




m a g a z i n e

Build A Website To Get Internet Traffic Now!

How Do I Track Visitors To My List?

Turning Online Traffic Into Sales

Article Marketing Is a Simple, Effective Marketing Tool

3 Problems To Avoid Whilst Trying To Earn Money Online

Goal Setting In Online Marketing

How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing

The Cautious But Successful Affiliate Marketer















You've Got Internet Traffic Now You Can Send The Visitor An Email!

Internet Marketing For You

Goal Setting In Online Marketing

Turning Online Traffic Into Sales

Setting Up A Squeeze Page To Capture Email Addresses!

Internet Marketing - 2 Niche Marketing Jewels

How Do I Track Visitors To My List?

The Cautious But Successful Affiliate Marketer

Want an Easy Way to Sell? Try eBay

3 Problems To Avoid Whilst Trying To Earn Money Online

Autopilot Income Online - Really Possible?

Stuff we put load of effort into














Local Search, How To Get Your Local Business Found On The Internet

How Do I Find Keywords That Will Make Money Online?

How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing

How To Do Effective Marketing Online On A Shoestring Budget

Street Smart Profits - Importance of Email Marketing

Article Marketing Is a Simple, Effective Marketing Tool

Website Promotion - 1: What's It All About?

Top Affiliate Marketing Tips

Starting a Home Business: 5 Need to Knows

Mindset of an Internet Entreprenuer

Build A Website To Get Internet Traffic Now!

Stuff we put load of effort into

Welcome to this month’s issue of our magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your goals and success.

We work hard to put together each issue of this magazine and welcome the feedback and contributions from all our loyal readers.

A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Please visit our sponsors as they know what you need to help you with all your endeavours.

Lastly I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine. We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come.


The Editor

Editor’s Note


You must test that the email gives the correct download information. Try clicking on the download link and make sure that the free product actually downloads.

You could of course add an extra product to the already subscribed page which might result in a few extra sales as the visitor is still looking for more information.

Once the visitor has subscribed and confirmed their email address, they will be emailed a link to the download page where they can download the Ebook. Do test all of the web pages, right through the sequence, and make sure it works properly.

You must also test that the email gives the correct download information. Try clicking on the download link and make sure that the free product actually downloads.

Now, you should have added the Ebook to an obscure page. I usually use a random 10 digit number as the directory followed by the PDF name i.e. your web URL /5376377948/download.pdf

The autoresponder sends the subscriber an email asking them to confirm their email address and it also transfers them to a 'Thank You' page which tells them to confirm the email which has been sent to them to get access to the download page.

If they are already subscribed, the autoresponder can redirect them to an 'Already Subscribed' page. Some marketers will try to sell the visitor another product on the already subscribed page but I think it best to just give them a direct link to the Ebook from the 'Already Subscribed' page. It may be that they have downloaded the Ebook and can't find it on their hard drive so they want to download it again.

This helps avoid the search engines finding it. Finally, add a blank index.html page to the directory. You should always put a blank index page in any web directory where you don't want the visitor to see what is in the directory. Rather than put a blank page on your website, you could put another offer on this page and perhaps make some extra sales.

There are several autoresponders you can use, some are free and other will cost you a few dollars per month. You need to select a company with a good email delivery as there is no use getting a subscriber if you can't get the email delivered.

You will also need to have multiple lists so you can segregate your visitors into freebie seekers and when they buy, get them to subscribe to your buyer's list; ask them to subscribe to get updates.

When they have purchased a product, you can manually remove them from the freebie seekers list.


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Tips for affiliate marketing

• Too much of everything is injurious

To begin with let's take this step by step. Assuming that you have already built your web site or blog, the biggest concern would be to drive traffic in the direction that you want. You need people to see what you have to offer only then will they be able to buy what you have to offer. While directing this traffic to your site you must answer one simple question. How many times have you visited a page that you do not want to visit and how many times have you purchased something that you are least interested in? What is the use of people visiting your web page if they have no need or no interest in the product that you have to offer? Yes, you need traffic but not traffic that makes no difference to your income. You need targeted traffic. Now think where you look when you want information regarding some product. How were you able to read this article? Well, because you looked for it. That is exactly what you need to do. Write articles for various publications. There are a number of online publications that are continually on the lookout for new and fresh articles. e-zine and e-report are two of them. People look up article directories for information. They look up reports and reviews before they buy any product. The traffic here will be targeted traffic. There is a good chance that you will be able to catch their interest here.

The articles do not need to be too long and frequent. Simple articles that every person can understand ranging anywhere from 300 to 600 words would do the job smugly. You do not need to churn out hundreds of articles per day. Just two or three would be sufficient. If you could consistently do this then you could generate around 100 targeted customers to your blog or webpage per day. You must keep in mind that not every potential customer becomes a buyer. In all probability just one percent of potentials might be converted. That means for every hundred you will have one buyer. The rest of the calculation ought to be quite simple. For every 1000 prospects you would have at least 10 buyers.

• You have worn the same shoes so you know your customers the best.

Next you ought to think that how many times you have reached a site because you liked the article related to it only to find out that the site is clustered with a 101 other products. How many times have you been too confused to make a purchase simply because there were too many products offered? How many times have you started with one product only to end up googling a bunch of other products? Was it not very annoying? You must bear this in mind for your potential buyers as well. Do not club everything in one blog or webpage. If it is about making money online then let it be just that. Of course you could have different blogs or websites for each and every product but do not put them all in one blog or web site. Having different web sites for each product will not confuse the potential buyer. Now a day there are a number of sites offering free hosting so it is not that difficult.

You must also consider that the potential customer will also be searching for you product's review. If you do not offer the review they a bound to search. Who knows they might end up buying the product from the ones who have included its review in their site. Make sure that you enumerate all the benefits of the product which would ascertain that the reader does not search anywhere else for it. One of the major factors in convincing someone to buy a product is a firsthand experience with the product so do not forget to include testimonials. Also remember to take permission for using a particular person's name or photograph. Also give related references.

If you could also include articles on your website telling the readers the uses of the product and a little on how to use the product your potential buyers could quite easily be convinced to buy the product. An extra page with a captivating article including calls to act on the information could do wonders. Interesting headlines are a very effective tool to make readers wanting to explore more.

• Make a personal connection.

Don't you simply love free reports? Your readers love them too. It would be a great idea to provide free reports to your readers at regular intervals. There are a number of auto responders that you could use. The call to subscribe to your free reports must be compelling and placed at the most prime place on your web site so that the potential buyer cannot miss it. This would also help you to build that, oh so talked about, mailing list. It will also provide a personal aspect to the whole deal. Analytically speaking a sale is generally closed on the 7th call.

