
|Computer Overview |Chapter |

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At the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with

← Define Computer

← Invention of Computer

← Characteristics of Computer

← Benefits & Limitations of Computer

← Different types of Computer

← Parts of Personal Computer

← About Hardware & Software

← Input and Output Device

← Storage Device

← Memory Unit

← Applications of Computer

2. Introduction

Computer is an electronic machine, which performs variety of jobs with great speed. In supermarket, computers are used for billing. In railways, computers are used for reserving tickets and at schools for learning. It plays a vital role in our day-to-day activity. It has the capacity of storing large volume of data, which can be used in future.


3. Invention of Computer


"The abacus is a device, usually of wood (plastic, in recent times), having a frame that holds rods with freely-sliding beads mounted on them." The use of the abacus was pre-dated by the use of counting boards.

A counting board had grooves along which one could slide beads or stones. The beads or stones did not have holes in them but only grooves along which they moved on the counting board.

Vacuum Tubes

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes (1940-1956) for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.


Vacuum Tube


A device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit. Invented in 1947 at Bell Labs, transistors have become the key ingredient of all digital circuits, including computers. Today's microprocessors contain tens of millions of microscopic transistors. They were much larger, required more energy, dissipated more heat, and were more prone to failures.




Integrated Circuit(IC)

Another name for a chip, an integrated circuit (IC) is a small electronic device made out of a semiconductor material. The first integrated circuit was developed in the 1950s by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor. Integrated circuits are used for a variety of devices, including microprocessors, audio and video equipment, and automobiles.


Integrated Circuit(IC)


The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer - from the central processing unit and memory to input/output controls - on a single chip.

Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.



Analytical Engine

Computer has a history behind its invention. Charles Babbage, a British Mathematician designed a machine named Analytical Engine in the year 1822. He wanted to build this machine with four special features such as the input, the mill, the store and the output. But the technology in those days could not fulfil his ideas. Hence the machine was incomplete.

[pic] [pic]

Analytical Engine Charles Babbage

Later Modern Computers were developed based on his ideas that incorporated input, process, store and output. Hence he is called the “Father of Computers”


4. Characteristics of a Computer

The power and usefulness of computers are due to the following characteristics.

← Automatic

← Speed

← Accuracy

← Diligence

← Storage


A computer works automatically once programs are stored and data is given to it. It does not require constant supervision from the operator.


Speed is the most important characteristic of the Computer. It is measured in million instructions per second (MIPS). The speed of the computers depends on the clock frequency of the computers. This is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz) per second and it is the unit of speed for personal computers.


Computers are accurate. It acts as per our instructions on the data supplied by us. Most of the mistakes or errors are because of feeding wrong data or instructions to the computers.


Unlike humans, computers never get tired or bored. It can do repetitive work any number of times. They cannot do anything beyond our instructions.


We store information in our brain for future use. In the same way, computers can also store large amount of information or data for future use. The storage capacity is expressed in terms of KiloBytes (KB).

Benefits of Computer

← Performs arithmetic calculations in milli seconds or micro seconds

← Has a very good memory power

← Very good reliability

← At all times gives accurate solutions for a problem

← No tiredness and so, does repetitive jobs any number of times with same accuracy and efficiency

Limitations of Computer

← It cannot think on its own

o If the information given to the computer is wrong, then the result given by the computer will also be wrong.

← It can work only when there is power

← It needs manpower to operate it

5. Different Types of Computers

Computers are classified into four types based on their size and use. The four types of computers are:

← Micro Computer

← Mainframe Computer

← Mini Computer

← Super Computer

← Micro Computer

Micro computers, commonly known as PC (Personal Computer) are the smallest computers and they are portable. These computers are used in houses, offices, schools etc.,

[pic] [pic]

Micro Computer Mainframe Computer

← Mainframe Computer

Mainframe computers are very large, powerful and expensive computers. It can perform several millions of instructions per second. These computers are used in Banks, Hospitals and Railways. Since these computers process very large amount of data quickly, they are also used in airlines reservation systems and designing of aircraft.

← Mini Computer

Mini computers are the combination of both Micro and Mainframe. They are used in Scientific Laboratories, Research Centers, Colleges, etc., These computers support more than hundred users work simultaneously.

[pic] [pic]

Mini Computer Super Computer

← Super Computer

Super computers are the fastest and expensive computers. It works with high computational speed and has large memory. These computers are used in Government agencies for data manipulation such as world wide weather forecast and weapons research. Now-a-days, these computers are also used in automobile design and for giving special effects in movies.

6. Parts of a Personal Computer

The following are the parts of the computer.

← Keyboard


← Monitor

← Mouse


Keyboard is called an Input device, because we can give instructions to the computer through it. The buttons on the keyboard are called keys.

CPU(Central Processing Unit)

It is the brain of the computer. It does all the working and calculations for the computer. Hence, it is the main working unit of the computer. The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.



Screen is called an Output Device, because it gives the output of the instructions given to the computer. It is also called as Monitor or Visual Display Unit (V.D.U.)



A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. A mouse is a small object you can roll along a hard, flat surface. As you move the mouse, the pointer on the display screen moves in the same direction.


7. Hardware & Software

A computer system has two basic components:

← Hardware

← Software

1. Computer Hardware

Hardware refers to all the physical items associated with a computer system. The computer hardware responsible for computing are mainly classified as follows:


2. Computer Software

Software refers to the set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documents (flowcharts, algorithms etc.,), which describe the programs, and how they are to be used. A Software package is a collection of programs, whose objective is to enhance the capabilities of the hardware

8. Working of a Computer

The working principle of computer can be explained with the help of a block diagram, as the internal structure of the machine cannot be drawn.


