





˙全國首創詞彙得分大力丸單元──Word File,統整字根、字首、字尾造字概念,諸如“-ship”(B3U5)、“-hood”(B5U5)、“-ist”(B5U2)、“-ment”(B2U3)、“-ive”(B1U7)於一到六冊詳實介紹,讓你延伸單字有一套,增強拆解、拼湊字彙的能力,遇到沒學過的單字也免驚!

˙第一題組內容講到「虛擬病人」,主要單字如pharmacy、pharmacist已於本套書第四冊第九課Suffering in Silence介紹,且與醫學治療主題相近!

˙第二題組提及婚姻的「嫁妝習俗」,可與本版第二冊第六課A Rabbit’s Foot and a Piece of Wood西方的傳統、習俗對照;搶先熟悉該類文章主題,應考時馬上由重點切入!


˙第二題組介紹由古至今,頭髮、髮型對於人在社會的地位表徵、形象,與歷史意義。本套書於第三冊第四課No Hair Day處理相關主題,以生動活潑的語調與故事筆法,帶出頭髮、髮型之於人的外在,與他人眼光投射的感官意識。第三題組著眼於人文關懷;且看本版第四冊第二課The Chain of Love、第五冊第六課Body Imperfect,以及第五冊十一課The Cellist of Sarajevo,亦將相同的議題規劃於其中,可見本版教材不僅在命題上與大考緊密相扣,更盡力充實課文內容,期盼用書人在學習英語之餘,能從而得到更多面向的知識!

第壹部分:選擇題 (佔72分)

一、詞彙 (10分)




1. You’ll need the store ______ to show proof of purchase if you want to return any items you bought.

(A) credit (B) guide (C) license (D) receipt

|如果你想退回所購買的任何商品,將會需要商店收據作為購買證明。 |

|(A) 信用 (B) 指南 (C) 執照 (D) 收據 |

|【說明】 句中提到return any items you bought,可以聯想到退貨時一定需要收據。 |

| |

2. Spending most of his childhood in Spain, John, a native speaker of English, is also ______ in Spanish.

(A) promising (B) grateful (C) fluent (D) definite

|約翰的母語為英文,因童年時期在西班牙成長,所以西班牙文很流利。 |

|(A) 有前途的 (B) 感激的 (C) 流利的 (D) 肯定的 |

|【說明】 ( 注意空格前後的搭配用法,promising與definite後面不會出現介係詞 |

|( be grateful to + 人 |

|( be fluent in + 語言,表示說某種語言很流利 |

3. The mirror slipped out of the little girl’s hand, and the broken pieces ______ all over the floor.

(A) scattered (B) circulated (C) featured (D) released

|鏡子從小女孩的手中滑落,碎片散落滿地。 |

|(A) 散落 (B) 循環 (C) 以…為特色 (D) 釋放 |

|【說明】句中提到mirror slipped out,鏡子一滑落通常會掉到地上而破碎,推 |

|斷broken pieces自然會灑落一地。 |

4. No one knows how the fire broke out. The police have started an ______ into the cause of it.

(A) appreciation (B) extension (C) operation (D) investigation

|沒有人知道火災是怎麼發生的。警方開始著手調查其原因。 |

|(A) 感激 (B) 延長 (C) 操作 (D) 調查 |

|【說明】( 注意空格後的介系詞into的搭配用法 |

|( investigate into深入調查 |

5. When there is a heavy rain, you have to drive very ______ so as to avoid traffic accidents.

(A) cautiously (B) recklessly (C) smoothly (D) passively

|下大雨時你必須小心開車以避免交通事故。 |

|(A) 小心地 (B) 魯莽地 (C) 平順地 (D) 被動地 |

|【說明】to avoid traffic accidents 避開交通事故 |

6. We decided to buy some ______ for our new apartment, including a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner, and a dishwasher.

(A) utensils (B) facilities (C) appliances (D) extensions

|我們決定為我們的新公寓購買一些家電,包括冰箱、吸塵器、和洗碗機。 |

|(A) 器皿(廚房) (B) 設施 (C) 家用電器 (D) 擴充功能(電腦) |

|【說明】注意空格後的舉例including,包括冰箱和洗碗機等小家電 |

7. This math class is very ______; I have to spend at least two hours every day doing the assignments.

(A) confidential (B) logical (C) demanding (D) resistant

|這門數學課要求非常多,我每天至少花上二個小時寫作業。 |

|(A) 機密的 (B) 邏輯的 (C) 苛求的 (D) 抗拒的 |

|【說明】本題注意要讀完整句再進行推理,後句提到spend at least two hours every |

|day,每天至少花二小時寫數學作業表示功課很多,經驗告訴我們也就是要求多的課程。 |

8. One can generally judge the quality of eggs with the naked eye. ______, good eggs must be clean, free of cracks, and smooth-shelled.

(A) Agriculturally (B) Externally (C) Influentially (D) Occasionally

|一般人用肉眼可以判斷雞蛋的品質,外表上,好的但必須乾淨、無裂縫、且蛋殼平滑。 |

|(A) 在農業方面 (B) 外表上 (C) 有影響地 (D) 偶而地 |

|【說明】naked eye 肉眼 |

9. The scientist ______ his speech to make it easier for children to understand the threat of global warming.

(A) estimated (B) documented (C) abolished (D) modified

|該位科學家修改他的演講內容讓小孩更容易了解全球暖化的威脅。 |

|(A) 估計 (B) 作為紀錄 (C) 放棄 (D) 修正 |

|【說明】make it easier 變得容易 |

10. The Internet has ______ newspapers as a medium of mass communication. It has become the main source for national and international news for people.