Free reports do well to remind the prospects about your product. The e-mails that you send should be useful. Do not forget to add reasons for buying your particular product. Also remember not to make these contacts too frequent since they may get annoying and do not make the e-mails sound too promotional, just informative.

Another word of advice is not to use the term 'Free' since many spam filters would certainly direct these mails into the junk mail. Do not forget to generate the need for your product in each mail.

Quite often it is the simplest tricks that work the best. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure them out. All you need to do is just hang in there for as long as it takes to pull it off.

Remember the help that you need is not too far away.

You must keep in mind that not every potential customer becomes a buyer.


I learn a very valuable lesson about goal setting online when I first started selling on eBay. It took me 3 months to become an eBay Powerseller and a Top Rated Seller - but those were a rigorous 3 months that I had to endure due to the fact that I was marketing like a mad man on eBay.

And I say that it was "rigorous" because I had put myself on a daily marketing plan everyday, and I followed it each and everyday. Combine this with packing products, buying supplies, and driving down to the post office everyday... you can easily see how someone could get burnt out from selling on here. But if I had employees, that would have been a different story.

The point I'm trying to make here is that I set small goals for myself each and everyday that I was selling on eBay - and it paid off. When I finally ended my tiresome eBay business and decided to launch my own website, the same goal setting tactics that I created for eBay became the basis of how I was going to promote my website online.

Because of this, I didn't have to scramble around worrying about what I was going to do everyday in my business. When I looked at my goals sheet, I made sure that every goal that I achieved, I checked it off the list. And the next day I did the same thing, and the following day also, and etc.

You should do the same in your business also. It's not good to not have a plan online. Even if the bulk of your marketing is done via paid advertising, you still have to figure out what the most effective places are online to be advertising at. Some of your top choices could be Google AdWords, Bing Ads, PPC content network, advertising on high traffic blogs and websites, and even purchasing advertising slots in forums.

The more you set out goals for yourself, the easier your life will be when it comes to marketing your website. Whether your agenda is paid advertising, free marketing, or both, you will still need to set goals. And with free marketing, this is definitely something that is true.

It's so easy to get wrapped up around a variety of different strategies that people say are working for them, but when you try to apply it - it doesn't work. But you should know that free marketing does work, but you will have to do A LOT of it. It's not cake walk. It's not like paid advertising where you can set it and forget it. Free marketing is something that you have to do everyday, and is something that you have to monitor on a daily basis also.

You need a goal setting roadmap. What are your plans tomorrow to promote your business? This is a crucial reason why people fail online. They don't test, track, or set any kind of goals. It's like having an online business is an exercise in futility for them. Don't be like these people. Set goals so that you can reap the benefits later.

Be sure to take these goal setting tips for your internet business to heart and make sure that you can implement them everyday. You want to set enough goals per day where you are productive, but also where you have a good bit of leisure time for yourself.

Good luck with setting goals in your online business.

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The more you set out goals for yourself, the easier your life will be when it comes to marketing your website.


Testimonials offer a great way to convert visitors into customers. If you have a retail site, customer reviews will go a long way to convince a prospective customer to purchase.

Today, more consumers are spending time on the web, and marketers are looking for better ways to offer their products. Most advertisers are now trying some form of online advertising, but discovering either great successes or great failures.

Online advertising offers a variety of ways for advertisers to generate leads. But it's easy to get focused on the web traffic, and not notice whether the visitors are actually converting into customers.

A website is more than a "must have." It's often a first impression to a prospective customer. And just as you strive to make good impressions personally, it's equally as important to make a good impression to a website visitor. You have one chance to impress them, entice them and convert them. Be sure to make it count.

First, take a look at your website as a sales tool. It's not there to simply provide information. Rather, it should be viewed with the same eye for salesmanship that you use to judge your advertising. Is the website compelling? Does it communicate at a glance what your company does, and why it's better than your competitors? If you were a prospect, what would you want to know about your company and does your website make it easy to find? And is your copy written in such a way that it will be motivating and compelling to your visitors?

Testimonials offer a great way to convert visitors into customers. If you have a retail site, customer reviews will go a long way to convince a prospective customer to purchase. But even sites for banks and insurance companies, for instance, can benefit from glowing customer comments. Why not hold a Facebook contest asking your customers what they like about you? You can generate testimonials for your website and Facebook likes at the same time.

Now what if you're promoting a specific product? How do you get the most from your online promotion?

Let's say that you're running a special rate on car loans, and are using Google Adwords and banner advertising to drive customers to your website. Where will they land when they get there? It should not be your home page. Internet savvy consumers want information quickly. If you don't provide it, they will be gone in a flash. So create a landing page specifically for your promotion. Make sure it includes all of the details of the promotion. Your visitor should not have to click elsewhere in your site to get more information on the loan.

Next, be sure there is a large "Apply Now" button at the top and bottom of your page. Make it noticeable, and easy to find. Finally, when was the last time you tried using your loan application or order form? If it wasn't recently, check it now. If your form is slow and cumbersome, or requires too much information, you will likely lose customers. Consumers who regularly use the web expect to get things done quickly. If your website doesn't make it easy, they will find another one that does.

You can put a lot of money into great external advertising. But if your website is dull or outdated, your efforts will be wasted. Make sure your site is compelling, motivating and easy to navigate. And turn more of your visitors into profitable customers.

Once you have created your first form, you can make a duplicate form and save it under a different name. By this means, you can track every form you put on any squeeze page so you see where your visitors are coming from.

The squeeze page itself will usually be very basic. Apart from the free gift offer and the sign-up form it should contain nothing else, but most of all, it must not contain any links to any other page or website. All you want to do is to get the visitor to join your email list, nothing else.

If you give the visitor a multiple choice of links, they will either click on the alternative links to see if they can get more information or they won't make up their mind which link to click and either way, you have lost them, possibly for good.

Setting Up A Squeeze Page To Capture Email Addresses!

The squeeze page needs some basic information on it, what the gift is, perhaps a little about you or your company, (keep it to a minimum) but the main thing it needs is a web form for the visitor to subscribe to your email list.

To capture your visitor's email address you need a website with a squeeze page with an autoresponder web sign up form on it. The squeeze page is so called because it has one purpose only, to squeeze the email address out of the visitor in order to put them on your email autoresponder list.

There are various ways to encourage your visitors to sign up to your list but the main one is to offer them a free Ebook, an MP3, a video or other gift. The gift needs to be a quality item; if you offer them something that is substandard, they will assume your paid for products are substandard as well.

I like to offer a short Ebook, somewhere around 10 pages or so long. If the gift takes a long while to read, watch or listen the visitor will lose interest and won't bother opening your future emails.

