|Conflict |Differences among groups have often led to conflict. |Persecution of Christians during the Roman Empire, Reign of Terror, Armenian massacres, |

| | |forced famine in Ukraine, the Holocaust, apartheid in South Africa, Killing Fields in |

| | |Cambodia, conflict in Northern Ireland, Sandinistas in Nicaragua, Tiananmen Square Rebellion.|

|Change |Throughout history, political revolutions had many causes. These |French Revolution (1789), Mexican Revolution (1910), Russian Revolution (1917), Chinese |

| |revolutions affected society and led to many changes. The changes may|Revolution (1949), Cuban Revolution (1959), Iranian Revolution (1979). |

| |or may not have resolved the problems that caused the revolution. | |

|Belief Systems |At various times in global history, members of different religions |Judaism in the Middle East, Roman Catholicism in Latin America, Hinduism in India, Islam in |

| |have acted to bring people together. Members of these same religions |Iran, Protestant Reformation and the Counter Reformation in Europe, animism in Africa, |

| |have also acted to divide people and have caused conflict. |Shintoism in Japan, Buddhism in Southeast Asia. |

|Political Events |Twentieth-century political events have had positive and negative |Lenin’s establishment of Communism in Russia, rise of totalitarian governments in Europe, Ho |

| |effects on global history, |Chi Minh’s unification of Vietnam against Imperialism, increasing support for Islamic |

| | |fundamentalism in Middle East, Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in China, the dismantling of |

| | |the Berlin Wall, development of nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan, Nelson Mandela’s |

| | |opposition to apartheid in South Africa. |

|Human and Physical Geography |Geographic factors such as land features, resources location, and |Nile River in Egypt, mineral wealth in Africa, monsoons in South Asia, oil in the Middle |

| |climate of nations and regions affect how people live. |East, Japan’s location near China, plains of Northern Europe, rain forests in Latin America, |

| | |mountains in eastern Europe. |

|Individuals Who Changed History |The beliefs and achievements of individuals have changed global |Hammurabi, Confucius, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Muhammad, Johannes Gutenberg, Queen |

| |history. These beliefs and achievements have had positive and |Isabella, Leonardo da Vinci, John Locke, Catherine the great, Simón Bolívar, Nelson Mandela, |

| |negative effects on society. | |

|Turning Points |Turning points are major events in history that have led to lasting |Neolithic Revolution, Crusades, Renaissance, French Revolution, Russian Revolution of 1917, |

| |change. |World War I, creation of the state of Israel, Nelson Mandela elected president of South |

| | |Africa, fall of Berlin Wall. |

|Economic Systems |Societies have developed different economic systems for may reasons. |Western Europe during the Middle Ages, Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution, |

| |Some of these economic systems include manorialism, capitalism, and |Soviet Union between 1917 and 1990, Japan after World War II, China since 1949, Cuba since |

| |communism. |1959. |

|Nationalism |Throughout global history, nationalism has had positive and negative |Latin America (1800s), Italy (1800s and 1900s), China (1900s), India (1900s), Kenya |

| |effects. |(post-World War II), the Balkans (1900s). |

|Interdependence |Throughout global history, the world has been growing more and more |Economic interdependence (European Union and NAFTA), political interdependence (European |

| |interdependent. This process has been accelerated in the twentieth |Union), military interdependence (NATO and Warsaw Pact), cultural interdependence, |

| |century. |technological interdependence. |

|Civilization |Throughout global history, great civilizations have existed in various|Ancient Egypt, classical Rome, the Gupta Empire, classical China, the Muslim Golden Age, the |

| |parts of the world. The cultural and intellectual achievements of |Renaissance, Enlightenment. |

| |these civilizations contributed to the advancement of humankind. | |

|Cultural and Intellectual Life |Throughout global history, political conditions in some civilizations |Classical China, the Hellenistic Age, the Pax Romana, Muslim Golden Age, Renaissance, |

| |have produced ‘golden ages.’ |Enlightenment. |

|Political Systems |Several Empires and nations throughout global history have been ruled |Incan empire, Byzantine Empire, Ming empire in China, the Ottoman empire of Suleiman the |

| |by strong leaders who have followed policies of absolutism. |Great, Spain (Philip II), France (Louis XIV), Russia (Peter the Great). |


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