Provider Electronic Solutions Software Description and ...

Provider Electronic Solutions Software Description and System Requirements

Software Description


Providers are able to submit or receive the following HIPAA transaction sets with Pennsylvania Medical Assistance:

• 837 Professional

• 837 Institutional Inpatient

• 837 Institutional Nursing Facility

• 837 Institutional Outpatient

• 837 Professional Drug

• 837 Dental

• 835 Remittance Advice

• NCPDP D.0 Claim

• NCPDP Reversal

• NCPDP Eligibility

• NCPDP 1.2 Batch

• 270 Eligibility Request

• 271 Eligibility Response

• 276 Claim Request

• 277 Claim Response

Because the Provider Electronic Solutions Software is the tool that was used to test the Medical Assistance HIPAA solution, the certification process is more streamlined. All Provider Electronic Solutions Software users are required to register for production log-on ID's; however, certification testing is optional before receiving your userid and password.

Once you register on this website, a DXC Technology certification representative will contact you via email with the Submitter ID and Password for submission.


Provider Electronic Solutions Software is a table driven product that stores lists of your claims entry information that can be entered when you first begin using the software or on an as needed basis. This list function provides quick access to the information you bill most often, reducing the time needed to complete and submit claims.

(Shown below is the reference list for the Place of Services codes that were preloaded into the software.)


You will have the opportunity to submit claims via Web. This capability provides you with the most versatility in the submission of your MA claims.

|System Requirements for PES (Provider Electronic Solutions) |

|Minimum |Recommended |

|Pentium II |Intel Core i3 2100 or AMD Phenom II X4 980 BE |

|Microsoft ® Windows 2000 or Windows XP |Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 |

|Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher |Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or |

| |higher |

|256 Megabytes RAM |256 Megabytes RAM |

|100 Megabytes Free Hard Drive Space |100 Megabytes Free Hard Drive Space |

|800 X 600 Resolution |1024 X 768 Resolution |

|9600 Baud Rate Modem (must be Hayes-compatible, non-Win modem, |9600 Baud Rate Modem or faster (must be Hayes-compatible, non-Win |

|using v. 92 command set) |modem using v. 92 command set) |

|If using the WEB Option – LAN- Office Network, Broadband, DSL, |If using the WEB Option – LAN- Office Network, Broadband, DSL, cable |

|cable modem, T1, or dial-up must be used. |modem, T1, or dial-up must be used. |

| |CD-ROM Drive |

|Printer with MS Sans Serif font installed |Printer with MS San Serif font installed |

Notice: The information contained in this software should be guarded in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 - Privacy Rule 45 CFR Part 164. It is the responsibility of the Covered Entity as well as it's Business Associates to comply with HIPAA Privacy and Security standards in order to safeguard individually identifiable information and protected health information.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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