The squeeze page needs some basic information on it, what the gift is, perhaps a little about you or your company, (keep it to a minimum) but the main thing it needs is a web form for the visitor to subscribe to your email list.

The list manager I use is Aweber. This is a professional mailing list client that, when you have set it up, is totally automated. Aweber has a built-in online form editor that enables you to create a form and with a simple bit of copy and paste will put the sign-up form straight onto your squeeze page.

Internet Marketing - 2 Niche Marketing Jewels

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The more niche specific you get, the more you'll be able to have the success that you're looking for.

If you want to be efficient with your marketing efforts, you have to target a specific group of people who will more than likely buy from you. The best way to find people like this is by doing "niche marketing". A "niche" is simply a small portion of a larger target market that you can market to and get higher conversion rates.

So if you see that someone is selling a wide variety of laptops on eBay for a relatively low price, you could start your own website and only offer one brand name of laptops on your site. You could offer only Sony laptops, Dell, HP, Acer, and etc. Instead of being a generalist like the person on eBay, you could operate in a niche, and charge more because people will view your site as the "go to" site for specialized laptops online.

See how this works? Niche marketing is very important, and it's something that you need to be implementing in your business today. Don't skimp over this aspect of marketing. The more niche specific you get, the more you'll be able to have the success that you're looking for. Your competition will be low, and you won't be forced to exit a marketplace because it's saturated with competitors.

Take these niche marketing tips and use them in your online business today. Remember that you will profit more, and will become a well-known figure in your niche. Plus, there are many more perks.

Good luck with marketing online.

This is the best and fastest way to make money with your website. Hopefully you aren't a "me too" marketer, because me-too marketers don't prosper. You need to be targeting one specific segment of a marketplace if you want to be successful. And in this lesson, I give you a few reasons why you should do so. In fact, here's the first reason you should do niche marketing:

1) You won't lose a lot of money

To operate in a big, general niche, you have to invest in heavy advertising. You would have to advertise in major magazines, newspapers, high traffic website, and high pay per click costs. As a generalist, you will lose a ton of money right away, and it may take you years before you finally make your money back and break even.

But in a small niche, you don't have to advertise heavy online. There will be little niche sites with a lot of user interaction that you can advertise on. So you won't lose a lot of money, plus... you probably will make your investment back very quickly. It won't take long for you to profit. Here's another reason to do niche marketing:

2) You can sell higher priced items

This is one of the best reasons to do niche marketing. As a generalist, you would probably be limited to selling a product for $30. But in a niche, you could probably sell the same item for $100 - just because of the exclusivity. So you make more money without doing more work. You should be excited about that.


You can reset the statistics to zero at any time. This is ideal if you want to check the tracking links before your article goes live.

The software I use has full statistical reports built in so I can either see an overview of an entire campaign or I can see individual sub campaigns (1 sub campaign for each article link).

Although you have to create the main campaign, there is no need to set up the sub campaigns. You can reset the statistics to zero at any time. This is ideal if you want to check the tracking links before your article goes live. I set up the main campaign, let's say, to track articles and use the sub campaign to track individual emails.

I wrote the links for the sub campaigns 10 at a time in a web editor using HTML and saved them, one HTML page for each web site. Each time I want to set up another batch of article tracking codes, I do a global search and replace and I have another 10 ready done codes. This saves considerable time.

You can point the links to any URL you like; you don't have to point it to a specific directory. As well as a standard HTML website type package you can also purchase tracking software as a WordPress plugin on its own instead of the HTML website package.

I use one of the many premium link tracking packages available but it is well worth the money. I found a one time only purchase that you can install onto as many sites as you own if you wish. I have installed it onto the two main web sites that I direct traffic to from the articles I have submitted to article directories. It is working very well and also has the bonus that you can see when the articles team are reviewing that particular article.

I found the install instructions were very simple; it was simply a matter of loading all the files to my website, creating a database (this is far easier than you may think) and running a simple install program. When all is up and running, you simply change the file permissions on one file and delete the install file for security and you are done.

Some packages can run single or multiple campaigns and some can also run sub campaigns. I set up my campaign for my article submissions and also added a sub campaign so I can see how every single article is performing. Actually, I set up 2 campaigns on different web sites. One campaign was for a traffic building website and the other campaign was for a coach training web site. I didn't have to set up the sub-campaigns. As long as the correct code was included in the link, the software added the sub campaign automatically.

The Cautious But Successful Affiliate Marketer

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Make no mistake, Affiliate Marketing can be a very lucrative business to be in. It has been now for several years and I see no reason as to why it will not continue in this way.

It's very easy to set up, on your own, and with very little money required up front, its available to all.

Although you are still working for someone else, you are your own boss, working the hours that suit you, no-one else. Saying that, as with most jobs, the more you are prepared to put into it, the more you are likely to take out. You determine the amount you are going to earn, there is no fixed hourly, weekly, monthly or yearly set salaries, your earnings depend on your individual performance.

Affiliate marketing is a fairly risk free business, the owner of the product you are promoting does all the hard work creating the product and usually supply all the advertising materials for you to use in any way you see fit.

Proceed with caution though, although there are plenty of honest, legitimate opportunities available, there are probably just as many who are out there to con you. Thanks to the massive size of the internet now, it has made the life of the con artist very easy, they operate and thrive all over the net.

As with starting up any business, online or anywhere else, do your homework first. One of the warning signs of a con artist is the lack of a permanent address, a contact phone number, an email address or a support website. An affiliate offer with just an email address as a means of communication should be avoided, regardless of the percentage they are offering on sales. Doing any sort of business purely by email can be a very dangerous way to proceed, it takes seconds to set up a new email address and just as quick to dispose of it, disappear into the vast emptiness of the internet, and never be heard of again. The problem being when they do disappear into cyberspace, you usually find your hard earned commissions disappear with them.

When you do pick a product or service to promote, you have done all your homework, and everything appears to be above board, correct and legal, check for any hidden, or up front start up costs. Even if there are costs to get going it may still be a perfectly legitimate and honest affiliate provider, but be wary, if the start up fees appear to be excessive, your best bet is retreat gracefully and look for another affiliate offer. High up front fees usually disappear, along with the person collecting them.. You end up with some worthless product that you have no chance of ever selling.

If eventually you find what seems like a good product or service to promote, the advertising is in place, a fair commission is payable and you are ready to go ahead check out the support available.

A good affiliate program should come with its own help and support desk available. The help desk should be able to answer any questions you have and give good advice on the most profitable way to promote the product. A good, legitimate product provider will bend over backwards to try and help you, at the end of the day the more money you make in commissions the more they are going to make in sales.

