91440022860000208216552514500641352857500HOME OF THE WARRIORS1325 S. Dinwiddie Street Arlington, Virginia 22206 Phone: 703.228.6700 Fax: 703.228.6760 Activities Hotline: 703.228.6744 us on Twitter @WHSHappenings@Wakeathletics Stay Connected To School Activities00HOME OF THE WARRIORS1325 S. Dinwiddie Street Arlington, Virginia 22206 Phone: 703.228.6700 Fax: 703.228.6760 Activities Hotline: 703.228.6744 us on Twitter @WHSHappenings@Wakeathletics Stay Connected To School Activities-31752322830PARENTS HANDBOOK00PARENTS HANDBOOKWAKEFIELD MISSION STATEMENTTo graduate students who experience a rigorous academic program and emerge as confident critical thinkers who embrace challenges, demonstrate resiliency, and are empowered to pursue personal goals and contribute positively to their communities.THE WAKEFIELD WAYRIGOR – We hold high expectations academically and behaviorally of all students. Teachers provide challenging, stimulating instruction that emphasizes critical thinking, encourages creativity, and builds confidence.RELATIONSHIPS – We create innovative programs to establish meaningful relationships between students and staff. These relationships increase trust, enhance motivation and improve academic performance.RESILIENCE – We challenge students through demanding coursework and extracurricular involvement to demonstrate the courage to take positive risks’ learn from mistakes, value perseverance and strive for excellence.RESPONSIBILITY – We expect students to value diversity, demonstrate high moral character and commit to become caring, engaged citizens of a global community.RESULTS – We create a passion for excellence through the collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents and the community. We develop students who possess positive self-esteem, feel confidently prepared for college or a career and commit to being lifelong learners.Warriors’ periodThe Warriors' Period helps all students further their educational goals by providing time, access to school based resources, a small group environment, and a mentoring relationship with a staff member.Warriors’ Period is:Time for teachers to invite students in for additional assistanceTime for administrators and counselors to check in with studentsTime for students to access help from teachers, work on homework, work with other students on group projects.The Warriors Period:Philosophy: The Warriors’ Period supports students as they achieve positive results at the highest possible level of rigor through respectful self-advocacy, improved resiliency, and increased personal responsibility Class TimeStudents are expected to use Warriors’ Period to further their academic achievement. Students should be working on assignments, pursuing independent reading, seeking help from teachers, or organizing their materials.MaterialsStudents should come to Warriors’ Period with the materials they need to be productive. This includes their agenda, notebooks, textbooks, assignments, writing implements, and independent reading. Advisory notices & report cardsAt mid-quarter, an interim report will be sent home. Students will receive a detailed grade summary in each class to take home during student conference time (see calendar). Parents are encouraged to contact teachers and counselors to review student’s progress, particularly when an advisory is issued. Report cards are mailed home after each quarter.AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIESStudents who stay after school should be under the supervision of a coach or teacher. Students who are not staying with a coach or teacher are expected to leave the building by 3:20 PM.Alumni dayA great Wakefield tradition lives on! Every year, the Counseling Department invites Wakefield alumni to speak with seniors and juniors about all aspects of college life. Various aspects of “life after high school” are explored. Older alumni also speak about career goals and work experiences. Alumni Day is usually held in December. All Alumni are welcome to attend. ap networkWakefield’s Instructional Leadership Team can take credit for changing the way our teachers think about just who the AP student is. Formerly, the Advanced Placement students were viewed to be those at the top of the class with the highest GPA’s. These students typically took 2 or more Advanced Placement classes and were highly self-motivated.Currently, more students are enrolling in AP courses as a result of staff initiatives. Wakefield has devoted five periods to an Advanced Placement coordinator responsible for tracking student progress in AP courses and referring them to tutoring and academic support labs as needed. Our counselors and gifted coordinator assist in identifying talented students early and planning appropriate curriculum with them.Our Academic Cohort Program identifies African American and Hispanic males in 9th grade who are capable of taking a more demanding course load. These students are supported through graduation. They meet weekly with our gifted Coordinator, a school counselor and social worker to lend support to each other as they tackle-demanding coursework.Wakefield has always committed to making the AP Exam affordable for our students. Now the fee is paid by the school system, it takes the burden off of our local budget and allows all AP students to test free.athletic eligibilityAthletes must adhere to the eligibility requirements established by the Virginia High School League. Additionally, Wakefield requires student-athletes to maintain a 2.0 GPA (eligibility policy approved by the Arlington School Board).VHSL REQUIREMENTS:A student must have passed a least FIVE (5)-credit subjects the immediately preceding year or semester.A student must currently be a full time student, enrolled in at least FIVE (5) credit courses.The student-athlete must have a completed Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physical Examination form (2 pages), signed by a parent/guardian, student and physician.A physical is required annually May 1 through June 30 for the following year. All physicals should be turned in to the athletic trainer (Becky Kigin) in room E-030. All physicals must be completed on the new VHSL Physical Form. The student activities office cannot accept sports physicals completed on any other form.The student-athlete must not have reached his/her nineteenth birthday on or before the first day of August of the current school year.No student-athlete is eligible if she/he has attended more than EIGHT (8) consecutive semesters in high school.Transfer student-athletes must see Noel Deskins or Robert Strauss.Providing (any) false information on the physical form could result in ineligibility of up to one year.WAKEFIELD REQUIREMENTS:Wakefield High School will require all student athletes to have a 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 each semester thereafter.All student-athletes are monitored at interim and at grade report time. A student will be placed in study hall if they are deficient in any class.Final eligibility clearance will be granted by the Director of Student Activities (Noel Deskins) in accordance with the VHSL rules and Wakefield requirements.Medical Insurance is mandatory.Team equipment and uniforms are distributed to student athletes once they