


|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Canada | | Ericsson w960i |Hello I am interested in |30-NOV-08 - 30-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101580717/Sony_Ericsson_w960| |purchasing Sony Ericsson W960i | |

| | |i.html | |mobile phones in low quantities….| |

|Peru | | cell phone |watch cell phone |30-NOV-08 - 30-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101580227/watch_cell_phone.h| | | |

| | |tml | | | |

|United Kingdom | | TV Installation |Satellite Installation Company In|30-NOV-08 - 30-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101579788/Satellite_TV_Insta|Supplies |South East England. Looking for | |

| | |llation_Supplies.html | |Supplier For Installation. Ie. | |

| | | | |Cables. F Connectors. Joiners | |

|Hong Kong |JUN YUE TELECOM CO | brands used mobile |Since my hometown fellows have |30-NOV-08 - 30-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101582395/All_brands_used_mo|phones & parts |been running the mobile business | |

| | |bile_phones_parts.html | |more than a decade…. | |

|Lithuania |J.U.Ltd. | phones |any models of ne mobile phones, |30-NOV-08 - 30-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101580116/mobile_phones.html| |free shipping worldwide, price | |

| | | | |from 24 USD… | |

|Taiwan |Mountain Wise | for OEM CDMA phone|WE ARE LOOKING FOR OEM CDMA FOR |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| |International Co., Ltd. |tail/101582599/looking_for_OEM_CD|for us |…… | |

| | |MA_phone_for_us.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Palestine | | satellite receiver|i am looking for satlite digital |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580644/digital_satellite_| |reciever pvr USB | |

| | |receiver.html | | | |

|United States | | phone |i am looking for this phone |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101581923/triband_phone.html| | | |

|India | | phone |Name-ChandThapar Address-H. NO 46|30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580430/Mobile_phone.html | |Sant nagar civil line Ludhiana | |

| | | | |(punjab) (India) Pincode 141001 | |

| | | | |RT international. in | |

|Turkey | | phone |I want to buy most wanted |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580592/cell_phone.html | |cellphones to sell them. The | |

| | | | |brand must be well known. The | |

| | | | |sellers should be trusted people.| |

|Bangladesh | | phone |Looking mobile phone to import. |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101581961/Mobile_phone.html | | | |

|Hong Kong | | satellite multiswitch |Satellite multiswitch needed, |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579597/buy_satellite_mult| |please let me know your price and| |

| | |iswitch.html | |details. Thanks! ! | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Bahamas | | cell phones |i would like to get some prices |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580387/| |foe gsm cell phones | |

| | |ml | | | |

|India | | Telephones |Panasonic Telephones |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580204/Panasonic_Telephon| | | |

| | |es.html | | | |

|India | | cable |USB cable |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101582446/USB_cable.html | | | |

|Jamaica | | mobile phone |dual standby with 2 different |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579905/_Odeon_mobile_phon| |network, TV, FM radio, | |

| | |e_.html | |handwritten input, dual | |

| | | | |bluetooth, dual camera, quad | |

| | | | |band, dual camera | |

|Hong Kong | | mobile phone |we are HK company. We are looking|30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101581332/buy_mobile_phone.h| |for mobile phone. | |

| | |tml | | | |

|Puerto Rico | | electronics |Looking for dropshippers |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580503/consumer_electroni| | | |

| | |cs.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Peru |Infordata SA | blackberry storm |We need blackberry storm, Please |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580602/Buy_blackberry_sto| |let us know the price and minimum| |

| | |rm.html | |order requirements. Best regards,| |

| | | | |Juan Vicente | |

|United States |worldofstuf84 | Blackberry Storm |Looking to buy 1 unit samples to |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580639/LOoking_Blackberry|9500 or 9530 |prove that it legit and what i am| |

| | |_Storm_9500_or_9530.html | |looking for after that be tween 6| |

| | | | |to 10 phones. Paypal etc. . | |

|United States |hurbanamerika | touch diamond, htc |yes i need all of these phones |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101581438/htc_touch_diamond_|touch pro, Samsung |please send me price list per pc | |

| | |htc_touch_pro_Samsung_instinct_ig|instinct, ig sprint rumor,|30pc each semd price list thank | |

| | |_sprint_rumor_blackberry_curve_83|blackberry curve 8330, |you so much | |

| | |30_.html | | | |

|Romania |IoliMex LLC | Original New Phones|Buying Original Brand New Mobile |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579782/Buying_Original_Ne| |Phones | |