(A) reformed (B) surpassed (C) promoted (D) convinced

|作為大眾傳播的媒體,網路已經大大勝過報紙。它已經成為人們國內和國際新聞的主要來源。 |

|(A) 改革 (B) 勝過 (C) 宣傳 (D) 說服 |

|【說明】句中提到二種媒體the Internet和newspapers,判斷目前的現況是網路勝過報紙。 |

二、綜合測驗 (10分)


第 11 至 15 題為題組

Keele University in the United Kingdom has developed a “virtual patient,” created by a computer, to help train the pharmacists of the future. Students in the university’s School of 11 work with the “patient” to gain experience in effective communication and decision-making.

Students talk with the “patient” directly or by typing questions into a computer. The “patient” responds verbally or with gestures to indicate 12 such as pain, stress or anxiety. As a result, students are forced to communicate clearly 13 that the “patient” understands them completely. The Virtual Patient can also be used to explore various medical situations. For example, the “patient” can be programmed to be allergic to certain medicine and can 14 serious reactions if student learners are not aware of the situation. This kind of practice allows students to learn from mistakes in a safe environment that would not be 15 with textbooks alone. The unique system can both be used in a classroom setting or for distance learning.


|有效溝通和決策獲得經驗。 |

|學生直接與「病人」談話或藉由打字輸入問題進入電腦。「病人」用口語回應或用手勢表示如疼痛、壓力、或焦慮等12.情緒。因此,學生被 |

|迫清楚地傳達訊息13.以便於「病人」可以完全了解他們想要表達的東西。虛擬病人也可以用在探討各種不同的醫學情境。例如,「病人」可 |

|透過程式設計會表現出對某種藥物過敏,而且如果學生們沒有注意到這種情況,「病人」有可能14.遭受嚴重的過敏反應。這種實習讓學生在 |

|安全的環境中從錯誤中學習,這種經驗光靠教科書是15.不可能達成的。這種獨特的系統可以用在教室的學習環境,或針對遠距學習。 |

11. (A) Education (B) Business (C) Pharmacy (D) Humanities

|(A) 教育 (B) 商學 (C) 藥劑學 (D) 人文科學 |

|【解析】 注意前一句提到未來pharmacists的養成,當然是在pharmacy school,故答案選 (C)。 |

12. (A) expressions (B) emotions (C) elements (D) events

|(A) 表情 (B) 情緒 (C) 元素 (D) 事件 |

|【解析】 從空格後的舉例such as回推,所謂的pain, stress, anxiety指的是病人的情緒表達,故答案選 (B)。 |

13. (A) in order (B) in return (C) in case (D) in addition

|(A) 為了 (B) 回報 (C) 萬一 (D) 此外 |

|【解析】 注意空格後的搭配字that,in order that是最佳搭配,其他選項in return for, in addition to是不搭配that的,而in case |

|that/of,則放入題中文意不合,故答案選 (A)。 |

14. (A) adapt to (B) break into (C) provide with (D) suffer from

|(A) 適應 (B) 闖入 (C) 提供 (D) 遭受…之苦 |

|【解析】 注意對等連接詞and所連接的概念,前面提到「病人」對藥物過敏allergic to medicine,接著的反應也會是一種痛苦,故答案選 |

|(D)。 |

15. (A) exciting (B) necessary (C) possible (D) important

|(A) 興奮的 (B) 必要的 (C) 可能的 (D) 重要的 |

|【解析】 本句提到「模擬病人」讓學生在安全的情境下從錯誤中學習是光靠教科書做不到的not be possible,故答案選 (C)。 |

第 16 至 20 題為題組

In spite of modernization and the increasing role of women in all walks of life, the practice of the dowry in India is still widespread. The dowry system, money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage, was started centuries ago with the intention of providing security for a girl 16 difficulties and unexpected circumstances after marriage. For this purpose, the parents gave 17 they could to their daughter, which consequently went to the groom’s family. By the beginning of the 21st century, however, the custom had deteriorated to a point whereby the groom and his family had become very 18 . When demands for dowry are not met, the bride is 19 torture, and often even killed. The more educated a man is, the 20 is the expectation for dowry at the time of marriage. Girls who are highly educated are required to have larger dowries because they usually marry more educated men.


|地產,這是在數個世紀之前就開始習俗,目的是提供女孩在結婚之後16.萬一面臨困難或超乎預期的狀況下可以提供安全保障。為了這個目的 |



|因為她們通常都會嫁給受高等教育的男性。 |

16. (A) due to (B) apart from (C) in case of (D) with reference to

|(A) 由於 (B) 除了…之外 (C) 萬一 (D) 關於 |

|【解析】本句提到給女兒嫁妝的目的是當女兒萬一在婚姻生活中遭遇困難時提供安全保障security,故答案選 (C)。 |

17. (A) whoever (B) whenever (C) whatever (D) whichever

|(A) 無論誰 (B) 無論何時 (C) 無論什麼 (D) 無論哪一個 |

|【解析】本空格之前the parents |

|gave已有主詞與動詞,接下來應該是受詞,卻找不到先行詞,判斷應該是省略先行詞的複合關係代名詞的考題,故答案應選 |

|(C)。人+whoever,時間+whenever,物+whichever。 |

18. (A) greedy (B) pleasant (C) regretful (D) sympathetic

|(A) 貪婪的 (B) 愉快的 (C) 後悔的 (D) 同情的 |

|【解析】上句先提到嫁妝的原意是以防萬一,演變至今卻變成人性的考驗,嫁妝流入新郎家人手中當然愈多愈好,故答案選 (A)。 |

19. (A) aware of (B) required by (C) furious with (D) subject to

|(A) 察覺 (B) 受…要求 (C) 因…憤怒 (D) 易於 |

|【解析】承上句,當新娘的嫁妝不符合夫家的要求時很容易受到折磨be subject to torture,故答案選 (D)。 |

20. (A) lower (B) higher (C) better (D) worse

|(A) 愈低 (B) 愈高 (C) 較好 (D) 較壞 |


|育的男性必須付出更多的嫁妝,回推本格教育程度越高的男性期望得到更高額的嫁妝,故答案選 (B)。 |

三、文意選填 (10分)

