Horizontal Research Activities involving SMEs




| |

|Project acronym: |WebTEXpert |

|Project full title: |Research for a new generation of integrated innovation and knowledge management and development of |

| |appropriate web-based training methods, tools, and best practice demonstrators. |

|WebTEXpert Homepage: | |

|WebTEXpert Portal: |Available on: |

|Proposal/Contract no.: |500223-2 |

|Date of preparation of this document: |August 2007 |

|Period covered by this report: |16 June 2004 – 15 June 2007 |

|Author of this document: |Forschungskuratorium Textil e.V. (Project Coordinator) |


This paper is the final consolidated report of the WebTEXpert project and thus comprehensively covers the full period of the project’s activities with a view to the overall analysis of a) the project’s execution and b) results obtained against the objective of disseminating and using the knowledge obtained. All activities have been thoroughly analysed against the workplan as outlined in Annex 1 to the contract.


1.2 PERIOD ONE: 15 June 2004 – 16 June 2005



1.3 PERIOD TWO: 15 June 2005 – 16 June 2006



1.4 PERIOD THREE: 15 June 2006 – 16 June 2007





The WebTEXpert project has been fully finalised according to the workplan as laid down in Annex 1 of the contract. All activities progressed smoothly with no major deviations from the schedule foreseen. A number of management meetings were held to accompany and coordinate all activities. The meetings were highly effective in elaborating and illustrating on-going activities while providing an appropriate platform for discussion. Throughout the project, all activities were identified to be on track according to the Workplan.

Looking back at the past 36 months of the project’s duration, the consortium can be proud to report that an almost seamless performance from all project partners could be monitored leading to the timely achievement of all project milestones. This outstandingly disciplined project-approach thus assured the delivery of top results, often exceeding the expectations as laid-down in Annex 1 to the contract.

During the course of the remaining twelve months of the project’s operational duration, the work performed placed a focus on exploitation and dissemination of results obtained and the consortium reached-out to the widest possible audience at European and international level (see D9.3).

Today, the WebTEXpert Portal contains substantial content for European SME operating in the textile and clothing industry. Since the content was generated in close partnership with the industry, a wide range of micro-economic processes in the companies are being animated and supported.

The consortium is particular pleased to report that the Business Plan (D 8.2) has generated the basis for continuing the WebTEXpert service beyond the project’s duration. Twelve members of the WebTEXpert consortium will be forming the WebTEXpert Portal Group operating the Portal for the duration of at least one year. Please revert to the enclosed Deliverable 8.2 for further details.

In the light of the above, the project must be considered as a success not only in terms of providing solutions for Europe’s textile and clothing industry but also for all stakeholders involved in the project’s operations e.g. industrial association and the public decision-maker. Indeed, the concept of research being performed on behalf of industrial association has paid-off and can provide an impetus for the design of future publicly funded research initiatives, especially as regards the set priority of research with the requirements of the industry.

1.2 PERIOD ONE: 15 June 2004 – 16 June 2005


During the first year, the WebTEXpert project proceeded to full implementation according to the workplan as laid down in Annex 1 of the contract. All activities were progressing smoothly with no major deviations from the schedule foreseen. The kick-off meeting was held in Brussels on 18 June 2004 with the following participation:

➢ 6 Industrial Associations

➢ 5 Key SME Partners

➢ All RTD Partners

The kick-off meeting served the purpose of strategically bringing together the key-partners of the project in order to reiterate the project’s objectives and targets while confirming the role of each partner in achieving the latter. Furthermore, Dr. Pottaki of the European Commission elaborated on the Collective Research scheme and answered questions from the audience. In particular, the following items were addressed:

The meeting resulted in a comprehensive management plan clearly laying down all tasks to be performed in the first 3 months of the project. Since, a further Management Board Meeting was hosted on 26 October 2004 gathering the following participants:

During the meeting, the following items were discussed:

1. First Results: The RTD partners introduced their findings:

2. The WebTEXpert Homepage:

3. The WebTEXpert Platform:

4. Prospects for Training

5. Next Steps

The meeting was highly effective in elaborating and illustrating on-going activities while providing an appropriate platform for discussion. All activities were identified to be on track according to the Workplan. All future activities and WP, some of which build on previous and are intertwined with other, were thoroughly established and agreed upon.


Workpackage 1

The main objective of this Workpackage was to develop the Integrated Methods for New Product Development (NPD), New Product Introduction (NPI) and Networking adapted to the specific needs of SMEs in the textile and clothing sector. The Integrated Methods took respect of the following characteristics:

• Multi stage applicability

• Cross sectoral coherence

• Complete life-cycle view

The Integrated Methods concentrated on three critical abilities in the innovation process which are vital for the development and the introduction of innovative products. For this, three research areas were designated:

Research area 1: Manage the transfer of market requirements to specifications for the product and the process

… to develop a methodology which integrates existing methods (e.g. Quality Function Deployment-QFD with Life Cycle Assessment-LCA, Multi Stage Life Cycle Aspects, Target Costing) to manage the transfer of market requirements (hard facts as well as emotional, subjective parameters) to specifications (technical parameters) for the product and the production process.

