Microsoft Word - math 227 syllabus Spring 2013.docx

Winter 2020 Math 230 Math for Liberal Arts (Section 11848) MTWTh 10:30am–12:55pm @ FH 301 Instructor: Angela Wayne Email: wayneaq@laccd.eduOffice: FH 101A Office Phone: 323-953-4000 ext 2807Office Hours: MTWTh 1pm-2pmCourse Material: Textbook: Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach with Integrated Review (7th Edition) (Bennett Science & Math Titles)MyMathLab: MyMathLab will display the assignments. To access MyMathLab, please sign up at . Course ID is wayne69885. You must purchase an access code online. ?Canvas: Canvas will display the test scores, attendance, files, overall assignment scores from MyMathLab, and announcements. To access Canvas, go to Canvas is free to use for registered students.MS Excel: Please download Office 365 free of charge using your LACCD student account to your desktop or laptop. You have the option to use your calculator instead of Excel, but the instructor will use Excel to demonstrate computation.NOTE: You are not allowed to use the calculator app on your cell phone. Course Description: Linear equations and functions, applications of linear functions, matrices, systems of linear, linear programming using the graphical method, mathematics of finance, logic, set theory, probability, basic counting and statistics.Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)The students will organize the given information to create a Venn diagram, interpret the diagram, and write a summary when given an application problem. The students will state the objective function with all necessary constraints, graph a feasible region, and determine the optimum value when given a linear programming problem. The student will be able to solve a linear system of equations by using Gauss-Jordan methodThe student will be able to solve an application problem using the simple interest formula. The student will be able to construct a truth table for compound statements.Class Policies:Attend all class meetings each week. Being late for 20 minutes or more, or leaving 20 minutes or earlier are counted as tardiness. Two tardiness are counted as one absence. If you miss more than 10% of all class meeting, you are subject to be excluded from the class.If you are late on a lecturing day, enter the classroom through the back door and sit down quietly. If you have to leave early, sit in the back of the classroom and exit quietly through the back door. Be respectable to your classmates.If you are late 20 minutes or more on an exam day, you may not be allowed to take the exam and receive a zero for that exam.Check your email regularly to receive information I send to you about the class. I respond within 24 hours, excluding Fridays to Sundays, after your email is sent to me. If you do not receive my reply email within the time frame, your question is already answered in the syllabus and you need to read the syllabus.Do not engage in any disruptive conducts, including sleeping, texting, talking on phone, reading unrelated material, surfing the internet on unrelated matters, listening to anything on your cell phone or other device. No use of cell phone: 1) Do not use your cell phones, laptops, or tablets during instruction for any reason. 2) Do not place your cell phones on your desk, in your hand, on your lap, or anywhere your cell is visible during exams. Having cell phones in sight during exams is regarded as cheating.No use of earplugs in your ears during the class time or during exams.Use of Students' Names and Pronouns: If you prefer to use a name different from the LACCD system during this course, please log in the LACCD system to change your name and then inform the instructor about your name change. Then the instructor will seek technical support to have your name changed at Canvas. Please feel free to inform the instructor as soon as possible the pronoun you prefer to be addressed.Important DatesLast day to drop classes without fee: Jan 8Census date: Jan 9Last day to drop classes with W: Feb 1Grading:Your grade will be determined by your overall points, calculated as follows: Exercises: 150 pointsTest 1: 150 pointsTest 2: 300 pointsTest 3: 150 pointsFinal Exam: 250 points A: 900 –1000 points B: 800–899 points C: 700 –799 points D: 600–699 points F: <600 pointsFailure to take the final exam will result in an F of the course.Exercises: Each student is required to submit exercise problems as soon as the topic is covered. No late submission is allowed. Tests: See the Schedule for test dates. All the tests will be closed book and closed notes. All the test scores are counted towards your grade. You are allowed to use calculators or Excel during exams, but you are not allowed to use the calculator app on your cell phone. Final Exam: The Final is mandatory. It is comprehensive and covers all the chapters to be learned during this course. The Final will not be given prior to the scheduled Final exam date.Policies on Tests and Final exam:The instructor reserves the right to seat any students prior to the start of an exam. You must show your work to reflect how you solve each problem. A paper that shows your work is not a scratch; it should be in order, clean and eligible. Any problem that does not show your work is not counted toward the given test score, even though you may have the correct answer.If you miss an exam, you will receive a zero for the exam.If you cheat on a chapter test, including having your cell phone or notes or textbook in sight for any reason, continuing altering test answers after the instructor announces the end of a test, and so on; you will receive a zero for the test.If you cheat on the final exam, including having your cell phone or notes or textbook in sight for any reason, continuing altering test answers after the instructor announces the end of a test, and so on; you will receive an F for the course.If you engage any of the disruptive behaviors during an exam (listed under Class Policies), you will receive a zero for the exam.If you have any medical issues and cannot complete any assignments or take a test or Final on its scheduled date, please contact instructor within three days of the occurrence of your medical problem and should provide formal documentation. Failure to contact me in time may forgo your receipt of a make-up assignment or exam. Any request of make-up tests or Final exam that is not due to medical issues or unexpected events must be made at least three days prior to the scheduled exam dates. The instructor grants approval of make-up exams on the basis of the nature of the circumstances that prevent students from taking the exams with the rest of the class.A make-up test, if given, must be taken no later than three business days after the scheduled test date. A make-up Final exam, if given, must be arranged within the final exam week. Tentative class schedule: JanuaryMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday6-9Sec 1b, 1cSec 1d, 1e, 2aSec 2b, 2c, 3aSec 3b, 3c, 3d,3e13-16Test 1, Sec 4aSec 4bSec 4cSec 4d, 4e20-23HolidaySec 5a, 5bSec 5d, 5eSec 6a, 6b27-30Test 2, Sec 6cSec 6d, 7aSec 7c, 8aSec 8c, 8dFebruaryMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday3-6Test 3, Sec 9bGauss-JordanoptimizationFinal Exam ................

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