說明:第21至30題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中分別選出最適當者,並將其字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯或劃記多於一個選項者倒扣1/9分,倒扣到本大題之實得分數為零為止。未作答者,不給分亦不扣分。

第 21 至 30 題為題組

Oniomania is the technical term for the compulsive desire to shop, more commonly referred to as compulsive shopping or shopping addiction. Victims often experience feelings of __21__ when they are in the process of purchasing, which seems to give their life meaning while letting them forget about their sorrows. Once __22__ the environment where the purchasing occurred, the feeling of a personal reward would be gone. To compensate, the addicted person would go shopping again. Eventually a feeling of suppression will overcome the person. For example, cases have shown that the bought goods will be hidden or destroyed, because the person concerned feels __23__ of their addiction and tries to conceal it. He or she is either regretful or depressed. In order to cope with the feelings, the addicted person is prompted to __24__ another purchase.

Compulsive shopping often begins at an early age. Children who experienced parental neglect often grew up with low __25__ because throughout much of their childhood they felt that they were not important as a person. As a result, they used toys to __26__ their feelings of loneliness. Because of the ongoing sentiment of deprivation they endured as children, adults that have depended on materials for emotional __27__ when they were much younger are more likely to become addicted to shopping. During adulthood, the purchase, instead of the toy, is substituted for __28__. The victims are unable to deal with their everyday problems, especially those that alter their self-esteem. Important issues in their lives are repressed by __29__ something. According to studies, as many as 8.9 percent of the American population __30__ as compulsive buyers. Research has also found that men and women suffer from this problem at about the same rate.



(A) support (B) qualify (C) affection (D) ashamed (E) make up for

(F) leaving (G) turn to (H) buying ( I ) self-esteem ( J ) contentment

(A) 支持 n. [U](B) 使有資格 vi.(C) 感情 n. [U](D) 羞愧的 adj.(E) 補償 phr.

(F) 離開 gerund(G) 求助於 phr.(H) 購買 gerund(I) 自尊 n. [U](J) 滿足 n. [U]


21. of之後放名詞,名詞有四個:support(支撐)、affection(情感)、self-esteem(自尊)、contentment(滿足),根據文意購物強迫症者會從purchase中得到滿足,故答案選 (J)。

22. 根據經驗法則放在句首的字最佳的選擇往往是分詞,選項中有leaving和buying,有可能為本格答案,尋找句子的主要子句主詞是the feeling of a personal reward,了解一旦離開購物現場,強迫者會有心情上的失落,故答案選 (F)。

23. 注意空格有連綴動詞feel後有介系詞of,判斷要選填能搭配of的形容詞,其中be ashamed of表示「對…感到羞愧」,故答案選 (D)。

24. 本格之前為to表成癮者的行為應接原形動詞,選項中有動詞3個:qualify (as)(使有資格)、make up for(補償)、turn to(求助於),根據文意了解構物成癮症者會不停地求助於購物以滿足其心靈,故答案選 (G)。

25. 本格之前形容詞low,推斷空格為名詞,又根據文意得知病態的人當然自尊低於一般常人,故答案選 (I)。

26. 空格前有to所以推斷可能的答案是原形動詞,根據文意推測病態者常以玩具來彌補(make up for)其內心的寂寞,故答案選 (E)。

27. 空格前一字emotional為形容詞,本格應選填名詞,affection與emotional的意思雷同不可能搭配在一起使用,所以推斷適當的答案是emotional support(情感上的支持),故答案選 (A)。

28. 空格前為介系詞for,應選填的是名詞或動名詞,可考慮的字有affection或buying,根據文意成癮者長大後會以情感的轉移來取代小孩利用玩具的彌補心態, 故答案選 (C)。

29. 空格前是介系詞by,其後必須填入動名詞,目前只剩下buying,正好上下文吻合,故答案選 (H)。

30. 9格選完後剩下一個動詞,空格前有主詞,空格後有as,正符合qualify as的用法,表示美國人口中高達百分之八點九是句有以上所說的資格,故答案選(B)。

四、篇章結構 (10分)



|為止。未作答者,不給分亦不扣分。 |


There was a time when Whitney didn’t have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy and reserved. __31__ All through high school, though, she wasn’t able to make good friends or find companionship. ]

When it was time to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to be rooming with someone she didn’t know and living in a town 300 miles away from home. There wouldn’t be a single person she knew in town. __32__

The first week of classes, something happened that changed Whitney’s life forever. __33__ She told everyone where she came from and all of the other ordinary details that students share in such situations. The final question for each student to answer was, “what is your goal for this class?” Most of the students said that they would like to get a good grade, pass the class or something similar. __34__ She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.

While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney and held out her hand and introduced herself. She asked if they could be friends. The whole room was silent. All eyes focused on Whitney and the hand extended just in front of her. __35__ Whitney learned the power of asking for what she wanted and taking action on that day.

| |


|整個高中時期,她沒能結交到好朋友或找到同伴。 |


|一個新環境中要如何結交朋友。 |


|有學生在此種狀況下會分享的一些其他正常的瑣事。每個學生最後要回答的問題是:「修 |


|說她的目的只想要結交一位好友。 |

|雖然多數的學生都沉默不語,卻有一個學生走向Whitney,伸出她的手向她自我介紹。她問她是否可以當朋友。整間教室都沉默了,所有的目 |

|光都對著Whitney,伸出去的手就在她的面前。35.Whitney微笑著伸出她的手,一段友誼也就形成了。 |

(A) For some reason, Whitney said something entirely different.