have made a team. All school issued equipment will be collected at the conclusion of each sport season. Students are expected to pay for all equipment, uniforms, and other school issued items if not returned.WHAT IS THE 2.0 APPEAL PROCESS?Students will submit a written request for an appeal to Ms. Deskins.Ms. Deskins will schedule a meeting with student and their Assistant Principal when needed.Grade history will be reviewed and in some cases, the students’ behavior record.If an appeal is granted, the student will automatically be placed in study hall. A student could be assigned to attend Saturday school to help improve their academic standing. Appeals that are denied are not counted as their one time appeal.Appeals are granted on a one-time basis.Transfer students – All transfer students must meet the Wakefield requirements. Transfer students who do not have a cumulative 2.0 may make a one-time appeal.athletic tryout scheduleFall Season - (Aug-Nov)Try-outs begin 8/4/14Follow us on TwitterWinter Season - (Nov-Feb)Try-outs begin on 11/10/14Follow us on TwitterSpring Season - (Feb-May)Try-outs begin on 2/23/15Follow us on TwitterCheerleading - @WarriorCheerfamBoys BasketballGirls Basketball - @WKgirlshoopsBaseballCross Country - @runWakefieldCheerleading - @WarriorCheerfamCrew - @WakefieldRowingField Hockey - @fieldhockeyWHSDanceBoys Lacrosse - @WFLacrosseGirls Lacrosse -@WHS_Girls_LaxFootball - @WarriorGridironGymnasticsBoys Soccer - @WHS_BoysSoccerGirls Soccer -Golf - @varsitygolfWHSIndoor Track - @runWakefieldSoftball - @20WHSsoftball15Volleyball - @WakefieldVBSwim/Dive - @WHSswim_diveTennisWrestlingOutdoor Track - @runWakefieldOTHER VHSL ACTIVITIES: One Act Play or Theatre Festival (@WakePlayers),Scholastic Bowl Team (@WHATteam), & ForensicsAttendance Room C-126 – 703.228.6730Regular attendance to school is directly related to academic achievement. It is important to attend school daily. Unexcused absences and/or tardiness can result in a failing grade and consequences mandated by State Code. The attendance office determines if an absence is excused or unexcused according to School Board policy.Excused absences: illness, death, quarantine, religious holiday, violent storm, court summons or state emergency, supported by a telephone call and a note from the parent/guardian. The note must be received within two days of the student’s return, and contain the student’s full name, date(s) absent, reason for absence, and the parent or guardian signature and telephone number. College visitations must be approved in advance to be excused. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work.Late arrivals: report directly to class (8:15 – 8:30 am). After 8:30, students should report to the Attendance Office in room C-126.Early departure: must be supported by a written note from the parent/guardian and presented to the attendance office at the time of departure. If the student returns that day, he/she should report to the attendance office before returning to class. The State Legislature has enacted new laws related to excessive unexcused absences.If a student has been absent, unexcused, up to five times, the Attendance Specialist will arrange a conference with the student and parent or guardian to develop a plan to resolve the unexcused absences.If an additional unexcused absence occurs, a meeting will take place with county officials and the family.If yet another unexcused absence occurs, a petition will be filed, and a hearing held in the court with the parent and student.Automobiles & parkingStaff parking is provided in the lot immediately in front of the school in the new parking lot area. Visitors to the school should not park in designated areas – (i.e. pool spaces, police officer, etc.). Students may park in the lot but must purchase a parking pass for $10 in room A-139. Visitors are required to sign-in at the main office and will receive a temporary parking pass to display on the dash in their vehicle. Parking in the parking lot is by permit only. Tickets may be issued for those who do not properly display their parking pass.awardsAwards are given in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and service to the school and community. Recognition of these students takes place in awards ceremonies held in June.Honor Roll (Section) -? Principal’s Honor Roll will be awarded to students who obtain a GPA of 3.7 or better per grading period.? School Honor Roll will be awarded to students who have earned a GPA of 3.0 to 3.6. No “D”s or “E”s will be accepted for students making the honor roll list.Academic Achievement/Service Award- Awarded to students through an application process.? The applications are reviewed and audited by a Wakefield administrator.? Applicants will be granted awards based on points earned for academic achievement and/or hours of service to Wakefield High School.The Outstanding Student Award is presented to the outstanding student in each subject area.back to school nightThis night is scheduled in September and provides parents the opportunity to meet their student’s teachers beginning with first period. Parents are to report to the first period class to hear a brief overview from the principal, PTA and Booster Club presidents, and then are dismissed to begin meeting teachers. In addition senior parents will have the opportunity to meet Senior Project teachers as well as representatives from the Career Center programs.bicycles, moped, skateboards, roller bladesParking areas are provided for bicycles and mopeds. Students are not permitted to bring bicycles and mopeds inside the building at any time. The use of skateboards and roller blades are not permitted at any time on school grounds. None of these are permitted in the stadium (including the track) or on the athletic fields/tennis courts.booster clubOperating the concession stands at the football and basketball games is only one of the activities of the Booster Club. This parent group works diligently to raise money for all extracurricular activities at Wakefield. Wakefield School spirit clothing apparel is often sold during sporting events. The Boosters has also been organizing an annual golf tournament fundraiser using proceeds to help support student groups. Parents are encouraged to get involved and join the Booster Club! Visit our website on the Wakefield page and discover us!APS BULLYING AND HARASSMENT POLICYStudent Bullying and Harassment School Board Policy states that the school district is committed to creating a safe, caring, respectful learning environment for all students.? Bullying or harassment of students, including bullying based on an actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and mental, physical, or sensory disability, is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.The school district’s anti-bullying policy applies to school buildings; school grounds; school-sponsored social events, trips and sporting events; and to buses and bus stops.? Bullying which occurs off of school premises, including misuse or inappropriate use of technology (cyber bullying) is also prohibited and subject to school discipline when the order, safety or welfare of the school or its students is affected as a result of such out-of-school actions. Students who bully are subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with school district policies and procedures related to bullying behaviors.bus serviceBy School Board Policy, students living one and one-half miles or more from the school may ride a school bus. There are late buses Monday through Thursday, leaving the school at 4:45 pm for students staying for a supervised school activity. There is a 6:45 Sports late bus for students involved in late athletic practices. Students may only ride the bus assigned to them according to where they live. Violations of School Board Transportation policies will result in suspension of transportation privileges.CAFETERIA BEHAVIORStudents are expected to follow appropriate behavior during lunch:Food and lunch beverages are to be consumed ONLY in the cafeteria or just outside of the cafeteria (this includes no eating in the Town Hall, Gyms, and Theatre for example).Quiet behavior and conversation is expected during lunchtime in all public areas.There will be no cutting or holding places in the lunch line.Students will remove their trash from the table after eating.Acceptable manners are expected.In order to promote a healthy environment and healthy student body, students are prohibited from ordering food for delivery to campus.?Students are encouraged to access the cafeteria or bring food from home for lunch or a snack.? Microwaves in the cafeteria are available to heat food brought from home.? Food delivery services will not be allowed to enter the campus facility or access students.CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTYStudent use of school property, including textbooks, materials, furniture, athletic equipment/uniforms, and the building and grounds is expected to be used by the student in an appropriate manner. Destruction of school property may result in financial obligation to the student in order to replace or repair the property. career/college information center & job placementAvailable to students at Wakefield is a Career and College Information Center located in room C-127/C-128. This center houses college catalogs, videos of colleges, applications to several schools, view books, response postcards to colleges, scholarship information, work permits, and job placement information. Computerized information systems for looking up information are also available.CLASS SCHEDULEWakefield uses an alternating day block schedule for classes. Periods 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 alternate on an even/odd basis and period 3 meets every day. Warriors’ Period will not be held on the following days these events occur: early release, professional learning, 2-hour delay, and pep rally. clinic – 703.228.6687A full-time nurse and adult nurse’s aide staff the clinic, which is located in room A-123, during school hours. Students will be admitted with a pass from a teacher, except in case of emergency. Students wishing to go home due to illness must first check out through the clinic. Students must have an emergency card on file.college board testPSAT/NMSQT – (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). This is a short version of the SAT I, which is taken in the 10th & 11th grade for practice; junior year scores are used to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program.SAT I – (Reasoning Test). This is a three-hour college admissions test, which measures ability in verbal, mathematical reasoning, and critical writing. The optimum time to take the SAT I is between spring of junior year and December of senior year. Scores range from 600 (low) to 2400 (high) in verbal, math and writing.SAT II – (subject Tests). One-hour tests in fifteen specific subject areas. This test should be taken as soon as the course is completed.ACT – (American College Testing Program). A three-hour college admissions test measuring aptitude in English, math, science, and social studies. This test may be used in lieu of SAT I by some southern and western states. Scores range from 1 (low) to 36 (high).AP Tests – (Advanced Placement). Tests given after completing an Advanced Placement course not used for admissions, but may be used for placement and college credit. Required for all students in AP classes.TOEFL – (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Additional college admissions test for students for whom English is a second language. SAT I is also required.*SAT, PSAT, and AP test dates are listed within the calendar of this agenda book. Visit the SAT website @ and the ACT website @.college preparationThe Counseling Department implements a comprehensive program to assist all students in preparation for post-secondary education. The Post-Secondary Preparation Program (PSPP) is designed to:Provide a successful transition from middle to high school.Create a community that fosters academic success and social adjustment.Provide students with the personal and academic skills necessary for life after high school.These goals represent the foundation of our Four Year plan fashioned to support students and prepare them for college. Wakefield’s Four Year plan consists of a student’s individual file that contains a copy of the individual student education plan, career planning, transcripts, extra-curricular or co-curricular activities, honors, awards, and community service. Counselors will meet individually with students every year to update their Four-year plan.counselors’ connectionThe Counselors’ Connection is produced four times per year and sent home to parents and students with a copy of the interim. The Connection is written to inform parents of upcoming events as well as counseling issues.directory informationStudent educational records are maintained for the use of parents and staff and for the benefit of students. Directory information is that part of a student’s educational record which may be released to others without specific prior approval. The following areas of identifiable information in a student’s educational record are classified as Directory Information by School Board Policy: Name of student in attendance or no longer in attendance.Address 2. Date and place of birth 3. Telephone listing Dates of attendance 5. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports.All eligible students will be listed in graduation, awards and sports programs and lists unless specifically requested otherwise.discipline/student conductThe Wakefield staff holds the highest expectations for student behavior and performance. We believe having respect for self and others, and taking personal responsibility for academic achievement will yield positive results now and in the future. These expectations include:iPods, headphones, and other listening devices are not permitted in school during instructional time. iPods, cell phones, and other listening devices will be confiscated from students and returned only to parents. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away (out of sight) during instructional time; unless directed by teacher for instructional purposes only. Cell phone use is not permitted during testing (i.e. classroom exams, quizzes, SAT, etc.). Students who are caught using cell phones during any exam or test, will result in a failing grade and will result in confiscation of the phone.Students are expected to behave at all times in a way that enhances our learning climate during and after the school day.Students are to be in class during class time unless released with a pass to another place. Students with such passes must go quickly and quietly about their business and return to class as quickly as possible.Hats are not to be worn by males or females in the building at any time, and appropriate dress attire is expected at all times.Faculty facilities are off limits to students.Smoking and/or the use of tobacco products in school buildings, on buses, on all school grounds, or any school functions are prohibited.Sale, possession, use, or being under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance on school property is prohibited. Consequences may include a three-day intervention program for first-time offenders. The program incorporates educational components that help students review their behavior, their relationships, and their knowledge to look for the links that led them to use prohibited substances. A “booster session” is held 60 days after the initial session. Through the program, teens have an opportunity to look at healthier choices that give them a second chance to avoid school suspensions or involvement in the juvenile justice system. The program includes a mandatory component for parents that helps improve communication and teaches what to watch for to assist their kids avoid risky choices.Possession of weapons is forbidden at any time, including “look-alikes”.Consequences for misbehavior may include suspension, assignment to the In-School alternative Program, community service, and exclusion from classes or activities, and in serious cases, expulsion. Full copies of all School Board policies are available in the School Board Office, schools and public libraries. For more detailed information on school policies, refer to the Arlington Public Schools Handbook 2014-2015.DRESS CODEWakefield seeks foremost to maintain a thriving learning community where mutual respect and high personal standards are established. Students and parent share the responsibility for appropriate dress and grooming. Since employers in the business community expect employees to dress in an acceptable manner, Wakefield High School also strives to hold its students to those same standards. These standards have been developed with input from teachers, students, and parents. School clothing should be neat, clean, and appropriate for school activities and should follow the standards of common decency. Students in violation of dress code will be subject to disciplinary action. Examples of Unacceptable Dress:Clothing that promotes or mentions profanity, weapons, violence, drugs, alcohol, sexual references or gangs. Clothing that disparages any group.Clothing which is unduly revealing, including exposing of chest, midriff, back or undergarments. Boy’s pants and shorts must not sag to show underwear.Visible underwear, including “muscle” undershirts.Skirts or shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh. Headwear to include hats, bands, scarves, and bandanas unless worn for religious purposes; hats may not be worn in the building.If a student arrives at school dressed inappropriately, the student will be directed to change clothes. The school will loan the student an appropriate T-shirt and/or shorts, or the parent will be called to bring the student appropriate clothing.early releaseThree times each year, high school students are given an early release (no lunch, students leave at 12:21 or 12:34 pm) so that teachers can meet and develop strategies to improve student achievement in all areas, including SOL tests. FIELD TRIPSField trips are considered an extended learning opportunity. The educational value of a field trip, and its relevance to the regular instructional program, is the major criteria in the approval process and will be the first consideration by the school principal or designee. Field TripField trips involve students leaving the grounds of the home school under teacher supervision, whether motor transportation is used or not. Field trips must be directly related to the instructional program and based on educational reasons designed to reinforce or enhance the curricular program. The closest geographical location to meet the objectives of the field trip should be selected. Non-School Sponsored TripsTrips which may involve groups identifiable as students or teachers of APS but are privately sponsored, do not support the educational mission of APS, any summer break activities not approved through the summer school program and/or trips not approved by the designated Arlington Public School’s administrator under one of the above categories –Non-Routine or Unusual – will be considered non-school sponsored. Examples include, but not limited to, ski trips, out of season athletic camps, club trips or debate camps, Arlington County Parks and Recreation trips, summer camps, most international trips, and professional sporting events. Employees are not permitted to solicit students for such trips. Additional requirements are applicable.final exam scheduleFinal examinations are given during the period designated for each class. Examinations are not given early. Students remain in the classroom for the entire examination period and may not be excused. Teachers may exempt a student from a final examination only if the student has an “A” average. There is no automatic exemption.FIRE/SEVERE WEATHER DRILLSThere will be a fire drill once a week in September and monthly during the rest of the year. When the fire alarm sounds, teachers will direct students to leave the classrooms in an orderly manner using the nearest available exit. Severe Weather Drills will be held periodically in order to familiarize staff and students with the procedures followed during tornadoes or other weather emergencies - (i.e. earthquake, and tornado drills). Lockdown drills are held to practice procedures in the event it is necessary to secure the school building.foundation programGrade 9 – In our Foundation for Academic Excellence Program, we provide ninth grade youngsters who have just exited the middle school with what we consider the fundamental intellectual and learning tools to succeed academically in all of the high school years. They will acquire skills, content knowledge, and intellectual acumen to master intensive blocks of advanced level subject area instruction. Personalized instruction, interdisciplinary learning, and student responsibility for learning are three areas of focus for students who are grouped into academic Houses. Instruction is provided to students in the core areas of English 9 or Intensified English 9, World History or Intensified World History, Mathematics, and Biology or Intensified Biology to help assist students see connections and transfer learning within these basic subject areas. Technology is taught as a tool for learning in all areas.Student Assessment – All students are required to demonstrate mastery of the five core areas as specified by the curriculum objectives for each subject based on APS curricula and Virginia Standards of Learning. Students must also receive a passing grade in English 9 in order to be promoted to the tenth grade. Student progress