Block Diagram of Computer

After receiving the data from the input unit, the processing is carried out by the sub-units of CPU.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It is called as the brain of computer. The purpose of CPU are storing information, performing various calculations and controlling complete working of the computer. Each work is carried out by different units of CPU. CPU consists of three sub-units namely

a) Memory Unit (MU)

This is the unit where data instructions are stored. Every input that we put in has to come to Memory Unit. It stores input as well as processed data. Memory Unit is a unit where all information are stored and used for future purpose.

b) Control Unit (CU)

This is the main unit of the CPU. It does the following important function.

i. Taking the input from input device.

ii. Transferring the data to and fro from Memory as well as ALU.

iii. Releasing the processed data to Output Device.

c) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

This unit performs arithmetic calculations like addition, subtraction etc., and logical operations such as TRUE or FALSE. All data are sent here for processing and after manipulation, it directs the result to memory unit. This unit also consists of Accumulators and Registers.

9. Input and Output Devices

The main function of a computer system is to process data. The data to be processed by the computer must be input to the system and the result must be output back to the external world.

a) Input Devices

An input device is used to feed data into a computer. For example, a keyboard is an input device. It is also defined as a device that provides communication between the user and the computer.

b) Output Devices

Output is anything that comes out of a computer. An output device is capable of presenting information from a computer. The monitors and printers are commonly used output devices.

10. Storage Devices

We use pencil box to store pencil, eraser, sharpener, scale and bottle to store water, juice. Similarly, computer uses storage devices to store data. The data stored in these devices are permanent. Some of the storage devices are:

a) Floppy disk

Floppy disk is a circular disk enclosed in a plastic jacket. We can copy the data from one computer to another with the help of Floppy disk and hence it is like a note book for a Computer. The size of the floppy disk is 3 ½ inches. Floppy disk can store upto 1.44 MB of data.

Floppy Disk

b) Hard Disk

Hard disk is a metallic disk, coated with magnetic material, which is permanently fixed inside the computer. It can store large amount of data when compared to floppy disk. Hard disk with the storage capacity of 80GB and 120GB are also available. The capacity of the disk is likely to increase in future.

Hard Disk

c) Compact disk

Compact disk is a small shiny circular plate made of polycarbonate and is about 12 cm in diameter along with a central hole. The thickness of the CD is 12mm. You can store large amount of data when compared to floppy disk. With the help of CD we can listen to music and watch movies.

Compact Disk

11. Memory Unit

Memory unit is a unit of computer that stores data. You can use and view the data as and when required. These data can be changed and restored again. Memory is divided into two types. They are:

a) Primary Memory

Computer’s memory is called as primary memory. It is also called as Main memory. The data stored in this memory can be used till the computer is switched off. Hence this is a temporary memory.

The primary memory is divided into two types. They are:

← RAM-Random Access Memory

← ROM-Read Only Memory


RAM stands for Random Access Memory. This is a temporary memory, since the information stored in it is lost, when the power is switched off. Hence it is called as volatile memory.


RAM (Random Access Memory)


ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The information stored in this memory is permanent in nature and they are not erased even when the power goes off. Hence it is called as non-volatile memory. The information stored in this memory is written by the manufacturers.


ROM (Read Only Memory)

b) Secondary Memory

Secondary memory is also called as Mass memory. The data stored in this memory are permanent in nature. Even when the computer is switched off, the data are not lost. Some examples of secondary memory are:

← Hard disk

← Floppy disk

← Compact disk

Units of Memory

Computer’s memory is measured in Byte. A Byte is made up of 8 bits. A Bit is a Binary Digit which represents 0 or 1.


Chart of Memory Measurements

12. Applications of Computer

Computers are widely used in various fields and their impact is greatly felt in our day-today life. Due to this, 90 percent of manual work is replaced by computer. Now let us learn how computers are used in Banks, Railways, Hospitals, Metrology and Airport.


One of the significant applications of computer at bank is Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), one can withdraw and deposit money at any time. The details of the money withdrawn and deposited by the account holder are automatically updated in the computer. It also helps in verification of Cheques.


Computers are mainly used in Railways for reserving tickets; one can book a ticket for any train to any destination from any place and also cancel the same. Computers also help in giving information about vacancy position of the train in order to plan your journey from your place to any destination.


In Hospital, Computers are used to diagnose disease in a patient. It also keeps records of patient’s history. Now-a-days operations are also done with the help of computers.


Computers are mainly used in airlines for reserving tickets and passport verification. Since the reservation counter throughout the world is linked to a network, one can easily reserve their tickets. It is also used for controlling air traffic.


In meteorology, computers are used for forecasting weather throughout the globe and giving accurate information on cyclone formation and its influence in its direction. It also maintains a record of amount of rainfall and temperature measured in different parts of the world for a period of years. Computer generates satellite images of the globe showing weather predictions.



← Computer is an electronic machine which can do various work at the same time quickly and accurately.

← Computers are classified into four types based on their size and use. The four types of computers are

← Micro Computer

← Mainframe Computer

← Mini Computer

← Super Computer

← CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It has three sub-units namely:

← Memory Unit (MU)

← Control Unit (CU)

← Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

← An input device is used to feed data into a computer. For example, a keyboard is an input device.

← An output device is capable of presenting information from a computer. The monitors and printers are commonly used output devices.

← Computer uses storage devices to store data. The data stored in these devices are permanent. Some of the storage devices are:

← Floppy Disk

← Hard Disk

← Compact Disk

← Memory unit is a unit of computer that stores data. They are divided into two types:

← Primary Memory

← Secondary Memory

← ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is nonvolatile.

← RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is volatile.

← Secondary memory is also called as Mass memory.

