


| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, |(aka learning centers)] |

| | | | |Library) | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |Link to prior knowledge: last month we|Have your child create a hatching |MATH- Please review numbers 1-19 |Blocks/Building: |

| |Date: 5/4/2020 |learned about the ladybugs and where |chick craft. If paper plates are not |(identifying the numbers and counting |Build a farm for the chickens and |

| | |they lay their eggs: on the leaves. |available use paper. |objects). Number of the week: 20. |their eggs. |

| | |Explain to your child that when the |[pic] | |[pic] |

| |This week we are starting a new |eggs hatch, baby ladybugs come out. |To practice cutting skills: trace the |Have your child count household items such | |

| |monthly unit: Babies. We are going |Chickens lay eggs too. When the eggs |zig zag and have your child cut the |as: beans, seeds, cereal, and toys. |Science: |

| |to be starting the unit by discussing|hatch, baby chickens come out. They |egg out. | |Explain to your child the life cycle |

| |farm animals and their babies. |are called chicks. |Don’t forget to label when finished: |Request a number of items and have your |of a chicken using the image bellow |

| | |Use the picture below for reference |Chick |child count and correspond with the items. |[pic] |

| | |[pic] | | |Then have your child create the life |

| | |Chickens and their baby chicks live on| | |cycle: |

| | |a farm. They eat worms and seeds. | |Write out the numbers and have your child |[pic] |

| | |Ask your child to recall who takes | |choose a number, identify it, and count |Or use the link below to print a |

| | |care of the farm: The farmer. | |object or draw pictures to correspond with |worksheet: |

| | |Please watch: | |the number. |

| | | | |29/bb9d29e71dfb47a4b84dbed659224d02.j|

| | |caMzE | |LITERACY- Letter of the week: C (review |pg |

| | | | |sound of the letter) | |

| | | | |Have the children look for the letter in | |

| | | | |books. | |

| | | | |Help your child find items around the house| |

| | | | |that start with that letter. | |

| | | | |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| | | | |magazine that start with that letter and | |

| | | | |create a collage. | |

| | | | |If printer is available use the link below | |

| | | | |to access worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the words: | |

| | | | |Chick | |

| | | | |If you have children’s books available, | |

| | | | |have your child pick a book, choose words | |

| | | | |they see in the book and practice writing | |

| | | | |them. | |

| | | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |“Baby Animals” from Bright Baby Touch and | |

| | | | |Feel Series  | |

| | | | | |

| |Tuesday |Today we are going to learn about cows|Create a calf craft |MATH-Review numbers 1-20 |Dramatic Play: |

| |Date: 5/5/2020 |and their babies. | |by counting household items such as: |Pretend to be a farmer and take care |

| | | |[pic] |cereal, beans, seed, toys … |of chickens/chicks and cows/calfs. |

| | |Show the image bellow |If you don’t have paint, have your | |Water Play: |

| | |[pic] |child draw and color the black spots. |Size Concepts: Review Small/big by |Milk the cow |

| | | | |completing the worksheet (page 9) |[pic] |

| | |Explain to your child that cows also | | |

| | |live on the farm with their babies. A |Don’t forget to label when finished: |3/math-concept-size.pdf |Music & Movement : |

| | |baby cow is called a calf. |Calf | |

| | |Cows eat grass and plants. | |LITERACY- Letter of the week: C (review |QO3xTg |

| | |Ask your child to describe the cow and| |sound of the letter) | |

| | |calf: | |Have the children look for the letter in | |

| | |They have black and white spots. | |books. | |

| | |The cow is big and the calf is small. | |Help your child find items around the house| |

| | |Ask your child what sound does a cow | |that start with that letter. | |

| | |make: MOOOO | |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| | |Explain that cows provide milk for us | |magazine that start with that letter and | |

| | |which is very healthy and helps us | |create a collage. | |

| | |grow big and strong. | |If printer is available use the link below | |

| | | | |to access worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the words: | |

| | | | |Calf | |

| | | | |If you have children’s books available, | |

| | | | |have your child pick a book, choose words | |

| | | | |they see in the book and practice writing | |

| | | | |them. | |

| | | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |At the Farm book | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |#.Xp32zINKiT8 | |

| |Wednesday |Today we are going to learn about the | Marry had a little Lamb |MATH- Review numbers 1-20: |Blocks/Building: |

| |Date: 4/6/2020 |Sheep and their babies. | |Build a farm for a sheep and her baby|

| | | |whTQk |Have your child count household items such |lamb. Have the child identify which |

| | |Use the image bellow: |Create a lamb craft: |as: beans, seeds, cereal, and toys. |is the baby (LAMB) and mommy (SHEEP).|

| | | |[pic] | | |

| | |[pic] |To represent the wool you can use |Request a number of items and have your |Sensory: |

| | | |cotton balls or rip pieces of paper |child count and correspond with the items. |Sheep Shearing sensory activity: |

| | |Explain to your child that Sheep live |and crumble them. | | |

| | |on the farm along with the chickens |Another idea: | |

| | |and cows. |[pic] |Write out the numbers and have your child |-sensory-activity/ |

| | |Baby Sheep are called lamb. |If white paint is not available you |choose a number, identify it, and count | |

| | |Sheep eat grass, just like the Cows! |can use white out and a q-tip. |object or draw pictures to correspond with |Matching Game: |

| | |Ask your child what sound does the |Don’t forget to label when finished: |the number. |Matching Baby animals to their |

| | |sheep make: BAAA BAAA |Lamb | |parents |

| | |Explain to your child that Sheep are | | | |

| | |covered in hair, which is called wool.| |LITERACY- Letter of the week: F (review |

