Guarantee of Free Appropriate Education


Foley High School

Student Handbook

PRIDE -- Proud, Responsible Individuals Dedicated to Excellence

1 Pride Drive

Foley, Alabama 36536 • Phone 251-943-2221 • FAX 251-943-3538



•Russ Moore, Principal • email:

Guarantee of Free Appropriate Education

It shall be the policy of the Baldwin County Board of Education that no student shall be denied the benefit of any educational program or educational activity on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, limited English proficiency, immigrant status, migrant status, or homeless status.  A free and appropriate education is available to all students with disabilities. It shall be the policy of the Board that barriers to enrolling and retaining homeless students shall be removed. All programs offered by schools within the school district shall be open to all students in compliance with statutory and judicial requirements.

It is the official policy of the Baldwin County Board of Education that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, age or creed, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or employment.

Philosophy of Baldwin County Schools

Schools exist to lead each student toward being a happy, healthy, contributing member of our ever-changing society. The chief concern is the growth and development of the whole person. Therefore, schools should provide each student with fundamental skills necessary for securing a livelihood and should instill in each student a clear awareness of our intellectual and cultural inheritance. Thus equipped with skills, knowledge, and appreciation the student meets the adult world prepared to live and grow in this changing society.


Principal’s Message

Welcome!  This handbook is designed to give you and your parents necessary information about your educational opportunities and responsibilities at Foley High School.  We urge you to read and become familiar with the information contained in this handbook because you are responsible for all rules and regulations that have been adopted by Foley High School for the new school year.

It is a pleasure to welcome you as a student at Foley High School and we are looking forward to the coming year.

Russ Moore, Principal

Foley High School’s Mission

The mission of Foley High School and all stakeholders is to provide a quality education in a supportive environment that promotes learning and encourages students to develop their full potential as responsible, successful citizens who respect the diversity in their school and community.

Authority of Staff

All rules and regulations in this student handbook are in addition to the rules and regulations listed in the Baldwin County Board of Education's publication, Pupil Responsibilities and Conduct Standards, which is distributed to every student in homeroom. The administrators, counselors, faculty, and staff of this school are vested with legal authority. Refusal on the part of the student to respect this authority will be considered as insubordinate conduct and dealt with as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Foley High School will not be held responsible for any items confiscated due to violation of these rules and regulations.

General School Information – Guidance

Students are encouraged to visit with the counselors for personal guidance and for information on grades, study help, and testing programs. The counselors are available to discuss any home, school, or social concerns.

ALL GRADES AP Academy:  Mrs. Wendi Lores (943-2221, extension 34009)

FRESHMAN GUIDANCE:  Mrs. Renee Daniels (943-2221, extension 34011)

SOPHOMORE GUIDANCE:  Ms. Wendy Johnson (943-2221, extension 34013)

JUNIOR GUIDANCE: Ms. Corynn Bergenty (943-2221, extension 34012)

SENIOR GUIDANCE:  Mrs. Barbara Wilkerson (943-2221, extension 34010)

SOCIAL WORKER:  Mrs. Ansley Beverly (943-2221, extension 34015)

SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT:  943-2221, extension 34027

SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION is available from Mrs. Wilkerson and Mrs. Lores.

General School Information – Schedule Changes

Schedule changes will only be made if there is an error in scheduling or a failed course prevents a student from taking a specific course the following year. To request a schedule change within the first 3 days of the term, pick up a schedule change request form from the teacher of the class that needs to be changed.  Complete the form and return it to the teacher for processing. Continue with current schedule until new schedule is received.


Student Code of Conduct – Attendance

Student success in school is directly tied to attendance. Responsibility for attending class lies with the student.



Parents are required to explain in writing all absences no later than the third day of the student's return to school. Students are to submit these notes to their homeroom teacher in exchange for an absentee slip. An excused absence permits work to be made up. Parental knowledge of an absence does not mean the absence is excused.  Valid excuses include:

a. Illness or death in the immediate family

b. Inclement weather which would be dangerous to the life or health of pupil if he/she attended school

c. Legal Quarantine or emergency condition as determined by the superintendent or principal

d. Permission of principal and consent of parent. Except in emergency conditions, out-of-town trips must have principal's approval PRIOR to taking the trip if the absence is to be coded excused.


Requests for approval of out-of-town absences should be submitted in writing to the principal five or more school days in advance.  If the absence is approved, all schoolwork is due the day the student returns to school and make-up tests shall be administered at the teacher's convenience.


A privilege of juniors and seniors, college visitation days are limited to two per school year.  Applications are available from your counselor’s office.  Permission may be granted at the discretion of the principal. Attendance, current grades, and the discipline record of the student are considered when granting an administrative day. If the absence is approved, all schoolwork is due the day the student returns to school and make-up tests shall be administered at the teacher's convenience.


An absence will be coded unexcused if a written explanation of the absence is not given to the homeroom teacher within three days of the student's return to school. The student's name will also be reported to the county attendance supervisor for truancy.