(B) Whitney smiled and stretched her hand out and a friendship was formed.

(C) She had no idea how she was going to make friends in this new environment.

(D) In her English Composition class, she was asked to share a little about herself.

(E) She never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share

secrets and laughs with.

|[解析] |

|31. 此格前二句提到…didn’t have a lot of friends. She is shy and conserved.,說明Whitney並不是一個很受歡迎的人,所以她只想要 |

|有一個朋友能跟她分享秘密和歡笑(share secrets and laughs),故答案選 (E)。 |

|32. 第一段提到make friends or find companion,推斷第二段談Whitney上大學 |

|了搬到新環境,想要交朋友會面臨的問題(had no idea how…to make new |

|friends in this new environment),故答案選 (C)。 |

|33. 第三段第一句提到上課(the first week of classes),表示此段談到 |

|Whitney上課所發生的事(In her English Composition class…),故答案選 (D)。 |

|34. 空格前一句提到most of the students said…,推斷Whitney會說些話(for |

|some reason, Whitney said…),故答案選 (A)。 |

|35. 最後剩一個選項B,提到Whitney伸出手就展開一段友誼(a friendship |

|was formed),此句非常適合做為故事的happy ending,故答案選 (B)。 |

五、閱讀測驗( 32 分)

|說明:第36至51題,每題請分別根據各篇文章的文意選出一個最適當的選 |

|項,標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得2分,答錯或劃記 |

|多於一個選項者倒扣2/3分,倒扣到本大題之實得分數為零為止。未 |

|作答者,不給分亦不扣分。 |

第 36 至 39 題為題組

April 22, 2010 will be the 18th celebration of the annual Take Our Daughters to Work Day (TOD), a project the National Ms. Foundation for Women of America (NFW) developed to expose girls to expanding opportunities for women in the workplace.

The program offers millions of girls a first-hand view of the many career opportunities available in their futures. Now that women make up 46 percent of the U.S. workforce, girls can find role models in every occupational field—from politics to molecular biology to professional athletics, to name just a few. TOD encourages girls to focus on their abilities and opportunities, not just their appearance.

The NFW developed the project more than a decade ago to address the self-esteem problems that many girls experience when they enter adolescence. At school, boys often receive more encouragement in the classroom, especially in math, science and computer science, the academic fields that tend to lead to the highest salaries. Women receive on average only 73 cents for every dollar that men are paid, and remain vastly underrepresented in top executive positions and technology fields. TOD aims to give girls the confidence and inspiration they need to develop successful careers, particularly in non-traditional fields.

Perhaps because the program had become so widespread and successful, TOD had been criticized for excluding boys, and it was expanded in 2003 to include boys. The program’s official website states that the program was changed in order to provide both boys and girls with opportunities to explore careers at an age when they are more flexible in terms of gender stereotyped roles. “We should also show boys that becoming a child care provider is as acceptable a choice as becoming a police officer or CEO,” added Sara K. Gould, executive director of the NFW.

| 2010年四月二時二日將是第十八屆「帶我們的女兒上班日」活動(簡稱TOD)的周年慶,該項計畫是針對美國婦女的一個國家基金會(簡 |

|稱NFW)所推動,活動的目的是讓女孩子接觸針對女性工作地點日益擴大的經驗。 |


|職業領域中找到角色模範:從政治到原子生物到職業體育選手,你能說出來的都是。TOD活動鼓勵女孩要專注於自己的能力與機會,而不只 |

|是她們的外表。 |

|NFW十多年前開始推動該計畫,發表了許多女孩在進入青春期後的自尊問題。在求學時期,男孩在教室中獲得較多的鼓勵,特別是數學、自 |


|是大大低於適當比例。TOD的目的是給予女孩在發展成功的生涯職業時所需的信心和激勵,尤其是在非傳統的領域。 |

|也許是該計畫已經很普遍且成功,TOD受到排擠男孩的批判,所以在2003年擴大辦理把男孩納入計畫中。該計畫的官方網站指出它之所以改 |

|變是因為要提供男孩女孩有相同的機會在他們對於性別制式角色概念較有彈性的某個年齡去探索生涯職業。NFW的執行長Sara K. |

|Gould說:「我們也要讓男孩知道成為照顧小孩的人和擔任警察或經理人是同樣可接受的選擇。」 |

36. The purpose for having a Take Our Daughters to Work Day is ______.

(A) to encourage girls to pursue top paying jobs

(B) to let girls spend more time with their mothers

(C) to show girls possibilities for work and careers

(D) to give girls a chance to visit their mothers’ offices

|36. 舉辦「帶我們的女兒上班」活動的目的是______。 |

|鼓勵女孩追求高薪的工作 |

|讓女兒有更多時間與母親在一起 |

|讓女孩知道擁有工作與生涯職業的可能性 |

|給女孩機會去參觀媽媽的辦公室 |

|【說明】 第二段第一句提到:The program offers millions of girls a first-hand view of many career opportunities available |

|in the future. 清楚指出讓女孩有機會了解職業,故答案選 (C)。 |

37. TOD was criticized because some people ______.

(A) thought it was not fair to boys

(B) did not like having children at work

(C) did not have daughters to take to work

(D) would rather have their daughters stay at home

|37. TOD受到批評是因為有些人_______。 |

|認為它對男孩不公 |

|不喜歡工作時有小孩 |

|沒有女兒可以帶去上班 |

|寧願讓女兒待在家裡 |

|【說明】最後一段第一句提到:TOD had been criticized for excluding |

|boys,清楚指出原來的活動是排除男孩的,讓人覺得不公平所以受到批評,故答案選 (A)。 |

38. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Boys are now included on Take Our Daughters to Work Day.

