If you have suggested additions, or you find that some links are not working, please email resourcelist@fess.ie

|Minor Award Name |Graphic Design |

|Minor Award Code |4N1117 |

|Level |4 |

Suggested resources to support delivery:

|Theme/Topic |Type |Relevance |Author/Source |Web Link |

|100 Ideas that changed |Book |Good for bite sized chunk of information. A poster design class |Steven Heller. |

|Graphic Design | |could easily be devised on any of the ideas or techiniques | |ign/dp/1856697940 |

| | |illustrated here. |Laurence King Publishing | |

| | | |ISBN:1856697940 | |

|Graphic Design Basics |Interactive website |Goes through basic information about materials, Pixels v’s Vectors,|BBC |

| | |Software, design and market influence in a simple and easy to | |ics/ |

| | |digest manner. Aimed at GSCE students. Very clear. It could appear | | |

| | |childish at the beginning but becomes more complex and technical | | |

| | |quite quickly. Information, activities and a test are all provided.| | |

| | |Good on environmental and moral impact of Graphic Design. | | |

|Meggs’ History of Graphic |Book |Covers the entire History of Graphic Design from the invention of |Philip B. Meggs |

|Design | |writing and alphabets, the origins of printing and typography and |Alston W. Purvis |f=tmm_hrd_new_olp_sr?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=1460068|

| | |postmodern design. | |365&sr=8-1 |

| | |Very clear and beautifully illustrated (1,400 illustrations). It |Pub: John Wiley & Sons, New York,| |

| | |gives any teacher a wealth of options and choice as to what areas |2011 | |

| | |of Graphic design history to focus in on. |ISBN:9780470168738 | |

|The Poster; 1,000 posters |Book |A Book with a wide range of posters broken down by era’s of poster |Cees W. de Jong & Alston W. |

|from Toulouse Lautrec to | |design. There are chapters on Art Nouveau, De Stihl, Bauhaus, etc. |Purvis |utrec-Sagmeister/dp/0810995883/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=|

|Sagemesiter. | |Revolution and protest posters play a large part. A good overview | |1460068461&sr=8-1&keywords=the+poster%2C+1%2C000+poste|

| | |of graphic styles including analogue techniques, such as collage |Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, 2010 |rs |

| | |and painted posters. Ideal for classes not equipt with Photoshop or| | |

| | |computers. |ISBN 10: 0810995883 ISBN 13: 9780| |

| | | |810995888 | |

|The New Graphic Design |Book |An excellent practical workbook full of suggested analogue design |Alan Swann |

|School (Exercises) | |exercises. | |nn/dp/0442025491/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=145980|

| | | |John Wiley & Sons, 1997 |3096&sr=1-1&keywords=the+new+graphic+design+school+ala|

| | | |ISBN10:0442025491 |n+swann |

|Graphic Design School: A |Book |The fifth edition of Alan Swann’s book ‘The Graphic Design School’.|David Dabner & Sandra Stewart |

|foundation Course for | |Extra digital exercises have been included in this enlarged | |on-Designers/dp/0500291438?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true|

|Image and Digital Media | |edition. It has been organised into two main sections; Principles |Thames & Hudson |&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_2&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE |

| | |and practice. | | |

| | | |ISBN-13: 978-0500291436 | |

|Tutorials |Website |Nice resource for design and illustration. Step by step process is |Illustrationclass | |

| | |illustrated in the ‘Free Raw Tutorials’ section. More suited to a | | |

| | |higher level although can easily be tweaked for level 4. | | |

| | | | | |

|Resources for graphics |Website |1,000’s of activities and worksheets to draw inspiration from for |TES – Various contributors |

|teachers | |your own coursework. | |id=RESads_DandTgraphics |

|Rules of design |Website article |Article to be used as a resource when putting worksheets of |Mary Stribley | |

| | |classplans together. Lists the basic elements of good graphic | | |

| | |design. | | |

|How to write a brief |Website / blog post |In-depth guide on how to write a brief. Goes into a bit too much |Karen De Felice |

| | |detail for level 4, but you can pick and choose the information as | |rief/ |

| | |needed, some example worksheets at the end. | | |

|TES teaching resources for|Website |A wide variety of subjects and skill levels; worksheets, class |TES – Various contributors |

|Art and Design | |plans pdf’s | |n&years=GB%7C0%7C16%2B%7C |

|Colour – A workshop for |Book |Book on colour that deals with colour mixing, screen colours, |David Hornung and Michael James |

|artists and designers | |colour wheel, schemes, etc. | |signers/dp/1856698777/ref=pd_sim_14_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=41s|

|theory textbook. | | |Published by: Laurence King |Y4DtNYzL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR123%2C160_&refRI|