| | |w_Phones.html | | | |

|Taiwan |Extra Cell Company | original phones |we need mobile p[hones new and |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101580434/Nokia_original_pho| |original | |

| | |nes.html | | | |

|Australia |Bottom Line Concepts Pty| Phone Accessories |LOOKING FOR CAR-KITS & MOBILE |30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| |Ltd |tail/101582033/Mobile_Phone_Acces| |ACCESSORIES> | |

| | |sories.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Australia |Bottom Line Concepts Pty| PHONES & |I am looking to purchase all good|30-NOV-08 - 30-MAY-09|

| |Ltd |tail/101582022/MOBILE_PHONES_CONS|CONSUMABLES |quality genuine Nokia, Sony | |

| | |UMABLES.html | |Ericsson, RIM Blackberry, iPhone,| |

| | | | |Motorola handsets in bulk. UNLOC | |

|United States | | 3g |I need apple iphones 8 / 16 gb. |30-NOV-08 - 30-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101581143/iphone_3g.html | |please quote best prices for 20 | |

| | | | |pc. | |

|United States |Hilltop Trading Co. | for cellular phone|Looking for a manufacuturer which|30-NOV-08 - 30-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101581040/looking_for_cellul|manufacturer |could produce celluar phone, | |

| | |ar_phone_manufacturer.html | |iphone, Blackberry. | |

|India |Export Import Consortium| Telephone Sets |Importers, Distributors |30-NOV-08 - 30-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101579753/Panasonic_Telephon| | | |

| | |e_Sets.html | | | |

|Myanmar |Global Wave Technology | Data Logger |we need information about GPS |30-NOV-08 - 30-DEC-08|

| |Co., Ltd |tail/101581517/| |Data Logger for our vehicle | |

| | |ml | |tracking system. | |

|India | | Telephone Sets |Importers and Distributors |30-NOV-08 - 30-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101579758/Panasonic_Telephon| | | |

| | |e_Sets.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|United Kingdom | | storm type |I am looking for a blackberry |30-NOV-08 - 30-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580711/blackberry_storm_t|phone or cheap |storm lookalike type phone, also | |

| | |ype_phone_or_cheap.html | |blackberry…. | |

|United Kingdom | | quality top mobiles |I all looking new models only, |30-NOV-08 - 30-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580704/High_quality_top_m|and wrist mobiles quad |latest releases. Please could you| |

| | |obiles_and_wrist_mobiles_quad_ban|band, dual SIM |let me know price and min order | |

| | |d_dual_SIM.html | |for this item. | |

|Bosnia and |DTS SPED d.o.o. | HTC mobile phone |Please send me your price list of|30-NOV-08 - 14-DEC-08|

|Herzegovina | |tail/101580656/Buy_HTC_mobile_pho| |HTC Mobile Phones with all | |

| | |ne.html | |specifications. | |

|United States | | Bold (unlocked)|just one |30-NOV-08 - 14-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580730/Blackberry_Bold_un|mobile phone | | |

| | |locked_mobile_phone.html | | | |

|United States |Rock the Casbah Books | G1 google android cell|I am looking for authentic HTC g1|30-NOV-08 - 14-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101582340/HTC_G1_google_andr|phone |phones, preferably unlocked, only| |

| | |oid_cell_phone.html | |from US / CAN / UK …. | |

|United Kingdom |Trice International Ltd | Oil, RBD |We have been requested to provide|30-NOV-08 - 07-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580633/Palm_Oil_RBD.html | |Trade-Finance for a Ghanian | |

| | | | |client of merit for their imports| |

| | | | |of palm (cooking) oil. | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|India | | |I am a buyer! |30-NOV-08 - 07-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580283/Mobile.html | | | |

|United Kingdom | | sl600 mobile phone |MY CHARGER BROKE |30-NOV-08 - 07-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101581869/fly_sl600_mobile_p| | | |

| | |hone.html | | | |

|Colombia | | Nokia N95, |We are a Colombian importing |30-NOV-08 - 07-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580677/Need_Nokia_N95_Bla|Blackberrys, Iphone and |company, we need cell phones and | |

| | |ckberrys_Iphone_and_video_games.h|video games |video games, 100% originals and | |

| | |tml | |unlocked. | |

|United States | | mobile phone |Need 1000 mobile phones of mixed |30-NOV-08 - 07-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101580702/Nokia_mobile_phone| |order Nokia 8800 and 8600. | |