(B) Women and men have always been treated equally at work.

(C) Homemaking and rearing children are jobs for girls only.

(D) Girls grow up receiving more attention than boys.

|38. 根據本文下列敘述何者正確? |

|現在男孩也加入「帶我們的女兒上班」的行列。 |

|女性與男性在職場上一向受到平等的對待。 |

|照顧家庭和養育小孩是女性的工作(男性不必做)。 |

|女孩成長過程受到的關注比男孩多。 |

|【說明】接著同一段的同一句提到:it was expanded in 2003 to include |

|boys,清楚指出2003年開始讓男孩也參與該項活動,故答案選A。 |

39. Why are women underrepresented in some fields such as technology?

(A) They are not interested in these fields.

(B) They are not encouraged to work in these fields.

(C) They are not paid the same as men in these fields.

(D) They are not allowed to be educated in these fields.

|39. 為什麼女性在某些如科技的領域中達不到是當的比例? |

|她們對這些領域不感興趣。 |

|她們未受到鼓勵在這些領域中工作。 |

|在這些領域中她們的薪資待遇與男性不同。 |

|她們不可以在這些領域中受教育。 |

|【說明】 第二段第二句提到:At school, boys often receive more encouragement in the classroom, especially in math, |

|science…. Women…remain vastly underrepresented in…technology fields. 清楚指出男孩在教室中受到的鼓勵遠多於女孩,所以女性很 |

|少從事科技業,故答案選 (B)。 |

第 40 至 43 題為題組

In all cultures and throughout history hair has had a special significance. In ancient Egypt, as long ago as 1500 BC, the outward appearance expressed the person’s status, role in society and political position. Wigs played an important role in this: they were crafted with great artistry and often sprinkled with powdered gold.

In the 8th century BC, the pre-Roman Celts in Northern Europe wore their hair long. In a man it was the expression of his strength, in a woman of her fertility. The idea of long hair as a symbol of male strength is even mentioned in the Bible, in the story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was a leader of the Israelites. His long hair, which he never cut, gave him superhuman powers. The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. However, she spied for the enemy and betrayed him. One night she cut off his hair and thus robbed him of his strength.

In the classical Greek period, curly hair was not only the fashion, but it also represented an attitude towards life. Curls or locks were the metaphor for change, freedom and the joy of living. The ancient Greek word for curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone.

Hair is also used as a symbol of opposition. The punk protest movement today uses hair as a symbol of disapproval of the “middle-class, conventional lifestyle” by wearing provocative haircuts and shockingly colored hair. A different form of objection could be seen in the women’s hairstyles in the 1960s. Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut, straight and simple hairstyle which underlined equality with men without neglecting female attributes. To this day hair has kept its importance as a symbol of power, youth, vitality and health.

| |


|的地位。假髮在此扮演了重要的角色:它們是手工打造的藝術品,且經常以粉狀的黃金點綴。 |

|西元前第八世紀時,在北歐地區早於羅馬人的凱爾特人(Celts)留長髮。在男人身上長髮表示力量,在女人身上長髮表示生殖力。長髮被 |



|頭髮因而奪走了他的力量。 |


|表curls或locks的字就與吸引或誘惑某人有關。 |



|忽視女人的特質。到今天頭髮保持著它的重要性,作為權力、年輕、活力和健康的一種象徵。 |

40. The topic of this passage could best be described as _____ .

(A) the scientific study of hairstyles

(B) the symbolic meanings of hairstyles

(C) the art of designing different hairstyles

(D) the contemporary development of hairstyles

|40. 本文的主旨是_________。 |

|髮型的科學研究 |

|髮型的象徵意義 |

|設計不同髮型的藝術 |

|當今髮型的發展 |

|【說明】全文多次提到hairstyle以及其symbol,所以清楚知道本文主要介紹髮型的象徵,故答案選 (B)。 |

41. Why did ancient Greeks like to wear curls and locks?

(A) To attract others.

(B) To show off their artistry.

(C) To hide their real identity.

(D) To represent power and status.

|41.為什麼古希臘人喜歡捲髮或挽髮? |

|吸引其他人。 |

|炫燿他們的藝術。 |

|隱藏他們的真實身分。 |

|代表他們的權勢和地位。 |

|【說明】第三段的最後一句提到:curls and locks is related to intriguing and tempting someone,其中intriguing和tempting都清 |

|楚表示要引誘他人,意即吸引之意(attracting),故答案選 (A)。 |

42. How did women in the 1960s use hair to show objection?

(A) They grew long hair.

(B) They dyed their hair.

(C) They cut their hair short.

(D) They shaved their heads.

|42. 60年代的女人如何使用頭髮來表達反對? |

|留長髮。 |

|染髮。 |

|把頭髮剪短。 |

|用剃刀剃光頭髮。 |

|【說明】在第四段中先找到年代1960s,再往下閱讀:Women’s liberation was expressed in a short-cut, straight and simple |

|hairstyle. 清楚知道當時的女性解放其中一項就是剪短髮,故答案選 (C)。 |

43. What can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Long curly hair has always been popular since ancient times.

(B) Ancient Egyptians did not pay much attention to their hairstyles.

(C) The punk movement is one of the most successful movements in history.