← Computer’s are mainly used in public places such as Railways, Bank, Hospitals, Airports and Meteorology etc.,



a) ORYMEM _________________

b) MPTCEOUR _________________

c) TEBY _________________

d) DISKHADR _________________

e) UPC _________________

f) BAACUS _________________

g) AGESROT _________________

h) CUUMVATBUE _________________

i) TALSIPHOS _________________

j) GINEEN _________________


a) Computer‘s memory is measured in terms of ______________________________________

b) RAM stands for ________________________________________________________________

c) ______________________________________________is called as the “Father of Computer”.

d) CPU stands for ________________________________________________________________

e) Three types of Storage Devices are _______________________________________________


a) 1024 Bytes Read Only Memory

b) Charles Babbage 1 Kilo Bytes

c) Primary Memory Secondary Memory

d) Mass Memory Father of Computer

e) ROM Main Memory


a) There are three types of Memory

b) Compact disk is a secondary memory

c) A bit represents ‘0’ or ‘1’.

d) ALU stands for Control Unit

e) CPU has five units


a) What are the different types of Computer?

b) Define Memory. What are its types?

c) How Computer’s memory is measured?

d) What is a CPU? Mention its types.

e) Give examples for Storage Devices.

Do Lab Exercises

a) Learn how to startup and shutdown the computer.

b) Try to play any CD in the computer.

c) Store a file in the floppy disk.

d) List down the Units of Memory used in the Computer

|Operating System - Linux |Chapter |

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At the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with

← Introduction to Linux

← History of Linux

← Function of OS

← Login and Logout of a Linux Session

← File naming convention in Linux

← Components of Linux Desktop

← The KDE Desktop

← Files/Folders operations

← Application of KDE Desktop

← Customizing KDE windows

← Games and Entertainment

← Multimedia in Linux

← Printer

← Switching to GNOME Desktop


Linux is an operating system and it is the base software that makes a computer to interact with the user. Linux is the kernel which means, the core component of the operating system and it is a free operating system.

1. History of Linux

Linux was originally developed as a hobby project by Linus Torvalds. He made it free because he wanted feedback. It was posted on the Internet by a friend. The Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (Fedora) began as a DARPA and NSF-funded research project of Carl Lagoze and Sandy Payette at Cornell University's Digital Library Research Group in 1997, where the first reference implementation and a CORBA-based technical implementation were built. Fedora was designed on the principle that interoperability and extensibility is best achieved by architecting a clean and modular separation of data, interfaces, and mechanisms (i.e., executable programs). Today, Linux has developed into an operating system for business, education, and personal production.

Linus Torvalds


Definition: An operating system (OS) is a set of computer programs that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer.

1. Types of Operating System

a) Single User:

Single-user allows one single user to login at a time. There is no user account database which makes the level of security low and so users cannot protect their files from being viewed, copied or deleted. Examples of this type are DOS and Windows 98.

b) Multi-user:

The Multi-user has a user database account which states the right that users have on certain resources. They are more secure than the single user since access is limited. Example of this is UNIX.


The primary task of operating system is to keep track of who is using which resource, to grant resource request, to account for usage, and to meditate conflicting request from different programs and users. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

a) Multi-user

This allows one or more user to log into a system. Thus the operating system must contain a user account database, which contains user name, default home directory, user passwords and user right.

b) Multiprocessing

This allows two or more processes to be used at a time. Here the operating system must decide if it can run the different processes on individual processors. It must also manage the common memory between processors.

c) Memory management

This involves allocating, and often to create a virtual memory for program. Paging which means organizing data so that the program data is loaded into pages of memory. Another method of managing memory is swapping. This involves swapping the content of memory to disk storage.

d) Multi-threading

Processes are often split into smaller task, named threads. This thread allows smoother operations.


In any computer system but especially in personal computers, a file is an entity of data available to system users (including the system itself and its application programs) that is capable of being manipulated as an entity (for example, moved from one file directory to another).

The file must have a unique name within its own directory. Some operating systems and applications describe files with given formats by giving them a particular file name suffix. (The file name suffix is also known as a file name extension.)

For example, a program or executable file is sometimes given or required to have an “.exe” suffix. In general, the suffixes tend to be as descriptive of the formats as they can within the limits of the number of characters allowed for suffixes by the operating system.


In the Linux operating system, all file systems are contained within one directory hierarchy. The root directory is the top level directory, and all its subdirectories make up the directory hierarchy.

The following shell command line used to identify different directories:

← $HOME – This environment variable stores your home directory name.

← ~ - The tilde (~) represents your home directory on the command line.

← . - A single dot (.) refers to the current directory.

← .. - Two dots (..) refer to a directory directly above the current directory.

← $PWD - This environment variable refers to the current working directory.

← $OLDPWD – This environment variable refers to the previous working directory before you changed to the current one.



To organize our files into a system we use folders. The lowest possible folder is root / where you will find the user homes called /home/.

The location of the home folder (also referred to as a home directory) on your computer is usually /home/user, where user is replaced by your user name. We can create folders and subfolders to store your work (click File->Create Folder, and then type the name of the new folder; something like Images, Music or Packages).

|/ |

|/home/ |

|/home/dad/ |

|/home/rani/ |


The Linux icons are created by experts. These are the icons that are used for multiple applications. These icons are properly designed that serves the user's purpose.

[pic] [pic]

Linux Icons


The desktop is the first screen that appears when LINUX operating system is loaded onto the memory.


Linux- Fedora Desktop

Desktop contains some icons such as Computer, Home and Trash and Window list panel at the bottom and a panel at the top which contains menu button such as Application, Places, System, and some icons, etc.


a) Login Process


Fedora 6 Login Desktop ( Enter username)

Any user can now login when the display looks similar to the picture above:

To login, type your username into the horizontal field containing a blinking black bar (the cursor). Next, press the [Enter] key. Next, type your password into the same field you typed your username and then press the [Enter] key.

