Business Email Hosting Providers - OM4

Business Email Hosting Providers

Business email hosting providers let you use email addresses with your own domain name (you@)

Zoho Mail Rackspace Email Google G Suite

Office 365




$0 / $32.50 USD

$2 USD

$5 USD

from $7 AUD

Minimum Mailboxes





Maximum Mailboxes

25 / many




5GB / 10GB








Ads In Your Email

No / No





? / ??




Backups and Archiving





Uptime SLA





Outlook, Apple Mail &

other readers





POP/IMAP Accounts





Webmail, Phone/Tablet






Microsoft Exchange


Auto Setup for Outlook





Monthly Fee per Mailbox

Mailbox Quota

Max Message Size

Option $10/mailbox

Rackspace Email, Zoho Mail, Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365 all support:

? email aliases: set up nicknames / group names to link email addresses to other email addresses

? domain aliases: email addresses for a primary domain also work for alternate domains (requires Zoho paid


? forwarding: messages sent to one email address are forwarded to another email address

? SSL encryption: messages are sent securely over wireless or public networks

? spam filtering: spam messages are filtered by the mail server

? virus protection: attachments are scanned by the mail server for known viruses

Service offerings from hosting providers can change, so always review their website for up to date information.

Mailboxes vs Email Addresses: Charges are per mailbox, not per email address. Aliases and groups allow you to have

extra email addresses without using a chargeable mailbox. For example, 'sales' could be an alias for the 'sam'

mailbox, so emails sent to sales@ go straight to the sam@ mailbox. One mailbox,

two email addresses.

Support. Rackspace provide 24*7*365 support via phone, web chat and

support tickets, and provide (in their words) 'Fantatical Support'. Rackspace

are easily contactable by both new and existing customers to verify their

support claims. Zoho and Google offer email and phone (US toll free)

support for their paid editions, Zoho offer email support for their free edition.

Office 365 office IT-level web support and 24/7 phone support for critical issues.

Email support from OM4 is available is billable per ticket.

Rackspace Exchange Accounts. Rackspace charge $2 for Rackspace Email accounts and $10 for Rackspace Exchange

accounts - both types of accounts can be used for specific mailboxes in the one account. Note just like G Suite, you

can still access a Rackspace Email account via Outlook using POP/IMAP, it just will not have the advanced Outlook

features available.

Advanced Calendar and Contact Features. All providers offer calendar and contact

facilities. If you are used to using Microsoft Outlook calendaring and contact features,

keep in mind that some of these features are only available if you have an Exchange

account on your mail server, in which case you may consider using a Rackspace

Exchange Account of an Office 365 Account for your email.

Backups and Archiving. Rackspace Email backs up your email for 14 days, and for an optional $3 per mailbox provide

email archiving on a separate server (archives available even after deleting from mailbox). G Suite provides archiving

for an additional fee (currently $83 per mailbox per year).

Email from Domain Registrars. Some domain registrars provide offers that include basic email hosting together with a

domain registration. This type of bundled email hosting service will not work in conjunction with an OM4 hosted


Privacy. Providers have different policies in relation to

privacy, you can review these policies on their respective


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Business Email One Time Setup

Business email require several steps to be completed up front to set them up for use:

? Email DNS: The required domain name services (DNS) records need to be established as per the vendor

instructions. Most OM4 clients elect to use OM4's DNS Hosting, in which case OM4 completes the DNS setup as

part of creating your website. You may also elect to host your own DNS, in which case you will be responsible for

setting up email DNS records.

? Email Account Setup: Email providers have a control panel to manage the setup of user accounts, aliases and

groups and other configuration options. You may elect to set up your own account using the vendor documentation

and support services. Alternatively, OM4 provides a fixed price account account setup service.

? Email Account Migration: If email services are being established for the first time at your domain, this step does not

apply. If you are moving your email from an existing provider across to Rackspace Email, Zoho ,G Suite or Office

365, you will need to consider migration. The main steps in migrating email include reconfiguring any email

reader(s) you may be using (such as Outlook or Apple Mail) to point to the new mail server, and potentially

copying your email history from your old mail server to your new mail server. Rackspace offer a Custom Migration

service that will help transition you to their service, and Zoho provide migration documentation. You may engage

the services of a G Suite partner to assist in migrating email to G Suite.

Office 365 support migrating email from an IMAP-enabled mail system into Office 365.

OM4 Optional Service: Email Account Setup

? Account Creation: OM4 creates your Rackspace, Zoho, G Suite or Office 365 account and creates your users and


? Email Forwarding: If required, OM4 establishes email forwarding for Rackspace or Zoho email accounts. OM4

does not establish forwarding for G Suite or Office 365 accounts, but provides instructions on how to set up

forwarding for each user account.

? Welcome Email: OM4 provides a Welcome notification including: how to access webmail, how to set up

Outlook / Apple Mail or other mail readers, how to access the administrator control panel.

? Email Consulting: Other than configuring accounts for use, email support from OM4 is billed at OM4's email

consulting rate.


Optional OM4 Email Services


Email Setup

Email Only DNS Hosting


Email Consulting from OM4

hourly rate

Rackspace Email, Zoho and G Suite publish pricing and terms and conditions at their websites:

? Zoho:

? Google:

? Rackspace:

? Office 365:

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