France - Ms. Kincaid's class


Zachary & Nicole & Jiantao

Nicole Alvarado


-France is a European country ( the red country ) and has several overseas regions and territories.

-France had a revolution ( The French Revolution ) in 1788-1799. The revolution is very well remember due to the execution of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

-In 1754 France had a war with India which lasted nine years and it is considered as the first global war.

- France was one of the countries that were part of the Imperialism of Africa and conquerors.

-France right now is in their Fifth Replublican Constitution.


Who did France colonize?

The "France" colonies are all over the continents, such as North America, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Oceania (collective name for the islands located on the Central and South Pacific Ocean that includes Australia)

There's about 71 countries that has been partially or fully colonized by the "France", not only the French Republic (the official name of France).

Among these 71 countrice, many of them are colonized before September 22, 1792, the day French Republic established.

Most colonies of the France has been lost because of its defeat in the Seven Years' War, a major conflict between Britain and France (1756?1763).

The colonies French Republic still have: ?les des Saintes, Marie-Galante, la D?sirade, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, etc.

Why did France colonize other countries?

How did Imperialism impact France?

Around the 17th, the French imperialism the western part of Africa, which has benefited their economic status for many years. Africa were the main workers of the French, so that is how they maintained their power.

When the France took over, the created a colonial war between North America and Algeria to then take over and colonize them to then spread their culture to those colonies. ( Making them as French civilizations)

By being influence by the British, the French then became very power hunger so they took over the western lands in Africa with violence.This affect Africa in a negative way, but benefitted the French both economically and nationally.

Nicole Alvarado

What were the reactions of the indigenous people

who you colonized?

The reactions of the indigenous people would be varied by the colony they live in and their position.

Some indigenous people would have negative reactions or feelings toward France because it is almost impossible for natives to gain full citizenship, even though there are about one million colonial soldiers were mobilized during World War I (1914?1918)

The upper class of the indigenous people might uprising against France for power and wealth. For example, Mokrani Revolt (1871-1872) happened in French Algeria, one of the possible reason for this revolt is that the authorities of the notables are continuously weaken by the pass of time, so the notables are dissatisfied with that situation.

France also might be liked and esteem by the people, since France was giving respects to the local governments and treated the indigenous people most of the time. France also denounced "inhuman" practices and laws of their colonies, such as mutilation (cutting off or damage the body part(s) of the person).

How does France impact life in Africa and Asia?

the result of France which colony the country in Africa and Asia is that many countries lost their independence many people were to be the slave, and France also bring some positive effect in those countries, as France developed their colonize, the colonize get many advances system, technology. and build an advanced education system, give them a chance to work in the republic government

What does Nationalism mean?

Nationalism means to identify or just represent one's nation and support their countries beliefs and interest.

To show Nationalism you use a flag to represent a country. Another example would be sports games. Each player has a color to represent their team and country like in the image on the left.

Nicole Alvarado


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