(D) Samson might never have been defeated if he had kept the secret to himself.

|43. 從本文中可推論到下列哪一句? |

|長捲髮自古代到現在都一直受到歡迎。 |

|古埃及人不會把很多的注意力放在髮型上。 |

|龐克運動是歷史上最成功的運動之一。 |

|如果參孫不把秘密讓他人知道,他可能永遠不會被擊敗。 |

|【說明】第二段提到參孫與黛莉拉的故事,最後說:The only person who knew his secret was Delilah. 黛利拉出賣了他導致他的死亡 |

|,所以如果沒人知道他的秘密,參孫可能永不被擊敗,故答案選 (D)。 |

第44 至 47 題為題組

Camille Mahlknecht, 9, has some big fun planned for this weekend. She and other residents of Agoura Hills, California, plan to pick up trash during their city’s annual cleanup. At the same time, Wissam Raed, 12, will be busy volunteering too. Thousands of miles away in Lebanon, Wissam plans to put on a play at an orphanage and bring potted plants to elderly people at a senior citizen center.

Some other children like Nathan White, 10, have personal reasons for volunteering. Nathan’s grandmother died of a heart attack. To help raise money for medical research, Nathan participated in Jump Rope for Heart. He and five other boys took turns jumping rope for two and half hours and collected more than US$1,200 in donations for the American Heart Association.

Millions of children around the globe lend a hand to their communities every year. Schools and parents also contribute to the rise in youth service. For example, many schools offer community service activities for students to join. Teachers either combine volunteer work with classroom lessons or make service work a requirement. Parents, on the other hand, encourage their kids to volunteer and do it with them.

Community service is particularly important in this recession time. As the need for monetary support and other aid has increased, many charitable organizations have experienced a significant drop in donations. Camille and other children who volunteer thousands of hours annually can fill in some of the gaps.

According to research, kids who start volunteering are twice as likely to continue doing good deeds when they are adults. So, grab a paintbrush, a trash bag, or whatever you need to help your community. You’ll love how you feel after helping others. Even dirty work can be lots of fun, if it’s for a good cause.

| Camille Mahlknecht,九歲,本週末有一件計畫好的重大樂事。她和加州Agoura |

|Hills的居民計畫在城市年度清潔日揀拾垃圾。同時,Wissam |

|Raed,十二歲,也會忙著從事志工活動。在數千英哩之外的Lebanon城市的Wissam計畫到一家孤兒院演出一齣戲劇,並帶著盆栽植物到養老 |

|院去。 |

|一些其他的小孩如Nathan White,十歲,有個人的理由去從事志工活動。Nathan的祖母死於心肌梗塞。為了幫助醫學研究募款,Nathan 參 |

|加「為心臟跳繩」活動,他和其他的男孩輪流跳繩持續二個半小時募到超過一千兩百美元的捐款給美國心臟協會。 |


|們或利用教室作業結合志工工作,或讓服務的工作成為必修課程。另一方面,父母親鼓勵孩子們參加志工活動並和一起加入他們。 |


|lle和其他孩子每年從事數千個小時的工作能填補部分的缺口。 |


|幫助你的社區。在幫助他人之後你會愛上那種感覺。甚至是骯髒的工作也有很多的樂趣,如果是為了一個良善的理想目標。 |

44. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

(A) To recommend youth service programs to schools.

(B) To ask charity organizations to serve the community.

(C) To urge children to take part in volunteering activities.

(D) To propose alternatives for doing community services.

|44. 作者寫這篇文章的目的是什麼? |

|推薦年輕人服務計畫給學校。 |

|要求慈善機構去服務社區。 |

|力勸小孩去參與志工活動。 |

|建議不同的選擇從事社區服務。 |

|【說明】本文數次提到volunteering(志工),並提到三個小孩的年齡9. 10. 12,所以推斷文章主要的目的是鼓勵小孩從事志工活動,故 |

|答案選 (C)。 |

45. What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?

(A) Community service is gaining popularity among children.

(B) Families and schools help to make community service popular.

(C) Children now depend more on their teachers than on their parents.

(D) Nathan White had a special reason to raise money for medical research.

|45. 第三段的主要概念是什麼? |

|社區服務在小孩之間正獲得普遍的認同。 |

|家庭和學校有助於社區服務更普及化。 |

|現在的小孩依賴老師更勝過其父母。 |

|Nathan有一個特別的理由為醫學研究募款。 |

|【說明】本段第二句提到:Schools and parents also contribute to the rise in youth service…. 清楚說出學校與父母親都支持此一 |

|善舉,故答案選 (B)。 |

46. Why is community service important in a time of recession?

(A) It raises money for school activities.

(B) It teaches children to take care of the sick.

(C) It gives charity organizations some needed help.

(D) It encourages parents and teachers to work together.

|46. 為什麼社區服務在不景氣的時代會重要? |

|它能為學校的活動募款。 |

|它能教導小孩照顧生病的人。 |

|它能提供慈善機構一些必要的協助。 |

|它鼓勵父母和老師在一起工作。 |

|【說明】第四段第一句提到不景氣的年代(recession)更需要志工,原因在第二句:many charitable organizations have experienced |

|a significant drop in donations. 經濟不景氣就沒有捐款,故答案選 (C)。 |

47. What can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Community service can help prevent juvenile delinquency.

(B) Children will probably leave school and work as volunteers.

(C) Organizing sports events for the school is a kind of community service.

