HOMEWORK for the week of August 12, 2014

|MONDAY |Pupil Free Day |

|TUESDAY |Parents, please review the Welcome Back to Mar Vista School Packet and return all of the required |

| |documents to school by putting them in the bring back to school side of your child’s homework folder |

| |ASAP. |

| |(i.e. emergency card, textbook responsibility, and library responsibility letter). |

| | |


|WEDNESDAY |What’s on your plate? (plate w/ instruction in your child’s homework folder) |

| |DUE by this Friday |

|THURSDAY |STUDENT: Reading & color worksheet |

| | |

| |PARENT: Teacher’s Parent Questionnaire |


Please take time to read!

• WELCOME TO ROOM 8! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be your child’s first grade teacher. Please read the first grade general parent letter that I sent home in your child’s folder and do visit our classroom website at mrsombao.. My first day parent letter is on the site and also other links that might be helpful for this school year.

• Remember that homework needs to be turned in daily and that homework folder needs to be brought back to school each day. Please remember to take out any paperwork from the keep at home side and to put homework (or notes from you) in the bring back to school side of the folder.

• We will have DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read) each day after lunch. Your child may choose to read books from our classroom library OR he/she may bring books from home. Please remember to put your child’s name in their book(s). Thank you!

• READING LOG: Starting Monday, reading for a minimum of 10 min. each school night will be part of your child’s homework. Keep the log in a safe place at home until it is time to turn it in each Monday. Please help your child complete their reading log and sign the sheet before turning it in. Thank you!


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