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161925-9525001390650-1143000044481751905000Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u From the Chief…………………………………………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674393 \h 1Hail and Farewell……………………………………………….. PAGEREF _Toc481674395 \h 6Catalog Tidbits…………………………………………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674396 \h 7Personal Property Corner…………………………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674397 \h 8Property Management Class Q&A……………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674398 \h 11Property Reutilization and Disposal Section (PRDS) Highlights……………………………………………….. PAGEREF _Toc481674399 \h 132017 PPMC Meeting Schedule…………………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674400 \h 16NIH Annual Property Inventory Progress for 2017 PAGEREF _Toc481674401 \h 17NIH Property Management Training Schedule…… PAGEREF _Toc481674402 \h 17Training Website References……………………………… PAGEREF _Toc481674403 \h 18Property Website References……………………………. PAGEREF _Toc481674404 \h 18Points of Contact……………………………………………….. PAGEREF _Toc481674405 \h 19In Memoriam…ATribute to Hector Menjivar......... PAGEREF _Toc481674406 \h 20NEWSLETTER STAFF1619258890005088890600265500Editor: James KeislerPhone: 301.435.3945Email: James.Keisler@5135056153098500From the Chief Greetings Property Professionals, As discussed during our last Personal Property Management Council Meeting, there is memo guidance from HHS regarding Use of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) During Foreign Travel. The objective of this memorandum is to expand the Department-wide guidance on foreign travel published by the Office of Security and Strategic Information (OSSI). The memo establishes the policy for safeguarding government furnished equipment (GFE) and HHS information for all HHS personnel conducting Department business while on foreign travel. GFE includes, but is not limited to: laptop computers, mobile phones, memory cards, external drives, thumb drives, and other mobile computing/storage devices. The memo applies to employees, contractors, and other non-government personnel conducting business for or on behalf of HHS through contractual relationships or memoranda of agreement. 18764258896350(Continued on page 2)00(Continued on page 2) 489585022161500This memo does not apply to HHS personnel permanently assigned to foreign duty stations. This practice must be implemented no later than June 9, 2017. Additional information may be found at the following link Use of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) During Foreign Travel-83820-85725From the Chief (Continued)00From the Chief (Continued).Additional Updated Federal Standards and MemosThe following new Federal requirements are also in place:The HHS Warning Banner has been revised and must be implemented no later than May 31, 2017.The HHS Standard for Encryption of Computer Devices and Information has been revised and is effective immediately.The OMB Memo M-17-06: Policies for Federal Agency and Public Websites and Digital Services requires compliance no later than May 1, 2017.? 4705350399034000Property Assets in Common AreasPMB has been made aware of the increased volume of abandoned property throughout NIH buildings. Some property items are pushed into hallways and elevator corridors with just the words “SURPLUS” written on a piece of paper and taped onto the property item(s). Once property items are removed from the location which is annotated in the property system of record (Sunflower), property accountability has already been compromised and the probability for the property item(s) becoming lost, damaged, or destroyed has increased significantly. Preparing Property for Turn-inPMB would like to remind ICs of the policy and procedures for preparing property items for turn-in:ICs shall, to the maximum extent practicable, reutilize excess property in lieu of new procurements. ICs shall develop and implement property reutilization screening procedures to encourage the re-use of property among its departments, labs and offices. IC specific reutilization procedures should promote the maximum use of excess property before deciding to turn-in excess property. 52863759035415(Continued on page 3)00(Continued on page 3)42227502317750052889159043035(Continued on page 4)00(Continued on page 4)All laboratory property (e.g. lab items, office furniture, IT equipment) and any potentially hazardous property must be tagged with NIH Form 2683, Certification that Property is Free from Hazards, prior to turn-in as excess. Property users should contact the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS), Office of Scientific Resources (SR), Office of Research Services (ORS) for information to determine whether an item may be hazardous: National Institutes of Health Division of Occupational Health and Safety.