Marcelo Raffaelli Cesar - Marcelo's English Site

Marcelo Raffaelli CésarContact information!mcesar@emsb.qc.caUseful websites!marceloenglish. – Class website. – Grammar website #1. – Grammar website #2.english – Vocabulary website. – Listening to news. – Free readings and audiobooks. – Weekly podcast discussing stories and themes, includes transcripts. – Online English dictionary with pronunciations for every word you search. – Online English thesaurus with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. - Online English podcast with transcripts and news stories. - Website to meet people and practice English.Monday, April 3, 2017Activity 1: Speaking – Home CountriesAsk your classmates, “What is your name?” “Where are you from?” “How do you spell your name?”Write down their names next to the countries on the map on the handout.Activity 2: Writing – Why do you want to learn English?Write a short response to the following questions:Why do you want to improve your English?Where and for how long did you study English before now?What do you want to learn or practice in this class the most?Activity 3: Speaking – Group DiscussionSit in groups of three. Discuss these three questions:What is most important in life: money, health, or love? Why?What work or job did you want to do when you were a child? Did you change your mind as you got older? If you did, why?What country (or countries) would you like to visit before you die?Activity 4: Reading & Speaking – News Article the article from Russia Insider, “Meet the 89-Year-Old Translator Who Learned Russian at Age 56”.Discuss the article with a partner. What do you think of Mary Hobson’s decision to learn Russian? Does she inspire you? What skill, ability, or language would you want to learn no matter what your age is?Tuesday, April 4, 2017Activity 1: Speaking – Being SuccessfulSit in groups of three. Think of a person you consider to be successful. What makes you think they are successful? What, in your view, are the reasons for their success?Activity 2: Writing – Success: Hard Work or Luck?“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Write a response and use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Activity 4: Listening and Speaking – VOA Newslearningenglish.a/people-in-america-na/3662797.htmlListen to the news article from VOA News “Neftalie Williams: Skateboarding Is a ‘Tool for Cultural Diplomacy’”. Read along with the transcript.Consider an activity, sport, food, or other cultural element from your home country that could be a “tool for cultural diplomacy” like Neftalie Williams’s skateboarding example. Explain to a partner how and why you think this cultural element could be used as a tool for cultural diplomacy with Canada.Wednesday, April 5, 2017Activity 1: Listening & Speaking – VOA News a partner, discuss wine and wine drinking. Do you like to drink wine? Why is wine such a popular drink around the world? Listen to the news article from VOA News “Matthieu Finot: The Art and Science of Winemaking”. Read along with the transcript.Discuss the article with your partner. What do you think about the science and art of winemaking? Have you ever wanted to make your own wine or beer? Is there a particular alcoholic drink you like to drink?Activity 2: Writing – Connecting to One’s RootsHow important is it for people to remember their family background, history, and roots? Do you take a lot of identity from your roots, or have you made your own identity? Write a response and use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Thursday, April 6, 2017Activity 1: Speaking & Writing – Childhood MemoriesConsider one of your most memorable childhood memories. What makes that memory important or easy to remember for you? Did it change who you were, or help contribute to your personality today?In a group, share one of your most memorable childhood memories. Ask questions for more details from each other.Write about one of your most memorable childhood memories. Explain what happened and why you consider it memorable.Activity 2: Reading & Speaking – Culture CheckRead the cultural behaviors list. Circle Y for any behaviors that are true for your culture, and circle N for any behaviors that are not pare your responses with a partner of a different culture from yours. How are your answers the same? How are they different?Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Monday, April 10, 2017Activity 1: Reading & Speaking – CBC NewsSpeak with a group. How often do you fly on planes? What was your worst flying experience?Read the article from CBC News, “United Airlines forcibly removes passenger from overbooked flight”.Discuss the article with your group. What do you think of the airline’s and guards’ actions? Should the customer have been forcibly removed? What should have been done differently in this case?Activity 2: Writing – Customer RightsWrite about a time when you, as a customer, had a problem with a product, service, or business. What happened? What did you do? How did things turn out?Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Activity 4: Reading & Speaking – Mystery CaseRead the short mystery “The Case of the Dead Housekeeper”. Try to solve the mystery with your partner!Tuesday, April 11, 2017Activity 1: Listening & Speaking – VOA News a partner, discuss the idea of loving another culture or country. What makes people fall in love with a culture or country? Do you like a particular country or culture? If yes, what about it do you like and why?Listen to the news article from VOA News “Melody Bales: “The Lady From Haiti”. Read along with the transcript.Speak with a different group. How would you demonstrate what you like about another country or culture to other people?Activity 2: Writing – A Country or Culture You LikeWrite about a culture or country that you like (it can be your own or another). What do you like about it? Why do you like it?Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Wednesday, April 12, 2017Activity 1: Music – “Red Red Wine” by UB40 to the song and read the lyrics.In groups, discuss the questions on the lyrics handout.Activity 2: Writing – A Country or Culture You LikeWhat do you do when you want to forget something? Why does it work for you?Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Grammar notes: Be used to, get used to, and used toBe used to + noun phrase or verb-ing (in this pattern used is an adjective and to is a preposition).If you are used to something, you have often done or experienced it, so it’s not strange, new, or difficult for you. The opposite of be used to is be not used to.I am used to getting up early in the morning and going to my French class. I don’t mind – it does not bother me anymore.I am not used to this new program in our department – it is so complicated!Get used to + noun phrase or verb-ing (in this pattern used is an adjective and to is a preposition).If you get used to something, you become/are becoming accustomed to it. It is the process of becoming used to something. The opposite of be used to is not get used to.I am getting used to getting up early in the morning. It is not so bad…After a while he didn’t mind the noise in the office. He got used to it.I try, but I just can’t get used to going to the gym regularly.Used to + verb refers to a habit or state in the past. It is used only in the simple past.If you used to do something, you did it for a period of time in the past, but you don’t do it anymore.We also say used to to express a state that existed in the past but doesn’t exist now. States are not actions. They are expressed using stative verbs such as have, believe, know, and like.The form of the question is did(n’t) + subject + use to be. The form of the negative is subject + didn’t + use to be.We used to live in a big city when I was a child.I used to walk to work every day, but now I don’t because I moved.I used to like the Beatles but now I never listen to them.He used to have long hair but nowadays his hair is very short.Did(n’t) he use to work in your office?We didn’t use to be vegetarians.Thursday, April 13, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 1A What Motivates You?Complete p. 4-5, ex. 1a-1d from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – A Source of MotivationWhen you want to get encouraged to do something, what do you do? Do you have any sources of motivation?Activity 3: Grammar Book – Chapter 5Complete p. 76, ex. 1 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 4: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Tuesday, April 18, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Notes – Conditional SentencesRead the grammar notes about using conditional sentences and how to conjugate them.Practice the conditionals by answering the handout questions in pairs.Grammar Notes: Using conditional sentences (if clauses & main clauses)We use conditional sentences to indicate a possible result or action that can only happen (or cannot happen at all) if another result or action happens. There are two parts to a conditional sentence: the if clause, and the main clause.Depending on when the condition happens and if the condition is real, we use different forms.Zero conditional (condition always happens)In this conditional, the situations will always, 100% of the time, happen. It’s automatic. For this conditional, we use the simple present.If you press this button, the computer turns on.If you heat water, it boils.If you ask questions, you get answers.First conditional (real present or future)In this conditional, the main clause is possible, and could happen. We use the present tense in the if-clause, and the future in the main clause.I will buy a new car if I get a raise at work.I will go home if you don’t stop criticizing me.You will fail your exams if you don’t start working harder.Second conditional (unreal/imaginary present or [unlikely] future)In this conditional, the present or future action is impossible and cannot happen in reality, or it is unlikely to happen. We use the past tense in the if-clause to talk about the action happening.If I were a woman, my mother would have a daughter. (but I am not a woman)If I won the lottery, I would go to Asia. (but I don’t expect to win)I wouldn’t work if it weren’t necessary. (but it is necessary)Third conditional (unreal/imaginary past, or real past)In this conditional, we talk about changing the past and doing different actions in the past, so the future will be different. This is impossible, and because we’re changing a past action, we use the participle form for the grammar of the main clause. The if-clause, depending on whether the verb happens once or happens habitually, can be in the present perfect or simple present, respectfully.If it had snowed yesterday, we would have gone skiing. (but it didn’t snow, so we didn’t go skiing)I would have told you if I had known that. (but I didn’t know, so I didn’t