Always remember, as I said earlier, a good affiliate marketer can make a lot of money, but you are going to have to work for it. Despite the number of product providers saying it, you are not going to make piles of money, sat at your computer ten minutes a day, with a few mouse clicks. A lot of people have become very rich purely through affiliate marketing, but they have always had to work hard to get it, especially at the beginning. If fact, at the beginning you are going to be working harder than you did for your ex boss.

The rewards come later on when you have got it altogether, you're making a good living wage, you work the hours you want and the greatest reward of all, all the money is yours, you are not working for someone else to reap the rewards of your hard work. The biggest reward of all, you don't even have a boss!

When you do pick a product or service to promote, you have done all your homework, and everything appears to be above board, correct and legal, check for any hidden, or up front start up costs.


Like everybody else, I've been buying on eBay for over a decade. Here are the three most important things to remember on your march toward running a profitable eBay business.

1. Always ship the same day or the very next day. Send tracking info to the customer.

2. Email your customer just as soon as you can after the sale. Thank them and list your email address and phone number in case they have questions. Many bad reviews have to do with the customer not being able to get in touch with the seller.

3. Be realistic about your item. If it has problems, list them. Members appreciate your honesty and you won't have customers complaining about a scratch, dent, or missing part weeks later.

Even with eBay making it harder to achieve a good reputation and raising their fees, it's still an awesomely easy way to start a business.

Members appreciate your honesty and you won't have customers complaining about a scratch, dent, or missing part weeks later.

eBay is the largest retailer in history with 100 million active members. Imagine a BIG store with 100 million people milling around inside. That's eBay. And since all you have to do is search for the item of your dreams, it's super easy for hot prospects to find you.

1. When writing the title of your eBay listing, use the terms customers will use to search for you. I had one item bought within 2 minutes after listing it. Within a few hours you can have 100 or more interested members keeping an eye on your item.

2. Take full advantage of the way eBay is set up to work perfectly with PayPal, UPS, and other shippers. It takes just seconds and a few clicks to print a shipping label, get a discount on UPS, and send tracking info to the customer.

A while back I was talking with a 70 year-old grandmother who happened to mention she is a PowerSeller on eBay. She's been selling on eBay for several years and makes a good full-time income doing it.

What do you sell? I asked her. "Anything I can find," she replied.

That got me thinking. Like most Americans I've got a house full of stuff I could do just as well without. I'm a musician, so there are several guitars that could go, some shoes and boots, and some stuff in the garage I don't even remember buying.

So how about unloading it on eBay?

Now keep in mind I've been running my own business for nearly 20 years. At the same time my wife has owned a busy at-home mail order business. So I'm familiar with all the problems that come with selling to customers who live states away. Expensive shipping, damaged items, customers who give you the wrong address, email addresses that don't work -- you name it.

To make a short story even shorter, I listed a few guitars on eBay and was stunned at how easy it was to sell them. No question eBay is the easiest way to sell I've ever experienced.

Now selling isn't the same thing as making a profit. But it's a BIG step in the right direction.


These are the 3 biggest roadblocks I came across while I was trying to make money online, and my suggestions on how you can do the same.

When I started I didn't have a clue where to begin, there is so much information out there it's hard to tell whether it's going to be a scam or not. My initial thoughts when I got to a sales page was "SCAM" because of how much people were charging, a lot of people think like this. Which leads me to my first problem:

1. I Didn't Take Action

One of the biggest hurdles is not taking action, you need to take action to get results, so if you want to be able to earn any money online you need to break through the barrier of "What if it doesn't work?" or "What if it's a scam?" etc. The fact is: You don't know unless you try. So what I did was think to myself, if I don't buy this product, what will happen? I would be stuck in my dead-end job for the rest of my natural-born life, not enjoying my time here on earth. Then I thought, what will happen if I DID buy the product and it turned out it WAS a scam? I would be down on cash. Then I thought, what if I DID buy, and it WASN'T a scam? I could earn more money online, and in my own time than working 9-5 for 5 days a week. So this lead me to think, well the first answer is a permanent 'till death do us part' scenario, the second is a temporary scenario and the last one was 'my dream come true' scenario. Which is better?

Obviously the last scenario is better, but your not there yet, it's the first step! The first step is always the hardest. The second problem I had was:

2. Not Being Focused

You need to keep focused! I went through stages where I would still be throwing up those barriers, where I would drop back into the slump of my daily routine. I would eventually realise I was slacking, thinking it's not working, after a day of using the product. Things don't just happen overnight (unless you are some unnatural being of superior power, If you are: Kudos!) you need to give these things time, it takes a lot of work and you will have to learn a lot of new things but when you have learned them, your set for life. What I did to overcome this obstacle was every time I thought "This isn't working" I would think to myself "Have I successfully put into action everything I am learning from this product, and given it time to actually work?" The answer was always "No" I wanted that 'Magic Button' that does NOT exist! I also planned out my weeks, what I wanted to get done in that week and then what I wanted done daily.

Things don't just happen overnight ; you need to give these things time, it takes a lot of work and you will have to learn a lot of new things but when you have learned them, your set for life.

Even if you put things you already do on a daily basis like - Take a shower, can help greatly because it gets you into a routine of COMPLETING tasks you have set for yourself. The feeling of planning something and getting it done feels great, even if it is just taking a shower. Getting into that routine will help keep you focused, especially if you're like me and get distracted easily. Which leads me to my next hurdle:

3. Stick To One Product To The End.

When I started, I was jumping round from product to product which meant I was only soaking up scraps of information from different sources. This led me to becoming frustrated, because I thought this is not teaching me anything. It was. I was just overloading my brain with too many different interpretations of what was basically the same lessons, just worded differently, or laid out differently. It was confusing so I would stop. When I came back, I would then use a different product and start the same confusing cycle all over again. I thought of it like playing an Xbox 360 game. I want to max out all the achievements of 1 game, I would get halfway through, then switch games, play that halfway through and never max out a game. So I think of earning enough money online to quit my job and work form home as me maxing out an Xbox game and these products are like the games I need to play to be able to get the achievement. If I keep switching games I'm never going to max out a game, but if I stick to one game all the way through and get all the achievements eventually I will max out the game. So if I stick to one product/ training course I will eventually be able to work from home and earn enough money online to do the things in life I actually want to do. Which I'm sure you do too.

Thanks for reading, I know not everyone has these problems but for those of you who do I hope this article helped, even if it did just a little bit.


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So with the recent growth in the last 10 years of people using the Internet many want to know is it really possible to earn autopilot income online from home? Now you may be browsing on the web and you see pop-up that says make money from home doing these simple steps. The first thing that you think is that it's probably nothing but a bunch of hype, but then again you have to think about that whoever sent that pop-up ad is investing money so you know that it's some kind of real business.

