Instructions for Completing Speak Up with Your Class

Dear Teachers,

Thank you for facilitating this survey with your class. Our job is to make it easy for you to do this.

From these instructions you can learn how to facilitate the survey with your class as well as how to enter your class responses in to Speak Up. To enter your class responses, go to: and search for your school to access your survey or contact your Speak Up school/district primary contact for your “school and audience” access link that will directly drop you off at the start of your survey.

To learn about how to facilitate the survey, please keep reading.

Information to know before you get started:

• The student survey grade K-2 includes 11 multiple choice questions and one (1) open-ended question.

• You will read the question to the class and your students will raise their hand to indicate agreement with any particular response. You can then count up those responses and enter the total in the data collection form.

• Some teachers like to do this in two different sessions. That is totally up to you. Also, you know your students best. If you don’t think they will understand the question or a response, go ahead and skip over that one.

• It is also fine to use the questions to have a discussion with your students. Students have lots of ideas that they want to share and the Speak Up survey can help support those important discussions.

Steps to facilitate the survey:

1. Print out the K-2 group data collection form that you will use to collect and tally your class responses. You can find that form at

2.  or contact the Project Tomorrow Team at speakup@ for a copy. 

3. As a class, ask students to raise their hands to respond to each question and record the number of responses per question on your data collection form. If you are concerned about students’ privacy you can have the students write out their answers or you can skip that question.

4. For the open-ended question, we recommend that you facilitate a 5-minute class discussion to select your group's favorite answers to this question. Please feel free to collect as many of your students' ideas as you wish.

5. When you are ready to enter the information on your data collection form, go to to look up your school and start the survey or use your “school and audience” specific direct start link to begin. Remember this survey is set up as a group format, so please enter the total number of students responding to each question option. Please note: We have disabled the use of the ENTER on the question screen - please use the TAB key to advance between question options.

Here is the introductory text to read to your class if you wish:

Hello Students:

Our class has a very special opportunity today to share our ideas with a national organization that cares about how schools are using technology for learning.   The name of the organization is Project Tomorrow and each year, Project Tomorrow asks teachers, students and parents to answer some questions on a survey about how they are using computers and the Internet both at school and at home.    We are going to fill out that survey together today as a class.

I am going to read a question from the survey and then give you some possible answers. Please raise your hand when I read a possible answer that is true for you. One of the last questions on the survey is a discussion question.  So, we will have a discussion about your possible answers to that question.  I will then input your ideas into the computer and send it to Project Tomorrow.     

Students all over the country just like you are participating in this survey with their teachers.  Your answers are very important to Project Tomorrow.  The people at Project Tomorrow will share what we tell them with our national leaders in Washington DC to help make it easier for all students and teachers to use technology in the classroom.  They also want to thank you for your participation in this survey.

Let’s get started.  Here is the first question.  

|Q. # |Question/Options |# of Responses |

|1 |What grade are you in? (One response per student) |# of Responses |

|  |Preschool |  |

| |Transitional Kindergarten (TK) | |

|  |Kindergarten |  |

|  |Grade 1 |  |

|  |Grade 2 |  |

|2 |How much do you know about how to use technology? (One response per student) |# of Responses |

|  |I know more than others in my class |  |

|  |I know the same as others in my class |  |

|  |I know less than others in my class |  |

|3 |Which of these mobile devices do you have for your own use? Don't count devices that your school has |# of Responses |

| |given you to use. (Student may answer more than once) | |

|  |Smartphone with Internet |  |

|  |Laptop |  |

|  |Chromebook |  |

|  |Tablet |  |

|4 |How often do you use the Internet at home to help you with schoolwork? (One response per student) |# of Responses |

|  |Every day |  |

|  |A few times a week |  |

|  |A few times a month |  |

|  |Once a month |  |

|  |Every few months |  |

| |Never | |

|5 |How often do you use tablets or computers when you are at school to help you with learning? (One |# of Responses |

| |response per student) | |

| |Every day | |

| |A few times a week | |

| |A few times a month | |

| |Once a month | |

| |Every few months | |

| |Never | |

| | | |

|Q. # |Question/Options |# of Responses |

|6 |Which of these do you use when you are at school to help with learning? (Student may answer more than|# of Responses |

| |once) | |

|  |Laptop |  |

|  |Tablet |  |

|  |Chromebook |  |

|  |Computers in the library |  |

|  |I don’t use computers at school |  |

|7 |How do you use a tablet or computer to help you with learning or schoolwork? (Student may answer more|# of Responses |

| |than once) | |

|  |Be part of my online class in remote learning |  |

|  |Create documents to share with my teacher or classmates |  |

|  |Do math problems |  |

|  |Do projects with classmates |  |

|  |Draw pictures and do art projects |  |

|  |Listen to books read to me |  |

|  |Listen to songs or music |  |

|  |Look up information |  |

|  |Make movies or slideshows |  |

|  |Play games |  |

|  |Read stories and books |  |

|  |Send emails to my teacher |  |

|  |Take tests or quizzes |  |

|  |Watch movies or videos |  |

|  |Watch videos made by my teacher |  |

|  |Write computer programs or do coding projects |  |

|  |Write stories |  |

|8 |Do you think that using a tablet or computer at school helps you become a better learner? (One |# of Responses |

| |response per student) | |

|  |Yes |  |

|  |No |  |

|  |Not sure |  |

|9 |What is your favorite way to read a book or story? (One response per student) |# of Responses |

|  |Reading a printed book |  |

|  |Reading on a tablet or a computer |  |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Q. # |Question/Options |# of Responses |

|10 |Some students are learning how to how to write programs (“coding”) to make computers do things, like |# of Responses |

| |in Scratch or Minecraft. Would you like to learn how to do that? (Student may answer more than once)| |

|  |Yes |  |

|  |No |  |

|  |I already do this myself at home |  |

|  |I already do this in school |  |

|  |I already do this in an after-school program |  |

|11 |What do you like about playing learning games on a tablet or computer? What is your favorite learning|# of Responses |

| |game to play using a tablet or computer? Let's share! (Take notes and keywords from students) | |

Open Ended Response for input: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

|12 |Raise your hand if you are a… (One response per student) |# of Responses |

|  |Girl |  |

|  |Boy |  |

|  |I don’t want to answer this |  |


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