tell you)If she hadn’t been driving slowly, she would have had an accident. (but she was driving slowly, so she didn’t have an accident)Conjugation FormulaZero conditional: The situation will always happen.If subject + simple present, then subject + simple present.First conditional: The situation can possibly happen.If subject + simple present, then subject + simple future.Second conditional: The situation cannot or is unlikely to happen.If subject + simple past, then subject + would + simple present.Third conditional: If the situation in the past were different, or counterfactual.If subject + past perfect, then subject + would have + past participle.Activity 2: Grammar Book – Chapter 5Complete p. 76-79, ex. 2, 3, 6 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 3: Writing – The Power to ChangeIf you had the power to change one thing about your home country, what would you change? Why?Wednesday, April 19, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Notes – To vs. For vs. OfReview the grammar rules for “to”, “for”, and “of”.Complete the “For and To” exercises worksheet.ToUse to in these cases:Destination“We’re going?to?Paris.”What time it is“It’s a quarter?to?2.”Distance“It’s about ten miles from my house?to?the university.”Comparing“I prefer sleeping?to?working.”Giving“I gave the book?to?my sister.”Motive/Reason – with verb“I came here?to see?you.”ForUse for in these cases:Benefits“Yogurt is good?for?your digestion.”Period of time“We’ve lived here?for?2 years.”Schedule“I made an appointment?for?May 3.”Agree with?“Are you?for?or against the development of nuclear weapons?”Doing something to help someone“Could you carry these books?for?me?”Motive/Reason – with noun“Let’s go out?for?a drink.”Function – with verb (-ing form)“A ladle is a big spoon used?for serving?soup.”OfUse of in these cases:Belonging to, relating to, or connected with“The secret of this game is to play aggressive.”“I always dreamed of being like my mother.”Reference“I got married in the summer of 2012.”“This is a picture of my family.”An amount or number“I drank three cups of milk.”“He got a perfect score of 5 on his writing assignment.”Notice that to and for can be used for a motive/reason, but?to is always with an infinitive verb,?and?for is always with a noun:I came to New York to work.I came to New York?for a new job.Activity 2: AEF Book – 1A What Motivates You?Complete p. 5-7, ex. 2c-d, 4a-c from the American English File book.Thursday, April 20, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 1A What Motivates You?Complete p. 7-8, ex. 4d-h, 5-7 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Monday, April 24, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 1B Who am I?Complete p. 8-10, ex. 1-3 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – Family TendenciesDo you look like and take after anyone in your family? If so, how? Are there any physical or personality characteristics that run in your family?Tuesday, April 25, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 5Complete p. 82-83, ex. 13 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: AEF Book – 1B Who am I?Complete p. 11, ex. 4 from the American English File book.Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Wednesday, April 26, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 1B Who am I?Complete p. 11, ex. 5 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – Statements About FamilyChoose one of the statements you debated from American English File 1B, p.11, ex. 5. Write a response to the statements and use specific reasons and examples to explain your response.Activity 3: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 84-86, ex. 1-6 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 4: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Thursday, April 27, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 87-90, ex. 7-12 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Listening & Speaking – VOA News a partner, discuss cosmetics. Do you use make-up or know someone else who does? Why do people wear makeup?Listen to the news article from VOA News “L’Oreal Chemist Balanda Atis: Makeup is Personal”. Read along with the transcript.Discuss the article with your partner. Have you ever had difficulty finding makeup that worked for you or someone you know? Is makeup important or personal for you in your day-to-day life?Activity 3: AEF Book – 2A Whose language is it?Complete p. 14-15, ex. 1 from the American English File book.Monday, May 1, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 91-92, ex. 13-17 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Grammar Notes – Modal VerbsReview the grammar rules for English modals.Answer the modal questions on the handout.Modals (can, could, should, have to, need to, must, etc.)In English, we use verbs to modify the context of a main verb in a sentence. In a positive statement, they come before the main verb, but after the subject.I can speak seven languages.You need to visit my family.He should eat less food.We will travel next year.There are several modals in English:Can / Could -> AbilityCan you ride a horse?I can’t go with you tomorrow. I have a test.They can dance if they want to.When I was a child, I could play the cello.If I could help you, I would.Have to -> Obligation ; Not have to -> OptionI can’t stay long; I have to feed my children.You have to tell me when I make a mistake.You don’t have to read books if you don’t