March 28 – Monday Welcome to Israel

You are not a Tourist – This is your Home

Day 1

Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport where you will be met by Amiel Representative who will assist you through the arrival procedures and will escort you to your bus and driver.

Drive to the artists’ village of Ein Hod. The art exhibited in the village is contemporary – painting and sculpture, prints, ceramics, jewelry, textile, craft, glasswork and Judaic. Take a walk between the various galleries and workshops.

Enjoy lunch at a restaurant.

Welcome dinner with the Partnership

Overnight – Nahariya

March 29 – Tuesday A Day with the Partnership

Day 2

Visit the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya - Israel’s only underground hospital facility, featuring 450 beds, 8 modern operating rooms, and comprehensive emergency preparedness protocols and regular mass casualty event drills for each department. These facilities and measures proved invaluable during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

Continue to the Ghetto Fighters Museum – Founded in 1949 by a community of Holocaust survivors, members of the Jewish underground in the ghettos of Poland, and veterans of partisan units, to be a place of testimony that would tell the story of the Jewish People in the 20th century in general and during the Second World War in particular.

Enjoy lunch at Arnolds with a guest speaker, hear about “Israel 15”



Tour the old city of Akko

Visit the "Wings" in Bustan HaGalil

Return to the hotel to freshen up

Departure for the dinner

Festive dinner with Israelis 


Workshop at the Glass Center in Akko

Visit the Hafuch center in Akko – 'Who is ready for a chess game'

Return to the hotel to freshen up

Departure for the dinner

Festive dinner with Israelis

(They can instead of the Ghetto Fighters go for a visit in the old city of Akko?)


Tour the old city of Akko

Visit the Urban Kibbutz in Akko and meet with the young kibbutzniks of today Urban kibbutz is a small Jewish community, and like the traditional kibbutz, is a collective. Its members function as a single economic unit, expressing the socialist ideals of equality, cooperation and ideas. However, unlike the traditional kibbutz, they are located in an urban environment.

Return to your hotel to freshen up.

Enjoy dinner with friends from the Partnership.

Overnight – Nahariya

March 30 – Wednesday Israel’s Northern Borders and the Golan Heights

Day 3

After breakfast, check out of your hotel and drive to Gesher Haziv for twinning program.

Then continue to Kibbutz Hannita for a border tour with Arie Zali.

Enjoy lunch at a restaurant en-route.

Join Col. (Res.) Kobi Marom for an enlightening Geopolitical tour. You will start with a visit at the Helicopters Disaster Memorial in Sh’Ar Yishuv, and then ascend the Golan Heights to the Kunetra Outlook and Mt. Bental to view the Syrian border and learn about the challenges Israel faces in the light of the Syrian Civil war.

Visit the Golan Olive Oil Mill for a tour and tasting. This major agricultural center combines modern technology with one of Israel’s oldest industries. Besides producing oil the olive has further medicinal value and the mill has developed various techniques to extract these remedial nutrients.

In the evening enjoy dinner at the amazing Dobrovin Farm. The agricultural courtyard of the Dobrovin Farm was founded in 1900 by Baron Rothschild, and purchased in 1909 by the Dobrovin family from Russia. The Dobrovin Farm combines a historical site with the beauty of nature. It is quiet, peaceful and special place for a celebration

Overnight – Upper Galilee

March 31 – Thursday Exploring our Spiritual Past

Day 4

Visit the Mystical City of Safed, one of the Four Holy Cities according to tradition with its Kabalistic studies. Stroll through the narrow, winding alley’s, visit some of the beautiful synagogues and browse through the artists’ workshops and galleries found in the flourishing artists' quarter.

Visit the Kosmic Kabbalah Art Gallery of David Friedman. Experience a presentation that to give insight as to why Safed’s Kabbalistic tradition has had such a profound influence on Judaism, and why Kabbalah has become so popular in recent years. Explore the narrow alleyways of the unique city and wander the shops and galleries of Safed’s growing art community.