(D) Children who do volunteer work are more likely to grow up to be caring adults.

|47. 從文章中可以推論到什麼? |

|社區服務有助於預防青少年犯罪。 |

|小孩有可能離開學校去從事志工的工作。 |

|為學校籌敗球賽活動是一種社區服務。 |

|從事志工工作的小孩很有可能在長大後變成有愛心的成人。 |

|【說明】最後一段的第一句提到:According to research, kids who start volunteering are twice as likely to continue doing |

|good deeds when they are adults. 清楚指出研究的結果是小孩開始培養助人的習慣長大才會行善,故答案選 (D)。 |

第 48 至 51 題為題組

Downloading music over the Internet is pretty common among high school and college students. However, when students download and share copyrighted music without permission, they are violating the law.

A survey of young people’s music ownership has found that teenagers and college students have an average of more than 800 illegally copied songs each on their digital music players. Half of those surveyed share all the music on their hard drive, enabling others to copy hundreds of songs at any one time. Some students were found to have randomly linked their personal blogs to music sites, so as to allow free trial listening of copyrighted songs for blog visitors, or adopted some of the songs as the

background music for their blogs. Such practices may be easy and free, but there are consequences.

Sandra Dowd, a student of Central Michigan University, was fined US$7,500 for downloading 501 files from LimeWire, a peer-to-peer file sharing program. Sandra claimed that she was unaware that her downloads were illegal until she was contacted by authorities. Similarly, Mike Lewinski paid US$4,000 to settle a lawsuit against him for copyright violation. Mike expressed shock and couldn’t believe that this was happening to him. “I just wanted to save some money and I always thought the threat was just a scare tactic.” “You know, everyone does it,” added Mike.

The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), the organization that files lawsuits against illegal downloaders, states that suing students was by no means their first choice. Unfortunately, without the threat of consequences, students are just not changing their behavior. Education alone is not enough to stop the extraordinary growth of the illegal downloading practice.

| 高中或大學學生在網路上下載音樂是稀鬆平常的事。然而,當學生未獲許可下載分享有版權的音樂時,他們就是正在觸法。 |




|費的,但是也會有後果。 |

|Sandra Dowd是Central |

|Michigan大學的學生,因為從Limewire網下載501部影片被罰款七千五百美元,這是一個朋友對朋友的影片分享軟體。Sandra宣稱她直到有 |

|關單位連絡她時才知道下載是違法的。類似的案例,Mike Lewinski付了四千美元的法律訴訟費去解決一件侵權官司。Mike表示震驚並且無 |


|。」 |


|果的威脅,學生們就不會改變他們的行為。光是教育不足以阻止非法下載行為的驚人成長。 |

48. Why is it common for students to download copyrighted music?

(A) They don’t think that they will be caught.

(B) They want their friends to know that they are smart.

(C) They think it is a good way to make some extra money.

(D) They are against copyright protection over Internet music.

|48. 學生下載有版權的音樂為何如此的普遍? |

|他們認為不會被抓到。 |

|他們希望朋友認為他們很聰明。 |

|他們認為這是一種賺額外錢的好方法。 |

|他們在對抗網路音樂的版權保護法。 |

|【說明】第三段提到二位大學生因下載音樂被罰款的事件,其中提到:Mike expressed shock and couldn’t believe that this was |

|happening to him. 表示一般人都認為有關單位不會真的去抓學生,故答案選(A)。 |

49. What does Mike mean by saying that “the threat was just a scare tactic”?

(A) One should not be afraid of threats.

(B) A lawsuit will result from the threat.

(C) It is unfair to scare people with a threat.

(D) No serious consequence will follow the threat.

|49. Mike說「這個威脅只是一種嚇人的策略」是什麼意思? |

|一個人不該懼怕威脅。 |

|法律訴訟起因於這項威脅。 |

|利用威脅恐嚇人們是不公平的。 |

|這項威脅不會有嚴重的後果。 |

|【說明】接續上題,粗體字說明Mike的心情,他認為這種威脅只是一種唬人的手段,應該不會有嚴重的後果,故答案選 (D)。 |

50. What is RIAA’s attitude towards students’ illegal downloading behavior?

(A) They believe that education will help greatly in protecting copyrights.

(B) They profit from the fines illegal downloaders pay for copyright violations.

(C) They like to sue students for downloading music illegally from the Internet.

(D) They think that illegal downloading behavior needs tough measures to correct.

|50. RIAA針對學生違法下載的行為所持的態度是什麼? |

|他們認為教育對於保護版權有很大的幫助。 |

|他們從違法下載人付出的侵權罰款中獲得利潤。 |

|他們喜歡控訴那些從事網路非法下載的學生。 |

|他們認為非法下載音樂的行為需要嚴格的措施去糾正。 |

|【說明】做本題時先到最後一段提到RIAA這個組織,其中提到:suing students was by no means their first choice…. Without the |

|threat of consequences, students are just not changing their behavior. 清楚說明要改變學生的非法下載行為,控告學生雖非上策 |

|也不得不做,故答案選(D)。 |

51. What’s the best title for this passage?

(A) Copyright Violators, Beware!

(B) How to Get Free Music Online!

(C) A Survey of Students’ Downloading Habits

(D) Eliminate Illegal Music Download? Impossible!

|51. 本文最佳的題目是什麼? |

|侵權者,小心! |

|如何取得網路免費音樂! |

|學生下載行為調查 |

|減少非法音樂下載?不可能! |

|【說明】文章提到學生網路非法下載音樂的行為,以及RIAA控訴學生的案例,清楚說明本文最是當的標題就是A。 |

第貳部分:非選擇題( 佔28 分)