want to.He doesn’t have to come with us, but she does.Must -> Obligation ; Must not -> ProhibitionIf you travel overseas, you must bring a passport.They must come to class on time.We must not forget to take this to him.The enemy army must not reach the bridge.May / Might -> Possibility / RequestIt may rain tomorrow, so bring an umbrella.We might go to the movies if it’s cheap.I don’t know where he is, but he may have gone to the bar.He’s late because it might have rained.Might your name be Harold, by any chance?Should / Ought to -> Recommendation / Advice / SuggestionI should exercise more.She shouldn’t talk that way to her mother.Should I give them a call?I ought to have gone to a better university.If you want to feel better, you ought not to smoke.Will / Shall -> Plan or guarantee / RequestWe will complete a test later today.If the king dies, his son shall take the throne.Will you stop bothering me?Would -> Condition of will / Request / Used toI would travel the world if I had the money.Would you please open the door?When we were young we would go to the circus.Activity 3: AEF Book – 2A Whose language is it?Complete p. 15, ex. 2 from the American English File book.Activity 4: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Tuesday, May 2, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 92-95, ex. 18-21 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Writing – A New High SchoolImagine it has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.Activity 3: AEF Book – 2A Whose language is it?Complete p. 15-16, ex. 3-4 from the American English File book.Wednesday, May 3, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 95-99, ex. 22-24 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Speaking & Writing – Reconnecting Local CommunitiesOur current western society allows us great communication and access to information, but as a whole we have lost our connections to our local communities. How can communities begin to bond again, and get neighbors and neighborhoods talking together again? Speak with a partner to get some ideas and why you think they would work.Write down your ideas and those from your partner you agreed with and explain why you think they would work to help reconnect communities.Activity 3: AEF Book – 2A Whose language is it?Complete p. 16-17, ex. 5-6 from the American English File book.Thursday, May 4, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 96-99, ex. 25-29 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Listening & Speaking – VOA News groups, discuss the concept of changing your mind. Do you change your mind often?Listen to the news article from VOA News “Tim Ma: A Change of Heart”. Read along with the transcript.Discuss the article with your partner. What was your biggest change of heart? When you have to make a big decision, how do you get about it? Do you ask for advice from anyone?Activity 3: AEF Book – 2B Once upon a timeComplete p. 18-19, ex. 1-2 from the American English File book.Monday, May 8, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 6Complete p. 99, ex. 28-29 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: AEF Book – 2B Once upon a timeComplete p. 19-20, ex. 3-4 from the American English File book.Tuesday, May 9, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 2B Once upon a timeComplete p. 21, ex. 5 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – Quotations from the FamousChoose one of the eight quotations from p. 21, ex. 5c of the American English File book and write it down. What do you think the quotation means? Do you agree with it?Activity 3: Game – TabooGet in teams, play the game Taboo and have fun!Wednesday, May 10, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – Review of Chapters 1 and 2Complete p. 22-23, ex. 1-5 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Presentation Project – Brainstorming PrepFor an individual class presentation, choose a local environmental problem that interests you. Don’t choose a very big topic, like global warming; instead, make it specific, e.g. the impact of global warming on fishing in Brazil.Write down what you already know about the topic. Note information you are unsure about to research later.Write questions that you want to know the answer to: e.g. How many people does this affect? What solutions are there? Who has the power to help fix this problem? What can we do here in Montreal?In the next few days, you will use the computer lab to find answers to your questions and information about the environmental issue. Prepare a simple PowerPoint presentation during this time.Thursday, May 11, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 100-104, ex. 1-6 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Presentation Project – Research and PrepGo to the computer lab to do research on the environmental issue you chose. Prepare a simple PowerPoint to help with your presentation.Monday, May 15, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 104-108, ex. 7-13 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Presentation Project – Research and PrepGo to the computer lab to do research on the environmental issue you chose. Prepare a simple PowerPoint to help with your presentation.Tuesday, May 16, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 108-112, ex. 14-19 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Speaking – Agree or DisagreeDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should only read