| | |.html | | | |

|Philippines | | Latest Mobile |i need the latest mobile phones |30-NOV-08 - 06-DEC-09|

| | |tail/101582489/Branded_Latest_Mob|Phones w / Dropship |like Apple Iphone 3G, Nokia n96, | |

| | |ile_Phones_w_Dropship.html | |LG ks360, Blackberry Bold, Sony | |

| | | | |Ericsson Xperia X1 or such. | |

|Canada | | name cell phones |i am a big buying for brand name |29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101579202/brand_name_cell_ph| |cell phones | |

| | |ones.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Bulgaria | | phones wanted |Good Afternoon, My name is Mr. |29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101578098/mobile_phones_want| |Ivanov and I am an owner of a | |

| | |ed.html | |mobile phone shops in Varna, | |

| | | | |Bulgaria. | |

|United Kingdom |Time4Tech | to wifi convert |I require devices to convert |29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101578865/Ethernet_to_wifi_c|devices |single ethernet rj45 to wireless | |

| | |onvert_devices_.html | |802. 11g / b | |

|Yemen |Al Ghuribi | equipment, car |HELLO: MY NAME IS ABDO YAHYA |29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101579054/electrical_equipme|accessories, mobile phone |AL-GHURIBI, FROM Yemen…. | |

| | |nt_car_accessories_mobile_phone.h| | | |

| | |tml | | | |

|United Kingdom |NONE | original products,like|Will look at any product whether |29-NOV-08 - 29-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101578014/All_original_produ|mobile phone |they are electronics, cigarettes,| |

| | |cts_like_mobile_phone.html | |clothing, shoes interested in | |

| | | | |allmost anything of the Highest | |

|Malaysia |Great Style Enterprise | Phone LCD |Mobile phone LCD screen for those|29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578393/Mobile_Phone_LCD.h| |branded names, Nokia, Sony, | |

| | |tml | |Samsung and LG | |

|Malaysia | | phone |looking value product at cheap |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579230/mobile_phone.html | |price | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|United States | | phones |I would like to become a dealer |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578660/cell_phones.html | |of phones on line. I will only | |

| | | | |buy from trustpass companies. | |

|United States | | 3g / apple / Nokia,|Hello Seller, I would like to |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579148/phones_3g_apple_No|16gb |place an order: iphones 3G 16gb | |

| | |kia_16gb.html | |To place on my ebay store for | |

| | | | |resale. Please let us know about | |

|India | | Nos of IP Phones |IP Phone which are supported by |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578354/Large_Nos_of_IP_Ph| |Class 5 Soft switches from | |

| | |ones.html | |Vendors…. | |

|United States | | IRIS 3000 videophone |free black or grey ACN IRIS 3000 |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579303/ACN_IRIS_3000_vide| |videophone, comunication with | |

| | |ophone.html | |video camera, to talk all over | |

| | | | |USA and Canada, Mexico | |

|Spain | | phone |Any type of mobile technology |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578905/mobile_phone.html | | | |

|Malaysia | | phone spare parts |We are a general trading company |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578755/mobile_phone_spare| |in importing mobile phone parts | |

| | |_parts.html | |and tools. we are … | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|New Zealand | | user manual |i need a user manual for my |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579022/English_user_manua| |yingtai tv7000 | |

| | |l.html | | | |

|Czech Republic | | |I am interesting about mobile |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101577806/Phones.html | |phones and pocket pc only | |

| | | | |roiginal product with warranty. | |

| | | | |…. | |

|United Kingdom | | Phones |Im intrested in mobile phones |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579534/Mobile_Phones.html| | | |

|United States | | need phones & MP3 / 4 |I'm interested in purchasing |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579211/I_need_phones_MP3_|players |apple ipod touch 32gb 2nd gen, | |

| | |4_players.html | |iphone 16gb 3G ….. | |

|United States | | Network Hardware, |We are looking for hardware and |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579221/WiFi_Network_Hardw|Software |software to set up community WiFi| |

| | |are_Software.html | |systems for residential …. | |

|United States |Markisa International | wanted |Inviting all wholesaler of mobile|29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| |Sales |tail/101579310/Electronics_wanted| |phone, MP3 MP4 players Apple | |

| | |.html | |brand to submit quotation, must | |

| | | | |accept paypal payment. | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|United States |Mediterranean Trade | phones |Looking to buy Original 3G apple |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101578834/mobile_phones.html| |phones and Nokia | |