-95250-85090From the Chief (Continued)00From the Chief (Continued)ICs are responsible for ensuring media and devices are properly sanitized prior to reutilization within the organization, transferred to another IC, loaned to external organizations or turned-in as excess. NIH 2790 Form, Certification: Removal of Data and Software, signed by the IC Information System Security Officer (ISSO) or person who performs the sanitization, must accompany the media and/or devices transferred or turned-in as excess.ICs are responsible for ensuring the proper decontamination and sanitization certifications for property are completed prior to reporting the property as excess. PRDS personnel will not accept any property for pick-up without the appropriate NIH Form 2683 or Form 2790 attached to the item.DecontaminationProperty users must contact the DOHS, SR, ORS, by dialing (301) 496-2346, or by the provided web link National Institutes of Health, Office of Research Services, Division of Occupational Health and Safety, for chemical and biological decontamination requirements; and the Division of radiation Safety (DRS), SR, ORS, by phone at (301) 496-5744 for radiological decontamination and equipment clearance requirements before requesting movement of property. The DOHS website also provides a listing of DOHS contacts that can be referenced for further assistance in these matters.Additional guidance on NIH Waste Disposal is available by the NIH Environmental Management System, Environmental Management Programs web page.A completed NIH Form 2683 must be attached to decontaminated property prior to pick-up.PCOs must retain records of NIH Form 2683, in accordance with the NIH Records Control Schedules.3381375667131000SanitizationProperty users should reference their IC-specific processes for sanitization. Contact the NIH IT Service Desk to request sanitization of computer equipment and media/devices prior to movement; turn-in or transfer.Center for Information Technology (CIT) provides a Media Sanitization Service through the NIH Data Center for the secure disposal of information storage media. These include CDs, DVDs, tapes (except the old, round mainframe tapes), and disk media (e.g., hard drives and floppy disks). Magnetic media (e.g., hard drives and magnetic tape) are degaussed; optical media (e.g., CDs and DVDs) are destroyed. 52959009034780(Continued on page 4)00(Continued on page 4)5095875145097500The Media Sanitization Service meets the minimum sanitization requirements and risk levels in accordance with the NIH Sanitization Guide, based on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sanitization standards.-95250-75565From the Chief (Continued)00From the Chief (Continued)52959009038590(Continued on page 5)00(Continued on page 5)The sanitization certification must be documented on NIH 2790 Form, Certification: Removal of Data and Software, with the following information:Method(s) used to expunge the data from the storage mediaType of equipment/media being sanitizedProperty information; decal number, manufacturer, model and serial numbersStatus codeName of the person responsible for the sanitizationDate of sanitizationPMB personnel will not pick-up or move any computer systems or information storage media/devices without a completed NIH 2790 form attached.ICs shall retain copies of the NIH 2790 form for three years.Turn-in of Excess PropertyProperty users must contact their IC PAO/PCO to report excess property. IC PAO/PCOs are the primary contact to the PRDS to arrange for the turn-in of excess property and must comply with the procedures outlined in this policy manual.4340225516572500IC PAO/PCO initiates the turn-in of excess property in the NBS Property system. NBS generates the Excess Receival Form used to schedule the pick-up of excess property and its transfer of custody to PMB (Property Reutilization and Disposal Section (PRDS).IC PAO/PCO must select the appropriate asset condition code in NBS when determining excess property for disposal; new (1), useable (4), repairable (7), scrap (S), or salvage (X).4914900713486000Reported excess property is held for seven days for IC internal screening prior to pick up by PRDS. PRDS staff will coordinate pick-up dates/time with the IC PAO/PCO.Property reported for turn-in must not be moved from its location (building and room). The