|7932 OPOSSUMTOWN PIKE • FREDERICK, MD 21701 • PH: 301-846-2500 | |

• A P P L I C A N T I N F O R MA T I O N •

|Name:       |Phone: (     )     -      ext:       |

|Organization:       |Fax: (     )     -      Cell: (     )     -      |

|Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip) |Billing Address (if different) (Street, City, State, Zip) |

|      |      |

| | |

|Contact Person Day of Event:       |Non-Profit: Yes No |

|Signature: |Evidence of Non-Profit Status:       |

• E V E N T I N F O R M A T I O N •


|Event Name:       |Location(s) Requested:       |Expected Attendance:       |

|Technology/Equipment Requested:       |Will fees be charged? Yes No If yes, amt. per person $       |

|Date(s) Requested: |1.       |2.       |3.       |

|Time Admitted to Facility: |Time Vacated: |

|Date 1:       am pm |Date 1:       am pm |

|Date 2:       am pm |Date 2:       am pm |

|Date 3:       am pm |Date 3:       am pm |

|Time Event Starts: |Time Event Ends |

|Date 1:       am pm |Date 1:       am pm |

|Date 2:       am pm |Date 2:       am pm |

|Date 3:       am pm |Date 3:       am pm |

• E V E N T I N V O I C E •

|Charge for facility usage*: $       plus       percentage of gate (if applicable) |

|Payment Due On or Before       |

|Mail payment to: FCC, Finance Office, 7932 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick, MD 21702-2097 |

|*Any changes or deviation from approved application will result in adjustment of facility usage fee. |

|If this activity is cancelled you must notify Facilities (301-846-2671) 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund of fees. If 24 hours advance notice is not |

|given, applicant will remain liable for 50% of fees indicated above. |




Applicant agrees to indemnify Frederick Community College and to save it harmless from all suits, claims and costs, including attorney fees, arising as a result of property damage, bodily injury, illness, or death in any way connected with applicant’s use of College Facilities. I/We understand that we are required to present an insurance certificate naming Frederick Community College as an additional insured party for the date(s) of the event.

Applicant agrees to submit for Frederick Community College review and approval/disapproval any advertisement in connection with events held on campus. There will be no advertisement of events until a Use of Facilities Application is approved.

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|By checking this box and affixing my name       I acknowledge I have read and agree to the terms |

|shown above. |


| |

|Approval: Department:       Date:       RMPS:       Date:       |



Frederick Community College (the “College”) reserves the right to revoke applicant’s approval to use its facilities if the College determines that any information contained in this application is false, misleading or a misrepresentation. Applicant must set forth on its application a valid telephone number where the College can contact applicant until the day/time of the event. The College reserves the right to display art exhibits by faculty, staff and students as well as outside exhibitors. Art and exhibits may not be altered, covered or removed and requests to do so will be denied.

1. College facilities are available to the community for civic, educational, cultural and community recreational purposes consistent with policies and procedures established by the College. Facilities may be used by non-college groups when not required by the College or College-sponsored activities. Facilities are generally available for use during the normal operating hours of: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. through 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, 7:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m.

2. Applications for use of facilities and for exceptions to these procedures shall be in writing, signed by an authorized agent of the applicant. Applications shall be submitted to the Facilities Specialist. Although availability of space may be confirmed verbally, authorization for use requires written College approval.

3. Completed Use of Facilities Application forms must be received by the College at least two weeks prior to the date of intended use. The College may deny any application filed less than two weeks prior to the scheduled use.

4. Activities shall be open to the public at all times. Approved applicants shall provide, at their cost, adequate supervision of activities to ensure that good order is maintained. Frederick County fire and safety regulations shall be strictly observed.

5. Not-for-profit organizations may charge a general admission fee. Notice of intent to charge fees must appear on the application for use of College facilities. The price(s) of admission or any other form of donation or contribution must be clearly stated on the application and on all advertisements. When an admission fee is charged, or money-making activities occur in conjunction with use of College facilities, the College reserves the right to negotiate special rates or establish additional charges. Use of College facilities for fund-raising of any sort must be approved in advance by the President or Vice President for Administration. NOTE: The College requires documentary evidence of the not-for-profit status of an organization prior to permitting use of facilities. If such documentation is not provided upon request, both in a timely manner and to the full satisfaction of the College, the College may cancel the event.

6. Fees and contracts at special rates for long-term use of College facilities may be negotiated with the Vice President for Administration.

7. All advertisements for any use or function to be held at any College facility must be submitted for approval by the College prior to final approval of an application and prior to any use of the advertisement. The College reserves the right to revoke applicant’s approval to use the facilities if the College, in its sole discretion, disapproves of any advertisement for applicant’s use of the facilities or discovers that any non-approved advertisement has occurred.

8. Organizations shall assume all financial responsibility for damages caused to individuals and to College property during their use. Prior to final approval, all applicants must present to the College a liability insurance certificate naming the College as an additional insured in the amount indicated on the College’s sample certificate of insurance. The College assumes no liability for injuries or losses which result form the actions of approved applicants. Applicant agrees to indemnify the College and to save it harmless from all suits, claims and costs, including attorney fees, arising as a result of property damage, bodily injury, illness, or death in any way connected with applicant’s use of College Facilities.