| | |Some cloths that we wear are made out | |sound of the letter) |=20838 |

| | |of wool. Wool helps us stay warm in | |Have the children look for the letter in | |

| | |the winter. | |books/magazines. |OR |

| | |Please watch: | |Help your child find items around the house| |

| | | |that start with that letter. |

| | |6nano | |Have the children cut out pictures from a |animals-and-their-young-match-game |

| | | | |magazine that start with that letter and | |

| | | | |create a collage. | |

| | | | |If printer is available use the link below | |

| | | | |to access worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the word: | |

| | | | |Lamb | |

| | | | |If you have children’s books available, | |

| | | | |have your child pick a book, choose words | |

| | | | |they see in the book and practice writing | |

| | | | |them. | |

| | | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |Baa Baa Black Sheep | |

| | | | | |

| |Thursday | Today we are going to learn about |Create pig/piglet paper plate craft: |MATH- Big/medium/small: |Sensory & Writing: |

| |Date: 5/7/2020 |pigs and their babies. | big and small using toys or any |Pigs in the mud play |

| | | |paper-plate-crafts-kids/ |other items. Then introduce the word |

| | |Use image below: |[pic] |medium: explain that medium means that it |om/pigs-in-the-mud-sensory-play-and-s|

| | | |If pink tissue paper is not available,|is bigger than the small object but smaller|ong.html |

| | |[pic] |ask your child to color the plate |than the big object. |You can also make the mud recipe from|

| | | |pink. | |the link above and have your child |

| | |Ask your child to identify the animal |Don’t forget to label when finished: |Provide your child with different size |write words/letters/numbers in the |

| | |they see: Pig. |Piglet/Pig |objects and help them sort by size. |mud. |

| | |Ask your child to imitate the sound a | | |Music & Movement: |

| | |pig makes: Oink Oink. | |Use the link below for additional ideas: |Old MacDonald Had A Farm |

| | |Explain to your child that baby pigs | | |

| | |are called piglets. | | |Ucx3eo |

| | |Pigs eat everything and anything: | |LITERACY- Letter of the week: F (review |Blocks/Building: |

| | |vegetables, grains, fruits, and meat. | |sound of the letter) |Build a farm, pigs and other farm |

| | |Please watch video: | |Have the children look for the letter in |animals we learned about. |

| | | |books. | |

| | |S6t1A | |Help your child find items around the house| |

| | | | |that start with that letter. | |

| | | | |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| | | | |magazine that start with that letter and | |

| | | | |create a collage. | |

| | | | |If printer is available use the link below | |

| | | | |to access worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the word: | |

| | | | |Piglet | |

| | | | |If you have children’s books available, | |

| | | | |have your child pick a book, choose words | |

| | | | |they see in the book and practice writing | |

| | | | |them. | |

| | | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |“Peppa Pig: George and the Noisy Baby”   | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |  | |

| |Friday |Today we are going to |Create a Mother’s day card/picture. |MATH- Review numbers 1-20 | Matching Game: |

| |Date: 5/8/2020 |review baby animals and parents | |by counting household items such as: |Matching Baby animals to their |

| | | |Provide your child with paper and |cereal, beans, seed, toys … practice 1:1 |parents |

| | |Please use video below: |crayons/markers. Ask them to draw a |correspondence (Request a number of items | |

| | | of mommy and them or anything |and have your child count and correspond |

| | |8_u30 |that makes them think of their mommy. |with the items) |=20838 |

| | | | | | |

| | |Explain to your child that all those | |Practice Big/medium/small: |Dramatic Play: |

| | |baby animals have mommies- Just like |Don’t forget to label your art work: | |Using all the animal crafts created |

| | |US! |Mom | |this week build a farm for them. |

| | | | |LITERACY- Review letters C and F(review |Pretend to be a farmer and take care |

| | |May 10the is Mother’s Day! On that day| |sound of the letter) |of them. Practice labeling parent |

| | |we celebrate our mommies. We treat | |Have the children look for the letters in |with their babies’ name. Practice |

| | |our mommies extra special that day to | |books. |making the sounds that the farm |

| | |show how much we love them and say | |Help your child find items around the house|animals make. |

| | |thank you for all that they do for us!| |that start with that letters. | |

| | | | |Have the children cut out pictures from a |Water Play: |

| | | | |magazine that start with that letters and |Mommy’s little helper! |

| | |Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommies!| |create a collage. |Help your mommy in the kitchen: |

| | | | |If printer is available use the link below |Wash dishes |

| | | | |to access worksheets. |Wash fruits |

| | | | | vegetables |

| | | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing the word: MOM| |

| | | | |If you have children’s books available, | |

| | | | |have your child pick a book, choose words | |

| | | | |they see in the book and practice writing | |

| | | | |them. | |

| | | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |3/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | | |“Llama Llama misses Mama” By Anna Dwedney | |

| | | | | |

Social/ Emotional- Please use the link bellow and refer to page 3 (Week 3)

If you have any question or require additional support please feel free to me email me at: nshamaev@

Common Core:

PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events

b. Appropriately names types of emotions (e.g., happy, excited, sad) and associates them with different words and behaviors

PK.AC.1. Demonstrates motivation to communicate

a. Participates in small or large group activities for story-telling, singing or finger play

PK.AC.4. Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

b. Identifies pictures related to words (e.g., points to the correct picture in book if prompted)

PK.SCI.6. [P-LS3-1.] Develops a model to describe that some young plants and animals are similar to, but not exactly like, their parents.

b. Compares baby and adult animals and recognizes similarities (e.g., matches adult stufed animals with their baby in a play setting)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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