Week 2 - Lesson 4 - (2 x 50 min)Aims: Introduce music-associated programs (Apps), their use and students begin to construct ideas, form groups. Students finalize the planning for their timelines. Activities:A demonstration is done on the big projector firstly showing the ‘pay to play Apps eg. Sibelius, Band in a Box (depends on school funding of these etc.), and also the ‘free to use’ Apps eg. Audacity, Songsterr & Guitar Pro [ENGAGE] [15mins all up]The focus for my demo’s will be Sustainability; demonstrating ways to create lyrics and/or ways of incorporating such topics as our impact on the world through environmental science, saving energy, assisting the farming industry etc. [EXPLORE] Show class some sites which can be referenced (See resources). I will create a demo of a musical work (some from scratch and some I’d prepared earlier; demonstrating the lyric writing process. Ways of incorporating either rhyming poetic lyrics or using the same amount of syllables per line [EXPLAIN, ELABORATE] [12-13mins]Class is reminded that portion of project is timeline (typed or hand-written) outlining individual and group progress [2mins]Sheets are given out detailing 5 questions they must cover in detail as part of their timeline (attached) and is demonstrated to class [7mins]Brainstorming session is conducted on the board – ways to incorporate stimulus, possible ideas, best ways for groups to effectively use all group members’ talents etc. [10mins]Class is to select group members – or if conflict, I will allocate groups [2-3mins]AusVELS Connection (& to ICT): (excerpts taken from ‘AusVELS’ link on Website)“use a range of starting points including observation…to…generate…real, imaginary and abstract ideas”.“…explore different contemporary and traditional?arts forms?and styles to develop understanding of the concept of style…”“…work both independently and collaboratively to develop creative and effective ways of combining and manipulating?arts elements…”“…consider the needs of others and ways of responding with appropriate sensitivity, learning to adapt their behaviour and language to suit different settings”.Groups will find their own areas, discuss and create ideas for their projects. Use of instruments is also possible. [23-25mins]Reflection as class/group discussion – [EVALUATE] Problems encountered? Methods used to overcome? [15mins]Documentation of Timeline entries[10mins]Pack-up [5mins]Outcomes:Students should now be familiar with what is expected from this project (also viewed on rubric)Students will demonstrate their capability in choosing collaborative group members Materials:Instruments eg. Guitar, keyboard etc. Whiteboard/markers, Computers/tablets with Apps [ICT] (also with Youtube links bookmarked of Audio/Video content).Resources: - Tamworth Music Festival & some methods utilizing sustainability - What is sustainability in Music? - Detailed information & download of Audacity - Band in a Box – information & purchase details“…use processes of rehearsal, reflection and evaluation to develop skills in…shaping their works to effectively communicate their intended aims, and experiment with imaginative ways of creating solutions to set task…”“They manage their impulses to encourage harmonious collaborations and relationships.”Formative Assessment:Students' ability to demonstrate prior knowledge of stimulus content (covered in previous 3 lessons)Students' level of involvement in class discussion surrounding research/knowledge on/of SustainabilityStudent’s effectiveness whilst working in their groupsSummative Assessment:NoneNext Lesson:Students will participate in workshops and discuss/construct ideas[30-35mins ................

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