|United States |Martel Trading | Cellular Phones |Im searching for Overstock and |29-NOV-08 - 29-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101579175/Overstock_Cellular| |liquidated cellular Phones to | |

| | |_Phones.html | |Purchase | |

|India |U B Associates | Top Box with STx 5105 |Set Top Box with STx 5105 CPU |29-NOV-08 - 29-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101578649/Set_Top_Box_with_S|CPU |with English interface for | |

| | |Tx_5105_CPU.html | |terrestrial Cable TV. The logo | |

| | | | |has to be customized. | |

|United States | | to buy 500 |500 celphones for begining, |29-NOV-08 - 06-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101579168/looking_to_buy_500|Motorola v3i cell phones |minimum 1000 cell phones later | |

| | |_Motorola_v3i_cell_phones.html | |each month | |




|Canada | | Storm 9500 |We are looking to purchase via |29-NOV-08 - 06-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101578944/Blackberry_Storm_9|Unlocked GSM / WiFi |PayPal only Blackberry Storm, | |

| | |500_Unlocked_GSM_WiFi.html | |unlocked GSM version. First | |

| | | | |purchase 1 unit, after proof 100 | |

| | | | |units. | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|United Arab Emirates| | |OUR COMPANY IS WORKING IN THE |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|



| | |html | | | |

|Pakistan | | coaxial cable RG6 |want to buy coaxial cable rg6 in |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101576048/buy_coaxial_cable_| |bulk. 18awg, 48wires, and 6. 8mm | |

| | |RG6.html | |jacket in white, …. | |

|United States | | FOR GSM CELL |I am looking for GSM cell phones.|28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101577262/LOOKING_FOR_GSM_CE|PHONES! ! |In particular I am looking for | |

| | |LL_PHONES_.html | |HTC phones and devices. I am | |

| | | | |looking to pay with Paypal. | |

|Netherlands | | SIM quad band gps |looking for a longer commitment |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101574605/dual_SIM_quad_band|mobile | | |

| | |_gps_mobile.html | | | |

|Canada | | CPE |Need Wimax 802. 16D CPE Devices. |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101575436/Wimax_CPE.html | |Very interested in self | |

| | | | |installable devices, especially….| |

|United States | | compatiblecell |I have to have a cell phone that |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101575846/alltell_compatible|phones |is alltell compatiable to work | |

| | |cell_phones.html | |with our plan and contract we | |

| | | | |have with alltell. | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|United States | | Cell phones, MP4 |Looking for dropship vendors who |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101576676/GSM_Cell_phones_MP|players, gps, and more |have gsm phones for a website. | |

| | |4_players_gps_and_more.html | |Please read…. | |

|Jordan |Pendulum Establishment | Antenna |DVB-T indoor antenna for Chzec |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| |for Electronics |tail/101575680/DVB_T_Antenna.html| |market | |

|United States |hurbanamerika | storm |hello im looking for blackberry |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101576371/blackberry_storm.h| |storm mobile phones please best | |

| | |tml | |price | |

|Turkey |bluescale | wireless USB dongle |we are looking wireless 11n USB |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101574576/11n_wireless_USB_d| |dongle | |

| | |ongle.html | | | |

|Philippines |Lachesis |>brand new unlocked Nokia|i'm looking for brand new |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101575850/B_brand_new_unlock|5800 xpressmusic |unlocked Nokia 5800 XM not copier| |

| | |ed_Nokia_5800_xpressmusic.html | | | |

|United States |Schuh Phone Repair | Parts |I am looking for Iphone parts. |28-NOV-08 - 28-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101575701/Iphone_Parts.html | |Mainly screens and LCD touch | |

| | | | |pads. Looking for lots of 100 | |

| | | | |with a small order to test | |

| | | | |quality 1st | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Turkey | | 8800 Carbon Arte |Nokia 8800 carbon arte made in |28-NOV-08 - 28-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101574809/Nokia_8800_Carbon_| |Finland brand at the back 1. 1 | |

| | |Arte.html | |copy works same as the original | |

| | | | |one All properties. | |

|United Kingdom | | |mobiles |28-NOV-08 - 28-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101575286/mobiles.html | | | |

|Saudi Arabia | | devices |i am interested to but operator |28-NOV-08 - 28-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101576571/operator_devices.h| |devices belong to ericsson | |