property user must ensure the security of reported excess assets until its scheduled pickup. The property user may be held financially liable for any loss, damage, or destruction of the asset(s) awaiting pick-up. The property user should obtain a copy of the NIH Excess Receival Form with a printed name and signature of the individual removing the property and the date property was removed from their custody. A copy of the signed Excess Receival Form and the top copy of the NIH Form 2683 for the items must be provided to the PCO. The PCO must retain the signature receipt in the property records according to the requirements of NIH Manual Chapter 1743, Keeping & Destroying Records.Additional forms may be required for the removal of IT equipment. Instructions on the appropriate clearance of IT software and data may be found within the NIH Media Sanitization and Disposal Guidance.5061585214630000PRDS personnel will arrive at the building and room location specified on the Excess Receival Form to remove the property items with complete documentation. PRDS personnel are prohibited from removing property not listed on the Excess Receival Form.PRDS personnel will sign a copy of the Excess Receival Form (transfer document) and provide a copy to the property user, PCO, or other individual responsible for securing the property items pending pickup.The PCO must retain the signature receipt attached to NIH Form 2683 in the property records in accordance with the NIH Records Control Schedules. In closing, I truly appreciate your genuine determination in the managing of over 255,000 property assets valued over $1.6 billion dollars and the professionalism you demonstrate daily. I’m a firm believer that success is all about communication and responsiveness; please do not hesitate to reach out to PMB for any questions or concerns.-95885-63500From the Chief (Continued)00From the Chief (Continued)1885950740410000Michael B. Fratina Chief, Property Management BranchHail and FarewellThe PMB would like to take a moment to share information regarding changes to our team. On April 29, 2017, Gale Stevens, an admired member of the PMB Personal Property Section, had transitioned to a life of retirement after 33 years of government service. During her time with PMB, Gale’s contributions were considerable to include direct involvement in PMB’s Property Transformation and other special projects, daily actions maintaining property files within the property system of record (Sunflower), and her outstanding customer service and support to the NIH Property Community. 22098002355850005026660256667000-5715259338700Congratulations Gale!!With fond wishes for good health, happiness and leisure…Enjoy your retirement!1685925668817000-127028702000Catalog Tidbits1304925351790Sonia E. Cross(301) 435-3946sonia.cross@00Sonia E. Cross(301) 435-3946sonia.cross@During the last PPMC I intended to brief the property community detailing my responsibilities as a cataloger; however, time constraints prevented my speaking so I will take this opportunity to address my duties. To help eliminate confusion between the functions of the Cataloger and the Inventory Management Specialists (IMSs), allow me to identify the duties I perform as the Cataloger. In my role as the Cataloger, I work strictly with the catalog to establish and modify catalog records for new or old assets that are not in Sunflower, and I validate the information in the manufacturer’s web sites on the catalog requests submitted to PMB by IC PAOs/IC PCOs. I maintain the Sensitive Items List and ensure that it is reviewed and updated annually. I process all Cost Adjustments and ensure all required documentation pertaining to the cost adjustment is uploaded in Sunflower. Additionally, I review and approve Designation of Capital Value Decal Worksheet Records. Other functions I perform include processing NBS Access Requests ensuring that appointment letters are submitted for new PAOs and PCOs, as well as NBS requests for modifications concerning current PAOs and PCOs. I also process NBS requests to reactivate IC PAOs and IC PCOs, as well as other individuals who don’t login to the NBS Property Portal within 60 days. Lastly, I process NBS requests to establish new Custodial Codes, remove old ones and process NBS requests to establish new locations and remove old locations as well.If you need assistance with any of the above listed areas you should send your requests to the NBS-UAF-PMB organizational address found in the Outlook Global Access List. Ensure that you Cc: Sonia.Cross@ on all of the aforementioned action requests. A listing of the NBS forms