一、中譯英 (8分)

|說明:1. 將下列兩句中文翻譯成適當之英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。 |

|2. 請依序作答,並標明題號。每題4分,共8分。 |

1. 玉山是東亞第一高峰,以生態多樣聞名。

|[說明] |

|本句的句型結構如下:S + be + SC (in +地點), which is famous for its + N. |

|( S ( Mt. Jade |

|( be ( is |

|( SC ( the highest mountain |

|( in +地點 ( in Eastern Asia |

|( 以which引導的關係子句補充說明玉山的特色,因先行詞(玉山)為專有名 |

|詞,所以用非限定用法。 |

|( be famous for ( 以…而聞名 |

|( ecological diversity ( 生態多樣性 |

2. 大家在網路上投票給它,要讓它成為世界七大奇觀之一。

|[說明] |

|本句的句型結構如下:S + V+ on the Internet + in order to + V… + in the world. |

|( S ( people |

|( V ( vote for it (it指的是玉山) |

|( on the Internet ( 在網路上(投票) |

|( in order to ( 表示目的 |

|( make + O + OC ( 使某事物成為… |

| O ( it(指玉山) |

| OC ( one of the seven wonders |

二、英文作文 (20分)

說明:1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。

2. 文長約120至150個單詞(words)。


|[說明] |

|文體:說明文+描寫文(150字,平均每段75字) |

|1. 第一段:說明你要邀請的人(who?),以及為什麼要邀請他/她(why?)。 |

|( I want to invite Lisa to go biking from Yonghe to Dansui. |

|( The reasons I want to invite her are as follows. |

|( For one, we have been good friends since we studied in elementary school. |

|However, we haven’t gone out together for a long time because of the CEE. |

|( For another, we can share a lot of secrets with each other. |

|2. 第二段:描寫你們會去的地方(where?),做些甚麼事(what?),為什麼要做這些事(why?) |

|( We ride our bicycles at the speed of 40 kilometers along the Dansui River, from Youghe to Dansui. |

|( Therefore, we will arrive at Dansui in twenty minutes. Then we won’t be too tired or get sunburned. |

|( In Dansui, first, we’ll hang around the market street, buying and eating whatever we see and we like to our contentment |

|so as to release pressure from the CEE. |

|( Second, we’ll rent a sailboat, sailing around the river and appreciating the beautiful sunset. |

|( Third, at night, we’ll talk a walk along the river, listening to the tide and waiting for the next sunrise. |


中和高中 郭慧敏老師

|第一部分單選題 (共51題,佔72分) |

|10題詞彙題 |文意字彙10題 |

|10題綜合測驗 |第一篇介紹電腦虛擬病人 |

| |第二篇介紹印度嫁妝習俗 |

|10題文意選填 |一篇討論強迫購物症及其成因 |

|5題篇章結構 |一篇介紹主動爭取友誼的故事 |

|16題閱讀測驗 |第一篇介紹「帶女兒上班日」,鼓勵女性走出傳統窠臼、積極投入職場 |

|(4篇短文閱讀) | |

| |第二篇介紹歷史上頭髮的象徵性意義 |

| |第三篇鼓勵青少年投身志工服務的行列 |

| |第四篇探討網路下載音樂的問題,以及違反著作權法引發的法律議題 |

|第二部分 (非選擇題佔28分) |

|2題翻譯 |第一句帶有一個非限定關係子句: |

| |S + be V + SC + relative clause |

| |第二句:S+V ¹+in order to V² |

|作文 |寫一篇文章講述自己規劃預算的方式,文分二段: |

| |第一段說明你要邀請的人(who?),以及為什麼要邀請他/她(why?)。 |

| |第二段描寫你們會去的地方(where?),做些甚麼事(what?),為什麼要做這些事(why?) |

◎ 至於測驗目標與建議事項,見下表分析與說明:

|1-10字彙題 |考3題動詞(scattered, modified, surpassed ),3題名詞(receipt |

| |, investigation , appliances),2題形容詞(fluent, demanding),2題副詞(cautiously, |

| |externally),就單字詞性的學習與分配符合比例原則 |

| |此次考題的字彙考題仍舊是4500之內的字多,僅有4題是level |

| |5,6的字,所以中等程度或以下的學生可以專注於4500的字。 |

|11-15克漏字 |11考單字 (pharmacy),表配藥學 |

| |12考單字(emotions),表情緒 |

| |13考片語(in order),表清楚溝通的目的 |

| |14考片語(suffer from),表示遭受…之苦 |

| |15考單字(possible),可能的 |

|16-20克漏字 |16考片語(in case of) |

| |17考文法(whatever) |

| |18考單字(greedy) |

| |19考片語(subject to) |

| |20考文法(higher),表受教育高的男性期望得到更高額的嫁妝 |

| |( 此次綜合測驗中10個選題,5題為字彙題,偏重4500的字。 |

| |( 4題片語為常見片語,僅be subject to未出現在各個版本。語法題僅出現1題。 |

|21-30文意選填 |10個單字填入10個空格,使句意完整,文意通順。 |

| |建議: |

| |( 此次文意選填的名詞過於集中在第二段,在判斷上稍微有一些困難。 |

| |( 學生平日宜多訓練空格前後線索判斷詞性,學習單字時要注意單字的詞性。 |

|31-35 篇章結構 |5個挖去的句子,放回原文中,使句意完整。 |

| |建議: |

| |此次的篇章結構事故事敘述,所以容易判斷上下文意而選出正確答案。 |

|36-51閱讀測驗 |建議: |

| |此次閱讀測驗文章常度算長,但是所問的問題都屬於簡單,容易從單段或單句就判斷出正確答案。 |

|翻譯與作文 |建議: |

| |( 此次中譯英題目時時事入題,句型單純但有些困難單字,所以建議學生以後要多注意生活時事用字。 |

| |( |

| |作文部分請注意二段的為什麼是不一樣的,第一段的為什麼是為什麼邀約這個人?第二段的為什麼是為什麼要做|

| |這些活動?以免二段會有重疊說明。 |











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