Research area 2: Evaluate an innovative garment with respect to its "Well fit" sensation

... to develop a knowledge-based methodology and standardised framework for the evaluation of a garment/product. The methodology should consider three types of “well fit” sensation, the model (comfort perception in different postures), fabric (texture perception in use persistence, maintenance, environmental impact) and image (appearance that the consumer wants to show to the other and himself).

Research area 3: Integrate new technologies from other sectors and manage change

… the development of a methodology based on a combination of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and Risk Analysis approaches which supports the watching and the analysis and integration of technologies contributing to generate new products, and or processes.

Deliverable: D 1.1 (Common Analysis and Evaluation Report)

This deliverable contains the analysis performed in the 3 research area of current methods for New NPD and NPI - this includes the analysis framework, the current methods, the real life problems identified together with the core SMEs and the plan on how to solve these problems with new, extended and integrated methods.

With respect to the differences between the research areas, the analysis of the current methods for Innovation management, new product development and introduction have been developed independently:

Research Area 1 comprised the development of methods for NPD/NPI and Networking to manage the transfer of market requirements to specifications for the product and process of the textiles and textile related products from the non-fashion sector, including technical textiles, home textiles and functional textiles.

Research Area 2 comprised the development of a knowledge-based methodology addressing a novel approach aiming to model and implement the concept of “Well-fit” sensation.

Research Area 3 comprised methodologies which stimulate cross-sectoral inventive problem solving and transfer of the innovative solutions into marketable products for textile and clothing SMEs.

Workpackage 2

WP2 focused on the production of a document specifying the services that the WebTEXpert portal shall offer. The needed functions of the WebTEXpert portal that are necessary to fulfil the services were listed. This technical and functional specification is based on use cases (tasks) that are allocated to the different roles (users) of the WebTEXpert platform (administrator, author, coaches trainees). Use cases are e.g. preparing a course, offering and announcing of courses to the public, navigating to an appropriate course, performing a new course, searching for course material, updating a course, to cash up a course, to translate and localise a course, asynchronous and synchronous communication between trainer and trainees. The functions and services needed for the WEB-TEXpert portal are plausible and comprehensible described. For this the functions and services are illustrated for example by screenshots. The functions and services are justified by use cases. The use cases are defined for all intended users: administrator, author, coach, trainee, third party service provider.

The guidelines address to the authors of the courseware. They describe in detail the internal standards for the courseware development. They consider formats for all relevant medias, templates, specific tools for the creation of e-learning modules. The RTD performers need this manual for the decentral elaboration of the courseware. All RTD performers are able to create courseware.

The functions and services needed for the WebTEXpert portal are plausible and comprehensible described. For this the functions and services are illustrated for example by screenshots. The functions and services are justified by use cases. The use cases are defined for all intended users: administrator, author, coach, trainee, third party service provider.

The RTD performers coordinated by DITF-ITV agreed on common internal standards for the different media formats (video, text, images, etc.). Specific tools which support the creation of e-learning modules have been purchased and set-up for the RTD performers to guarantee a later corporate appearance of the courseware. A common publishing platform to build up the WebTEXpert portal for the courseware publishing has been selected. The requirements were elaborated together with the IAGs.

Deliverable: D 2.1 Technical/Functional specification of WebTEXpert portal

In a first step to identify the requirements of the WebTEXpert portal the roles interacting with the portal were determined. Five main roles (student, trainer, author, administrator, training body) were identified during this process. For each role, the most important use cases were defined.

On the basis of these use cases the technical und functional specifications, grouped in essential and optional functionality of the portal, were acquired. The requirements of the roles are overlapping in many cases. They do not claim to be complete. They are a result of the first experiences during the project and long year experiences on portal management of the project partners. These specifications were used during the selection process of the portal software.

The selection process itself was made up of two phases. In the first phase the large amount of portal systems has been reduced to a small amount of candidates, which have been evaluated in detail during the second phase.

After consultations with the management board and the coordinator of the project the decision was made to negotiate with the company CoreMedia about the licensing of their content management system. After the negotiations and a good offer from the company CoreMedia the decision was made to use the product CoreMedia for the project.

D 2.2: Guidelines for courseware development - authoring manual

D 2.2. describes the content model of the WebTEXpert platform. The model reflects the structuring of the content as it was discussed with all partners and described in some use cases. It is based on the elements provided by the CoreMedia Platform and adjusted to the needs of the platform. The two basic object types are “Folder” and “Document”.

Workpackage 3

Development of courseware and training methodology. The courseware and the training methodology is the basis for the transfer and dissemination of the methodologies developed in WP1 and WP6. The courseware was subsequently composed of different modules. These modules can be combined to training units. A Navigator supported the user to select and to compose the modules to a training units according his specific knowledge and specific needs. The courseware and the training methodology were then used in the training related activities.

