
Name: Title of Lesson:ONE PAGE: SIMPLE LESSON PLAN Content AreaMathStandard 1. Number sense, Properties, and Operations Prepared GraduatesUnderstand that equivalence is a foundation of mathematics represented in numbers, shapes, measures, expressions, and equations. Grade Level ExpectationsFourth GradeConcepts and Skills Students Masters Different models and representations can be used to compare fractional parts. Evidence Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies:Critical Thinking and Reasoning, Collaboration, Self-DirectionStudents Can: 1.2.a.i Students can use ideas of fraction equivalence and ordering to explain equivalence of fractions using drawings and models. 1.2.a.ii Students can use ideas of fraction equivalence and ordering to use the principal of fraction equivalence to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. Inquiry Questions:1. How can different fractions represent the same quality? 2. How are fractions used as models?3. Why are fractions so useful?4. What would the world be like without fractions?Relevance and Application: Fractions and decimals are used any time there is a need to apportion such as sharing food, cooking, making savings plans, creating art projects, timing in music, or portioning supplies. Fractions are used to represent the chance that an event will occur such as randomly selecting a certain color of shirt or the probability of a certain soccer player scoring a soccer goal. Fractions are used to measure quantities between whole units such as number of meters between houses, the height of a student, or the diameter of the moon. Nature of the Discipline: Mathematicians explore number properties and relationships because they enjoy discovering beautiful new and unexpected aspects of number systems. They use their knowledge of number systems to create appropriate models for all kinds of real-world systems. Mathematicians construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.Mathematicians model with mathematics.Set Up Classroom Management Expectations~ remember to wait until all students are quiet and listening before you begin teaching. Praise students who are ready and positively prompt students who need extra direction. 1. What is your attention getting verbal cue and/or signal? 2. What is your student response strategy to ensure all students answer questions? 3. What is your transition strategy?“My voice is on yours is…” “OFF”.“Clap once if you can hear me.”“Put your hands on your head if you can hear me.”Put your finger on your nose if you can hear me.”I clap in a rhythm and they repeat.Pre-Assessment (if applicable) ~ how did you pre-assess and do you need to Differentiate for any learners? Do all students have access to the content because you prepared with Universal Design in mind? (see cheat sheet)As a warm up I put a picture of 3 squares the same size on the overhead. Each square was broken into different fractional parts fourths, eighths, and sixths. I colored in all of the parts except one on each square. (3/4, 7/8, and 5/6). I then asked the students to write to me on a ticket if these fractions are equal because each one is missing only one piece. I did not differentiate because each student has been subjected to the same material on fractions for the past week, and I wanted to see who was making this connection already on a higher level of thinking. Anticipatory Set ~ introduces the lesson in an engaging manner…connects to the learnerWe have been studying fractions for about a week now, and we are becoming better mathematicians all of the time. Today we are going to look even farther into our world of fractions, because by now we all now just how important fractions are in our lives. Lets hand up, stand up. High five three classmates and tell them about some time in the last week since we have started studying fractions that you have noticed yourself seeing fractions outside of our classroom. (Pull 3 names from the green hat to share an experience they had or heard about). I’m glad to hear we are al beginning to recognize fractions in our daily lives, and I’m sure we will continue to make even more connections. Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets~ use kid friendly language and tell students /display for students to review:WHAT they will be learning?WHY they need to learn it for the real world: PURPOSE (relevance and application)?HOW they will show their learning? (Demonstration of Learning D.O.L.)Students will be able to analyze fractional parts, and assess themselves during the “Capture Fractions” game.Students will be learning to make fractional parts. They will be learning about improper fractions, they will also learn to understand fractions in relation to size.They need to learn this because fractions are a large part of everyday life. They are used in cooking, time, measurement, money, and many other everyday situations that come up. Students will show their learning by creating a set of fractions cards, and using them to play a game. Input ~ always pair visual with auditory, kinesthetic if possibleProvide a handout with info/concept with space for student to take notes, draw visual representations etc.Students will have a list of written fractions, they will write the fraction, and draw it on a fraction card. They will say the fraction, and decide with their partner (over discussion, and mathematical reasoning using their image and written fraction) which one is larger.Active Engagement Strategies *~ how will you use active engagement strategies to check for understanding throughout the lesson?I will use: “Show me, with your fingers, how many parts in a half.” Students should put up