can be found on the Property Management Portal.Please feel free to contact me at sonia.cross@, or by phone at 301-435-3946 if you have questions or concerns regarding this topic or any other Catalog related issues.2855408132715Sonia E. CrossProperty Systems Specialist 020000Sonia E. CrossProperty Systems Specialist -5651527876500Personal Property Corner-95250214185500Inventory Management Specialists:5171440396557500Inventory Reconciliation Requirements 5095875611822500April marked the beginning of the second trimester for scanning efforts during the National Institutes of Health 2017 annual property inventory, and completed Reports of Survey (ROS) are due to the Property Management Branch for Final Event. With the closing of each building, Institutes and Centers (ICs) are moving one-step closer to completing their property inventories. One must remember however, that inventory requirements are not complete upon the conclusion of scheduled scanning efforts; ICs must also reconcile all identified inventory discrepancies prior to closing out annual inventory responsibilities.53054259040495(Continued on page 9)00(Continued on page 9)The NIH contracts inventory services to facilitate annual inventory requirements for property. New Year Technologies (NYT) currently provides this inventory service for the NIH. As NYT completes scanning efforts in scheduled buildings, the inventory data is uploaded, analyzed and validated against baseline inventory data. After validating the scanned inventory data, NYT updates property records and reports inventory discrepancies to the property community. Inventory discrepancies result when collected (scanned) inventory data conflicts with baseline data pulled from NBS Sunflower. The NYT IC Reporting Tool provides IC Property Accountability Officers (ICPAOs) and IC Property Custodial Officers (ICPCOs) with access to their respective inventory discrepancy reports. Inventory reports are updated and post weekly within the -95250-76835Personal Property Corner (Continued)00Personal Property Corner (Continued)497205015557500Inventory Tool. The information provided in these reports will 52482759029700(Continued on page 10)00(Continued on page 10)identify required reconciliation actions respective to each IC. Each IC should take prompt actions to reconcile inventory discrepancies as NYT provides updates to inventory reports. Overages and shortages are of particular concern for timely reconciliation action. Overages are easier to reconcile when addressed immediately since the identification and location of the overage is known, and it is more likely that the purchase information is fresh. In respect to shortages, the timely reconciliation of shortages will improve inventory accountability, and mitigate Report of Survey (ROS) actions for inventory losses. NYT will continue the distribution of weekly inventory reports until mid-September when scheduled scanning efforts are complete. From that point until early December, reports will provide updates of reconciliation actions until NYT posts the final inventory summary report in mid-December at the conclusion of the inventory year.5011420304165000New InitiativesThe Personal Property Section (PPS) is currently working with a third party company to develop a training aid video for the ROS administrative requirements and what information is needed to meet these minimum requirements. The video will be provided to the NIH community once it is complete and approved for release. Common Issues3631565500380000During this current inventory, as with previous annual inventories, several Institutes and Centers (IC) have been providing great support by participating in the event with the Property Accountability Officer (PAO) and/or Property Custodial Officers (PCOs) attending scheduled inventories within their IC’s area of operations. These PAOs and PCOs are also informing their ICs of scheduled inventory dates. On the other hand, some IC PAOs and PCOs are still not participating and are not informing their respective areas of scheduled inventory dates. This is the greatest and most detrimental factor that is preventing the smooth inventory process. In the latter case, the inventory is often hampered by locked doors or inaccessible areas and not as much due to ongoing research requirements or because assets are still in boxes. Please remember that the inventory requires preparation and participation. The inventory team is not authorized to open any boxes, desk draws, cabinets, and the inventory team is also not permitted to climb or move equipment that needs to be moved for inventory requirements. Additionally, some research areas within NIH are being very disrespectful toward the inventory team because they were not informed by PAO and PCO of inventory dates. The annual inventory is a federally mandated requirement and your cooperation and participation would be greatly appreciated. righttop00If you have questions pertaining to asset management requirements and/or inventory related concerns, please contact your designated Property Management Branch Inventory Management Specialist (IMS) or myself. In closing thank you for all that you do with regards for property accountability.