It definitely is possible to earn auto pilot income online if you know what to do. So what exactly do you do? Well it's all about getting traffic from a specific niche that you are targeting. Now this niche has to be a profitable one meaning that people are willing to buy products within that niche. A lot of people don't understand that the business opportunities is a niche that will probably never fade. There'll always be people looking to make money so there is always a market for the Internet marketing and make money online niche. The problem that a lot of people have is transitioning from that consumer mentality into an Internet entrepreneur.

Another problem people have is they don't get the right training and tools and often times exert a lot of effort in trying to establish a presence online but all along due to the new recent updates in search engines, could be wasting their time. However, there are plenty of valuable tools out there that you can use that can aid your efforts but remember, there is no such thing as a system that will make you money on autopilot without you doing anything at all. there is always some kind of skill that is required in order for you to dominate a niche and earn that autopilot income online no matter what.

Now the great thing about being able to earn autopilot income online is that you don't have to give up your life in order to do it. I just leveraging a few time compounding techniques, tricks, and tips, you can multiply the amount of hours that you put into your business by four or five times. There are software tools out there such as Constant Cash Machine that won't make you rich, but may be able to just inched you that much closer to your goals.

There'll always be people looking to make money so there is always a market for the Internet marketing and make money online niche. The problem that a lot of people have is transitioning from that consumer mentality into an Internet entrepreneur.

Local Search, How To Get Your Local Business Found On The Internet

Decide what it is you do and begin to fill in the categories with this information. The idea is you want everything filled in so you can have the biggest footprint as possible.

Getting Reviews

Next you want to encourage your clients or customers to give you good reviews. Don't over do this, 3 or 4 reviews per month is a good number, more than that and they might get filtered and you will lose them. Whatever you do, do not post fake reviews, this is against the law.

Getting Referrals And becoming Relevant

Those are the on page optimizations that you need to do. As with regular SEO there is also off page things to do. Instead of link building you want to build what are called referrals. You should start this process by making listings in other online directories such as Bing, Yahoo, Foursquare, Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Superpages among others. When you create the listings you will be entering similar information as you did when you optimized your Google listing. An important point in doing this is to be certain that the business name, address, and phone number is entered in exactly the same way as in your Google listing. Google uses this information to correlate the listings.

You want to get as many referrals as possible and an easy way to do this, after you set up the basic ones listed above yourself is to use a service like . They have several levels of service and price points that go all the way from providing basic listings to premium services where they will actually claim your listings for you. This is tedious work and you really should investigate UBL if you are doing this yourself.

A couple of years ago Google put the nails in the coffin of the Yellow Pages by creating free business websites for every business in the country. Now you can simply go to Google and type the name of the product or service you want to find and up it comes with phone number and a lot of relevant information.

Google Vs The Yellow Pages

People seldom use the Yellow Pages these days. Now, Google is where people go to find providers for the services they want. This turned out to be a boon to those businesses who came out on top of those searches. For example, if I enter Dentist Louisville, and Google also tells me that 8100 people every month enter that search. Is your practice in the top 3 or 4 results?

Searching on Google also reveals that the top 3 or 4 Google maps results get over 80% of the phone calls from that search. So if you are not there you are not getting any of those leads. How can you get there?

Optimising Your Google Listing

There are a couple of factors involved in getting to the top of Google. The first thing to do is get your listing optimised. Many companies haven't even bothered to claim their listing let along optimising them. So claiming your listing is the first step. You simply need a Gmail account to allow you to claim your business listing.

After claiming your listing you want to go into it and flesh it out as much as you can. Add all the pictures that it allows and all the videos. Fill in all the categories that you can. Decide what it is you do and begin to fill in the categories with this information. The idea is you want everything filled in so you can have the biggest footprint as possible. Google will probably require that you verify your listing by mail. They will send you a post card with a verification code you have to enter. Make sure you do this or your listing will not go live.

How Do I Find Keywords That Will Make Money Online?

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Competition also plays a significant role in your website's ability to rank for a particular keyword.

Hello now the above question is a pretty frequent one that appears on many internet marketing forums, not necessarily with those exact words but that's the general drift So today I want to try and answer that with a couple of tips that I hope will make sense and get you started in the right direction.

When launching a marketing campaign for your website, traffic is the name of the game. Traffic is the lifeblood of your website. The success or failure of your online business depends upon how much traffic your website receives. And there is no question that one of the best (if not the best for most of us) sources of free traffic for your website is the search engines.

Search Engine Traffic is Vital

Here's just a reminder, basic information I know but many loose sight of, people rely on the search engines for information. People have problems and are seeking answers and solutions. So they turn to the search engines for answers. So if you want your website to show up on the top of the first page of the search results for a particular search term, then you need to develop your website in such a way that when the search engines crawl your site, they will rank it well for the right keywords.

Here's a reality check

Let's face it: If your website isn't listed on the top half of the first page of the search results for a particular search term, chances are very high that your website will not be visited. People seldom click through to page 2 or 3 of the search results if they can't find what they are looking for on the first page. They would rather click on the back button and enter a different search term instead.

You may have heard the old axiom:

If a tree falls in a forest, but nobody was there to witness it, did it really fall? Similarly, one could pose the question: If someone does a Google search and your website doesn't show up on the top (or near enough) of page one of the search results for that search term, does your website really "exist"?

Can you see why ranking your website well for particular keywords is of utmost importance?

Research, Research and More research

So the question arises as to how do you choose the right keywords that will make money online? There are a number of things you need to take into consideration as you do your keyword research:

Here's 3 Simple Tips to Follow

1. Put yourself into the shoes of your website visitors.

If you were serious about spending money online, what keywords would you type into Google? Chances are that if you type in "Mega Vacuum 3000 reviews", you are keener on buying the product than if you type in "which vacuum is the best". The first keyword phrase indicates that you already know what you want to buy, and you are more focused on making a final decision on whether to buy a product. The second keyword phrase, on the other hand, is indicative of someone who isn't sure what to buy yet and is just browsing to get information.

2. Is your choice of keywords actually being searched often enough to drive enough traffic to your website in order generate sales? So it is important to do the keyword research in order to determine how many times per month a particular keyword gets searched. Google, for example, offers a keyword research tool that can provide this information.

3. Competition also plays a significant role in your website's ability to rank for a particular keyword. It might be difficult for your website to rank highly if the top 3 spots in the search result are already dominated by big name corporations in your same niche. It might also be difficult to rank well if there is a lot more competition than if there is less competition. Google also offers information about competition with its keyword research tool.

If you want your online business to thrive, then it is important to optimize your website for the right keywords that will make money online.


It was with disappointment that I saw that my friend had automated her twitter account. Looking at her twitter page was a bit like listening to a broken record. The same exact thing was repeated close to a dozen times daily over the last several days. She'd be better off going on a hiatus from twitter than using it like this. This is why automation gets a bad rap. Done wrong it is a complete turn-off. There is another way, a much better way to automate your social media marketing. Let's take a look and how to effectively automate your social media marketing so that you get better results and save hours each week.