Workpackage 9

Dissemination activities have been undertaken from the early phase of the project. In this phase, and before the implementation of the Web portal, the IAGs endorsed the textile industry on the issues of the project and proposed solutions with extensive publication activities. The Consortium Agreement committed all participating IAGs to dissemination and exploitation of all the results. Furthermore, they serveed as multipliers in the implementation of dissemination activities with the aim of developing wide-ranging synergies at European level. The SME core group was committed to support the training activities organised and performed by the IAGs. In addition, they exploited the research results while the training methodology was developed and tested. The Dissemination Action was managed by FKT in close cooperation and agreement with the SMEs Core Group.

Deliverable: D 9.1 First version of the WEB-TEXpert Homepage

Deliverable: D 9.2 WEB-TEXpert Dissemination and Training Plan

The objective of the report was to describe plans for using and disseminating knowledge generated during the course of the project and (to the extend that this can be foreseen at the beginning of the project) the use plans (future research or exploitation) for the results for the consortium as a whole or for individual participants or groups of participants.

This report is articulated as much as possible in concrete terms in terms of description of its dissemination strategies, target groups and the strategic impact of the project in terms of improvement of competitiveness or creation of market opportunities for participants. Furthermore traditional dissemination activities such as presentations at conferences, workshops, brochures, circulars, press releases, websites, etc. were described in this document.

Workpackage 10

WP 10 was build on two pillars:

Consortium Management: To warrant the on-time communication between the project and the European Commission. Overall organisation, planning and control. Ensuring punctual delivery of reports and deliveries. Budget and financial control.

Technical Project Management: To coordinate the project’s RTD, Innovation and Training activities to ensure the quality of all related activities. Monitoring progress of workplan. Checking the quality of technical work and deliveries and technical handling of deviations in workplan realisation. Controlling risks and initiating preventive actions.

All consortium and technical project management activities have been accomplished in a highly effective manner. This can also be reported for Period 2 and 3.

1.3 PERIOD TWO: 15 June 2005 – 16 June 2006


During the second period, the WebTEXpert project proceeded to full implementation according to the workplan as laid down in Annex 1 of the contract. All activities progressed smoothly with no major deviations from the schedule foreseen. A number of meetings were held to accompany and coordinate all activities. The meetings were highly effective in elaborating and illustrating on-going activities while providing an appropriate platform for discussion. All activities were identified to be on track according to the Workplan. All future activities and WP, some of which build on previous and are intertwined with other, were thoroughly established and agreed upon.


Workpackage 1 (Methodology Research & Technical Development, independent research areas)

The main objective of this Workpackage was to develop Integrated Methods for New Product Development (NPD), New Product Introduction (NPI) and Networking adapted to the specific needs of SMEs in the textile and clothing sector. The Integrated Methods will take respect of the following characteristics:

• Integration of phases and multi-stage applicability

• Cross sectoral coherence

• Complete life-cycle view

The Integrated Methods concentrated on three critical abilities in the innovation process which are vital for the development and the introduction of innovative products.

All tasks were carried out according to the workplan. Deliverables D 1.2 I (Methods Manual), D 1.3 (Multimedia Tool) and D 1.4 (WebTEXpert Knowledge Base and Methodology).

Deliverable: D 1.2 I3 Methods Manual

Holistic Innovation Management considers the integration along innovation process phases, production stages in the value-added chain and the usage and re- and down-cycling of the product along its lifecycle. However, typical methods in the area of Innovation Management are not suitable for this holistic view. They need to be extended, modified or combined according to the specific needs and the desired integration. The Research Area 1 of WebTEXpert comprised the development and testing of an I³-Methodology that fosters the transfer of customer and market requirements to specifications for the products and processes of textiles, especially home textiles, functional textiles and technical applications of textiles. Innovation is a general term that refers to all kinds of developments and improvements. These developments may refer to new products, new processes and new types of organisation. Therefore, a framework for the description of innovation was developed in WebTEXpert. The application of methods for Innovation Management must fit the companies’ situation and its strategy for further development. Therefore, the third chapter introduced first the SWOT (strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities) Analysis, a method for identifying starting-points for improvement. Next, the currently used state of the art methods are briefly described. For each of the SMEs of Research Area 1, the scenario and the methods were summarised.

The forth chapter tackles the conception of integration and analysis integration mechanisms, techniques and approaches to measure the degree of integration. The three abovementioned directions of integration are described in detail. The fifth chapter describes how existing methods can be extended, combined or modified in order to fit the requirements of an integrated methodology and summarises the report shortly. The application of the I³-Methodology to the real life problems of the partner SMEs is described in the sixth chapter.

Deliverable: D 1.3 Multimedia Tool

This is the deliverable (prototype) under which the content of Well-fit Research Area is proposed in an integrated way. It was a prototype multilingual, multimedia courseware with Flash animations, available in English, French and Greek. It is SCORM compatible and can run on an LMS platform. The French version runs on an LMS platform of IFTH available at the following address: .

Flash versions are available on WebTEXpert portal; they can be downloaded from WebTEXpert portal and run off line. Two versions are offered for downloading: one containing the French and the English versions of the course and one containing the Greek and the English versions of the course.

