PDF Thank you for your purchase. I hope the information you find

 Thank you for your purchase. I hope the information you find here is way more valuable than its price tag. I want to help you succeed. If there is anything I can do to help you on your journey please contact me. My personal email address is ryan@.

I invite you to join my email list to get my FREE email newsletter with business tips and strategies. To do so please go to my website:

Want even more wholesale sources?

I have recently launched a SEARCHABLE database with over 2000 wholesale sources. For readers of this book it's only $97

for LIFETIME access. Here's the link ?

Over time we will update and revise this book in an attempt to keep it current and as accurate as possible. Please note however that you are responsible for any actions you take as a result of reading the ideas in this book. Any monetary claims or examples in these materials are historical and do not indicate guarantees of future gains. Your level of success is dependent upon your unique situation, your devotion to your business, your skills, and your finances. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, or other damages. As with any business seek the advice of a competent legal, tax, and accounting or other professional. The author and publisher does not warrant the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any websites in this book. All websites are for informational purposes only; they are not warranted for content, accuracy, or any other implied or explicit purpose. All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, resell, or copying of this material is unlawful. No portion of this book may be copied or resold without written permission.

? Copyright 2015 ?


My Brief Story

I know...you bought this book to get the wholesale sources, but please permit me a few paragraphs to introduce myself.

I was first turned onto internet marketing in about 2005 after reading Jim Cockrum's book Silent Sales Machine. At the time I only dabbled in eBay, but I always knew I wanted to have an online business of my own.

However, in November of 2008 I found myself without a job after managing an unsuccessful congressional campaign and I didn't know what the next step was.

Two things were certain for me at that time: I was going to move to Texas and get engaged.

As far as how I was going to support my soon to be bride Melane I didn't know the answer to that.

Would I get a job with the local congressional office and continue in the political arena or pursue something completely different?

My heart's desire was to not get a "real job" and to start an online business.

Melane and my mother-in-law had started an online furniture business back in 2005, but only worked it very part-time. They both had jobs and didn't have the time to invest to grow it. They posted a few ads here and there on Craigslist and made a few sales, but they didn't have a website and were unsure how to take the business to the next level.


So I entered the picture at the end of 2008 and since I didn't have a job I figured this was the time to try to make a go at my dreams of working from home and having an online business. Well, it's been over 6 years and by God's grace neither Melane or I have had to get a "real job". We ended 2009 with sales of $223,000 and it blew up to over $800,000 in 2014. Our sales platforms were primarily Craigslist, Ebay, and our own website. We didn't jump into Amazon until the 4th quarter of 2012 and that was at the suggestion of my mentor Jim Cockrum. Now Amazon is the majority of our business and we're focusing more and more on FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) because it's just so much easier to send them the items and let them handle the customer service. Because of that one suggestion from Jim our business is radically different than it was just a few short years ago. The Lord opened the door for us to work more closely with Jim in his brand new Mastermind Group. I know great ideas and partnerships will come from this group so we expect the same kind of growth or even greater over the next few years as well. Because I'm not one that really enjoys being dependent on finding inventory through retail arbitrage and thrifting, I've focused a lot of energy on finding wholesale sources. In the process of finding these sources, we've found that there are a myriad of companies with online catalogs that will sell to anyone with a tax id number. Thus this ebook was born. We can't possibly buy everything these companies have to offer so why not share the wealth?


How to use this information

The information below assumes you are already have an online business. If you are just getting started or don't know where to start I highly recommend the following resources:

Proven Amazon Course ? Everything you need to know about getting started with Amazon. This is an amazing course and even if you have years of experience selling on Amazon you will benefit.

My Silent Team ? This forum has resources and discussion forums for about any online business you can think of. If you purchase the Proven Amazon Course you get lifetime access to the My Silent Team site.

1. Get registered with one of the sites

The large majority of the sources listed here have an online catalog that you can shop from. The only thing required is to register. This is very easy because most of them are part of a larger group of websites called the Cameo EZ Marketplace.

Once you register for one vendor you can use the same login information for the next vendor.

This is version 2 of this book and there are some new sources listed that aren't a part of the Cameo EZ Marketplace, but are still easy to access and navigate.

To register you will need a state sales tax id (if your state has sales tax) and/or a Federal TIN (Tax Identification number), but here is how to get each of those:

I can't say it any better than Skip McGrath so the links below are for articles he has written explaining the State Sales Tax ID and Federal Tax Identification Number.

State Sales Tax ID

Federal Tax ID Number

Once you're registered for a particular site, you'll get an email



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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