is monitored on a continual basis by each teacher in the House and reviewed with the student individually twice a quarter. Midway through the semester, each student is assigned a parent-student-teacher conference appointment during the Foundation program conference day. This provides parents and students with an overview of achievement during the first semester, goals for the second semester, and answers to questions concerning course selection for the tenth grade. Additional opportunities for conferences are provided during the year as needed.Instruction – The county-approved curriculum is followed in the core subjects of Biology, Intensified Biology, all levels of Mathematics, English 9, Intensified English 9, World History and Intensified World History.The use of software applications is taught through core content. Many written assignments are completed using computer technology. Increased teacher and student use of audio, visual, and video technology is incorporated into all core subjects. Each House has a technology teacher who teaches the following skills while strengthening and enriching the core curricula: information retrieval, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, graphics, and visual basic programming.The advanced curriculum in Intensified English 9, Intensified World History, Intensified Biology and upper level Mathematics courses includes explicit and extended instruction in creative and critical thinking, problem solving, seminar discussion skills and research methods.FUNDRAISINGAll fundraising activities are approved through the Student Activities Office (see Noel Deskins in room E-117). grading systemA=Superior Achievement – The student’s performance is superior. Work is of high quality, is completed on time, and shows the ability to do creative thinking.B=Above Average Achievement – The student’s performance is above average. Work indicates good ability, is completed on time, and is of a better quality than that of the average student.C=Average Achievement – The student’s performance is average. Work is reasonably well done, and the assignments are generally completed on time.D=Passing – Below Average Performance – The student’s performance is below average. Assignments are done irregularly and less well than the expected average. A longer time is taken to complete an assignment and the work is of an inferior quality.E=Failing – Unacceptable Achievement – The student’s performance is far below expectation. The work has not been competed; has been unsatisfactorily done, and is seldom on time. This is below the minimum requirements. No credit is given. Class rank is first computed at the end of the junior year. Rank is based on final grades 9, 10, 11, and on the first Class Rank semester in grade 12.Grading Scale: The student will be graded using the following-point grading scale.GRADING SCALELetter Grade Percentages Quality Points AP & IB Quality PointsA 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 4.0 5.0B+ 87, 88, 89 3.5 4.5B 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 3.0 4.0C+ 77, 78, 79 2.5 3.5C 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 2.0 3.0D+ 67, 68, 69 1.5 2.5D 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 1.0 2.0E 0 – 59 0.0 0.0Grade Rounding to Determine Final Course Quality Points3.75 to 4.0 A3.25 to <3.75 B+2.75 to <3.25B2.25 to <2.75 C+1.75 to <2.25 C1.25 to <1.75 D+0.75 to <1.25 D<0.75 Egraduation ceremonyPlease see the School Calendar provided in the first day packet for graduation date and time. Cap/gown(s) are required for participation in the ceremony. They are sold by Jostens at several times during the school year. The cost for caps and gown is included in your senior dues. Attendance at graduation rehearsal is mandatory. Graduation is held at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. Tickets are required for admission to the graduation ceremony. Financial obligations (including library books, athletic uniforms, and transcript fees) must be met in order to receive your cap and gown. Valdeictorian – Who is Chosen to Speak at Graudation? All students earning a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher at the conclusion of the first semester of their senior year are identified as valedictorians. A Wakefield tradition is that two valedictorians speak at the graduation ceremony.? The two speakers are the two students with the highest GPAs.? If one, or both students’ opt not to speak, the student(s) with the next highest GPA will be invited to speak.? All valedictorian speakers must exhibit the highest academic, behavioral, and ethical standards to be considered for the honor of being a graduation speaker.homecoming weekendA major event planned by students, for students, Homecoming is designed to increase school spirit and student involvement! Various student leadership groups plan this major event: student government, freshmen class, sophomore class, junior class, and senior class. Students develop homecoming themes for each year, with past themes including Mardi Gras, Decades, Blue Hawaii, and Happy 50th Birthday. Events planned for Homecoming Weekend include Pep Rally, Dance, Football game and more. The Senior Class establishes ticket prices for the Homecoming Dance.INCLEMENT WEATHERWhen hazardous weather or poor road conditions exist, a decision will be made by the Superintendent to use one procedure or a combination of the procedures listed below. Decisions affecting the opening of school will be made by 6:00 a.m. and announced on radio, television, and APS School Talk. Other decisions affecting the school schedule will be announced when received.Delayed Opening:Opening of school to be delayed one or two hours, no field trips.Early Dismissal:Schools close early. After-school and night activities are canceled.Closing of Schools:All classes cancelled. The standard practice when schools are closed due to inclement weather is to also cancel games and activities. IN-SCHOOL ALTERNATIVE CENTERThe purpose of the In-School Alternative Center (ISA) is to provide a setting in the school where students who are experiencing behavioral problems can be isolated from the mainstream of the school for a temporary period while focusing on the pattern of behavior that is causing adjustment problems in the regular setting. Students are assigned to ISA by an administrator, based on a pattern of behavior demonstrated by the student, or for a particular incident. Classroom teachers will be notified when the student is assigned to the center through receipt of a form designed for this purpose. A student assigned to the Center will receive class work assignments from the student's teachers, the ISA teacher, and the administrator. Student absences from class due to an ISA assignment are excused and carry the right to make up work upon return to the regular class. Classroom teachers are expected to provide assignments to the ISA teacher as requested, as soon as possible. library/media centerThe library/media center is open from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 7:45 am to 3:10 pm on Fridays and days before a holiday. Two librarians are eager to help students with their research needs. Books circulate for three weeks. Magazines and reference materials