
323850-5080Marshall High School EASTFacilitator: Mrs. Breonna EddingsAbove all, the EAST educational model is student-centered. It has been recognized nationally as an innovative, relevant, and successful approach to education. In schools, EAST is a project-based, service-learning class that provides students with the most current, high-end technologies available in some of the most progressive fields in the world. However, EAST is more than a class offering and much more than a “computer class: At its heart, EAST is a coordinated attempt to provide today’s students with an educational atmosphere that allows them to gain insight into their own abilities to acquire and use information, solve problems, and gain valuable experience on their way to becoming life-long learners. For educators, EAST provides an opportunity to focus on the strengths and develop the weaknesses of individual students. EAST classrooms are for all students. In EAST, students are responsible for creating their own lesson plans. There are no lectures and no tests. This radically different approach to learning shows tremendous results - students are better-prepared for both college and the business world and they care more about learning.The EAST Philosophy is based on the following educational principles:All students have value and deserve the opportunity to demonstrate their value to their school and community.Education must be relevant, challenging, purposeful, and student-centered.Educators should serve as resource guides and learner facilitators.Learning should be self-directed and oriented towards real-world projects.High expectations must be maintained and must drive all student efforts.EAST Rules: No games of any kind are allowed to be played unless they are for project purposes- they eat up our bandwidth and are for the most part non-educational.No food or drink allowed unless a doctor’s note says otherwise.No horseplay - equipment is expensive and is timely to replace. Keep your hands to yourself please..No installing programs without Facilitator permission- this will warrant class removal.Never share your password with another student. This protects your work file and what might be placed on it.DO NOT REMOVE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS FROM ANY OF THE COMPUTERS!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!Do not alter and/or remove student project folders from the classroom. They are needed by others.NEVER promise that we can complete a project for someone without officially getting your project approved by me. Certain things are not ethically or financially realistic for us to complete.Always check out technology equipment before useAlways save your work to your zip drive. Never save your work to the desktop.Always clean up your area when the bell rings. Make your workspace clean for the next classAlways be professional and courteous when visitors are in our classroom environment or when you are out in public on an EAST assignment. Remember, you not only represent yourself, but you represent me, the EAST program, and the entire Marshall High School- no pressureAlways come to class with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn something new, and a passion for sharing your ideas and knowledge with others.“Responsible for All"Class Procedures:Students should come into class and begin working on their current project/assignment. Student projects can either be individual or group in nature- depending on the task asked of us by our community. Students will have to learn and practice self direction during every class period. Some progress in completing a project and/or deadline should be made during every class period. Students are to be respectful at all times to the facilitator and the other students in class. Students should also respect the work of other students. This means not only the work they are doing but the computer files which are stored on the computer’s hard drives. Damage to another student’s work and/or files will result in suspension from the EAST computers and all other equipment. Students also need to refrain from watching music videos, funny videos, listening to music via the internet, googling random pictures/images, playing online games, going to chat rooms and/or using instant messaging applications as well as online auction sites like e-bay. In other words, the internet should only be accessed if a student needs it for a current project.Student Expectations:To practice self direction and self motivation on a daily basisTo help and mentor other students in class by helping teach one another how to use the various software applications.To develop projects and a project plans and timelines for their projects.To journal/blog about their progress and on their project (s) weekly.To have a positive attitude when learning new applicationsTo troubleshoot equipment and software applications to work out “bugs” or problems that arise while working on projects.Maintain and repair the classroom computersRefrain from using the internet unless it is for a legitimate project.Abide by all rules and regulations in Marshall High School handbook .Students may have the opportunity to travel with the EAST program to attend conference and/or training. The selection will be based on a student’s interest in a specific type of software and his/her willingness to teach other students the skills which were learned during the training. Students should understand their daily attitude and work ethic will play an important role in the decision to allow students to travel to the EAST trainings and conferences. Students are expected to be well behaved and understand that school rules apply while off campus. All travel will be provided by school transportation with either myself or a bus driver driving to the event.Students can expect the EAST Facilitator (me) to:Maintain high expectations at all times.Give advice and serve as a resource to help solve problemsNOT solve all problems faced by students during projectsEnsure projects are consistent with the EAST principlesGuide daily decision making in a manner which sustains the learning environmentEnforce class rules and procedures as well as expectations which are outlined in the student handbook.Provide a safe, positive environment where it is okay to learn from mistakes made & to celebrate any and all successes when they arise.If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me (417) 413-3093 or email me at beddings@. Breonna Eddings*This syllabus is subject to change with the ever changing needs of the EAST classroom environment. ................

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