| | |tml | |switches type MD110 | |

|Hong Kong |Donny J Hong Kong Ltd | watch mobilphone |We are interested in buying watch|28-NOV-08 - 12-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101576870/Buy_watch_mobilpho| |mobile phones in different | |

| | |ne.html | |designs. Please email picture | |

| | | | |with prices. | |

|Maldives | | to buy i-phones very |i need to buy 3g i-phones, in a |28-NOV-08 - 12-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101575623/need_to_buy_i_phon|urgent |good range and quality, and i | |

| | |es_very_urgent.html | |want to buy as soon as possible. | |

|Pakistan |Meta Cube | for Apple |We are looking for distributors /|28-NOV-08 - 12-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101575583/Distributor_for_Ap|products |whole-sellers globally who can | |

| | |ple_products.html | |supply us with APPLE products at | |

| | | | |a good price | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Pakistan |Meta Cube | for Distributor for |We are looking for distributors |28-NOV-08 - 12-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101575569/look_for_Distribut|HP iPAQ |who can supple us with branded HP| |

| | |or_for_HP_iPAQ.html | |iPAQ | |

|Taiwan |EDM INTERNATIONAL CO LTD| mobile phone |watch phone |28-NOV-08 - 05-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101574470/watch_mobile_phone| | | |

| | |.html | | | |

|United States | | phone wanted |cell phone required immediately |28-NOV-08 - 05-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101576763/cell_phone_wanted.| | | |

| | |html | | | |

|Pakistan |Meta Cube | Nokia phones |We are looking for distributors /|28-NOV-08 - 05-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101575596/Original_Nokia_pho| |whole-sellers globally who can | |

| | |nes.html | |supply us with branded, original,| |

| | | | |genuine Nokia Phones | |

|Taiwan | | module, low cost, |I'm interesting in Zigbee product|27-NOV-08 - 28-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101571772/Zigbee_module_low_|small module |/ module. | |

| | |cost_small_module.html | | | |

|South Africa | | satellite receiver|We are a trading company in South|27-NOV-08 - 27-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101571719/digital_satellite_| |Africa | |

| | |receiver_.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Nepal |Saakha Group of Industry| VOIP Devices |We are interested in importing |27-NOV-08 - 27-NOV-09|

| |& Trade |tail/101573572/Need_VOIP_Devices.| |various VOIP products. | |

| | |html | | | |

|Romania |SC TECHMEDIA ELECTRONICS| buy phone mobile, |I waiting list of prices |27-NOV-08 - 27-NOV-09|

| |SRL |tail/101571351/I_buy_phone_mobile|laptop, TV, computer and | | |

| | |_laptop_TV_computer_and_hardwere_|hardwere from Europe | | |

| | |from_Europe.html | | | |

|Azerbaijan |Fuad Shukurov | Nokia N96, |Hello Dear Partners, I am |27-NOV-08 - 27-NOV-09|

| | |tail/101571250/Original_Nokia_N96|Original SonyEricsson |interested in purchasing ONLY the| |

| | |_Original_SonyEricsson_Xperia_X1.|Xperia X1 |original phones branded Nokia and| |

| | |html | |SonyEricsson, also Vertu. | |

|United States |NOVALAY LLC | module |RF MODULE MINI SIZE TRANSMIT |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101572895/rf_module.html | |RECEIVE. 3. 6 VOLTS FCC | |

| | | | |APPROVED…. | |

|Pakistan | | 1200 / 1208 / 1600 |We are a company with offices |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571449/Nokia_1200_1208_16| |based in the US, Dubai and | |

| | |00.html | |Pakistan … | |

|United Kingdom | | mobile phones |need Unlocked moble phenes with |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571950/Blackberry_mobile_| |internet browser | |

| | |phones.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Pakistan | | CABLE |look for coaxal cables, type RG58|27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101572770/COAXIAL_CABLE.html| |& CAT5 with best quality for | |

| | | | |Punjab and Sindh areas | |

|Nigeria | | broadcating |i am Chris Nlemoha. i want to get|27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571975/radio_broadcating_|equipments |a best quote for a short wave | |

| | |equipments.html | |radio broadcastin equipments | |

|Nigeria | | |new Nokia phones from sellers who|27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571864/cellphones.html | |will ship to Nigeria and accept | |

| | | | |mastercard | |

|Italy | | COAXIAL CABLE |Looking for qualified suppliers |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101573269/RF_COAXIAL_CABLE.h| |of cables | |