books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We cannot trust the media today. We can only trust news from people we know.Activity 3: Presentation Project – Research and PrepGo to the computer lab to do research on the environmental issue you chose. Prepare a simple PowerPoint to help with your presentation.Wednesday, May 16, 2017Activity 1: Speaking – The History of Montreal and CanadaWhat do you know about the history of Canada and the history of Montreal? What would you like to learn about them?Activity 2: Writing – About HistoryHow important is it for a person to know history? Why is (or isn’t) history important? Did you like studying or learning about history when you were younger? Activity 3: Field Trip – Montreal’s 375th AnniversaryEnjoy the field trip to the Old Port to celebrate Montreal’s 375th anniversary! Tuesday, May 23, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 113-117, ex. 20-24 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Speaking – Controversial History MemorialsThere are many governments which have been removing monuments and statues that commemorate a dark period of history for their cities or countries (e.g. removing a memorial that was erected by a slave-owning province or a statue of a dictator). What do you think of these removals? Should memorials that are controversial be preserved instead of removed? Is it on a case-by-case basis?Activity 3: Writing – Changing the Educational SystemWatch the video “history of the entire world, i guess”.Write a response to the following questions: Should the educational system change for future generations, or should it stay the same? If it should change, how should it change?Wednesday, May 24, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 117-120, ex. 25-29 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Thursday, May 25, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 120-125, ex. 29-34 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Listening & Speaking – VOA News to the news article from VOA News “Evan Lutz: Giving Unused Produce A Purpose with Hungry Harvest”. Read along with the transcript.Watch videos on food sustainability programs in Montreal and Quebec. Read the transcript together and discuss food issues in a circle.Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Monday, May 29, 2017Activity 1: Grammar Book – Chapter 7Complete p. 126-128, ex. 36-40 from the Azar grammar book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Activity 3: Music – “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell to the song and read the lyrics.In groups, discuss the questions on the lyrics handout.Activity 4: Writing – Biggest Environmental WorryWhat environmental change is the one that worries you the most, and why? Write a response and use specific reasons and examples to explain your opinion.Tuesday, May 30, 2017Activity 1: Grammar – Order of AdjectivesTake notes on the order of adjectives.Practice describing your clothes, possessions, etc. with a classmate, and complete the practice handout.Order of adjectivesThings can be described with more than one adjective. The order we put them in is…Quantity –> Opinion/Quality –> Size –> Shape –> Age –> Color –> Pattern –> Nationality –> Material –> Purpose/QualifierHe is a big young French man. Size Age NationShe is wearing an amazing long black silk dress. Opinion Size Color MaterialThat is a nice round Brazilian emerald ring. Opinion Shape Nation MaterialWe have two fast Italian sports cars. Quantity Opinion Nation PurposeThey bought three blue striped shirts. Quantity Color PatternWhen there are two adjectives from the same group, the word and is placed between them.The house is green and red. Color ColorThe library has old and new books. Age AgeShe has a pearl and diamond necklace. Material MaterialWhen there are three or more adjectives from the same group, place a comma between each of the coordinate adjectives.We live in a small green, white, and red house. Size Color Color ColorMy friend lost his beautiful red, black, and blue watch. Opinion Color Color ColorI sold my ugly, cheap, and tacky American hat. Opinion Opinion Opinion NationNotice that the adjective order rule for punctuation only works when you list adjectives before the noun. If you put adjectives after a noun, use commas and “and” to separate adjectives.Their house is large and white. Size ColorThey live in a large white house. Size ColorActivity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Activity 3: AEF Book – 3A Don’t get mad, get even!Complete p. 24-25, ex. 1 from the American English File book.Wednesday, May 31, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 3A Don’t get mad, get even!Complete p. 25-27, ex. 2-6 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Thursday, June 1, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 3B History goes to the moviesComplete p. 28-29, ex. 1-3 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Monday, June 5, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 3B History goes to the moviesComplete p. 34-35, ex. 1-3 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Listening and Speaking – VOA News a partner, discuss diets and meat-eating. Do you like to eat meat? What is your diet normally like?Listen to the news article from VOA News “Tech Companies Work to Create New, Plant-Based Food”. Read along with the transcript.Discuss the article with your partner. What do you think