Don't be a social media robot.

Business vs. Personal

You've got to separate your business and personal use of social media. Twitter, Facebook, etc., are used very differently when they are used for business as compared to using them personally. On the personal side, they can be great tools for connecting with friends and family. On the business side, your use of these tools must be much more strategic, with clearly defined goals that you're working toward. You've got to be very careful with your use of time, because unless you're very focused, it's easy to get sucked in and let hours slip past.

Effective Automation

Automating your social media is really all about saving time while continuing to inform and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. That being said, there are some aspects that you can't automate effectively or with integrity. Essentially, you can automate the publishing of information, but not the interaction.

The right kind of social media automation really begins by looking at what you're doing right now and seeing if you can be more efficient. For example, if you write a blog post and then go and tweet a link to your blog post, this is something that can be automated using WordPress plugins and other tools to save you time. If you send out an email newsletter, you can link your newsletter software (Infusionsoft, AWeber, etc.) to your facebook and twitter accounts so that when you send out an issue of your email newsletter, a link is posted to your Facebook and twitter accounts automatically. You can also link your twitter and facebook accounts together so that your tweets are automatically posted to your Facebook status update. Hootsuite is a great free tool that you can use to schedule tweets and updates to publish at a future date and time. This can be very handy for posting something that isn't time sensitive, like an inspirational saying each day or to regularly highlight an older article that you've written.

Things To Avoid

• Avoid repeating your tweets and updates over and over

• Avoid only posting about stuff you've written

• Avoid only posting stuff you're selling

Mix it up a bit, remember that variety is the spice of life. Create an editorial calendar of the types of things that you post. Some of those types can be automated effectively, the rest is best done personally. If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out 5 Ways to Grow Business With Social Media.

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Your use of social media must be much more strategic, with clearly defined goals that you're working toward.

How To Do Effective Marketing Online On

A Shoestring Budget

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Try not to be too ambitious in the beginning and try every single strategy all at once. Take one strategy and work it until you see some results.

You've scraped together some money to get your new online business up and running. Your blog or website is complete with a shopping cart, a "buy now" button and you've managed to spend some time making your site visually appealing. But there is one small issue... you don't have the money to invest in a $500 per month advertising campaign. How can you effectively market your business on a shoestring budget?

There are several ways to overcome this obstacle when starting a new business. Contrary to the general consensus, it's not about how large your click-through rate is, but more about the quality of your click-through rate. You can have a 98% click-through rate, but if these individuals are leaving and not buying, clearly there's something wrong. How do you find a balance between marketing on a shoestring budget and maintaining a profitable click-through rate?

One strategy where you can "have your cake and eat it too" is with social media marketing. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are a must for business owners who value growth. These are places where potential customers are spending their time and money.

To take full advantage of social media marketing on a shoestring budget, try the following:

Participate in social networking sites. The great thing about social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is that you can join for free. They have become more "user-friendly" when it comes to apps and widgets to dress up your blog or website.

They represent a growing trend of "under the radar" advertising. "Tweets" (a term used in the Twitter community) is a type of "mini-blog." It's also a great way to gain visibility for free and a great way to encourage others to take an interest in you and your business.

Start A Blog. Blogging can be fun. Think of blogs as long tweets. You can pretty much blog about anything you choose. The important thing to remember is to blog about what your target audience wants to know. Don't blog about birds and your target audience loves dogs. Make your blog the central hub of information for you audience so they will keep coming back for more juicy tidbits.

Advertise On Blogs. Contact other blog owners and ask about pricing. Basically, you should ask the owner what his or her daily traffic is. Generally, if they are getting fewer than 5,000 hits per week, don't spend more than roughly $50 per month on the ad. is a good resource, but can be kind of pricey. You can read my article "Things To Look For When Buying Blog Ads" for more in-depth discussion.

Once you've become comfortable with blogging and you're tweeting like crazy, these are more great tips for advertising on a shoestring budget:

• Print up business cards and hand them out when you participate in professional and social networking meetings.

• Put magnetic signs on your car.

• Write short articles on things you know about and send them to online article platforms. is a highly efficient platform that converts article content into traffic at a scale, rate and pace that is unmatched by competing platforms.

• Promote yourself as a knowledgeable source of information and distribute a press release. PRWeb is a great resource to distribute your press release for free, although for optimum circulation, you may want to pay for upgrades. Either way, you will create the opportunity for hundreds of people to see your press release.

• Join online discussion forums. When the topic is within your realm of expertise, comment and offer your opinion. Use the resource box or signature box to put your blog or website address to get your name noticed.

The internet provides a low-cost barrier to quality marketing but people can't buy from you if they can't find you. Try not to be too ambitious in the beginning and try every single strategy all at once. Take one strategy and work it until you see some results. If you do that, chances are you won't experience information overload. Realizing your dream is the easy part. Marketing your business is the true challenge, so be creative when it comes to exposing your business where it matters. Starting your own business is great, but you want to work smarter, not harder.

Street Smart Profits - Importance of Email Marketing

A lots of people might become annoyed if they're getting bombarded and blasted by e-mails from you every single day. You want to message them in a sequence and leave them from one e-mail to the next and hopefully get them to actually commit to buy or opt in and join whatever program or product that you are promoting.

Street Smart Profits focuses on a very specific parts of Internet marketing which is actually called e-mail marketing. Now, e-mail marketing is actually still very effective and it is very in Portland when it comes to this building. So really briefly in this article we are going to talk about this program and also how e-mail marketing could impact and grow your business in a positive manner. First of all you got to know that when somebody pops into your offer, they are probably pretty interested but it is very important that you follow what with that leave. That is why it is important to build a list of e-mail addresses of the people and leads that want to know more about your business.

Street Smart Profits is going to show you how to do e-mail marketing in a profitable way as far as how to grow your list and what kind of e-mails to send to your list and how often. A lot of times you don't always want to send out e-mails every single day or more than once a day. A lots of people might become annoyed if they're getting bombarded and blasted by e-mails from you every single day. You want to message them in a sequence and leave them from one e-mail to the next and hopefully get them to actually commit to buy or opt in and join whatever program or product that you are promoting.

This program is going to buy you the right training and it doesn't matter what level of Internet marketer that she wired. You can actually be a complete beginner or somebody that does have experience and you may be able to learn something new about list building. This building and e-mail marketing also means residual income. Why? Because once you establish a list you can keep promoting to that same list and you don't always have to rely on a fresh new batch of leads. For example, let's say that your traffic goes down your websites and you're not getting as many opticians, well it's okay if you have a large list because you can always promote to that list new affiliate offers are programs and you know depending on how good you pre-sell them, you will make even more sales just from that one e-mail list.