This multimedia tool is composed of 4 SCORM units:

- An Introduction

- Part A: Well-fit demands

- Part B: What the pattern makers can do for Well-Fit

- Part C: How to take correctly account of Well-Fit demands during pattern making

Parts can be combined for delivering appropriate courses to different target audiences and for different learning purposes.

Text files providing the comments and the text content of the multimedia package are stored in XML files allowing their adaptation to specific audiences and their easy translation.

An add-on to this tool in the form of a forum allowing asynchronous discussion of its content between course participants and with tutors and experts (virtual class) and an on-line collaborative service for resolving garment defaults cases is under development; a first version of it was released in October 2006.

Deliverable: D 1.4 WebTEXpert knowledge base and methodology

D1.4 is a complete overview of all the methods covered by Research Area 3, including also some issues on Patents, new Technologies, tools and general resources in order to boost creativity.

The document introduces all the different steps of the Idea Generation:

• What is “Ideality” and how can I reach it;

• How a problem must be stated and defined in order to have a clear idea about it;

• The “Idea generation” phase, how ideas can rise and which tools are helpful;

• The Idea Evaluation step, how to evaluate ideas and which tools are better;

Furthermore it provides a description of all the resources and tools, available inside WebTEXpert portal, able to increase creativity and knowledge:

• Patents, what are them, how to use them and how to read them;

• D’Appolonia’s internal Patent DB, a useful DB focused on innovative ideas concerning textiles;

• Innovative Technologies and Materials, representing the close future of garment, with a exhaustive list of most active companies.

Workpackage 2 (Platform Management)

This phase of WP2 focused on the production of a document specifying the services that the WebTEXpert portal shall offer. The needed functions of the WebTEXpert portal that are necessary to fulfil the services are listed. This technical and functional specification is based on use cases (tasks) that are allocated to the different roles (users) of the WebTEXpert platform (administrator, author, coaches trainees). Use cases are e.g. preparing a course, offering and announcing of courses to the public, navigating to an appropriate course, performing a new course, searching for course material, updating a course, to cash up a course, to translate and localise a course, asynchronous and synchronous communication between trainer and trainees. The functions and services needed for the WebTEXpert portal are plausible and comprehensible described. For this the functions and services are illustrated for example by screenshots. The functions and services are justified by use cases. The use cases are defined for all intended users: administrator, author, coach, trainee, third party service provider. The guidelines address to the authors of the courseware. They describe in detail the internal standards for the courseware development. They consider formats for all relevant medias, templates, specific tools for the creation of e-learning modules. The RTD performers need this manual for the distributed elaboration of the courseware. All RTD performers are able to create courseware.

The functions and services needed for the WebTEXpert portal are plausible and comprehensible described. For this the functions and services are illustrated for example by screenshots. The functions and services are justified by use cases. The use cases are defined for all intended users: administrator, author, coach, trainee, third party service provider. The RTD performers coordinated by DITF-ITV agreed on common internal standards for the different media formats (video, text, images, etc.). Specific tools which support the creation of e-learning modules have been purchased and set-up for the RTD performers to guarantee a later corporate appearance of the courseware. A common publishing platform to build up the WebTEXpert portal for the courseware publishing has been selected. The requirements were elaborated together with the IAGs.

Deliverable/s: Previously submitted and accepted. The forthcoming Deliverables (D 2.4: Revised authoring and publishing manual and D 2.5: WebTEXpert portal including implementation and administration manual) were due at month 36 of the project’s duration.

Workpackage 3 (Courseware and Training Methodology Development)

The courseware and the training methodology is the basis for the transfer and dissemination of the methodologies developed in WP1 and WP6. The courseware was composed of different modules. These modules can be combined to training units. A Navigator supports the user to select and to compose the modules to a training units according his specific knowledge and specific needs. The courseware and the training methodology were used in the training related activities. During the second period, the activities in WP3 were fully underway. Both, the Courseware and the training methodology have been developed and tested. The objectives have been fulfilled.

The courseware covering the achievements of WP 1 and partly WP6 have been developed. The Courseware consists of the following elements:

← Methods: A method describes an approach or a structured way of working. Different elements are part of the description of a method: Tutorial, History, Motivation, Theory, Introduction, Links, and Classification etc.

← Best Practices: a best practice describes the success story that was compiled when applying the method in one or more real life cases together with SMEs. A best practice consist of introduction, story, links to methods, and classification etc.

← Technologies: they describe certain technological principles and achievements that are needed for technology transfer from and to other sectors.

← Experts: Description of experts, research centres and other bodies of knowledge.

← Courses: A collection of several of the abovementioned elements with a didactic order in order to cover a specific topic

Several technical and methodological approaches were tested. The following classification maps had been developed in order to foster thematic navigation and search functionality:

• Innovation Perspectives: what type of innovation?