Login screen has following menu buttons:

← Language –Click Option to select a language other than the last language you selected when Fedora was installed.

← Session- When you log in, your graphical desktop starts up (either GNOME or KDE). Click Session to choose a different desktop (if available) or to select Failsafe.

← Restart- Click to reboot the computer.

← Shutdown- Click to shut down the computer.

You can log in as either a Regular User or as the Root User. Each computer user should be assigned a unique username and password. With unique user accounts, the system is more secure, and Fedora automatically stores files and other sensitive information separately from other users.

A correct username and password is required to login to the system. Common errors include mis-typed fields or the [Caps Lock] feature is on. Remember, usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. This means that 'user' is not the same USER' or 'uSeR'.


Fedora 6 Login Desktop screen (Enter Password)


After the correct username and password are entered, the login screen will be replaced by the splash screen. After this, the splash screen should be replaced by the default Fedora 6 desktop.


b) Logout Process

Click the Log Out menu item to log out from your current desktop session. To logout, at the Menu Panel select: Click System --> Logout (username)


Fedora 6 Logout session from one user to another user

When you want to shutdown the system, click the Menu button Shut down in your

Fedora Desktop


Fedora 6 Logout screen



File systems specify conventions for naming files. These conventions include the maximum number of characters in a name, which characters can be used, and, in some systems, how long the file name suffix can be. A file system also includes a format for specifying the path to a file through the structure of directories.

Conforming implementations and applications installing files into any of the locations under /etc may only use filenames from the following managed namespaces:

← Assigned names. Such names must be chosen from the character set [a-z,0-9].

← Hierarchical names. Script names in this category take the form: --...-, where name is taken from the character set [a-z,0-9], and where there may be one or more components. may either be an LSB provider name assigned by the LANANA, or it may be owners' DNS name in lower case, with at least one '.'. e.g. "","staroffice.", etc

← Reserved names. Names that begin with the character '_' are reserved for distribution use only. These names should be used for essential system packages only.


Upon the initial login into Fedora, you will see default desktop shown here:


Fedora 6 Desktop

The default desktop has three distinct areas. The areas are:


a) The Menu Panel

The menu panel stretches across the top of the screen. It contains three menus and a number of default icons that start software applications. It also provides a clock, volume control applet, and a notification area.


The Menu Panel

← Applications - The Applications menu contains a variety of icons that start software applications. The icons are ordered by category. It is similar to the Microsoft Windows Start menu.

← Places - The Places menu contains a customizable list of directories, mounted volumes, recent documents, and a Search function. Volumes that are mounted may be external USB drives (flash, hard disk, CD, etc.), directories shared across a network, or other media devices such as a portable music player.

← System - The System menu contains a variety of items. Log Out, About, and Help are self-explanatory. Lock Screen starts the screen saver or blanks the screen and prevents the desktop from being used until a password is entered. Preferences contain tools for configuring peripherals and the desktop. System Settings also contains configuration tools that are for administrative purposes and usually require root access; that is, when those applications are started, the root password must be entered to continue.

b) The Desktop Area

The desktop area is the screen space between the menu panel and the window list panel.

Before any additional icons are added to the desktop, the desktop area contains three icons by default:

← Computer - This contains all volumes (or disks) mounted on the computer. These are also listed in the Places menu. Computer is equivalent to My Computer on Microsoft Windows.

← Home - This is where the logged-in user stores all files by default, such as music, movies, and documents. There is a different home directory for each user, and by default users cannot access each others' home directories. Home is equivalent to My Documents on Microsoft Windows.

← Trash - Deleted files are moved to Trash. Empty Trash by right-clicking the icon and clicking Empty Trash.

c) The Window List Panel

The window list panel is located at the bottom of the screen. It features the Show Desktop icon, running applications as icons, and it gives access to the workplace switcher and the trash.


[pic] [pic]

The Show Desktop Button The Work Space Switcher

The window list panel has three components:


Clicking on the show desktop button hides all open windows and shows the desktop area. This is useful when the number of open applications windows becomes cluttered.

The workspace switcher is situated on the far right. The workspace switcher allows you to switch from one workspace to another. Each workspace has separate desktop areas with a matching window list panel. However, the menu panel and background image is the same on all desktops.

The Trash icon on the right end of the window list panel works the same as the Trash icon in the desktop area.




To login to the KDE Desktop rather than the GNOME Desktop, at the graphical login screen, click on Sessions at the bottom, and then select the KDE option.

Enter your username and password - there might be a pop-up warning asking if the change is for the current session or for all future sessions.

The KDE Desktop has similar components to the GNOME Desktop and their functionalities and usage do not differ much. So, on the desktop we find the following familiar components: the Menu System, the Panel, the Desktop itself.


Choosing KDE at the Login Screen


The KDE Desktop (Fedora Core)

The following figure shows the icons present on the KDE Desktop.


KDE Desktop Icon Set

When you right-click on the Desktop, the right-click pop-up menu appears. It allows you to create new documents, edit bookmarks (which are a handy feature to jump to places quickly with just a few clicks of the mouse button), and of course, run a command.


Right-click Menu in KDE

KDE Control Center

The KDE Control Center (KControl) provides an easy way to access all the configuration modules The KDE Control Center window appears below:

KDE Menus


KDE Control Center

To configure a particular setting or parameter, open up the section it is under and select the item to configure. For example, to change the background colour, select, Appearance & Theme --> Background

Konqueror - File Manager and Web Browser

In KDE, Konqueror is the default file manager. Konqueror provides all the functionalities one will expect from a modern file manager, including navigation of the file system, file/folder copying, renaming, deletion and creation and application launching. It is also able to display graphic image files and generate an image gallery web page from them.