After the tenth absence, excused or unexcused, an administrator may place the student on "Doctor's Excuse Only" status.  After that date, only a physician's excuse will permit an absence to be coded excused and work to be made up.


Students arriving to homeroom after 7:50 AM must report to Room 102 to check in. 


Pupils who leave school for any reason must check out through Room 102. Written parental permission (including contact phone number) must be turned in to Room 102 for verification BEFORE homeroom in order to be released for a doctor's appointment. Upon the tenth and subsequent check-outs, administrative approval is required.


Students who become ill at school must get a pass from the teacher and report to Room 102. Students failing to report to Room 102 will be disciplined for skipping. Students waiting until the end of break or their lunchtime must stay in class at least 45 minutes before coming to the office.



Students may only be released to the parent/guardian or emergency contact designated in the school computer. Identification must be presented. Additions or changes of emergency contacts must be sent in writing, signed, dated, and in some cases, include custody papers.


A student wishing to ride a bus home with a friend must have a permission note from his/her parent/guardian verified by the attendance secretary and signed by a principal before boarding the bus.


Delivering messages/personal items/lunches/assignments, etc. to students in class disrupts the class and places an additional burden on the office staff. An attempt to deliver non-emergency messages/personal items to students during the school day will be made if there is sufficient time and/or personnel to accomplish the request.


In case of emergency, messages for students should be directed to the front office secretary.


A student will be allowed three school days per day of absence to make up work for excused absences only. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST MAKE-UP WORK FROM THE TEACHER AND MEET THE DEADLINE. THIS POLICY DOES NOT REPLACE A CLASS SYLLABUS DEADLINE WITH RESPECT TO RESEARCH PAPERS AND PROJECTS. Pre-approved absences and field trip absences require that work be turned in the day the student returns to school and make-up tests to be administered at the teacher's convenience. Co-curricular course absences for graded events will be treated as an excused absence with regard to make-up work.


Students assigned to detention must report on the day and at the time assigned unless prior arrangements have been made with the administrator/supervisor. At the discretion of the school administration, failure to report to detention may lead to additional detention and/or suspension from school. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY PARENT/GUARDIAN OF A DETENTION ASSIGNMENT.

Every student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a responsible manner at all times. A comprehensive list of unacceptable behavior is available in the Baldwin County Board of Education's Pupil Responsibilities brochure disseminated to and signed by parent/guardian at the beginning of each school year.

General Rules

1.  No profane conduct and/or language

2.  No public display of affection

3.  No criminal acts such as arson, bomb threats, stealing, trespassing, falsifying school records/printouts, forgery, or damage or destruction of property (Police usually notified.)

4.  No sale, use, or possession of alcoholic beverages, drugs (illegal, prescription, over-the-counter), or tobacco products (Police usually notified.)

5.  No gambling or unlawful assembly

6.  School-sponsored events on and off campus activities are governed by the same rules and regulations as are in effect at school and on school buses.

7.  Students are expected to accurately identify themselves to any Board of Education employee upon request.

8.  Students are not permitted in the parking lot or bus area during the school day except with a principal's permission, and then only at lunch.

9.  Students are not permitted in the hallways during lunch and should remain in the cafeteria areas.

10.  All electronic devices must be used in accordance with board of education policy.

11.  No entry is allowed in the gym or PE locker areas without permission of the PE teacher.

12.  SBCT students who miss the bus must report to Room 102.

13.  SBCT students must remain on the bus until 11:22(AM bus) or 3:03 (PM bus).

14.  Students are not permitted in the building before 7:40 AM or after 3:30PM without a teacher's permission and supervision.

15.  No playing cards on campus

16.  Hats are not permitted at school and are subject to confiscation.

17.  No chains are to be worn hanging down from a wallet, waist, belt, etc.

18.  Medications (including over-the-counter) may not be possessed by students. See Medication Policy.

Any student who parks a vehicle on the school campus certifies that he/she is not in a 9th grade homeroom at Foley High School and must:

1.  Have a valid Alabama driver's license.

2.  Provide proof of insurance for all vehicles driven on campus.

3.  Pay a $40 non-refundable fee for a parking permit.

4.  Must have application with parental approval on file and accept the responsibility of liability of passengers and property of others.

5.  Obey all posted signs and limits.

6.  Properly display assigned parking hang tag.

7.  Not lend, rent, lease, or give his/her parking privileges to another person.

8.  Use parking hang tag when driving an alternate vehicle to school.

9.  Not use or allow others to use vehicle to break school rules, state laws, or federal laws.


The driver's test is offered at the Foley Satellite Courthouse on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8AM-4PM (lunch 12:30-1PM). Students must be picked up from school by their parent/legal guardian.  Student Enrollment/Exclusion Forms are available from the front office at Foley High School and require a 24 hour processing period.