-103505-60325Personal Property Corner (Continued)00Personal Property Corner (Continued) Christopher J. Batzel Sr. Supervisor, Personal Property Section 294005409829000Property Management Class Q&AFeedback from the Introduction to NIH Property Management(NBS Property System) Class1254760121158000The Introduction to NIH Property Management (NBS Property System) class is offered periodically by the NIH Training Center. All users of the NIH Property Management System must attend this introductory class prior to requesting and gaining access to the NBS Sunflower Property System. This 3-day training program provides attending NIH employees with a working knowledge of NIH personal property management policies, procedures and automated record-keeping techniques. The hands-on workshop teaches attendees how to use the NIH Property Management System for day-to day management of NIH personal property records. The NIH Property Management Branch (PMB) has an Inventory Management Specialist attend each class to provide guidance, feedback and answer any questions that may arise. Below is a list of questions, issues and comments introduced by attendees at the latest Introduction to NIH Property Management (NBS Property System) class.5292090663257500Question: Can the User and the Supervisor be the same person on Decal records?Answer: Although there are no system controls in Sunflower preventing the entry of the same name in both the User and Supervisor fields, this practice is strongly discouraged. It is recommended that record updates reflect the proper hierarchy of assigned user and supervisor, even for temporary periods when personnel transitions take place. This practice ensures for proper checks and balances concerning property accountability.5237480141605(Continued on page 12)020000(Continued on page 12)479679021272500-104775-61595Property Management Class Q&A (Continued)020000Property Management Class Q&A (Continued)Question: Some attendees had questions concerning the active Catalog Listing in NBS Sunflower. Questions included how to create new catalog entries as well as what actions should be taken when duplicate catalog entries were noticed. Is there a way for users to indicate that there is a duplicate catalog that needs to be removed? Also, if the asset is associated to an end dated catalog, who mass updates the model/manufacturer on the records? Or is this a case-by-case basis?? Answer: Concerning the Catalog, please understand that cleanup activities are ongoing on a regular basis. A catalog form is available in the Forms section of the NBS Property Portal that can be used to request catalog modifications. For catalog modifications, catalog forms are to be submitted via Outlook to Sonia Cross and the NBS-UAF-PMB email address. If duplicate Catalog entries are identified, users can notify Sonia Cross by email to investigate the matter and make appropriate correction; please be sure to specify the model(s) and the catalog record(s) in question when identifying duplicate records. As for the “date ended” catalog records, please consult with the PAO and have him/her communicate the issue to Sonia Cross. Mass updates to the decal numbers occur when the active catalog listing is updated; however, if a catalog record exists and a single record model correction is required, notify your designated IMS for assistance with the required model modification. If there are any concerns about the catalog in general, please email Sonia Cross. Also, it is very important that PCOs maintain open communication with their PAOs to avoid duplications of work efforts. Question: Some users mentioned that if they mark conditions on excess requests other than 4-usable, they need to complete additional paperwork. Can you please let us know if there is paperwork (or some other action required) when excess requests include assets that do not have the usable condition? Answer: No additional paperwork is needed for condition codes. The user selects a condition code to assist the GDC on the disposition of the asset when it is received into the warehouse. 