Klipper is a unique feature of KDE - it provides for clipboard access in the GUI application environment. It allows a multitude of copying and pasting options, and works well between all applications. Using Klipper, one can cut and paste text seamlessly between applications running on KDE. To place Klipper on the Panel, right-click on the Panel, Add --> Applet --> Klipper

The Help Center

One of the best ways to learn about how to use KDE effectively is through its online help documentation - the Help Center. This can be invoked from the Main Menu; Main Menu --> Help .



The operation of files and folders includes create a file, cut, copy, paste, delete, move, select and rename the files and folders.

Creating new files and folders:

You can create a variety of file types when using the Konqueror window. Choose Edit -> Create New, and select Folder (to create a new folder) or one of the following types under the File submenu:

← HTML File

← Link to Application

← Link to Location (URL)

← Text File

Cut a file:

First select the file that we want to cut from it s place. Right-click and select cut. This cut the file to your clipboard. After that, you can paste it to another folder. Click the Klipper (clipboard) icon in the panel to see a list of Cut files. After the cut operation, the source area of the file is empty.

Copy a file:

First select the file that we want to copy Right-click and select copy. This copies the file to your clipboard. After that, you can paste it to another folder. Click the Klipper (clipboard) icon in the panel to see a list of copied files.

Paste a file:

First select the folder in which you want to paste the file. Right-click (an open area of a folder) and select Paste. A copy of the file you copied previously is pasted in the current folder.

Move a file:

With the original folder and target folder both open on the desktop, press and hold the left mouse button on the file you want to move, drag the file to an open area of the new folder, and release the mouse button. From the menu that appears, click move. (You could also copy or create a link to the file using this menu.)

Delete a file:

First select the file that we want to delete Right-click and select move to Trash. You are asked if you really want to delete the file. Click Trash to move the item to the Trash folder.

Rename file:

Simply right click on the file and select Rename or press the keyboard shortcut F2 with a file selected. Enter the new name. The file will be renamed.

Moving, copying and deleting files:

Commands for moving, copying and deleting files are fairly straightforward. To change the location of a file, use the mv command. To copy a file from one location to another, use the cp command. To remove a file, use the rm command, for example

|$ mv abc def |

|$ mv abc ~ |

|$ cp abc def |

|$ cp abc ~ |

|$ rm abc |

|$ rm * |

Of the two move (mv) commands, the first moves the file abc to the file def in the same directory (essentially renaming it), whereas the second moves the file abc to your home directory (~). The first copy command (cp) copies abc to the file def, whereas the second copies abc to your home directory (~). The first remove command (rm) deletes the abc file; the second removes all the files in the current directory (except those that start with a dot).

Copy a folder:

Select the folder that you want to copy. Right click and select copy or Click edit menu and select copy. This copies the folder to your clipboard. After that, you can paste it to another directory

Delete a folder:

Select the folder that you want to delete. Right click and select delete option. The required folder is deleted permanently.

Rename a folder:

Select the folder that you want to rename. Right click and select Rename and then type the name you required in required folder namespace.


a) Calculator:

KCalc is a scientific calculator for KDE. KCalc offers many more mathematical functions than meet the eye on a first glance.



KCalc offers a number of features, which are worthwhile pointing out:

← KCalc provides trigonometric functions, logic operations, and it is able to do statistical calculations.

← KCalc allows you to cut and paste numbers from/into its display.

← You can configure KCalc's display colors and font.

← You can configure KCalc's precision and the number of digits after the period.

← KCalc offers a great number of useful key-bindings, which make using KCalc without using a pointing device easy.

b) Kcharacter map:


Character Map

To open Character Map, select Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. The Character Map will then appear on screen. Simply change the font and scroll through the display of characters and then select a desired character. You can copy individual characters or a group of characters to the Clipboard and paste them into any program that can display them. Or, depending on the program you are using (such as WordPad); you can even copy characters by dragging them from Character Map directly into an open document.


c) KClock:

KClock is an application to perform analog or digital clock in the various forms/designs. In addition, KClock has ability to remind certain/special events defined by users and can perform time of the certain city in the whole world.

With kclock you can:

← show or hide the date

← show or hide the seconds

← select analog or digital appearance

← change font for the digital clock

← activate a three-dimensional appearance

← stay always on top

← save all the options, included the dimension and the position of the clock

← change fore/back colors

← copy time & date on the clipboard simply clicking with middle mouse

← button in the kclock window

← remove the window border

← modify the hour and the date of the system ( calling the new "kcmclock" kcontrol module )

d) KOrganizer:

KOrganizer is the calendar and scheduling application of the popular K Desktop Environment. KOrganizer provides management of events and tasks, alarm notification, web export, network transparent handling of data, group scheduling, import and export of calendar files and more.




The Preferences sub-menu of the Applications menu offers many customisation options for your KDE session. Below are some of the highlights.


Preference Sub Menu

a) Panel/Kicker

The panel is just the bar that usually appears along the bottom of the screen. It holds the K-menu, the clock, buttons for quickly running programs, the taskbar and often much more.

Naturally the panel has many configuration options. These are accessible via the KDE Control Center under "LookNFeel"->"Panel" or via the K-menu, "Configure panel"->"Preferences..." menu item. Inside the KDE project the panel is known as the Kicker.

The following strip-like area displayed at the bottom of the desktop is called a panel.