may be checked out on an overnight basis. Students may participate in the “Laptops for Loan Program” and borrow computers overnight. The computer lab, scanner and copy machine are available to students. Passes are required during school hours.lockersLockers will be assigned to students during the first week of school. Lockers are not to be shared. Students are responsible for maintaining their lockers in the condition in which they are assigned. Students will need to purchase a lock to use on their locker to store schoolbooks and materials.LOST & FOUNDRoom A-139 has been designated as the center for lost and found items. Items found should be brought to this office. Students who have lost items should check with the office staff. In cases of theft, students and staff should file a report immediately with Officer Aaron Queen the Community Resource Officer in Room A-112.obligationsAt the end of the school term, textbooks, library books, and other school materials must be returned so others may use them in the future. It is the student’s responsibility to clear all obligations prior to final exams. Students returning in September who have not satisfied financial obligations will not receive a schedule in the mail. Seniors will not receive their cap and gown until their financial obligations are cleared.off campus privilegesAll students must remain on campus at all times, including breaks and lunch period. Students in good academic standing in grade 12 may leave campus at lunch and for Senior Project work, provided they have parent permission. Seniors are reminded that their conduct off campus reflects on our school. Reported inappropriate behavior of a student or any other abuse of the privilege may result in the privilege being revoked. For reasons of safety, any senior who transports or rides with an underclassman off school property during school hours, without proper authorization, will be subject to the same disciplinary penalties (i.e. ISA) that the underclassmen have for being off campus. The school’s primary responsibility is the safety of all students, and no senior should take an underclassman off school property during lunch.parent groupsmaking the transition from middle school to high school may be stressful for both students and parents. Parent groups meet to discuss issues related to the development of adolescents, testing programs, the Senior Project, preparing for work and college, class activities, and the Senior Cruise. These parent groups offer a unique opportunity to stay informed about high school while helping to make the years of high school a great experience for both you and your student. The Hispanic Parent Group meets to communicate issues, information, and to discuss school activities related to their students. Examples of parent groups include: PTA, Boosters, Hispanic Parent Group, etc.principal’s advisory boardComposed of student leaders from all grade levels, the Principal’s Advisory Board meets with the principal once every month to review school activities and make recommendation on all aspects of our school. Members include Student Government association (SGA) officers, class officers, SGA class liaisons, members from the Student Advisory Board to the School Board, and students who lead the Delegate Assembly. resourcesWithin Wakefield there are many support persons ready to give assistance as needed. These individuals include a School Psychologist, Social Worker, Arlington Mental Health Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselor, Speech and Vision Specialists and Bilingual Resource Counselors. Referrals to support staff are made by counselors, administrators and other school staff.SATURDAY ACADEMYSaturday Academy provides students with the opportunity to obtain additional support to improve overall academic performance.?? Students who attend Saturday Academy are able to work with a teacher to get supplemental instruction.? Students also have the opportunity to receive supervised homework assistance and help with organization and study skills.?Saturday Academy meets from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.? Students should plan to arrive at Wakefield by 9:00 and enter the building through the Main/Town Hall lobby entrance.? The teachers will meet the students there and escort them to the library.?While Saturday Academy is not considered to be a punishment, it will be necessary for students to comply with school rules and to spend their time working quietly.? Any student who disrupts the learning environment will be asked to leave.? The teacher will contact the parent to explain the situation.saturday schoolThe purpose of The Saturday School Program is to provide an alternative to some of our out-of school suspensions. Students who engage in the following behaviors could be referred to Saturday School: fighting without major injuries, thefts, vandalism, bullying, some sexual harassment offenses, disorderly conduct, use of tobacco, and trespassing. Saturday school does not apply to the following offenses – students who possess weapons and drugs, present a threat to themselves or others, and students who are charged with crimes.Parents will receive notification when their child is assigned to Saturday School. A teacher and a counselor will supervise students who are assigned. The hours are 9 am to 3 pm. Students assigned must report to the Main/Town Hall lobby by 9 am and will be dismissed promptly at 3 pm. No bus transportation will be provided to or from Saturday School. Students are expected to work on all assignments and to participate in counseling during the Saturday session. Students will not be permitted to use headphones, iPods or other listening devices during the Saturday session. Students who behave inappropriately will be dismissed from Saturday School and will be suspended for an appropriate amount of days.school activities hotline & sports schedulesFor the latest school activities, sport schedules, and cancellation news call the Wakefield Student Activities Hotline at 703.228.6744. This hotline is updated during inclement weather and every Monday with weekly schedules. Sports schedules are located on the Wakefield website – apsva.us/wakefield. The athletic website for schedules is . Social Media – Athletic Schedules and cancellations are also posted on two social media platforms. Follow @WakeAthletics on Twitter and Wakefeid Sports on Facebook to stay connected to student activities. senior projectThis graduation requirement offers each senior an opportunity for personal growth that is self-determined, easily observable, and ultimately empowering. In the real world, what you can do and how you present yourself leads to future opportunities. All Senior projects include a research component, some aspect of community interaction and the input of an expert consultant. Wakefield Seniors graduate with that “can do” attitude that leads to success. For more information - @ apsva.us/wakefield or contact Lisa Labella Senior Project Coordinator at 703.228.6666.Sports AWARDS NIGHTThe gathering of athletes, families, fans, and coaches is held to celebrate student accomplishments at the end of each athletic season, in the Wakefield cafeteria. Coaches present special awards, varsity letters, certificates, and