1808480613410000 -63530162500Property Reutilization and Disposal Section (PRDS) HighlightsPRDS StaffGreetings, Property items coming through PRDS and then being re-deployed back to another IC that have not been scanned, will no longer be labeled as a shortage on the Inventory reports for the gaining IC. This is a policy change by the Chief of Property to encourage reutilization of property items from the GDC by Institutes and Centers.464820069373750052476401600835(Continued on page 14)020000(Continued on page 14)As of the time of this Newsletter, the GDC will be moving in the next year. No definitive answer has been obtained as to where or exact moving schedule. Due to this move, PRDS has shortened the hold time for property items coming into the Warehouse to reduce the number of potential property items that would require movement to another location. The time frame now is: 21 days for Internal Screening by NIH; 14 days for Screening by Federal Agencies; 14 days for Screening by Direct Donation; declared to GSA for final disposition (up to 30 days for a response). 530034521272500-95250-63500PRDS Highlights (Continued)00PRDS Highlights (Continued)The Property Reutilization and Disposal Section (PRDS) has contacted the Institutes and Centers who have had property items in storage for longer than 18 months informing them that they must remove those items, or surplus those items prior to the end of November 2016. Any request for a waiver must be made from the Executive officer of the Institute or Center to the Property Chief with appropriate justification. The request should include a thorough explanation of the surrounding circumstances and an estimated return date. If the short-term storage extension is disapproved, the IC will have to make immediate arrangements to relocate property or GDC personnel will consider all assets as excess and proceed with reutilization procedures. New billing spread sheets were distributed to the appropriate IC’s so they can discern what items by location are beyond the 18 month storage period. Policy Requirements0303276000IC PAOs/IC PCOs must complete an NIH form 2741 (Request to Cannibalize Personal Property) prior to any cannibalization occurring. This form is routed through PMB via your IMS liaison. Any piece of property received at the GDC that has been cannibalized without the proper form attached, will be sent back to the Institute and Center and a Board of Survey will need to be completed on that piece of property.Recycling InitiativesThe NIH Recycling of Employee’s Personal Electronic Items started October 1, 2015 and is progressing well. Please pass the word within your Institute and Center about this program. PRDS has many useable side chairs available for reutilization at the GDC Warehouse. Stop by and screen the 200 chairs now available. The sooner you screen the more options you will have. Remember, they are free!!PRDS will be actively engaged in all NIH Green events such as America Recycles Day, Earth Day, and Green Labs Fair. We just completed America Recycles Week in November, which was a success. Earth Day events were conducted on April 27, 2016. Please prepare accordingly for future events as non-accountable recycle boxes and bins are usually staged at strategic points both on and off campus. Pick-up of the boxes/bins will occur after the event and items collected will be recycled through a GSA certified R2 Recycler.5408930730885000All serviceable surplus property items at the GDC are free to NIH personnel and only require minimal paperwork. Please feel free to visit the PRDS and view our surplus property items which you might be able to utilize within your Institute or Center in lieu of procuring new assets. We can increase the amount of property items reutilized within the NIH with very little effort. 52292259044305(Continued on page 15)00(Continued on page 15)-104775-67310PRDS Highlights (Continued)020000PRDS Highlights (Continued)Foreign Loans and DonationsForeign Loans/Donations need to be legible in order for me to forward through NIH for approval. Many are coming to me that you can barely read. Please check your loan/donation before you send it to make sure it is legible.FY17 Excess Property Items Redeployed Back to the NIH MonthItems ProcessedAcquisition ValueOctober341$385,025.19November252$390,485.31December287$168,588.28January322$2,326,239.89February195$488,998.57March252$319,864.06Total since October 1, 20161,649$4,079,201.30If you have any questions please contact Mike Kessler by phone at (301)594-9915 or via email at kesslerm@mail..Michael J. Kessler