Menus and icons to start applications are registered on this panel. There are also small programs that run on the panel called applets. The task bar or the clock described below is one of these applets. The panel can be folded and placed in the corner of the desktop by clicking on the right end of the panel. Buttons and applets that are registered on the panel of Linux are as follows:

1. Menu [pic]

2. Web browser [pic]

3. Mail client [pic]

4. My Documents [pic]

5. Task bar [pic]

6. Clipboard [pic]

7. Screen resize [pic]

8. Clock [pic]

b) Configuring your Background

One way to dramatically alter the appearance of your graphical desktop is to change the background using the Desktop Background Preferences tool. You can choose from several background images included with Fedora Enterprise Linux in the /usr/share/backgrounds/ directory, or you can use your own image.

To start the Desktop Background Preferences tool, right-click on the desktop and choose Change Desktop Background from the menu.


The Desktop Background Preferences Tool

The Desktop Background Preferences tool allows you to load a background from a directory of provided images (/usr/share/backgrounds/images/). To add images to the list of available backgrounds, you can either drag them from your directory into the list (which does not move the file) or you can click the Add Wallpaper button and select image files on your system.

To create a background with your own custom colors and no images, choose the No Wallpaper option and adjust your colors below Desktop Colors. You can choose either a solid color or a gradient of two colors. Clicking on the color buttons allows you to change the colors. Click Close to save and exit the Background Preferences tool.


The Desktop with a new background

c) Screensaver


The screensaver tool

Double-click the Screensaver icon to launch the Screensaver Preferences tool. The list on the left displays the available screensavers. Nearly all screensavers can be customized by clicking on the Settings... button. To see if this is the screensaver you would like to use, click on the Preview button.



When you have seen enough, click the mouse anywhere on the screen and you will return to Screensaver Preferences. When you are finished, close the window to save your changes and exit.


Games and gaming libraries for the K Desktop Environment. Included with this package are: KAtomic, Kmplot and Knights.

a) Katomic

Katomic is a thinking game where you have to form chemical molecules out of atoms. This is done with a nice graphical interface where you can move each atom in a labyrinth. Katomic needs 1 Player.

This is a puzzle game, in which the object is to assemble a molecule from its atoms on a Sokoban-like board. On each move, an atom goes as far as it can in a specified direction before being stopped by a wall or another atom. This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE games module.


The following figure shows Katomic screen:


Katomic Screen

b) Knights (Chess)

A knight is a graphical chess interface designed to be both friendly to new chess players and functional for Grand Masters. Knights are similar to XBoard, but provide a more modern interface and are friendlier to chess newbies.


Knights Board

c) Kmplot

KmPlot is a mathematical function plotter for the KDE-Desktop. It has built in a powerful parser. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine their function terms to build new functions. KmPlot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are possible. Plots may be printed with high precision in correct scale.


← powerful mathematical parser

← precise metric printing

← different plot types (functions, parametric, polar)

← highly configurable visual settings (plot line, axes, grid)

← export to bitmap format (BMP and PNG) and scalable vector graphics (SVG)

← save/load complete session in readable xml format

← trace mode: cross hair following plot, coordinates shown in the status bar

← support zooming

← ability to draw the 1st and 2nd derivative and the integral of a plot function

← support user defined constants and parameter values

← various tools for plot functions: find minimum/maximum point, get y-value and draw the area between the function and the y-axis

|Main Window |Function Editor |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|List of All Functions |The Plotting Area |

|[pic] |[pic] |

User Interface

KmPlot also provides some numerical and visual features like:

← Filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis

← Finding maximum and minimum values

← Changing function parameters dynamically

← Plotting derivatives and integral functions.

These features help in learning the relationship between mathematical functions and their graphical representation in a coordinate system.


Computer printer, or more commonly a printer, produces a hard copy (permanent human-readable text and/or graphics) of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many printers are primarily used as computer peripherals, and are attached by a printer cable to a computer which serves as a document source.



Dot matrix printer

A dot matrix printer or impact matrix printer refers to a type of computer printer with a print head that runs back and forth on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like a typewriter. Typical output from a dot matrix printer operating in draft mode. Characters are formed from a matrix of dots. The speed is usually 30 – 550 characters per second (cps).


Dot Matrix Printer

Inkjet printer

Inkjet printers are a type of computer printer that operates by propelling tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper. They are the most common type of computer printer for the general consumer due to their low cost, high quality of output, capability of printing in vivid color, and ease of use.


Inkjet Printer

DeskJet printer

DeskJet is a brand name for inkjet printers manufactured by Hewlett-Packard Company. The first DeskJet printer, with a black ink cartridge followed in 1988. Priced at $1000, it was claimed to be able to rival laser printer quality. It was the least expensive non-impact printer on the market at the time it was introduced, when most small non-laser printers were still impact-based and laser printers remained relatively expensive. The first color DeskJet, the 500C, launched in 1991.


Modern Desk Jet D1341

Laser printer

A laser printer is a common type of computer printer that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on plain paper. Like photocopiers, laser printers employ a xerographic printing process but differ from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer's photoreceptor. Today a comparable laser printer with more memory, a higher speed and duplexing [both side printing] capability costs about $300.00. A bare-bones laser printer costs less than $100.00.


Laser Printer


If you decide you want to try a different desktop environment, the Desktop Switcher provides a graphical means of changing your desktop environments between KDE, GNOME, and several different window managers (including TWM).

To open the Desktop Switcher, select System -> Preferences -> More Preferences -> Desktop Switching Tool.


Fedora Desktop

From the Desktop Switcher, select the desktop environment (GNOME or KDE) or window manager (TWM) you want to use next. You can have that change apply to the current display (just the next time you restart X only) or make the change permanent.


Fedora session to login GNOME

Click OK. Then log out. The next time you log in, the new environment or window manager will take effect.