| | | | |D=1K9ZEZQE3RKYN5EAS59B |

|Match colour tutorial |Website |Step by step guide on how to match the colour of your favourite |Unfocusedbrain908 | |

| | |artwork to any image. | | |

|Vintage ad browser |Website |Excellent resource for inspiration. Search by subject or colour and|Vintageadsbrowser | |

| | |then by decade. | | |

|Colour scheme maker |Website |Create colour schemes based on Analgous, Triad, Complementary, |Adobe | |

|(kuler) | |Compound, and custom schemes. Designed to be used in Photoshop, but| | |

| | |could also be useful with GIMP and Pixlr. Images can be dropped in | | |

| | |to the programme and schemes automated from them. | | |

|1000 Signs |Book |Resource book. It contains a collection of signs from all over the |Taschen |

| | |world. Organised by subject, it is a useful image resource when | |2831352 |

| | |students are designing their own signs in class. The text within |ISBN: 978-3822831359 | |

| | |the book is less useful. | | |

|Icon (logo, sign design) |website |Excellent resource for finding and downloading icons under the |Multiple Designers | |

| | |creative commons license. | | |

|Symbol |Book |Reference Book with over 1,300 corporate symbols. A short paragraph|Angus Hyland, Steven Bateman, |

| | |accompanies each symbol explaining the rationale behind each | |274 |

| | |design. Simple and effective. Larger case studies with process |Pub: Laurence King 2011 | |

| | |shown are given every 10 pages or so. Simple, nicely designed book.| | |

| | |Some (but clearly not all examples could be projected and potential| | |

| | |meanings discussed with the class. | | |

|Signs and Symbols |Book + DVD |This book contains stunning images for use as a graphic resource, |Pepin Van Roojen |

| | |or inspiration. All the illustrations are stored in high-resolution| |jen/dp/9057680556 |

| | |format on the enclosed free CD-ROM and are ready to use for |The Pepin Press, 2007 | |

| | |professional quality printed media and web page design. The | | |

| | |pictures can also be used to produce postcards, or to decorate your| | |

| | |letters, flyers, etc.  | | |

|The Logo design Toolbox |Book + DVD |Templates for graphic design. Over 1,000 basic shapes; Anchors, |Gestalten | |

| | |arrows, backgrounds, flames, skulls, Ribbons, etc. EPS format on | | |

| | |DVD, easy download 2.69 GB | | |

| | |Very handy for any logo or product design projectsfor the students.| | |

|Logo Design |Website |Website devoted to the design of logos. Some innovative designs on |logodesignlove | |

| | |the site. | | |

|Free Graphic Design |Website |Free Resources, icons, templates and imagery |Crowdsourcing | |

|resources | | | | |

|Free Stock Images / |Website |1,000’s of free stock Images, textures and photographs. |freeimages | |

|Textures / Photographs | | | | |

|Textures |Website |Free stock textures to use as backgrounds in projects (up to 15 |Textures | |

| | |free downloads per day). Premium accounts are available. | | |

|Textures |Website |Over 400 patterns for use in projects or to tile. This is designed |CGTextures | |

| | |with Photoshop in mind with an available plugin for €18 | | |

|Free stock images website |Website |Allows you to search for Vector and Photograph images. |Freepik | |

|Royalty free Images |Website |Allows you to search for creative commons images. |Creative Commons | |

|Free fonts |Website |Free fonts, categorised by style. Windows and mac formats. Licenses|Da Font | |

| | |vary. | | |

|Free fonts |Website |Free font website. Fonts can be used in commercial projects. |Font Squirrel | |

|Font Identifier |Website |Free font identifier. Upload an image of text to find the font or |Font Squirrel | |

| | |similar. | | |

|Font Identifier |Website |Free font identifier. Upload an image of text to find the font or | | |

| | |similar. | | |

|Font resource |Website |Shows where fonts have been used in products and signage throughout|Fontsinuse | |

| | |the world. Categorised by font type. | | |

|Serif V’s Sans Serif |Infographic |Infographic breaking down the differences between serif and sans |Visually | |

| | |serif. Simple, clearly described. Worksheets could easily be | | |

| | |devised from it. | | |

|‘Helvetica’ Typography |Film |An independent feature length documentary film about typography and|Gary Hustwit Director & Producer.| |

|documentary | |design, cantered on the font ‘Helvetica’. Will give students a |2007 | |

| | |better understanding of how font choice can change the reading of | | |

| | |signage. | | |

|Graffiti font creator |Website |Students can choose a style of font and make their own name or |Graffiticreator | |

| | |logotype in that customisable style. Final designs can be | | |

| | |screenshot. | | |

|Drawing block letters |Website |Step by step tutorial on how to draw block letters with shading. |wikihow |