about the idea of making protein out of plants? Would you like to try eating one of these plant-based foods? What do you think the diet of the future will look like?Activity 3: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Tuesday, June 6, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 3B History goes to the moviesComplete p. 30-31, ex. 4-6 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Wednesday, June 7, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 3B History goes to the moviesComplete p. 31, ex. 6 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Speaking – Technology and the EnvironmentWhen faced with increasing environmental pressure and damage, some people say that technology will save us from our own mistakes, while others say that technology alone is not sufficient to fix our problems. What do you think? What role will technology play in mitigating environmental damage caused by human activity? What can people do in their day-to-day lives to help the environment without having to use technology? Should we rely on technological advancements to protect future generations?Activity 3: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Thursday, June 8, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 4A Breaking the silenceComplete p. 34, ex. 1 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – The Most Impactful PresentationOut of all the student presentations about the environment, which presentation (other than your own) did you feel was most impactful for you, and why? Write a response and use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Monday, June 12, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 4A Breaking the silenceComplete p. 35-37, ex. 2-4 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Presentation ProjectPresent your environmental problem presentation to the class! Be prepared to answer questions from your fellow students and teacher.Tuesday, June 12, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 4A Breaking the silenceComplete p. 36-37, ex. 5 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Speaking – The Community and YouHow involved are you with your community? Do you often meet people from your community to do things or are you more interested in yourself and your friends and family? How are your interactions with your community compared with your parents’ and your grandparents’; what is the same and what is different between the community today and in the past? How do you think communities will act in the future?Activity 3: Speaking – Summer PlansWhat are you planning to do this summer? Chat with a partner!Wednesday, June 13, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 4B Lost in translationComplete p. 38-39, ex. 1-2 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Listening & Speaking – VOA News a partner, discuss your favorite form of art. Do you like sculpture, painting, music, etc.? What is one of the strangest art pieces you can remember seeing?Listen to the news article from VOA News “Athena Zhe: Creating Art on Human Bodies”. Read along with the transcript.Discuss the article with a partner. What do you think of Athena Zhe’s job? Would you ever want to be one of her models? Have you ever considered being an artist?Activity 3: Reading & Speaking – Free Reading TimeRead something in English. When finished, speak with a partner about what you read.Thursday, June 14, 2017Activity 1: Writing – How to Write an Essay (and Practice)Read the rules for how to write an essay.Practice writing an essay of your own. Choose a thesis statement and write a short essay on that topic.Activity 2: AEF Book – 4B Lost in translationComplete p. 39, ex. 3 from the American English File book.Monday, June 19, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 4B Lost in translationComplete p. 40-41, ex. 5-7 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Reading & Speaking – VOA News a partner, answer the following questions: What do you know about the Bering Strait theory, which explains how Native Americans came to the Americas? Have you heard of any other theories?Read the news article from VOA News “Native Americans Call For Rethink of Bering Strait Theory”.Discuss the article with a partner. What do you think of the alternate theories presented? Do you consider the Bering Strait theory to be “culturally biased,” as some Native Americans do?Tuesday, June 20, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 5B Do you have Affluenza?Complete p. 48-49, ex. 1-2 from the American English File book.Activity 2: Writing – Affluenza and Canadian SocietyOliver James, author of Affluenza: How to Be Successful and Stay Sane, argues that society today has become “sick”, “infected” with materialism and superficiality. Do you agree with his assessment? Do you think Canadian society as a whole is too focused on material gain and success? What does this mean for the environment? Write a response and use specific reasons and examples to explain your opinion.Wednesday, June 21, 2017Activity 1: AEF Book – 5B Do you have Affluenza?Complete p. 49-51, ex. 2-7 from the American English File ING UP!Reference sheet of transitive and intransitive verbsBoth, either, neitherReference sheet of verbs that use certain prepositions (e.g. want to, dream of)Pronunciation notesCompound noun rulesTRIP IDEASMusee des Beaux ArtsCommunity Garden ................

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