Sr.Supervisor, Property Reutilization and Disposal Section2123440617537500441960012001500PPMC Meeting ScheduleMark your calendar for the next PPMC meeting...When/where:Wednesday, June 7, 2017Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AMLocation: Bldg. 45 Natcher Building,Room A 2017 PPMC Meeting ScheduleMarch 2017WednesdayMarch 1, 2017Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AMLocation:? Bldg. 45 Natcher Building, Room F1/F2June 2017WednesdayJune 7, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AMLocation:? Bldg. 45 Natcher Building, Room ASeptember 2017WednesdaySeptember 6, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AMLocation:? Bldg. 45 Natcher Building, Room ADecember 2017TuesdayDecember 5, 2017Time: 10:00 AM to 11:30 AMLocation:? Bldg. 45 Natcher Building, Balcony A-66675151237The Property Management Branch values the insight of the NIH Property Community and encourages active participation during PPMC meetings. If there are any topics of interest that you would like to discuss at the PPMC meetings, please forward your suggestions to Michael Fratina at michael.fratina@.00The Property Management Branch values the insight of the NIH Property Community and encourages active participation during PPMC meetings. If there are any topics of interest that you would like to discuss at the PPMC meetings, please forward your suggestions to Michael Fratina at michael.fratina@.NIH Annual Property Inventory Progress for 2017 The annual property inventory commenced January 11, 2017. The scheduled inventory is provided for your information and planning purposes; the building sequence may be subject to change as the inventory progresses. Should changes become necessary, PMB will coordinate directly with the appropriate ICPAO. As the inventory progresses weekly emails will be sent, as in prior years, providing inventory progress and schedule updates.Please refer to the following link for more information regarding the 2017 inventory schedule: NIH Property Management Training Schedule IDTitleDates*LocationCancellation DeadlineClass TimesTuitionNIHTC9517Introduction to NIH Property ManagementJun 21 - 23Rockledge I6705 Rockledge Drive Room 4017 (RC2) Jun 79:00 AM to 4:00 PM$573NIHTC9517Introduction to NIH Property ManagementAug 14 - 16Rockledge I6705 Rockledge Drive Room 4017 (RC2) Jul 199:00 AMto4:00 PM$573Training Website ReferencesTrainingLinksNIH Training Center to Property Management Management Refresher Property Management Association School Personal Property Management Website ReferencesWebsitesLinksNBS Portal (Regulations, Forms) Manual Chapters Help Desk Ticket; for computer support Administrative Manuals Office of Logistics and Acquisition Operations Accountability Office Personal Property policies of ContactIntramural Points of ContactIntramural LiaisonPhone NumberInstitutes and CentersAmanda Canada301.496.3898NCATS, NIBIB, NIDCD, NIEHS, NIMHD, NINRShane Ferns301.496.6606CIT, NCI, NEI, NHLBI, NICHD, NIDCRAndy Holmes301.435.3012CSR, FIC, NCCIH, NIAMS, NIDDK, NIGMSJames Keisler301.435.3945CC, NIDA, NINDS, NLM, ODORFD, ORSMargaret Straubinger301.496.3292NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIMH, ODExtramural Points of ContactExtramural LiaisonPhone NumberCOACInstitutes and CentersJerry Haley 301.496.5609NCINCI, NCCIHAllan Henderson301.496.4689NLMNLM, CIT, OD, NIDDKDavid Hubbard 301.496.4366NICHDNICHD, NIAAA, FIC Marea Petrelles 301.496.4485NHLBINHLBI, CSR, NIAMS, NIDCR, NIBIB, NHGRINeuroscience LiaisonPhone NumberCOACInstitutes and Centers Jerry Haley301.435.5609NIDANIDA, NINDS, NIMH, NIA, NCATS David Hubbard301.496.4366OLAONINR, NEI, NIDCD, NIGMS, NIMHD, OD, ORS, NITAAC, OLAO Hannah Stachmus 301.496.4180NIAIDNIAID, HHS Bio-defense Specialty LiaisonPhone NumberCOACInstitutes and Centers Allan Henderson301.496.4689CC, ORF, NIEHSCC, ORF, NIEHSExtramural LiaisonExtramural LIn Memoriam…Hector Armondo Menjivar0106934000Sunrise: November 24, 1963 – Sunset: April 23, 2017Hector Menjivar, Operations Specialist 1, Sobran Inc., provided contracted support to the Property Reutilization and Distribution Section since November 10, 2008. Hectors dedicated service ensured the movement of property in and out of storage locations. His efforts were also instrumental in assisting customers with the Direct Donation Program. He is remembered for having lifted the spirits of those around him, motivating others, inspiring them, and tirelessly helping others to reduce their workload.Rest in Peace our Friend…38107432675005391150743267500You will be missed!!! ................

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