• Textile World: type of products and processes

• Cross Sectoral Features: Features for technology transfer

• Life Cycle: phases of innovation and product life cycle

• Fashion: different fashion aspects

• Feature Enabling Concepts: concepts for technology transfer

• Integrative Methods: direction of integration

• Domain: conceptual and management framework

Deliverables: D 3.1 Approved pilot courseware

The courseware modules and training methodology of Well-Fit research were made available in English in order to facilitate a subsequent translation in other European languages and in the respective national language of the pilot group if appropriate. Courseware modules presenting the content related to Fashion and Well Fit theme were made available on WebTEXpert Platform and were delivered on the platform in the form of WebTEXpert Platform courses.

These WebTEXpert Platform courses were available in English, French and Greek versions. The documentation to which they refer is currently available:

- in English ( Powerpoint presentations)

- in French and in English (Best Industrial Practice Survey and Pattern Making Manual),

- in French, English and Greek (prototype multilingual, multimedia courseware with Flash animations)

These modules were presented in Cholet, Genova, Cluj and Thessaloniki.

D 3.4 Approved manual for multipliers

The Manual for Multipliers describes how to design appropriate training with the WebTEXpert platform. There are different conditions that influence the set-up and design of the training session. A careful analysis of these conditions helps to organise and shape the training in a way that the expectations of the trainees are met the best possible way. The document is organised as follows:

• Introduction

• General conditions: what given conditions need to be considered

• Organisation and design parameters of the training

• Recommendations, which type of training for which conditions and goals (three different scenarios)

Workpackage 4 (Training of Pilot Group and Feedback Compiling)

The objective of this workpackage was to prepare the roll out in WP7. The SMEs Key Partners and the IAGs should be prepared for their task to train together with their related RTD performer the SME core group. Additionally, this training has the objective to gain feedback that is used to prove the suitability of the courseware modules, the WebTEXpert Platform and the developed methods. In this workpackage, the RTD performer and the IAG of each pilot group formed a trainer group. Each trainer group trained the SME Key Partner within its respective pilot group.

During the reporting period the following main activities had been performed: Four training sessions had been conducted in Germany, France, Italy, Romania and Greece from February to May 2006. The training sessions participants’ were mainly the SME Key Partners and the involved Associations from each country. The main objective of these training sessions were mainly to train the SME Key Partners and the IAGs to gain deeper understanding of the integrated methods (NPD/NPI & Networking elaborated in WP1) in order to enable them to support the RTD performers to train the other SMEs, members of the core group.

Feedback & Review Input : The whole evaluation process was focusing on getting ongoing feedback from the training participants in order to improve the quality of the training and identify if the goals of the training have been achieved. The evaluation methodology was based on a questionnaire designed by ATC and validated by the RTD performers. Respondents were the IAGs and the Key SME partners from each country. In addition to the questionnaires, very important qualitative information was collected through follow-up discussions after the end of the training sessions. The RTD performers had the opportunity to discuss directly with the training participants and to identify their perceptions, views related to the training efficiency. The results of the evaluation have been used in order to improve the courseware and the training didactics elaborated in WP3, the Platform Management in WP2 and the integrated methods for NPD, NPI and Networking. The results from the Evaluation process have been presented in the Deliverable D4.1: Training Reports with respect to the feedback of Pilot Groups. Both tasks (T4.1: Training within Pilot Groups and T4.2: Feedback & Review Input) have been executed successfully and all the objectives of WP4 have been reached. The results of the WP4 are presented in the D4.1: Training Reports with respect to the feedback of Pilot Groups.

Deliverables: D 4.1: Training Reports with respect to the Feedback of Pilot Groups

The D4.1 is the consolidated evaluation report based on the training sessions that have been conducted in Germany, France, Italy, Romania and Greece from February to May 2006. The training sessions participants’ were mainly the SME Key Partners and the involved Associations from each country.

The evaluation process sought to measure the success of the training sessions with three main goals:

- Participants take advantage of the training session and get a better understanding concerning the “Integrated Methods”

- Participants report a positive experience regarding the easy of use of courses taken via the WebTEXpert platform

- Participants report their learning benefits from the courseware and the training methodology that has been used during the training sessions.

The objective and scope of this Deliverable was to collect and analyse the feedback of pilot Groups (trainees) in order to improve the suitability of the courseware modules and the didactics, the WebTEXpert Platform as well as the integrated methods for NPD, NPI and Networking.

Prior to the presentation of the evaluation results, the methodology and the approach used to get feedback from the Pilot Groups (trainees) are also presented.

Workpackage 5 (Exchange of Results (Integration))

The aim of WP7 for the pilot groups is to train the members of the SME core group in the integrated methods that will be developed and tested in WP1 within the three research areas. The training performed in WP7 should prepare the members of the SME core group for the adoption and implementation of the methods in their specific processes. The necessary adaptation of the methods for the implementation will be done in WP6. For this, the RTD performer will adapt and integrate the methods that they have developed within their research groups to specific aspects from SMEs resulting from their position in the textile landscape and / or from the region they are located. The objective of this workpackage is to train the pilot groups in order to perform the training in WP7 and to train the RTD performers to integrate the methods in WP6. Objective of WP9 is a wider dissemination of the project results and the training of other IAGs in the use of WebTEXpert. In this workpackage Euratex and FKT should be prepared for the dissemination and training activities

After completing the training between the Research Areas, the RTD performers identified further research needs with respect to the adoption and implementation. Several new research groups have been identified and documented in the deliverable D 5.1.