Article Marketing Is a Simple, Effective Marketing Tool

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Just write a few lines of introduction letting the reader know what the topic is and why it would be good to know more about it. Then write down the steps involved or just jump into the "how to" paragraphs. Just write a few paragraphs on how to accomplish whatever-it-is you're talking about or whatever the more in-depth information is that you are sharing in the article. Then write a small wrap-up paragraph with links to further information. This can be a page on your blog, a video you posted online with a link to your blog or whatever. Wherever it is, be sure you give an option to sign up to an email list. Be sure it says that it offers more information on the SAME topic as the article and not a more general topic. Don't follow up an article on how to change your oil with... oh... let's say, "How to Be an Auto Mechanic." Many of your readers who wanted to learn to change their oil will have no interest in being an auto mechanic, and therefore won't subscribe to an email list and you will lose potential future prospects. But you already know they have an interest in how to change their oil. That's what brought them to your article to begin with. Offer them further information on that topic.

Be sure it says that it offers more information on the SAME topic as the article and not a more general topic.

Article marketing is a very simple, straight-forward way of generating high-quality traffic to your sales funnel. It's easy to do for yourself and cheap to outsource. Granted, it can be tedious and repetitive to generate many articles in the same niche over time. The pay-off, though, is generous. So you might want to consider making a goal of generating a set amount of articles per week. Many people in the internet marketing industry have used this strategy for many years and swear by it as their major source of traffic.

So why is article traffic important? What makes it "high quality" traffic? The significant thing about article traffic is that it begins immediately building a rapport between the writer and the reader. Just as some people connect with a certain fiction author and buy all of their books and stand in line to get the next one, some people like the writing of certain article authors in the niche they want to read about. They will read everything they have written on the topic and then look around to try to find more. That's where the bio box and links come in to play. The reader discovers that the author has a blog, or a "join my list and get a free report" page or whatever. This brings the reader to the next step in the sales funnel, whatever that may be.

Often people will bulk and say, "But I don't know how to write an article!" As usual, the fear of the unknown creates an unnecessary mental stumbling block that is easily overcome if only you can take a slightly different view and look at the topic from a different angle. It is much easier to look at it as simply writing a few paragraphs on a topic than "writing an article". If you ask someone to write down the steps involved in changing a tire so that someone who read it would know the basics of changing a tire, it is much less intimidating than asking someone to write an article on the topic.

Creating your business page is easy and once people start liking your pages or posts you have access to an ongoing audience that can be worth its weight in gold.

Website Promotion - 1: What's It All About?

Facebook is huge and also spidered by the engines on a regular basis, there's no doubt about it and there's not an SEO expert around that that doesn't utilise this giant resource. Creating your business page is easy and once people start liking your pages or posts you have access to an ongoing audience that can be worth its weight in gold. Make your posts interesting, add video and photo content, make the content relevant to your services and followers and keep on top of it, if there's nothing to see on your page people will un friend you and your potential revenue stream vanishes. 

Facebook ads will be covered in a later article as they are not free.

This goes for twitter as well, not so much an advertising platform but definitely an opportunity to let your customers know if you have any offers coming up.

Tie up with a blog.

To get these things moving I recommend starting a blog on your site.

Blogging integration software is freely available in most hosting packages and give every visitor to your site the chance to keep in touch with you via comments.

Every offer you have, blog it, any relevant articles relating to your business, blog it.any videos or photos of your products or services, blog it. New and relevant content will keep the engines interested and will keep people coming back to your site for updates. With most business being repeat business, its vital to capture every free lead we can. If you don't have blogging software with your hosting package get over to and ask your webmaster to get a link added from your main site to your blogger website.

Next article we will discuss the paid options and the best way to get a decent ROI.

Website promotion is basically using the resources available to us to enhance our website's presence on the internet and increase our visitor count.

These resources include banner ads, pay per click campaigns, email marketing, social networking sites, search engine registrations and blogging.

On-line and offline advertising in the traditional sense has been overlooked but is still an important part of getting seen and getting your website noticed by the audience you have been seeking. Sites like Craigslist and are still invaluable and will increase your site ranking organically.

Lets start with the free options to start you off on your journey that ends in success.

has long been a favourite resource for web-masters and SEO experts. It offers business categories and local directory listings free of charge.It has the benefit of being spidered by Google on a regular basis, hence getting new websites listed much much quicker than the search engine submission service.

I am a strong believer that this type of natural discovery will rank you much higher, much quicker than engine submission sites.You wont be accused of bombarding the search engines with your URL and therefore wont be penalised. Natural one way links are so much better than sites that require reciprocal links as Google still classes your website as much more important if you don't have to payback with a link to its origin.

This moves us nicely on to Facebook.


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For affiliate marketing success, you've got to know that product inside out, with all of its attributes - both good and bad.

Add your affiliate link several times. Your buyer can decide to purchase at any time whilst they're reading your copy. Be sure to post the affiliate link several times throughout so that they can buy. Don't forget to make the most of images to link through to your affiliate products. Before you know it you'll be an affiliate marketing aficionado.

Make a YouTube video. This is going to get you more traffic, and it's another chance to demonstrate your product to viewers. YouTube is very powerful as a search engine and it also performs well in Google's search results. Be sure to add your affiliate marketing link to your video too, both on the screen and in the information area.

Bonuses are powerful. Everybody wants something for free. By providing a bonus, your customer will get a good feeling and it's a way of saying 'thanks'.

Monitor your results and test, test, test. You need to know what is working well and what isn't so that you can replicate it as appropriate. Testing gives you the opportunity to see what works best with your busyers. Perhaps they prefer your affiliate link to be in a particular place over another and you won't find this out without testing.

Focus on benefits. Benefits are what sells a product. Be sure to point them out to buyers. How will it make somebody feel or perform? How will you product make a difference. This type of information is what people buy on.

Be honest. Always be honest. Don't try to pull the wool over somebody's eyes, you won't get far and you could waste an opportunity. No spamming or scamming.

Get a list going. Building an email marketing list is one of the best things that you can do in affiliate marketing.

If you follow through with these tips, you'll soon be operating a successful internet marketing business that it pulling in a good income every month.

Many of my customers ask me for my top affiliate marketing tips. So I've come up with a list that I'm going to share so that more people can use them.

If you know anything about me then you'll be aware that I've had quite a bit of success with selling online.

Here's what made all the difference for me with affiliate marketing:

Cultivate trust. It's essential to cultivate trust with your connections. Without it, there's not going to be a lot of buying going on. The most powerful and quickest way to build trust is to give. Provide plenty of free advice, free information and even your own time and effort, if necessary. Once you have given freely, people will then be happy to give back.