Enjoy lunch in Safed (on own)

Now Hike around the top of Mount Meron, the tallest mountain the the Galilee. The beauty of the green Galilee is truly mesmerizing. Here you will have another opportunity to study the kabbalistic texts of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at his grave on the topic of Jewish views of the Afterlife as well as explore Jewish mystical practices of meditation.

Enjoy a Kabbalistic study / experience with Rabbi B. together you will talk about the implications of Kabbalah, study some of these ancient texts, explore kabbalistic chants and practices, and most of all experience the transformative power of Kabbalah.

Drive via the Sea of Galilee and stop at the ancient remains of Beit Shean (Scythopolis), the city where Saul and his sons where hung on the city walls by the Philistines (1st Samuel 31:10). Tour one of the largest excavated sites in Israel with its bathhouse and Cardo.

Upon arriving to Jerusalem, stop at a viewpoint overlooking the Old City and celebrate your arrival with a special She’hecheyanu ceremony, a blessing we use to offer thanks for new and unusual experiences.

Free evening to explore Jerusalem

Overnight – Jerusalem

April 1 – Friday The New City of Jerusalem

Day 5

After breakfast enjoy a very interesting and unique combined session lead by Mr. Gil Hoffman, Jerusalem Post's chief political correspondent & analyst and Mr. Khaled Abu Toame West bank and Gaza correspondence for the Jerusalem Post, US News and World Report. The session will cover many aspects of the Israeli political situation.

After breakfast drive to visit Yad Vashem, considered the primary memorial and museum of the Holocaust. Take a private tour of the new Holocaust History Museum, which occupies over 4,200 square meters, mainly underground. We will visit the very moving exhibit at the Children’s Pavilion, commemorating the death of over 1.5 million Jewish children in the Holocaust Holocaust.

Next Visit Machane Yehuda Market – Israeli Shuk. Enjoy the colors, smells and unique atmosphere of the alleys and stalls, as well as tasting of local products.

Lunch in the marketplace on your own.

Return to your hotel for brief rest.

Optional – walk to the Old City and walk to the Western Wall (Kotel), Judaism’s Holiest site, for a unique Shabbat.

Special Shabbat Dinner with the Partnership communities in your hotel.

Overnight – Jerusalem

April 2 – Saturday Shabbat in Jerusalem

Day 6

No bus provided this day – choose from various options:

Option 1 – attend synagogue service.

Option 2 - together with your guide, have a walking tour of the Old City.

Tour the Jewish Quarter, the Christian Quarter and the Arab Bazaar.

Option 3 – A Day Tour to Masada and the Dead Sea (priced separately)

After an early breakfast, depart to the Dead Sea area. Traveling east arrive at the shores of the Dead Sea and descend to the lowest land point on earth at 1388 feet (423m) below sea level

Continue south to the legendary mountaintop plateau of Masada and ascend by cable car to the ancient fortress. Explore the site with its synagogue and bathhouse. Here, was the last stronghold of the Jewish Zealots in their struggle against the Romans.

Visit the beautiful Ein Gedi Reserve. See the waterfalls at this Oasis in the desert, which is mentioned several times in the Book of Psalms, and hear the biblical stories of King David hiding from King Saul. The combination of Ein Gedi’s abundance of water and tropical climate provides the ability for wonderful exotic plant and animal life to flourish.

Lunch N’ Swim at one of the Hotels on the shores of the Dead Sea. Cover yourselves with mud and enjoy the buoyant therapeutic waters of this mineral-rich Sea. Relax by the pool or take a spa treatment.

Participate in Havdala service.

Enjoy free evening as the city comes to life following Shabbat.

Optional: In the evening, enter the Old City to see The Night Spectacular Light and Sound Show at the Tower of David Museum – a celebration of music and light reflecting Jerusalem’s 3,000 year old story.  The history of Jerusalem is displayed along the ancient stones (cost not included).

