before |Writing Decimals as |

| | |Exponents / Order of |Percents, Part 2 |Multiplying |Percents |

| | |Operations with Exponents /| | | |

| | |Powers of Fractions | | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | |Pg.706; 1-3, expanded |Pg.707; 1-25 | |Pg.707; 1-13, convert to |

| | |notation, 4-6, standard | | |percent; 14-25, convert to |

| | |notation; 7-10, power; | | |decimal |

| | |11-15, simplify each | | | |

| | |expression | | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

|Week 24 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 18 |TL; Les. 96, 460-463; |TJ; Les. 97, 464-467; |TK; Les. 98, 468-471; |TI; Les. 99, 472-476; |

| | |Writing Mixed Numbers as |Measures of a Circle |Fraction-Decimal-percent |Volume of a Rectangular |

| | |Percents | |Equivalents |Prism |

| | | | | | |

| |___ / 100 | | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | | |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | | | |Pg.708; 1-18 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 25 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TH; Les. 100, 477-481; |TEST 19 |TM; Les. 101, 482-486; |TM; Les. 102, 487-492; |TL; Les. 103, 492-498; |

| |Circumference Activity | |Proportions / Completing |Perimeter of Complex Shapes|Cross Products / Using |

| | | |Proportions | |Cross Products to Complete |

| | | | | |Proportions |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed | | |Pg.709; 1-20 | | |

|Notes |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Week 26 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 104, 499-503; |TK; Les. 105, 504-508; |TEST 20 |TM; Les. 106, 509-513; Area|TI; Les. 107, 513-519; |

| |Using Proportions to Solve |Using a Compass / Pi (() | |of Complex Shapes |Acute, Obtuse, and Straight|

| |Ratio Word Problems | | | |Angles / Two-Step Equations|

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |*** |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | | | |Pg.710; 1-15 | |

|Notes |

|*** At this time, have child take the Teaching Textbooks (TT) Pre-Algebra Exam. If they show readiness, then complete this course and moved onto TT Pre-Algebra |

|next. |

|Week 27 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 108, 520-525; |TG; Les. 109, 526-531; |TM; Les. 110, 532-536; |TEST 21 |TN; Les. 111, 537-541; |

| |Trans-formations |Corresponding Parts / |Symmetry | |Applications Using Division|

| | |Similar Triangles | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |___ / 100 | |

|Extra Practice if | | | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | | |Pg.711; 1-20 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 28 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 112, 542-546; |TN; Les. 113, 547-551; |TM; Les. 114, 552-556; |TN; Les. 115, 556-561; |TEST 22 |

| |Finding a Given Percent of |Ratio Problems with Totals |Mean, Median, Mode and |Adding and Subtracting | |

| |a Number | |Range |Mixed Measures / | |

| | | | |Multiplying by Powers of | |

| | | | |Ten | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 100 |

|Extra Practice if |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed |Pg.711-712; 1-20 | |Pg.712; 1-4 |Pg.712; 1-8 add or | |

| | | | |subtract; 9-16 write in | |

| | | | |standard notation | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 29 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 116, 561-565; Unit|TI; Les. 117, 566-570; Mass|TN; Les. 118, 571-575; |TG; Les. 119, 575-579; |Investigation 4, 580-583; |

| |Multipliers |and Weight |Finding a Percent |Sales Tax / Writing |Compound Interest |

| | | | |Percents as Fractions, Part| |

| | | | |2 | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice | | |

|Needed | | |Pg.713; 1-25 | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 30 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 120, 583-587; |TEST 23 |TN; Les. 121, 588-593; |TO; Les. 122, 593-597; |TO; Les. 123, 598-603; |

| |Classifying Triangles | |Adding Integers |Finding a Whole When a |Square Roots of Numbers |

| | | | |Fraction is Known |Greater than 100 / |

| | | | | |Functions |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | | |Pg.713-714; 1-25 |Pg.714; 1-24 | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 31 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TM; Les. 124, 604-608; |TO; Les. 125, 609-613; |TEST 24 |TO; Les. 126, 614-618; |TN; Les. 127, 618-623; |

| |Estimating Area |Using a Protractor to | |Opposites / Algebraic |Finding a Whole When a |

| | |Measure an Angle | |Addition |Percent is Known |

| | | | | | |

| | | |___ / 100 | | |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice |*** |Supplemental Practice |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | |Pg.715; 1-24 | |Pg.715; 1-25 |Pg.716; 1-25 |

|Notes |

|*** ONLY IF THE CHILD DID NOT SHOW READINESS BEFORE! At this time, have child take the Teaching Textbooks (TT) Pre-Algebra Exam. If they show readiness, then |

|complete this course and moved onto TT Pre-Algebra next. |

|Week 32 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |Investigation 5, 624-626; |TP; Les. 128, 627-631; |TP; Les. 129, 632-637; |TP; Les. 130, 638-641; Area|TEST 25 |

| |Sign Wars |Estimating Square Roots |Using Proportions to Solve |of a Circle | |

| | | |Percent Problems | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ / 100 |

|Extra Practice if | |Supplemental Practice | |Supplemental Practice | |

|Needed | |Pg.716-717, 1-12, figure | |Pg.717; 1-25 | |

| | |square root; 13-22, what is| | | |

| | |square root between | | | |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 33 – Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TP; Les. 131, 642-646; |TM; Les. 132, 647-651; |Investigation 6, 651-653; |TP; Les. 133, 654-659; |TN; Les. 134, 660-664; |

| |Probability of a Series of |Volume of a Cylinder |Icosahedron / Buckyball |Experimental and |Multiplying and Dividing |

| |Events | | |Theoretical Probability |Integers |

|Extra Practice if | | | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | | |Pg.717; 1-20 |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 34 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TQ; Les. 135, 665-671; |TEST 26 |TQ; Les. 136, 672-676; |TQ; Les. 137, 676-680; Sum |TQ; Les. 138, 680-683; |

| |Constructing Bisectors | |Surface Area of a Prism |of the Angle Measures of a |Roman Numerals |

| | | | |Triangle | |

| | | | | | |

| | |___ / 100 | | | |

|Extra Practice if | | | | |Supplemental Practice |

|Needed | | | | |Pg.718; 1-15, convert to |

| | | | | |Arabic numeral; 16-25, |

| | | | | |convert to Roman numeral |

|Notes |

| |

|Week 35 -- Schedule |

|Date: | | | | | |

|Math |

|Saxon Math 76 |TEST 27 |Review if needed |TEST 28 |Congratulations! You’re | |

| | | | |done! | |

| |___ / 100 | |___ / 100 | | |

|Notes |

|Congratulations! You’re done! |


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