two fingers. “Show me with your hands how many parts in a third.” And so on. We have continued to do this throughout the fraction unit so that students continue to keep in their minds that these are fractional parts, and putting six things in a group is not the same as 1/6. It is also beneficial for ELL students to continue hearing the language. It was especially helpful in this lesson as students became familiar with improper fractions.Scaffold Instruction for Lesson Procedure/Learning Plan: (see explicit instructions graphic attached)Review/Connect to previously learned informationI DO (Teacher models task: check for understanding)WE DO (Guided practice: Teacher and students do task together: check for understanding)YOU DO (Independent practice: Student tries/practices task independently)I DO: I have previously created a set of fraction cards. As the students sit around me in a circle I have shown them my own set of cards. I have pulled the cards that I think will be most confusing for them, and explained how I made them. (5/2, 1 ?, etc). I will show them the blank fraction cards that I have. 1 whole square, a square broken into thirds, and a square broken into fifths. To make a card that uses a twelfth I use the thirds card as my base. I then break it in half. This gives me sixths so now I will break it in half two more times. Now I have a 3 by 4 array, and I know 3 times 4 is 12 so I have made twelfths. Once I have created my fraction set with my partner I will play “Capture Fraction”. First I split my cards equally in half I get one stack and my partner gets another. We put our top card down at the same time, and each read our fraction out loud. Now we decide which fraction is larger the person with the larger fraction wins. You keep playing until someone gets all of the cards. WE DO: Ok now lets find a fraction to make as a class. Our fraction is 6/3. Which blank card should I start with? The one broken into wholes, thirds or fifths? In 3,2,1… Choral response “Thirds”. Ok so how many should I color in? “All of them.” Ok now I have 3/3 colored in. Hmmmmmm is that enough? “No!” No because our numerator is 6 that tells us how many thirds we should color in. How many more do I need? Three!” Yes three so one more card. Very good now we have created a card. Let’s play a round of the game. I put out two cards we read them out loud. Thumbs up if you think card A is bigger. Thumbs up if you think card B is bigger. YOU DO: Now you make your set of cards with your partner, and play the game with your partner. Consider Differentiation ~ The Learning Pyramid, Multiple Intelligences, Brain Based Learning, Universal Design, Differentiating content, process or product, culturally responsive teaching (See attached cheat sheets) State any accommodations or modifications for students who; excel, struggle, learn differently, identified as Gifted/Talented or Special Education. If some students finish early, what will they do?This assignment targets many learning styles, and focusing on the many strengths of my diverse students. It allows for writing, listening, speaking, movement, creating visuals, and analyzing visuals and numbers. This can be made difficult by adding in harder, or more, fraction cards. It can be made easier by pulling cards.Lesson Closure~ Brings lesson to appropriate conclusion, revisits the content and ensures understanding and DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING (D.O.L.)Great job today. Your cards look amazing, and I was so proud of the math talk I was hearing during the games. On a ticket out the door please put these fractions that I have listed ion the board in order from greatest to least. (7/8, ?, 2/1, 8/4, 3/5, 0/4). After the Lesson Student Achievement Data ~ Provide quantitative data on how students did on the D.O.L. and comment on needs for re-teaching, improving, and next steps.Students did well, and are developing a deeper sense of equivalent parts of fractions. They are also beginning to understand fraction size, and be able to put fraction in order from biggest to smallest.Refection: You will reflect on and evaluate the lesson. This is an important process as a teacher. ? We look at our strengths and weaknesses to redirect our instruction. ? Some questions to consider as you reflect:What positive changes were implemented from your previous lesson? ? What modifications are needed for your next lesson? This lesson went very well. It went better in some ways then I thought that it would. The students were very engaged because of all of the hands on experiences. It easily hit many learning styles, and the kids were very into the creating process. They also enjoyed the game. It put a fun competitive twist on fractions. The game was also fair sense it was really up to the luck of the draw who got what cards so no feelings were hurt. They were smiling the whole time and I always love to hear my kids say, “This is fun!” One thing I would have spent more time on was pre teaching improper fractions. Some of them struggled a little bit on this, and needed some support as those fraction cards came up. I would have taught it more with different types of visuals, and done some more “we do” practice with these. I knew that more practice with improper fractions was coming in the future, but some of them had to redo a couple of cards. I think that a little more pre teaching would have prevented that. This was their first time seeing those types of fractions. Evidence of the lesson (student work sample, photos, etc.):Warm up/ pre assessCreating cardsPlaying game Ticket out the door/ Lesson closure ................

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