|tutorial | | | |ters |

|Type. A Visual History of |Book |History of Typography book. 2 volumes – pre 20th Century and 1900 |Cees W. de Jong, Alston W. Purvis|

|Typefaces & Graphic Styles| |to mid 20th Century |and Jan Tholenaar |ic-Styles/dp/3836544806/ref=dp_ob_image_bk |

| | | | | |

| | | |Published by: Taschen | |

|Typography Resources for |Website |Downloadable resources for teachers. Some are more useful than |Ellen Lupton |

|teachers. Pdf,s, exercises| |others and should be pared down for use at level 4. | |_for_Teachers History of typefaces |

| | | | |

| | | | |_Lecture.pdf |

|Website / Online portfolio|Website / Application |Free (as long as you keep the carbon made extension) website |Carbonmade | |

|maker | |builder. Easy to use, some students may want to use it to upload | | |

| | |their projects. | | |

|Website / Online portfolio|Website / Application |Similar to Carbonmade, but with slightly more options and a bit |Wix | |

|maker | |more complex. | | |

|Jobs Websites |Website |Jobs Websites that lists active graphic design jobs. |CreativeIreland | |

| | | |Jobs.ie | |

|Pixlr |Application / Website |Free Software for Image Manipulation. Very simiar interface to |Pixlr | |

| | |Photoshop, although considerably more basic. You can work in layers| | |

| | |and the toolbars, navigator, etc. have similar design aesthetic to | | |

| | |Photoshop. | | |

|GIMP – Image Manipulation |Application |Free Software for Image Manipulation. Similar to Photoshop, but |GIMP | |

|Software | |with not as many advanced options. Works with Mac, PC and Linux. | | |

|Pic Monkey |Application / Website |Very basic and limited photo editor. |Pic Monkey | |

|Photo Editor |Application / Website |Simple and free online photo editor with numerous effects. |befunky | |

|Adobe Photoshop CC |Book |Photoshop for teachers. Goes through the basics with lessons if |Andrew Faulkner |

| | |required. Hard and soft copies available. | |ssroom-in-a-book-2015-release-9780134308135 |

| | | |Adobe Press, 2015 | |

|Photoshop – Image |Application |A very powerful industry standard programme for image manipulation.|Adobe |

|manipulation software | |Can be used for creating posters with type also. This software is | |KQPG&kw=semgeneric&mv=search&s_kwcid=AL!3085!3!7524991|

| | |expensive. | |8890!e!!g!!adobe%20photoshop&ef_id=VszqnQAABIHM5r3I:20|

| | | | |160407222259:s |

|Photo2text converter |Website |Fun application that converts images to text for use in Word. More |Photo2text | |

| | |of an ice breaker than educational. | | |

|Abstract Painting app |Application |Fun abstract painting site. Again more of an icebreaker. |bomomo | |

|Game / worksheet creator |Website |Make customised interactive quizzes, crosswords, educational games,|classtools | |

| | |etc. Many of them can be exported as pdf’s | | |

|Booklet or presentation |Application / Website |Make and share interactive booklets / presentations. For teachers |Livebooklet | |

|maker | |and students. Simple interface. Allows you to embed links and | | |

| | |video. | | |

|Interactive whiteboard in |Application / Website |An interactive whiteboard in a browser. You can share the board |Realtimeboard | |

|a browser. | |with students and edit in real time. Good to create a more exciting| | |

| | |review of what you have done throughout the class / term. | | |

|File sharing website |Website |Allows your students to send you files without having to sign in to|wetransfer | |

| | |their email addresses | | |

|Dropbox |Application |Cloud storage for your students to allow them to access their work |Dropbox | |

| | |from any computer. Sharing entire folders is also possible. | | |

|Teaching resource blog |Blog |A nice teaching resource blog from an engaged and dedicated teacher|Kolin MacAulay | |

|Basic Drawing lesson |Website |Resource with some free downloadable pdf’s |drawspace | |

|tutorials | | | | |

|The Layout Book |Book |Outlines the rules of layout for print and screen. Worksheets |Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris | |

| | |and/or classes could be planned around these rules. | | |

|A health and safety guide |Website |A health and safety guide for Visual Artists |Visual Artist’s Ireland | |

|for Visual Artists | | | | |

Useful Organisations:

|Name |Contact Information |

|Graphic Design Business Association Ireland | |

|Institute of Designers Ireland | |

|Illustrator’s Ireland | |

|National Irish Visual Arts Library |N.C.A.D. 100 Thomas Street, Dublin 8, Ireland |

| |Phone + 353 1 636 4200 / Fax + 353 1 636 4207 Email fios@ncad.ie |

|TES | |

|MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) |

|Free access to online courses | |

|Search regularly for new courses and new start dates | |


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