| | |tml | | | |

|Czech Republic | | |Looking for I phone type Mobile |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101573296/Mobiles.html | |in Czech Republic | |

|Cote D'Ivoire | | card |i am a supplier |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571269/phone_card.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Saudi Arabia | | Dish 3. 7mtr |I am looking for Satellite Dish |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101570269/Satellite_Dish_3_7|SVEC C band |3. 7mtr SVEC C Band | |

| | |mtr_SVEC_C_band.html | | | |

|Brazil | | cable and |we are a trading company in Belo |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101573165/caoxial_cable_and_|hair-driers |Horizonte, Minas Gerais, import | |

| | |hair_driers.html | |and export electronic appliances,| |

| | | | |telecommunication cable, net | |

|United Kingdom | | Phones (Quad Band) |Hi, looking for mobile phones. |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101570128/Mobile_Phones_Quad| |Will need price list and shipping| |

| | |_Band_.html | |price for the Min Order Quantity.| |

| | | | |Look forward to your reply. | |

|Peru | | phone |compras personales |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101573479/mobil_phone.html | | | |

|Sudan | | Radio Parts |Radio Communication Maintenance &|27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101570792/HF_Radio_Parts.htm| |Repair | |

| | |l | | | |

|Nigeria | | phones |Nokia, Samsung, motorolla, |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571969/mobile_phones.html| |sonyerickson etc | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Pakistan |Aqsa Communication | Phone and Towers |Aqsa Communications is the |27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101573287/Mobile_Phone_and_T| |largest and registrd firm in | |

| | |owers.html | |Pakistan working in Mobile | |

| | | | |phones, electronics, and Towers. | |

|Egypt |EgyptTrade | Unlocked iPhone |Original Unlocked Apple iPhone 3G|27-NOV-08 - 27-MAY-09|

| | |tail/101571974/Original_Unlocked_|3G |distributor in Egypt. | |

| | |iPhone_3G.html | | | |

|United States |Brini Trading Co. INC. | STORM |We are looking for Blackberry |27-NOV-08 - 27-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101571877/BLACKBERRY_STORM.h| |storm, unlocked for USA and | |

| | |tml | |Central America, please send | |

| | | | |terms. | |

|Germany | | phone Sagem my 302 |Sagem my 302 x no imitates or |27-NOV-08 - 27-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101571532/mobile_phone_Sagem|x |rebuild eurospec | |

| | |_my_302_x.html | | | |

|United Kingdom | | 2051FAE |I'm looking to buy a digital |27-NOV-08 - 27-JAN-09|

| | |tail/101569953/RECEIVER_2051FAE.h| |satellite receiver with ethernet | |

| | |tml | |port and has card reader. | |

|Germany | | Phone Inquiry |VOIP phone |27-NOV-08 - 27-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101572607/VOIP_Phone_Inquiry| | | |

| | |.html | | | |

|国家 |公司名称 |产品求购链接 |求购产品 |描述详情 |发布与截止日期 |

|Mexico | | for HTC S621 smart|Need 260 units of the Smartphone |27-NOV-08 - 11-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101571809/Looking_for_HTC_S6|phone |HTC S621 | |

| | |21_smart_phone.html | | | |

|Philippines | | phone dropships |i need branded wholesale products|27-NOV-08 - 06-DEC-09|

| | |tail/101571965/mobile_phone_drops| |(even if it's not mobile phone) .| |

| | |hips_.html | |i need companies who … | |

|India | | phone |i want any electronic product at |27-NOV-08 - 04-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101571610/_mobile_phone.html| |a low cost | |

|India | | 2464 UV GRADE BLACK |cable used out door in harsh |27-NOV-08 - 04-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101571561/UL_2464_UV_GRADE_B|SHIELDED CABLE |environment. shielded alluminium | |

| | |LACK_SHIELDED_CABLE.html | |foil + UV grade jacket with bare | |

| | | | |drain lead + 4 pairs in side. | |

|United States | | bold phone |brand new blackberry bold USA |27-NOV-08 - 04-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101573127/blackberry_bold_ph| |version | |

| | |one.html | | | |

|United States | | Treo pro smart phone |brand new palm Treo pro smart |27-NOV-08 - 04-DEC-08|

| | |tail/101573156/palm_Treo_pro_smar| |phone. | |

| | |t_phone.html | | | |

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