Overnight – Jerusalem

April 3 – Sunday The Old City of Jerusalem

Day 7

In the morning, head to Yad LaKashish which provides creative work opportunities and invaluable support services to over 300 needy elderly and disabled Jerusalem residents on a daily basis. The majority of participants are immigrants from areas such as the Former Soviet Union, Ethiopia, and South America, and all have found renewed meaning and purpose through their involvement in our programs.

Begin a GeoPolitical tour along the Seam Line with Col. (Ret) Danny Tirza, the planner of the security fence between Israel and the West Bank. The reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 prompted the government to create a “security belt” of civilian neighborhoods. Take a “hilltop tour” of Jerusalem and view some of the Jewish neighborhoods, Gilo, Armon Hanatziv and Har Homa overlooking Arab neighborhoods, where Jews and Arabs reside side by side on the city’s seam line.

Visit the City of David and see the newest and exciting excavations of Jerusalem during the time of the first Temple period.

Enter the Old City and head for the Southern Wall Excavations.

Walk through the Jewish Quarter, which was reconstructed after the city was unified following the Six-Day War in 1967. A special point of interest is the restored Jewish Quarter is the "Cardo", meaning the "heart" of this ancient Byzantine City.

Lunch on own.

Then drive to Emek Tzurim where you’ll spend time taking part in an archaeological dig working with the actual debris of the Temple Mount. This is the area in which discoveries and finds are being made daily shedding light on the early periods of Jerusalem’s history.

Enjoy a special ethnic experience at the Darna Restaurant, where you will have an authentic Moroccan dinner and a tour and tasting at the restaurant’s exceptional wine cellar. During the dinner you will be entertained by a Belly Dancer

Overnight - Jerusalem

April 4 – Monday The beginning of the Jewish State

Day 8

Check out of your hotel and drive to Rehovot to Join the ‘underground’ at the Ayalon Institute, where a once-secret Haganah munitions factory existed during the Mandate Period under Britain. The factory and its products played an important role for the Haganah underground and later, during the War of Independence, for the newly born Israel Defense Forces.

Drive to Tel Aviv and Walk along Rothschild Boulevard where you can see The White City of Tel Aviv (UNESCO World Heritage) Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 and developed as a metropolitan city under the British Mandate in Palestine and was planned by Sir Patrick Geddes. The various architects created an outstanding architectural ensemble of the Modern Movement in a new cultural context.

Enjoy lunch at a nice restaurant in Tel Aviv.

Visit the "Palmach Museum" where through a modern multi-media experience. Feel like you are participating in the Palmach from 1941 to the War of Independence and the establishment of the State of Israel. Follow the lives and experiences of those who participated In the fight for the new state.

Now check in your hotel and prepare for the P2G@20 celebrations.



Since January 2008, Dr. Dany Tirza is the General Manager of "Yozmot” - Consultation, Management & Guidance Company and a senior advisor at "Cavendish Holdings International".

He began his long military career (1977-2007) as a combat soldier and commander of regimental units in Judea and Samaria (1980-1994). In 1994, Col. Tirza was appointed head of a special staff in the Central Command in charge of the regional and strategic planning, including planning and assistance to the government level, including the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in their decision making process on security and regional issues. In this capacity he was in charge of planning the security infrastructure and participating in the thinking teams at the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Security Council and the Control Terrorism Bureau, he participate in the Israeli delegations to the Peace Negotiations with the Palestinians as the expert of territorial issues and mapping. He was in charge of planning of the Security Fence.

Dr. Tirza was the territorial and borders advisor to Prime Minister at the in Anapolice Negotiation process. (2008-2009)

Col. Tirza was graduated as PhD in Business Administration from the York University, USA (2009). As well as graduating IDF Officers courses, he holds a BA in Political Science from Tel Aviv University (1990), and an MA in Business Administration from the University of Riga, Latvia (1999). In 2003, he did a course for Directors in Public Companies.

