Make Your Own Printable Envelopes Tutorial - Web design

[Pages:6]Make your own Free Printable Envelopes Tutorial

? 2009 Hoover Web Design. All Rights Reserved. (for use with Hoover Web Design Printable Party Invitations, Greeting

Cards, Wedding Invitations, & Announcement Cards) What You'll Need: ? 1 quarter folded printable (party invitation, greeting card, etc.) ? 8 ? x 11" (letter sized) colored paper (this will be your envelopes

color) ? stickers that go with the theme of your printable ? craft scissors (optional)

This project will yield one (1) envelope. You will have to make a separate envelope for each printable that you need an envelope for.

Step 1. Take the printable item and lay it in the center of the 8 ? x 11" sheet of colored paper that you choose to use.

Step 2. Fold the right hand side of the paper around the top of the printable. Try to do this as neatly as possible.

Step 3. Fold the left side of the paper around the bottom of the printable. Now both sides of the paper are folded. Again, remember be neat as possible.

Step 4. Take the top of the printable out of the envelopes fold. Only the bottom of the printable should remain in the fold. The reason is so that the printable will not fall out of the envelope.

Step 5. Fold the envelope a little more than in half like below. The printable should be housed inside of the envelope now. All that is left to do is fold the top flap down.

Step 6. Get out your craft scissors now. Cut the top part of the envelope's flap in a design of your choice using your craft scissors.

Your envelope should resemble our envelope here:

Step 7. Use a sticker to hold the envelope closed. Your envelope should resemble our envelope below:

Note: The craft scissors are optional. If you do not wish to use the craft scissors, simply fold the top flap of the envelope down and apply sticker.

The final result of the envelope is below using craft scissors:

It looks great and will hold your printable. When the recipient opens the envelope this is how it will look to them:

Make Your Own Printable Envelopes Tutorial by . ? 2009 Hoover Web Design. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from Hoover Web Design.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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