Both tasks, the training between the pilot groups and the feedback for integration have been completed and all objectives have been reached. The research groups showed big interest in the other methods and approaches.

Deliverable: D 5.1 Integration Requirements Report

Workpackage 6 (Methodology Research&Technical Development, integration of research areas and adaptation of results)

In WP1 the seven research groups developed integrated methods for NPD, NPI and Networking for NPD/NPI. The methods have been used and evaluated within the respective research groups. The overall objective is to integrate the research areas and to adopt and to implement the methods developed in WP1 to all members of the SME core group. For this, further research and technical development was necessary. The methods are to be adapted to specific aspects from the SMEs resulting from their position in the textile landscape and / or from the region they are located. The objective of this workpackage was to perform the research necessary for the integration of the research areas and the adaptation of the methods. The adapted methods were to be integrated in the courseware modules.

Based on the integration report (D5.1), the RTD performers started to extend, modify, adapt and integrate their methods and approaches. New research groups had been set-up. The objectives have been reached.

The Inventive Problem Solving methodology of Research Area 3 had been modified and applied successfully with SMEs from research Area 1. The focus of the method was shifted in order to identify new areas of applications for existing technologies instead of transferring new technologies. Other research groups are on their way. Quality Function Deployment and other methods originally developed and applied in Research Area 1 or currently applied in the two other Research Areas.

Workpackage 7 (Training of SME Core Group (“Roll Out”)

The objective was to train the members of the SME core group in the integrated methods developed and tested in the three research areas in WP1. The training should "roll out" the results obtained in the respective research groups to all SMEs in the SME core group. Each member of the SME core group should have had knowledge about all three research areas. This training should prepare the members of the SME core group for the adoption and implementation of the methods in their specific processes. In WP6 the possibly necessary adaptations to specific textile and regional aspects will be made. Therefore, WP7 ran in parallel with WP6. For the training, the approved pilot courseware for each research area was used (see D 3.2).

Within framework of WP 5 and 6, the Pilot Groups had been trained (IAG and SME partners) fostering the exchange between the Research Areas. WP7 foresaw the roll-out phase during which all SME partners and IAG partners were to be trained by the Pilot Groups (RTD, IAG and SME partners). This training continued until the end of the project.

Deliverable: D 7.1 First version of training plan

The first version of the Training Plan addressed the following issues:

← Who was trained?

← Where and when?

← Who was the trainer?

← What was the content

← Feedback and comments

← Needs for further action (research project, contact, additional information etc.)

The Deliverable covers a) training and b) dissemination activities.

Workpackage 8 (Business Model Development)

In close collaboration with all partners FKT lead this workpackage to establish the organisation and rules for the creation and maintenance of content. This activity aimed at providing a clear Intellectual Property Rights construction during and beyond the project’s life cycle (for outcome, please see Third Period in this report). Since month 15 of the project’s duration, the consortium had been discussing potential scenarios for continuing the WebTEXpert portal after the end of the project. Following an intense deliberation process, the members of the consortium selected the option as illustrated in Deliverable 8.2 (Final Business Plan – please revert to Period 3).

1.4 PERIOD THREE: 15 June 2006 – 16 June 2007


The final period of the project built on the successful accomplishment of the technical and strategic framework of Period 1 and Period 2 of the project’s duration. During Period 2, the WebTEXpert Portal was by and large made operational, thus providing a central tool for the training and dissemination activities, the latter of which represented a central project component throughout Period 3 of the project’s duration.

Next to the successful accomplishment of a) the technical environment and b) the training and dissemination components of the project, the consortium is pleased to report that the business model for the continuation of the WeTEXpert Portal had been agreed upon the members of the consortium as outlined in Deliverable 8.2 (Final Business Plan). This Plan provides for the continuation of the WebTEXpert Portal for the duration of at least one year.


Workpackage 2 (Platform Management)

The platform is running without problems by the time Period 3 was reached. The internal standards were agreed on by all partners and documented in the Deliverable D2.1 (Technical/Functional Specification) and D2.2 (Guidelines for Courseware Development) have been met. Based on the prototype (D2.3), the platform was revised and completed. The portal itself is available in five languages. It contains all courseware, available in up to three languages. The Deliverable D2.4, completed at the end of the project, summarises the development of courseware as well as the authoring and publication procedure. D2.5 is a comprehensive Implementation and Administration Manual that explains and documents all technical aspects of the platform including installation routines, document and object structure of the templates and the developed code, content and user management and all other administration issues. The RTD performers coordinated by DITF completed the portal and all related services. All IAGs are able to manage their own groups of users independently. No services of third parties have been necessary. The portal is technically open to new IAG partners from other countries that might want to join the WebTEXpert Portal group after the end of the project. New portal languages can be included easily.