Know your product. For affiliate marketing success, you've got to know that product inside out, with all of its attributes - both good and bad. Don't promote or recommend products that you have not personally used. If you promote a product that you are not familiar with and it turns out to be no good, you'll have lost the trust that you've been building.

Display the results. People love pictures and if you can show the results with an infographic, all the better. Otherwise, provide some detailed results of what happened when you used the product.

Provide as much info as you can.You've got to work on answering as many questions as possible. If you don't answer one of the questions that comes up in your buyer's heads, then they can easily click off somewhere else and you've lost them.



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Even though you will no doubt have a lot of skills that you have learned in your current or previous workplace, starting a home business means that there are plenty more things to learn.

Learning something new. If there's one thing that I know about people it's that they are at their happiest when they are making progress. Even though you will no doubt have a lot of skills that you have learned in your current or previous workplace, starting a home business means that there are plenty more things to learn. For example you will learn how to make a site popular with visitors, how to build trust with customers, how to do effective internet marketing, the list is endless.

If you decide to start a home business, you can't go wrong. There are many positive results that can be expected. My last piece of advice is that before you get started; take your time to select the system that you will use as a framework to get started. There are quite a few unscrupulous people out on the internet who will try to take your money in return for nothing much.

Starting a home business is becoming more attractive to more people all the time. It offers a flexible lifestyle without commuting, more time with the family and an unlimited income. It's really all down to how you set it up and how much you do with regards to high this income can be. A computer with internet access is the only equipment needed.

Here are the 5 top points that you need to know about starting a home business today.

Making money. Of course, one of the main reasons why people want to start a home business is to make money. In these economic times it's essential to have a back-up plan to your daily job. You never know when you might get laid off.

It's key to use a system. People who use a proven method when starting a home business are more likely to succeed than those who don't. A system will provide you with the steps and actions that you need to take in order to be successful in your business. Franchises are similar in that the owner of the business that you're buying into has already gone through the process of being a beginner and documented the steps that lead to success.

Work for your freedom. No longer will you have to ask for permission to go to a dental appointment. Starting a home business means that you become your own boss. You won't even have to work from 9 to 5, you can pick your own hours that fit in around family life or other commitments that you have.

Make a contribution. Depending on how hard you work, you could have more money than before and you'll be able to help those around you. You should also be in position to make a financial contribution to charity. There are many different ways that you can gain once you decide to start a home business. You should also get a sense of satisfaction from helping the people that you meet in your business. For example, if you sell informational products, it could be that you're helping somebody to make a big change in their life too.

Mindset of an Internet Entreprenuer

We've all heard it before; we become the person of the five people we spend most of our time with. In many facets of life, it is mindset, character, financial status, and physical health that play the most parts. There are tons of programs out there you can choose from, but many of them can lead you to the wrong mindset, causing you not just your bank account, but your chances of being successful.

Having the right mindset in life is everything, especially in a tough and highly competitive world, such as Internet entrepreneurship. Mindset requires self-discovery and protecting it from being influenced by people you meet, even if they're your parents, or closest friends. It's true that those emotional connections we have that don't set us to the directions of our goals are the hardest ones to let go of. But if you're firm with your belief and you trust your mindset; you can identify these toxic relationships and let go of them. Only you can identify and work with your own 'right mindset,', and it's also up to you to steer your from the negative thoughts and drive your way towards your goals.

The Mindset of A Successful Internet Entrepreneur

Success Is A Process

Success is a journey, and it can be endless depending on how you see it. Not making millions (yet) doesn't mean you're unsuccessful.

One important thing you need to do is to surround yourself with positive and successful people. If you do a little research about successful people on the internet, you'll realize they usually know each other, or they hang with each other. The idea is to get positive influences. If you want to be a 'thousandnaire' then hang with thousandnaires. If you want to be a millionaire, then connect with the millionaires and make friends with them.

Self Discovery For Self Development

If there's one tip every successful entrepreneur out there can share, it would be about discovering and understanding yourself, whatever road you want to take in life. Obstacles can be really tough, and downfalls can be pretty frustrating. It is through understanding yourself and developing yourself that will keep you from being crazy.

Spending at least an hour for self development each day can make a huge difference. You can start by listening to successful people from different walks of life, not just from successful internet entrepreneurs. Go get their books, read their bios, listen to their webinars, watch their videos, etc. Money shouldn't be a problem here, as most successful online entrepreneurs post tips and information about them online for free, through articles, etc. You can also hire a mentor or personal coach who's also successful in the market you're in.

It's a common practice that if we want to learn and be successful at something, we invest on educating ourselves about it. Many striving online entrepreneurs purchase loads of training materials and subscribe to various sites that promise fast results and success. But we all know not many of them really deliver what they promise to their clients. Some provide good information and learning, while many of them are simply waste of time. So what separates a successful Internet Entrepreneur from the struggling ones? Well, ask any successful online entrepreneurs you know, and you'll end up with one common answer - it's all about mindset.


If there are plenty of adverts, someone is making money from these keywords or they would not be paying for displaying these keywords in the Google search results.

The Ebook should be fairly short, ten to twelve pages is fine. If it is too long, the reader will not read all the way to the end.

The squeeze page should be on your website's home page. It should be the first and only thing the visitor sees until after they subscribe. There are many different squeeze page generators available on the web, some more complicated than others.

Pick one you like and use it. If you keep flitting from one software package to another, you will waste too much time. By all means switch if the package does not do what you want but do try to stick with the same software if possible.

Whatever niche you choose, there must be people searching for this niche online. You might specialize in training dogs although this is a very popular subject and you would be up against stiff competition. Perhaps you could specialize in training one particular breed of dog? You might be an expert in tortoise training but the chances of earning any money in this niche are probably nil.

You need to use something like the Google Keyword Tool to find some keywords or phrases that get about 50,000 searches a month. Search in the Google search engine for these keywords and see how many Google paid for adverts come up for this search. If there are plenty of adverts, someone is making money from these keywords or they would not be paying for displaying these keywords in the Google search results.

The main page of your website should be a squeeze page. A squeeze page has one purpose only, which is to capture the visitor's email address. The easiest way to do this is to offer a free Ebook, usually in the form of a PDF to people who subscribe to your list. The easiest way to set up a squeeze page is by using a sign up form from an autoresponder.

However, do not ask readers to subscribe. Ask them to fill in their email to download the free Ebook instantly. The visitors think they are just getting the free Ebook but they are actually being added to your list. This is not unethical as they can choose not to confirm their email and not download the Ebook. (It is your job to make the free Ebook as appealing as possible to ensure maximum subscribers.)


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