It is the duty of every pupil to be a protector and caretaker of the property belonging to the school system. The parents or guardian of pupils who injure, deface, or destroy the property of the school system will be required to make retribution. Pupils must respect the property rights of others.

CAFETERIA Good manners and cleanliness are required of all. Do not run, push, break line, or roughhouse in the cafeteria.  Throw away any and all disposable remains from the meal in appropriate containers.

LIBRARY The library is off-limits during class time without written permission from a teacher or the teacher accompanies the class.  Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not permitted. Leave work area clean upon leaving.

GYMNASIUM The gym is for the express use of PE classes during class time. The gym and locker rooms are off limits during lunch.  Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not permitted.

VALUABLES Students are discouraged from bringing valuables or large sums of money to school. If it is necessary to bring such an item, check it into the office for safekeeping in the vault. Turn fundraising money in to the sponsor regularly to avoid carrying large sums.  Students are responsible for their personal property. Do not leave books, clothing, wallets, purses or other things of value unattended. Instructional time shall not be compromised to conduct searches for missing property..

HALLWAYS Do not be in the hallways during classes without a teacher's or principal's pass. For safety reasons, do not block passageways, intersections, or doorways before school or between classes. Do not enter hallways during lunch waves or a break.

BATHROOMS AND WATER FOUNTAINS Plan to use these facilities before homeroom, at lunch, and between classes. In case of emergency, obtain a pass from a teacher. Maintain cleanliness habits in and around the fixtures.  If soap or paper is needed, notify a teacher.

MAIN OFFICE   Without official business AND a teacher pass, students may not enter the main office.  Do not stop in the office to "visit" during classes, or lunch.

ATTENDANCE OFFICE Do not enter the attendance office unless sent with a teacher's pass indicating illness. Do not come to Room 102 immediately after lunch.  Students ill enough to be sent home should report during their lunch.  Do not "visit" Room 102.

FRONT ENTRANCES The front entrances are off limits to students between 7:30AM and 3:05PM.

SCHOOL BUSES Remain in assigned seating at all times while bus is in motion. Be respectful and courteous to the bus driver at all times. Maintain possession of belongings inside the bus. Do not interfere with safety of anyone on the bus.

CLASSROOMS  In addition to school and board policies in effect at Foley High School, a teacher may impose his/her own codes of behavior and cleanliness.

Medications at School

Detailed information concerning medications at school can be found in the Pupil Responsibilities and Conduct Standards brochure.  Students may not deliver medication to school (including over the counter medicines).  Students must have a doctor's order to carry emergency medication (EPI Pen/Inhaler).  Students may not share medication with other students.

Appropriate Dress

CLASS ATTIRE Foley High School students shall follow all dress code policies as mandated by the Baldwin County Board of Education. As an addition to the Board policy, students may wear school ‘spirit shirts’, tee shirts for school clubs and extra-curricular activities any day of the week. The Board policy is available in Resources on the Foley High School website:

Academics – Exemptions

No student can be exempt from exams per Baldwin County Public Schools policy.

Academics – Grading System

GRADING STATEMENT Grades are a means of evaluating and reporting progress to students and parents. Grades should serve as a positive influence in motivating students to achieve their personal best. Grades measure academic performance relative to state and county curriculum objectives and reflect student learning. Most teachers conduct daily or at least weekly evaluations of progress. Attendance and attentiveness are imperative in mastering AHSGE objectives.

A = 90-100             Outstanding progress

B = 80-89               Above Average progress

C = 70-79              Average progress

D = 60-69               Lowest Acceptable progress

F = 00-59                Non-progress; no credits awarded

Academics – Graduation Ceremony Participation

Baldwin County Public Schools requires that students must meet all graduation requirements in May in order to participate in graduation exercises (Begins 2009-2010).

Academics – Mid-quarter Progress Reports

Progress reports are distributed to each student during the 3rd & 6th week of each 9 week grading period.

Academics – Midterms & Finals

Every course will have a midterm exam and a final exam. The midterm will test material covered during the first nine weeks of the course. The final exam will test the material covered during the second nine weeks of the course.

Academics – National Honor Society

Students are judged using the criteria of Scholarship, Service, Character, and Leadership for eligibility for induction into the National Honor Society.

Scholarship:  A student must be in the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade with a cumulative grade point average of 3.7, unweighted, or higher, and must be enrolled in at least two pre-AP or AP classes.

Service:  Academically eligible students must submit a verified comprehensive list of school honors dating from ninth grade as well as school and community service activities  for the current school year.

Character and Leadership:  These qualities will be assessed by faculty questionnaire following the criteria as provided in the NHS Handbook. Discipline will also be reviewed.

Academics – Promotion & Reclassification

A student who began the ninth grade in a Baldwin County school must have the following number of credits to be promoted to the indicated grade level:

                 6 credits = sophomore level (10th grade)

                 12 credits = junior level (11th grade)

                 18 credits = senior level (12th grade)

Transcripts are reviewed after the fall term.  Reclassification of homeroom grade level may occur at this time.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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