9. In the event an applicant’s use of College facilities is cancelled, the College is not responsible for any losses, expenses, or any damages applicant may sustain as a result of the cancellation.

10. No activity is permitted on campus which disrupts the regular College schedule.

11. Applicants will be granted access only to the facilities assigned at the times reserved on the approved Use of Facilities Application Form.

12. The College Board, through the offices of the President and the Vice President for Administration, reserves the right to deny permission to use College facilities to any group or individual. The College Board, however, shall not discriminate against any applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic testing, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, or other classifications protected by federal, state, and local laws.

13. Approval of applications to use College facilities does not constitute College endorsement of views expressed or held by approved applicants. No advertisement shall indicate College support of the scheduled function without prior written approval.

14. The College reserves the first right of refusal for the operation of any food or souvenir concession to be operated during any scheduled activity.

15. Fees will be assessed for use of College facilities, including personnel fees as determined by the College, as well as costs for any necessary setup and/or cleanup time. Applicants are advised that modern technical equipment at the College requires the attention of properly-trained personnel. Therefore, if College facilities are to be open to the public during closed hours, College-trained personnel must be on duty. When facilities are open to the public during normal working hours, an additional personnel fee may be charged, at the sole discretion of the College, if additional assistance is determined to be needed.

16. All fees are due by the date specified on the approval application (all fees must be paid in full before event occurs). Approval of applications for use of facilities by the signature of the Executive Director of Risk Management is conditional, pending receipt of payment in full. If payment in full is not received by the date specified on the application, the contract for use of College facilities is void.

17. If, in the sole determination of the College, an event requires security, the College reserves the right to contract or hire security services. All costs associated with providing security are the sole responsibility of the applicant and will be included in the computation of fees assessed by the College.

18. The use of alcoholic beverages on campus, without the express written permission of the Executive Director of Risk Management and Public Service, is prohibited.

19. Violation of the procedures may result in the revocation of continued use of College facilities.

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|By checking this box and affixing my name       I acknowledge I have read and agree to the terms |

|shown above. |

Frederick Community College

Addendum to Use of Facilities Agreement -

Athletic Field Rental Rules and Regulations

1. Any group using FCC facilities will be required to complete an application for Use of Facilities and to pay appropriate fees. Payment in full is expected at time of reservation, unless other arrangements have been made with the Athletic Director.

2. Unless otherwise stated on this application, any cancellation received less than 14 days before said event will result in the forfeiture of rental fee and/or deposit.

3. Frederick Community College reserves the right to immediately terminate this agreement and the applicant agrees to immediately vacate the premises upon notification of termination for failure to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth herein.

4. Frederick Community College reserves the right to refuse use of its facilities if the applicant has previously violated the rules and regulations set forth herein.

5. All groups must leave the athletic facility clean and free of damage. All litter and garbage must be disposed of properly. Groups damaging Frederick Community College property will be held responsible for the cost of repair, replacement, and/or clean up.

6. All groups must inform Frederick Community College of any special equipment that may be used during your event. Frederick Community College reserves the right to require additional insurance and/or additional fees.

7. For activities requiring special services and/or supervision, a fee will be charged.

8. No gum chewing or tobacco products permitted on the turf field.

9. There is no food permitted on the field or in the team areas. This includes gum, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.

10. Teams and individuals are responsible for their own sports equipment

11. Participants are not permitted to spit on the turf field.

12. No climbing on fence or gates.

13. Anyone caught willfully damaging any Frederick Community College property or equipment will be responsible for the cost of repair/replacement.

14. Please clean up after your event and throw all garbage in the trash receptacles.

15. Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on Frederick Community College grounds, including fields and parking lots, is prohibited.

16. Frederick Community College will complete all field maintenance. Rental groups will not be allowed to do any field maintenance.

17. There is no storage available.

18. Frederick Community College is not responsible for lost or stolen property.

19. Parking may be shared by other events during your period of use.

20. Automobiles shall be parked only in designated areas. Driveways and entrances must be clear at all times. The posted speed limit must be observed. No parking on the grass. Violators may be towed at the owner’s expense.

21. Overnight parking or camping is prohibited.

22. Frederick Community College is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to vehicles.

23. Additional rules and regulations may be required.

24. User groups at the FCC athletic fields should leave the fields and seek shelter immediately if lightening is observed or thunder is audible.

25. To avoid damage, the following are not allowed on any turf surface: long cleats, studs and heels on footwear or chairs, tobacco products, gum and sunflower seeds.

26. Vending/Selling is prohibited in all parks including the fields and parking lots. Only Frederick Community College approved vendors are allowed.

27. Frederick Community College reserves the right to cancel any event or to restrict access to the fields due to an emergency, severe weather, vandalism, poor playing conditions or damage that could cause safety concerns.

By signature below, the User of the Facility acknowledges receipt of these Rules and Regulations:

Signature _______________________________________


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