other recognition’s at these award programs. The student-athlete who achieves academic success is honored at the awards night and will receive a certificate. standards of learningThe Standards of Learning, (SOL) were adopted in the summer of 1995 by the State Board of Education to emphasize the importance of instruction in four core subjects – English, mathematics, science, history and social science. All students enrolled in the following courses must take SOL assessments at the end of the course: Grade 11 English/Reading, Grade 11 English/Writing, and World History to 1000 AD, World History after 1000 AD, US History, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Biology, Earth Science, and chemistry. All students will be required to pass six end-of-course tests to qualify for a standard diploma and nine to qualify for an advanced studies diploma.student Activities & ProgramsAfrican ClubAmerican Red CrossAnimation ClubAsian Club & AsianStudent LeadersBand (Marching)Best BuddiesChieftainCOHORTCon-artist Club (Art Club)Dance TeamDrama (Theatre)Ebony QueensEqual ClubFBLA/COEFencing ClubFilm ClubFrench ClubFreshmen ClassHILT ConnectionHispanic Student AssociationInteract Club/Girls UpIslamic Youth GroupIt’s AcademicJunior ClassLiterary MagazineMadrigalsNational Honor SocietyOrchestra/SymphonettePeer MediatorsProject UpstandersSenior ClassSophomore ClassSpanish Honor SocietyStudent GovernmentModel UN Video Production ClubVJASTeen Advisory BoardYearbookYoung DemocratsYoung Republicans*Clubs and activities are subject to change based on student interest and participation. Membership into clubs is opened to all students.HOW DO I START A NEW CLUB?Starting a new club is subject to final approval by the principal if all criteria are satisfactory met. All clubs are open for all students to join and function to serve the Wakefield community.A new club must have a t least 25 interested student signatures.A new club must have at least 2 faculty sponsors.A proposal must be submitted to the activities director for final approval by the principal.The proposal must include any intentions of fundraising, meeting plans, location of meetings, and other pertinent information needed when developing a new club.Meeting space, location, purpose, and safety are a few criteria that will be considered before approval of a new club.STUDENT ID’sAll students will receive a photo ID when they take pictures through Lifetouch. Student ID’s will be given to students on the same day that they take photos. The student ID will permit students to enter school events and they will receive a discount in ticket prices for some athletic events. It is important that students take their Yearbook photo in order to get a student ID. The Student Activities Office does not have the capability to issue student ID’s. technology code of ethicsUse school facilities and electronic resources for school-related instructional activities only.APS students are required to use only the network and Internet access provided by and filtered by APS while on school property.? Bypassing the filter is cause for disciplinary action.Do not tamper with, copy, or download files including freeware or ad ware without authorization.Recognize and respect the intellectual property of others. Adhere to all Federal copyright laws and vendor licensing agreements.Respect the integrity of the network system.? Enter only authorized systems and do not attempt to circumvent or subvert system security measures including circumventing the APS firewall.Do not tamper or alter the system in such a way that would disrupt the network.Do not use the Internet to *hack* or gain unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems.Report all suspected computer viruses and other problems immediately so that action can be taken and damage minimized.Do not create or upload a worm, virus, or other harmful or destructive form of programming or software.Use equipment responsibly. Do not damage hardware, electronic systems, or networks. Conserve resources including but not limited to file/e-mail storage space, bandwidth, online time, toner, and paper.Do not connect any non-school-division-owned device to any part of the APS network without authorization.Storage devices (e.g. memory sticks, digital cameras) used for instructional purposes are an exception. Understand that any messages or files sent, accessed, or received on APS equipment are subject to inspection. These code of ethics are adapted from the full text Acceptable Use Policy, PIP 45-2.11TECHNOLOGY SAFETY & CYBER BULLYING (SOCIAL MEDIA)Social media sites may be used to facilitate communication among groups of students or members of the school community to further the instructional program. Children and adults employed by the school should not communicate in private, one-on-one sessions using any social media platform. Teachers and students may, and often will, communicate using APS-sanctioned collaborative tools like the school website, Blackboard, FACEBOOK, Twitter, or Google Apps for Education. If you have questions about the use of social media in schools, contact your Assistant Principal or ITC.What is Cyber bullying?Cyber bullying is a crime. (See VA Code §18.2-152.7:1.) Using any electronic medium negatively in a way intended to harm or frighten is cyber-bullying, and is not permitted. You have a right to be free from harassment. No person has a right to frighten, harm, flame, harass, denigrate, impersonate, out, trick, exclude, or stalk another person. If you or someone you know is impacted by cyber bullying, try to save, screenshot, or copy-paste the offending material if you can. Whether or not you have examples or know the offender, contact your Assistant Principal for help.Cyber bullying can include “repeated negative behavior and using information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone, text messages, instant messaging, blogs, chat rooms, defamatory personal web sites, and defamatory online personal polling sites, to support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to harm others”. Wakefield is committed to the positive use of technology for learning, and keeping every person safe online. Every Wakefield student should feel valued and a part of our thriving learning community. We expect every member of our Wakefield community to exhibit respectful behavior towards each other at all times. It is our collective responsibility to ensure the well-being of all our members. Harassment and bullying behavior will not be tolerated, this includes cyber-bullying.Wireless Network AccessWhen accessing the wireless network on any device - including both personal and school-owned devices - students may log in to the network called "APS" using their APS-assigned user names and passwords. Additionally, any guest of the school may use the network called "APS Guest" using the password posted throughout the school. No person has any expectation of privacy while using the APS network, and is required to comply with all School Board policies while using the APS network.UPSTANDERSWhat is UPSTANDER? Follow us on Twitter @whs_upstanders- An Upstander is an individual, group, or institution that chooses to take a positive stand and act on behalf of themselves and others” (Facing