Winery Procedures - Tri-Cities Wine Society

41st Tri-Cities Wine Festival

November 16, 2019


Check In

• Winery booth set up is between 2:00 and 5:30 p.m.

• All winery check in/wine delivery – use loading dock entrance, Three Rivers Convention Center (TRCC), 7016 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick, Wash.

• No winery check in or deliveries through TRCC’s front entrances.

• At loading dock, volunteers will provide directions to Winery Central.

• Parking recommendation: From the loading dock, left on Grandridge, then left into north/east parking lot. (Note: Do not park in the Marriott SpringHill Suites parking lot unless you are staying at the hotel.)

• At Winery Central, starting at 2:00 p.m.

o Receive festival vendor wristbands.

o Get table assignment.

o Receive wine pourers and any other instructions.

• To comply with TRCC policies, TRCC staff are responsible for checking individuals pouring wines for Washington wineries for:

o Official photo ID.

o Class 12 Mixologist Permit. (Note: Idaho, Montana and Oregon wineries are urged to present the equivalent certification, if applicable; but, official photo ID is required.)

o All individuals pouring wine must be at least 21 years old.

• NOTE! The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board requires us to have INVOICES for ALL wines poured at the festival. Therefore, please bring an invoice listing each wine entered into the festival and the quantity, e.g., 12 bottles (the 3 bottles submitted for judging; the 9 for the public tasting), or the can equivalent, and state the wine is a DONATION to the Tri-Cities Wine Society, a 501(c)(3) organization. Wineries wishing to take any of their unopened bottles/cans with them after the public tasting rather than leaving it as a donation, will need to bring a second invoice. It should also specify each wine brought but have a blank for the quantity. The second invoice will be completed at the end of the evening during winery checkout to reflect the quantity that was actually used. Festival volunteers will be available to assist wineries with check in, and checkout at the end of the public tasting.

• Set up must be completed by 5:30 p.m.

• At 6:00 p.m. entrants must be in the Great Hall for festival orientation.

• Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for Tri-Cities Wine Society (TCWS) members; 7:00 p.m. for nonmembers.

• The festival ends at 10 p.m. No wine pours after 10 p.m. Announcements will be made alerting wineries and guests to the 10 p.m. closure.

Processing Out

• At the end of the festival, 10:00 p.m.:

o Leave measured pourers on the table.

o Separate empty bottles/cans from full or partially full bottles/cans. Place empty bottles/cans on one end of the table in a case box.

o Place partially full bottles/cans in the middle of the table.

o You may take your unopened bottles/cans or leave them as a donation to the TCWS. If left, put on opposite end of the table from empty bottles/cans.

• No open bottles/cans of wine can leave the TRCC.

• Reload vehicles/depart using the drop-off location, rear of TRCC.

Additional Information

• Dress – most guests are in business casual to dressy attire.

• Shoes – suggest comfortable shoes! The TRCC has industrial-strength carpeting, but it is over concrete so still can be hard on feet, legs, knees.

• Booths:

o A sign with your winery name will be provided.

o Booths can be decorated.

o Feel free to bring winery business cards and other information, e.g., where guests can obtain your wines.

o Award certificates: wineries receiving awards will be provided an envelope with the official certificates enclosed at the end of the evening. A duplicate copy will be provided for displaying during the public tasting.

• Festival award results will be on the Tri-Cities Wine Society website, tri-cities-wine-festival, after 10 p.m.

Questions: Peter Berry, 509.378.2494 or Blaine Hulse, 509.531.7454.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Looking Ahead! 42nd Tri-Cities Wine Festival announcements will be on the Tri-Cities Wine Society website: .



✓ Wineries must attend the gala public tasting to receive awards. Wineries not present will be eliminated from award competition.

✓ Wines entered in the judged competition but not brought to the gala wine tasting for pouring will be eliminated from the award competition.

✓ Wineries must bring the exact wines entered for judging to pour at the gala public tasting.

✓ Wineries will only be allowed to pour the exact wines entered in the judged competition.


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