Gr. 8 MathUnit 4 – PercentLesson 18.N.3 – Relating Fractions, Decimals, & Percent Hundreds & Hundredths ChartsHundreds Charts can be used to represent one whole, or 100%. In this case each small square represents 1%, which equals 0.01.Hundredths Charts can be used to represent 1%.In this case each small square represents 1100% or 0.01%, which equals 0.0001.370459017335500Ex. 1 Represent the shaded part of these charts as a percent, a decimal, and as a fraction.This hundreds chart represents 100%.Percent = 34.5%Decimal = 0.345Fraction = 3451000(reduce by 5)=69200 37598359588500This hundredths chart represents 1%.Percent = 20100%=0.20%Decimal = 0.002Fraction = 21000=1500To Write a Fraction as a PercentWrite the fraction with a denominator that is a power of 10, if possible.ORDivide the numerator into the denominator, then multiply by 100. (Use a calculator when necessary.)Ex. 2Write the following fractions as percents.45=810=80100=80%b. 16=0.16 = 17% To Write a Percent as a DecimalPut the number over 100. Then use your knowledge of place value to write the correct decimal number.ORSince all percents are out of 100, it is the same as dividing by 100. When dividing by 100, simply move the decimal place the same number of times as you have zeros, which means you will move the decimal 2 places to the left (to make the number smaller).Ex. 3Write the following percents as decimals.85% = 0.85b. 5% = 0.05c. 0.25% = 0.0025d. 7 25 %=7.4% = 0.074Ex. 4Write each percent as a fraction and as a decimal.7% = 7/100 = 0.07 (or just move the decimal 2 places to the left)Fraction = 7/100Decimal = 0.077.75% = 7.75/100 = 775/10 000 = 0.0775 (or move the decimal 2 places to the left)Fraction = 775/10 000 (reduce by dividing by 25)Decimal = 0.0775 = 31/400 7 ? % = 7.25/100 = 725/10 000 = 0.0725 (or move the decimal 2 places to the left)Fraction = 725/10 000 (reduce by dividing by 25)Decimal = 0.0725 = 29/400Ex. 5Write each fraction as a decimal and as a percent.58=0.625 calculator=62.5%56=0.83 calculator=83.3%51000=0.005=0.5%Ex. 6Cheryl had 23 ? out of 30 on her first math test. She had 31 ? out of 40 on her secondmath test. On which test did Cheryl do better? Did she do much better/worse?Answer:Write each test mark as a percent, round to the hundredth.23.5/30 = 0.78333 = 78.3%31.5/40 = 0.7875 = 78.75%Cheryl did better on the second test, but not by much.AssignmentDo #1 – 21 (omit #5 & #18) p. 239 (need hundredths charts for #10 & 11)Extra Learning Activity: Do #18 p. 241 (need 1-cm grid paper, pencil crayons)Gr. 8 MathUnit 4 – PercentStudent CopyLesson 18.N.3 – Relating Fractions, Decimals, & Percent Hundreds & Hundredths ChartsHundreds Charts can be used to represent one whole, or ______%. In this case each small square represents ___%, which equals _________.Hundredths Charts can be used to represent ____%.In this case each small square represents ______% or ______%, which equals __________.370459017335500Ex. 1 Represent the shaded part of these charts as a percent, a decimal, and as a fraction.This hundreds chart represents 100%.Percent = Decimal = Fraction = 37598359588500This hundredths chart represents 1%.Percent = Decimal = Fraction = To Write a Fraction as a PercentWrite the fraction with a denominator that is a power of ____, if possible.ORDivide the _______________ into the _______________, then multiply by ______. (Use a calculator when necessary.)Ex. 2Write the following fractions as percents.45b. 16To Write a Percent as a DecimalPut the number over ______. Then use your knowledge of place value to write the correct decimal number.ORSince all percents are out of _____, it is the same as dividing by ______. When dividing by 100, simply move the decimal place the same number of times as you have __________, which means you will move the decimal ___ places to the ________ (to make the number _______________).Ex. 3Write the following percents as decimals.85%b. 5% c. 0.25% d. 7 25 %Ex. 4Write each percent as a fraction and as a decimal.7% 7.75% 7 ? % Ex. 5Write each fraction as a decimal and as a percent.585651000Ex. 6Cheryl had 23 ? out of 30 on her first math test. She had 31 ? out of 40 on her secondmath test. On which test did Cheryl do better? Did she do much better/worse?AssignmentDo #1 – 21 (omit #5 & #18) p. 239 (need hundredths charts for #10 & 11)Extra Learning Activity: Do #18 p. 241 (need 1-cm grid paper, pencil crayons) ................

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