From 2003 he participates in 7 workshops as part of the IGCC (Institute of Global Conflict and Cooperation) of University of California, San Diego, USA.

In 2008 he participates in IPNP Negotiation workshop in Harvard University.

Dr. Tirza is an outside researcher at The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. And he is Involved in a lot of volunteer work.


Colonel Marom is a Research Associate at the International Institute for Counter Terrorism at the Herzeliya Interdisciplinary Center.

Holding the rank of Colonel, he was a Brigade Commander of the Eastern Front in south Lebanon and the Hermon Brigade, and supervised complex and varied combat units under conditions of normality, stress, uncertainty and changes.

In 1998-9, he lived in the USA doing fund raising and community service with Jewish communities on behalf of the Israeli Soldiers’ Union (Ha-Aguda LeMa’An Hachayal).

In the summer of 2010 Colonel Marom hosted the White House Chief of Staff, Mr. Rahm Emmanuel and his family, throughout their visit along the northern borders.

He holds an MA degree in strategic studies from NDU, Washington DC and a BA in Political Science from Haifa University.

Khaled Abu Toameh

Palestinian award-winning journalist and documentary maker that has been covering Palestinian affairs for nearly three decades.

He is the West Bank and Gaza correspondent for the Jerusalem Post and U.S. News and World Report, and has been the Palestinian affairs producer for NBC News since 1988. His articles have appeared in The Sunday Times, Daily Express and the New Republic.

Khaled Abu Toameh was formerly a senior reporter for The Jerusalem Report, and a correspondent for Al-Fajr, which he describes as a front for the PLO. He has produced several documentaries on the Palestinians for the BBC, Channel 4, Australian, Danish and Swedish TV,

Gil Hoffman

Gil Hoffman is the chief political correspondent and analyst for The Jerusalem Post, teaches at Israel's largest journalism school, and hosts the daily radio show Inside Israel Today on Voice of . Well-connected to Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Hoffman has interviewed every major figure across the Israeli political spectrum, has been interviewed by top media on six continents and is a regular analyst on CNN, Al-Jazeera and other news outlets. Called "The most optimistic man in Israel" by Israel Television, Hoffman's writing, his radio show, and his TV appearances provide a behind the scenes look at the intrigue and humor in the Israeli political arena. Hoffman, who was raised in Chicago, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern University's School of Journalism and wrote for the Miami Herald and Arizona Republic before moving to Israel. A reserve soldier in the IDF Spokesman's Unit, he has lectured in 10 countries and all 46 contiguous states not named Dakota. He lives with his family in Jerusalem.


Baruch HaLevi, aka “Rabbi B,” was ordained as a Conservative rabbi through the American Jewish University, Ziegler School of Rabbinic studies, and received his doctoral degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation of Oxford University. Rabbi B, a motivational speaker and author, has also spent the past 14 years as a synagogue rabbi not only creating one of the most vibrant synagogues in America, but helping to re-imagine and re-invigorate Judaism for the twenty-first century as exemplified in his book, “Revolution of Jewish Spirit: How to Revive Ruakh in Your Spiritual Life, Transform Your Synagogue & Inspire Your Jewish Community,” (Jewish Lights Publishing 2012). Rabbi B recently launched Rabbi B Initiatives which includes Israel Inspired Ventures - consulting to create innovative and inspirational Israel experiences and Spark Seekers Ventures - Rabbi B’s spiritual and grief counseling business and the subject of his forthcoming book: Spark Seekers - Mourning with Meaning; Living with Light, is due to be published Spring 2015. Rabbi B is a visionary and "spiritual entrepreneur" involved with numerous cutting-edge spiritual related ventures all devoted to bringing inspiration, hope and meaning to people's lives. He and his family recently made Aaliyah (permanently moving to Israel) in the summer of 2015. You can learn more about Rabbi B through his blog, podcasts and website at: 




Central Area Partnership Consortium

MARCH 28 – APRIL 4, 2016

Arrive Monday



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