Deliverable D 2.4: Revised authoring and publishing manual

Deliverable D 2.5: WebTEXpert portal including implementation and administration manual

Workpackages 3 (Courseware and Training Methodology Development)

The courseware and the training methodology is the basis for the transfer and dissemination of the methodologies developed in WP1 and WP6. The courseware is composed of different modules. These modules can be combined to training units. A Navigator, the intelligent Assistant “Emanuel”, supports the user to select and to compose the modules to a training units according his specific knowledge and specific needs. The courseware and the training methodology have been used in the training related activities. Both, the Courseware and the training methodology have been developed and tested. The navigator was developed, implemented and tested successfully. All objectives have been fulfilled. All activities in WP3 have been completed successfully. The respective Deliverables are available: D 3.2 WebTEXpert Portal Navigator, D 3.3 Approved and adapted Courseware.

The courseware covering the achievements of WP 1 and WP6 has been developed. The Courseware consist of the following elements:

← Methods: A method describes an approach or a structured way of working. Different elements are part of the description of a method: Tutorial, History, Motivation, Theory, Introduction, Links, and Classification etc.

← Best Practices: a best practice describes the success story that was compiled when applying the method in one or more real life cases together with SMEs. A best practice consist of introduction, story, links to methods, and classification etc.

← Technologies: they describe certain technological principles and achievements that are needed for technology transfer from and to other sectors.

← Experts: Description of experts, research centres and other bodies of knowledge.

← Courses: A collection of several of the abovementioned elements with a didactic order in order to cover a specific topic

Task 3.2: WebTEXpert Portal Navigator: Work completed. Several technical and methodological approaches have been tested. The following classification maps have been developed in order to foster thematic navigation and search functionality:

• Innovation Perspectives: what type of innovation?

• Textile World: type of products and processes

• Cross Sectoral Features: Features for technology transfer

• Life Cycle: phases of innovation and product life cycle

• Fashion: different fashion aspects

• Feature Enabling Concepts: concepts for technology transfer

• Integrative Methods: direction of integration

Based on these classification maps, several navigation options have been implemented:

• “Emanuel”, the virtual assistant, profiles the user and its knowledge needs and suggests suitable themes and topics in the classification maps.

• The Topic oriented navigator allows the user to navigate the classification maps and to identify related content elements and access them directly.

• Alphabetical object lists show all courseware elements in alphabetical order

• Predefined views are queries on the classification maps that are of general interest. The views filter courseware elements specified in the view (e.d. all content related to radical innovations)

• Text-based search is a multilingual text search engine that looks in the title, subtitle and in the teaser text of the courseware elements.

Deliverable: D 3.2 WebTEXpert Portal Navigator

The WebTEXpert Portal offers the registered users managed by the IAGs different possibilities and options to access the courseware elements. The options reflect different didactic concepts and are suitable for different levels of pre-existing knowledge and different types of learning.

D 3.3 Approved and adapted Courseware

The courseware has been completed and reflects all research results from WP1 and WP6. A collection of more than 60 Methods and 40 Best Practices is available to support all phases of the innovation process. The deliverable is a demonstrator and includes a CD-ROM documenting the complete courseware. The integration of different phases and stages of the innovation process and the life-cycle of the product has been of high importance during the research. This is reflected in dedicated integrative methods and in the classification maps. All courseware is available in English ad various other languages. The courseware has been tested in many workshops together with the SME and IAG partners and reflects their needs.

Workpackage 5 (Exchange of Results (Integration))

After completing the training between the Research Areas, the RTD performers identified further research needs with respect to the adoption and implementation. Several new research groups have been identified and documented in the deliverable D 5.1. The research in WP6 took up these requirements and developed new and adapted methodologies and approaches. The Well-Fit, the Inventive Problem Solving and the Customer-oriented New Product Development approach have been adapted to the requirements of the other SME and IAG partners. This resulted in new, extended or modified methods and guidelines for their application. The results are described in the Integration report (D5.2) and documented in the Deliverable D6.1. Both tasks, the training between the pilot groups and the feedback for integration have been completed and all objectives have been reached. The research groups showed big interest in the other methods and approaches. Consequently, the RTD performers set up new research groups and extended, modified and adapted the available methods and tools in order to cope with the new integration requirements. This work has been performed under WP6 and described in the Integration report, the deliverable D5.2.

Deliverable: D 5.2 Integration Report

The integration report describes in detail how the different Research Ares exchanged their results and approaches in order to meet the integration requirements described in the Integration Requirement report (D5.1). The deliverable refers to the according methods and best practices that are documented in the deliverable D6.1

Workpackage 6 (Methodology Research & Technical Development, integration of RA and adaptation of results)

In WP1 the seven research groups developed integrated methods for NPD, NPI and Networking for NPD/NPI. The methods have been used and evaluated within the respective research groups. The overall objective is to integrate the research areas and to adopt and to implement the methods developed in WP1 to all members of the SME core group. For this, further research and technical development is necessary. The methods have to be adapted to specific aspects from the SMEs resulting from their position in the textile landscape and / or from the region they are located. The objective of this workpackage is to perform the research necessary for the integration of the research areas and the adaptation of the methods. The adapted methods should be integrated in the courseware modules. Based on the Integration Report (D5.1), the RTD performers extended, modified, adapted and integrated their methods and approaches. New research groups have been set-up and applied the new methodologies. The objectives have been reached and the workpackage has been completed successfully. All results are available as appropriate courseware elements describing the integration in detail.The Inventive Problem Solving methodology of Research Area 3 has been modified and applied successfully with SMEs from research Area 1. The focus of the method was shifted in order to identify new areas of applications for existing technologies instead of transferring new technologies. Other research groups took up the results from all three research Areas and transferred the to the other two Areas. All these work has been performed in research groups together with SME and IAG partners to ensure that the research was of general interest and not dedicated to single SMEs only.