History and Ourselves).Project Upstander – Is a school-wide initiative to actively work as a community to decrease the occurrence of harassing/bullying/discriminatory behavior at Wakefield High School and in our community. We have been fortunate at Wakefield because the reported incidents of bullying/harassment have been moderate. This can be attributed to the vast majority of our students who are respectful and caring individuals. However, there is no doubt that there are unreported incidents of harassment overt and/or subtle. Most of our students do not engage in bullying/harassing behavior. But when the behavior occurs, many of our students who witness the incidents are “bystanders” as they are not actively trying to stop the harassment. Sometimes our students (and faculty) just don’t know what to say or do. Our initiative hopes to help move our bystanders into becoming defenders or “Upstanders”.Project Upstander trains students to become leaders in our community by raising awareness, through workshops, PSAs, group activities, social media etc. of the harmful effects, harassing/bullying/discriminatory behavior, have on others. The leaders learn skills to effectively take a stand and make a positive contribution in the social climate of our community. ticket prices for athletic events Ticket prices are set by the Conference 13 and 5A North Regional Council, which Wakefield is a member school. All ticket prices for athletic events are $5. Varsity football games are the events that there are no discounts. There are opportunities for students to receive discounted admission to some athletic events with their student ID. During post-season events (district, regional, state tournaments), ticket prices do increase for spectators and will be posted at the entrance. visitorsNo student visitors are permitted except those planning to enroll at Wakefield. All other visitors must sign in at the main office and obtain a visitor’s badge. Unauthorized visitors may be subject to a trespassing charge.wakefield immersion program Wakefield High School offers a Spanish Immersion Program for rising ninth graders.? Immersion at Wakefield is designed to continue and expand on the study of Spanish language and culture begun in the elementary school and increase the study of Spanish literature.? The program will be adjusted to meet the needs of individual students and will culminate in the study of Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Literature.Grade 9 & 10 – Spanish Immersion Language and Literature – Created especially for Immersion students, courses will focus on continued development of oral, reading, writing, and grammar skills and teach literature in preparation for students taking either the Advanced Placement Spanish Language exam or the Advanced Placement Spanish Literature exam or both.Spanish Immersion I (570) full year, one credit.? Prerequisite – satisfactory completion of grade 8 Immersion Program or equivalent proficiency in oral and written Spanish.? Students learn the Spanish Language in an experiential setting.? They continue the development of Spanish language skills to prepare them for upper level Spanish courses such as AP Language and AP Literature after grade 10.? They continue the development of cultural knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world and apply their knowledge beyond the classroom.Spanish Immersion II (571) full year, one credit. ?Prerequisite – satisfactory completion of Spanish Immersion I (570) or satisfactory completion of Spanish 3 for fluent speakers.? Students continue their study of the Spanish language and the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.? Emphasis on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through the study of literature continues.? Students will be prepared to enter AP Spanish Literature in grade 11.Grades 11 & 12 – Advanced Placement Sequence – Depending on proficiency, students may be able to begin the Advanced Placement sequence of courses offered by the foreign language department.? By the time of their graduation, Immersion students could qualify to take the Advanced Placement Spanish Language and the Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Exams.REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE1st/2nd Period8:19 – 9:46 (87 minutes)9:46-9:52 Passing3rd Period9:52 – 10:38 (46 minutes)10:38-10:44 PassingWarriors’ Period10:44 – 11:11 (27 minutes)11:11-11:17 PassingA Lunch11:17 – 11:5211:52-11:58 Passing4th/5th Period11:17-11:58(41 minutes)4th/5th Period11:17 – 12:45(88 minutes)12:45-12:52 PassingB Lunch12:04-12:39(35 minutes)4th/5th Period11:58 – 1:27(89 minutes)1:27-1:33 Passing4th/5th Period12:45-1:27(42 minutes)C Lunch12:52 – 1:27(35 minutes)6th/7th Period1:33 – 3:01 (88 minutes)Wakefield school personnelPrincipal Dr. Christian Willmore228.6705Main OfficeAssistant PrincipalDr. Betty Sanders228.6710Room A-139Assistant PrincipalGordon Laurie228.6660Room B-303Assistant PrincipalDr. Francis Legagneur228.6715Room B-203SecretaryAlicia Zekan228.6705Main OfficeSecretaryDelicia Moton228.6710Room A-139SecretaryDavid Criollo228.6660Room B-303SecretaryWillow Scott228.6715Room B-203Assistant PrincipalElizabeth Rowden228.6668Room B-126Director of CounselingDr. Amy Shilo228.6720Room C-141Dir. of Student ActivitiesNoel Deskins228.6733Room E-118Youth Resource OfficerAaron Queen228.6708 Room A-112SecretaryMary Thacker228.6720Room C-129AssistantRobert Strauss228.6662Room E-119Attendance OfficeTina Soltow228.6730Room C-126Attendance OfficeMiriam Ramirez228.6731Room C-126Attendance SpecialistShaheed Patterson228.2385Room B-129SecretaryHeather Comeau228.6700Room D-114SecretaryReyna Berrios228.6720Room C-129Bilingual ResourceSpanishPatricia Huachillo228.6745Bilingual ResourceSpanishJuana Manzano228.6748Bilingual ResourceSpanishWalter Valdez228.6668CounselorJoe Spencer228.6717Room C-134CounselorAlvin Truesdale228.6669Room C-138CounselorVeronica Covarrubias228.6713Room C-135CounselorAl Reid228.6707Room C-132CounselorSarah Snyder228.6706Room C-137CounselorKelly Carruthers228.6723Room C-133College & Career CounselorJohn Clisham228.6711 Room C-127/C-128RegistrarMaria Posas228.6741Room C-139Asst. to RegistrarNgo Yen228.2392Main OfficeSenior Project CoordinatorLisa Labella228.6666Room A-137Minority CoordinatorAlan Beitler228.6669Room C-131who to see about whatACT/Test Fee WaiversAlvin TruesdaleRoom C-138Attendance SpecialistShaheed PattersonRoom B-129AttendanceTina Soltow/Miriam RamirezRoom C-126AthleticsNoel Deskins/Robert StraussRoom E-118/E-119Bilingual ResourceWalter ValdezMain OfficeCareer InformationJohn ClishamRoom C-127/C-128Free/Reduced MealsWillow ScottRoom B-203Gifted & Talented ResourceWendy MaitlandRoom B-116Health/PhysicalsChris Colt Room A-123Locker Distribution (Cards)Delicia Moton Room A-139Lost & FoundDavid CriolloRoom B-303Money CollectionLuisa BarbaRoom D-121NewspaperAmy WathenRoom A-207Report CardsMary ThackerRoom C-129SAT Test/Fee WaiversKelly CarruthersRoom C-133ScholarshipsJohn ClishamRoom C-127/C-128SOL TestingRenita MathisRoom C-149Student SchedulesMary ThackerRoom C-129Student TranscriptsMaria PosasRoom C-139Work PermitsJohn ClishamRoom C-127/C-128YearbookPat BuchananRoom A-340 ................

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