Deliverable: D 6.1 (Extended methodology for the transfer of market requirements, for the "Well-fit" sensation and for technology transfer) is available as a demonstrator on CD-ROM. It documents the new and integrated Methodology and the experience during the application in form of Best Practices. The integration results are described in the Integration Report (D5.2), D6.1. is the documentation of the according courseware elements.

Workpackage 7 (Training of SME Coregroup – Roll-out)

The objective was to train the members of the SME core group in the integrated methods developed and tested in the three research areas in WP1. The training should "roll out" the results obtained in the respective research groups to all SMEs in the SME core group. Each member of the SME core group should have knowledge about all three research areas. This training should prepare the members of the SME core group for the adoption and implementation of the methods in their specific processes. In WP6 the possibly necessary adaptations to specific textile and regional aspects will be made. Therefore, WP7 runs parallel to WP6. For the training, the approved pilot courseware for each research area is used (see D 3.2). Throughout the training sessions, the ‘train-the-trainer’ concept by which selected SME and IAG partners were trained by the RTD partners together building the pilot groups. Subsequently, the SME core-group were trained by the pilot group as part of the roll-out phase providing for the trickling-down of project content to SME outside the consortium.

During the final phase of the project, a special emphasis was placed on reaching-out to interested parties outside the consortium and a number of presentations with training components were carried-out at trans-European level. The feedback received from the trainees underlined the interest among potential users of the WebTEXpert service in having access to a platform that can provide assistance in the domain of new methods applicable in the textile and clothing industry. This feedback has given the impetus for the creation of the WebTEXpert Portal Group with the aim of continuing the service for the duration for at least one year (see D. 8.2 for further details).

Training in Brno, Czech Reepublic on 14-15 February 2007:


Deliverables: D 7.2 Training Reports with respect to the Feedback of the SME core group members

Workpackage 8 (Business Model Development)

In close collaboration with all partners FKT lead this Workpackage to establish the organisation and rules for the creation and maintenance of content. This activity aimed at providing a clear Intellectual Property Rights construction during and beyond the project’s life cycle. Furthermore, the technical and financial framework was firmly established culminating the Deliverable 8.1. Since month 15 of the project’s duration, the consortium had been discussing potential scenarios for continuing the WebTEXpert portal after the end of the project. Following an intense deliberation process, the members of the consortium selected the option as illustrated in Deliverable 8.1 (Preliminary Business Plan). Since the first deliberations as given in D 8.1, the consortium has deepened the strategy for continuing the WebTEXpert Portal service as of 16 June 2007. The resulting Business Plan as manifested in Deliverable 8.1 lays-down the framework for continuing the service for at least one year.

As of 16 June 2007, the following partners will be participating in the WebTEXpert Portal Group:

1. Full Members of the PG will be those associations which sign the Agreement and discharge the financial contribution.

Associated Members of the PG will be those members not contributing in financial terms but with full access rights under the supervision of the PG.

Deliverables: D 8.1 Final Business Plan

This final business plan aims at establishing the organisation and rules for the creation and maintenance of content stored on the WebTEXpert Portal as well as the allocation of ownership at the end of the project and for the period operating the Portal. Furthermore, the cost-model and scenario for the technical operation of the WebTEXpert Portal is covered in this paper. In order to formalise the Business Model, an Agreement between the post-project-consortium is attached to this document. This Agreement forms the very basis of the business model and binds the signing parties to the content prescribed.

Workpackage 9 (Public Dissemination)

Dissemination activities have been undertaken from the early phase of the project. In this phase, and before the implementation of the Web portal, the IAGs endorse the textile industry on the issues of the project and proposed solutions with extensive publication activities. The Consortium Agreement has committed all participating IAGs to dissemination and exploitation of all the results. They are furthermore expected to serve as multipliers in the implementation of dissemination activities with the aim of developing wide-ranging synergies at European level. The SME core group fully supported the training activities organised and performed by the IAGs. In addition, they were exploiting the research results while the training methodology was developed and tested. All dissemination activities were carried out as laid down in Annex 1 to the contract. The Final Conference was successfully held in Brussels on 30 May 2007 reaching-out to a large audience at international level:



The WebTEXper Booth during the TECHTEX Trade-Fair in Frankfurt, Germany:

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Deliverables: D 9.3 WEB-TEXpert Dissemination and Training Capturing Report



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