If you just want to change your desktop environment temporarily. You can select Session from the login screen and choose the desktop you want. You can choose it just for the current session or to have it be your default desktop.


← Linux is an operating system and it is the base software that makes a computer to interact with the user.

← Linux has developed into an operating system for business, education, and personal production.

← The main functions of Operating systems are

← Multitasking

← Memory management,

← Multi-user and

← Multi-processing

← Data created and accessed by a user in the computer is stored in what is called a file.

← There are three main components in Linux Desktop. They are:

← The Menu Panel

← The Desktop Area

← The Window List Panel

← The desktop area is the screen space between the menu panel and the window list panel.

← GNOME runs on a variety of platforms, including GNU/Linux (commonly called Linux), Solaris, HP-UX, BSD and Apple's Darwin.

← The Help Center covers the graphical desktop usage and configuration as well as the KDE applets and applications.

← KCalc provides trigonometric functions, logic operations, and it is able to do statistical calculations.

← KmPlot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates.

← Multimedia means that computer info can be represented through audio, graphics, image, video and animation in addition to traditional media (text and graphics).

← A laser printer is a common type of computer printer that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on plain paper.



1. KSETPOD ________________________________

2. ORDECTYI ________________________________

3. ELIF ________________________________

4. DERFOL ________________________________

5. XINUL ________________________________

6. FREDAO ________________________________

7. NCOIS ________________________________

8. STEMSY ________________________________

9. QUERORKON ________________________________

10. MNOGE ________________________________


1. Linux is an ____________________________________________________________________

2. The lowest possible folder is _____________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________ is a collection of records

4. A Single dot (.) refers to as ______________________________________________________

5. Three Components of Linux Desktop _____________________________________________


1. Linus Torvaldes Desktop Component

2. Memory Management Panel

3. Main Menu Icon Function of OS

4. Desktop Founder of Linux

5. Menu panel First Screen


1. Charles Babbage is the founder of Linux

2. Folder is a collection of records

3. The desktop is the first screen

4. Linux is an operating system

5. The Linux icons are created by experts


1. What is Linux?

2. Explain the history of Linux

3. What are the two main functions of OS?

4. Define file, folder and Directory

5. Explain Login and Logout session of Linux

6. What are the components of Linux Desktop?

7. Explain Menu buttons found in Linux Desktop

8. What is GNOME Desktop environment?

9. What is KDE Desktop?

10. What is Window List Panel?

11. Explain KDE control center

12. explain DeskJet printer

13. Explain KAtomic game

14. Explain Multimedia in Linux

15. Explain KCalc

16. Explain the switching to GNOME desktop

Do Lab Exercise

1. Use the Calculator to add your subject marks.

2. Try to create a file and store it in new folder

3. Use the printer and take few printouts.

4. Learn how to Login and Logout of Linux OS

5. Learn how to switch between GNOME and KDE Desktop

6. Learn to play Knights.

|KolourPaint |Chapter |

| |3 |


At the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with

← Introduction to kolourPaint

← Tool references

← Erasing part of drawings

← Color Box

← Using Transparent Color

← Resize\scale image


KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE.


The tasks involved such as:

← Painting - drawing diagrams and “finger painting”

← Image Manipulation - editing screenshots and photos; applying effects

← Icon Editing - drawing clipart and logos with transparency


A quick way to select a tool in KolourPaint is to press the single key shortcut associated with it, documented below and in the Tool Box tool tips.



Tool Box

You can also hold Alt+Shift while pressing the key, which is necessary when you are writing text (as the single key shortcuts will be disabled). For example, to select the brush, press Alt+Shift+B or just B (when not writing text).

a) Brush [pic]

Click or click and drag with the brush to draw.

Click on one of the shapes to select the brush shape. You can use a circular, square, slash or backslash brush shape.

b) Color Eraser [pic]

Click and drag to replace pixels of the foreground color with the background color. To replace all pixels similar (but not necessarily exactly equal) to the foreground color, such as in dithered images and photos, use a Color Similarity setting other than Exact.

• Tip: Double-click on the Color Eraser icon to apply it to the entire image.

c) Color Picker [pic]

To set the foreground color, left click on a pixel. To set the background color, right click on a pixel. KolourPaint will then return to the previously selected tool.

d) Connected Lines and Polygon [pic]

Click and drag to draw connected lines. The polygon tool is used in the same way, however, the start and end points are automatically connected to form a polygon.

e) Curve [pic]

Click and drag to draw a line - this sets the start and end points. You can set up to two control points by dragging. To finish the curve without using both or any control points, click the other mouse button. The curve tool draws a Cubic Bezier.


f) Ellipse

Click and drag to draw an ellipse.

For additional functionality, use the modifier keys:

← Hold Shift and drag to draw a circle.

← To draw an ellipse with a center point of your choice, hold Ctrl, click on the center point, and drag until the ellipse is the correct size and shape.

← To draw a circle with a center point of your choice, hold Ctrl and Shift, click on the center point, and drag until the circle is the correct size.

g) Eraser

Click and drag with the eraser to rub out mistakes.

• Tip: Double-click on the Eraser icon to clear the entire image. This is equivalent to using the Clear option on the Image menu.


Erasing Parts of drawings

The drawings can be erased in parts. We can select the area for erasing. It can be a small area, a large area or an entire image.

To erase a small area drawing:

• Click [pic] in the toolbox.

• Select the eraser size from the options given at the bottom of the toolbox. We can also select a color for erasing.

• Right-click a color in the color box and select any color for erasing. The current background color is the eraser color.

• Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer on the area to be erased.

To erase a large area drawing:

• Click [pic] in the toolbox to erase a rectangular area, or click [pic] to work with a free-form area.

• Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer to select the area you want to erase.

• Right-click a color in the color box and select any color for erasing. The current background color is the eraser color.

• Click Edit Clear Selection.

To erase an entire image:

• Click Image(Clear Image

h) Flood Fill [pic]

Click to fill a region. To fill a dithered region, use a Color Similarity setting other than Exact. The left mouse button fills in the foreground color. The right mouse button fills in the background color.

i) Line [pic]

Click and drag to draw a line.


• Hold Ctrl to draw lines angled at the nearest multiple of 30 degrees - these are the lines in the red diagram.

• Hold Shift to draw lines angled at the nearest multiple of 45 degrees - these are the lines in the blue diagram.

• Hold Ctrl and Shift to draw lines angled at the nearest multiple of 30 or 45 degrees - these are the lines in the green diagram.

j) Pen [pic]

Click to draw a dot or click and drag to draw a freehand line.

k) Rectangles [pic]

Click and drag to draw a rectangle. The Rounded Rectangle is a Rectangle with rounded corners.

For additional functionality, use the modifier keys:

• Hold Shift and drag to draw a square.

• To draw a rectangle with a center point of your choice, hold Ctrl, click on the center point, and drag until the rectangle is the correct size and shape.

• To draw a square with a center point of your choice, hold Ctrl and Shift, click on the center point, and drag until the square is the correct size.

l) Selections [pic]

Use the selection tools to draw out the boundary of a selection. To move the selection, click and drag on it. The main view will scroll as required to allow you to move the selection to part of the image that is not currently displayed.

You can free-form Resize the entire image or Smooth Scale the selection using the corresponding handles. Hold Shift while free-form scaling the selection to maintain aspect ratio. The right mouse button invokes a context menu with common Edit commands and Image Effects.

• Tip: You can use the cursor keys while drawing out the boundary of the selection or while moving it.

If you hold Ctrl before moving the selection, then you wil move a copy of it. The selection will be smeared when moving it while Shift is held.

m) Spraycan [pic]

Click and drag to spray graffiti. Hold down the mouse button for a more concentrated spray.

Click on one of the shapes to select the spray size. You can select from spray sizes of 9x9, 17x17 and 29x29.

n) Text [pic]

Click and drag an area in which to write text. Click and drag on the border to move it. You can resize the text box by dragging on the handles or by using the Resize dialog.

o) Undo

If you have deselected a text box you can use Undo to edit the text again. To undo the latest action, click Edit Undo. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Z.



The Color Box has 3 main sections:

• The Color Tablet

• The Color Palette

• The Color Similarity Selector.

The Color Tablet shows the current foreground color as a square on top of another square representing the current background color.

The Color Palette shows a selection of colors for you to choose from. The translucent pyramid represents the transparent color. The Color Picker tool allows you to select a color from the image.

Color Similarity allows you to work more effectively with dithered images and photos, in a comparable manner to the “Magic Wand” feature of other paint programs. It applies to transparent selections, as well as the Flood Fill, Color Eraser and Autocrop / Remove Internal Border tools.


← KolourPaint is a free, easy-to-use paint program for KDE.

← The KolourPaint toolbox contains various tools.

← The Color Box has 3 main sections:

← The Color Tablet

← The Color Palette

← The Color Similarity Selector

← Color Similarity allows you to work more effectively with dithered images and photos, in a comparable manner to the “Magic Wand” feature of other paint programs.

← The Color Tablet shows the current foreground color as a square on top of another square representing the current background color.



1. LORCOXOB _____________________________________

2. GLETANREC _____________________________________

3. CANSPRAY _____________________________________

4. GONPOLY _____________________________________

5. SHURB _____________________________________


1. ________________________________________ allows you to select a color from the image.

2. ____________________________________ is used to draw out the boundary of a selection.

3. The Color Box has _________________________________________________ main sections.

4. The Rounded Rectangle is a _____________________________________________________

5. Click and drag with the eraser to _________________________________________________


1. Alt+Shift+B Rectangle

2. Alt+Shift+C Brush

3. Alt+Shift+S Line

4. Alt+Shift+R Spraycan

5. Alt+Shift+L Curve


1. KolourPaint is a part of GNOME Desktop

2. Flood fill is used to fill a region

3. The Selection tool is used to draw a curve

4. Brush is used to paint a text/image

5. Hold Shift and drag to draw a square.


1. What is KolourPaint?

2. Explain the Tool reference of KolourPaint

3. What is the purpose of selection tool?

4. Explain Connected lines and Polygon

5. Explain Color eraser, eraser

6. Explain Color box

7. How do you resize/scale an image?

8. How do you erase a large part of drawing?

Do Lab exercise

1. Try to draw shapes like Square, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse

2. Draw a circle, Cut a square from circle using selection tool and paste it separately.

3. Draw a flower pot and colour it.

4. Try to draw seashore and erase the land from the picture.

5. Write the word “Welcome to Class” using Text tool.



Colour Palette

(NOTE: Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generations of computers

(NOTE: The future challenge will not be in increasing the storage or increasing the computer’s power, but rather in properly and effectively using the computing power available.

(NOTE: The CPU is not exactly visible. It is found inside the tall, vertical unit, called a tower, located just to the right of the monitor.

(NOTE: Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) developed the concept of pointing device known as the Mouse.

(NOTE: The “Picture Tube” of a TV set or a Computer Monitor is also known as CRT(Cathode Ray Tube)

:& Input devices

:& The Processors

:& Memory

:& Output devices

:& Storage

Memory Unit

Control Unit

Arithmetic & Logi☺ Input devices

☺ The Processors

☺ Memory

☺ Output devices

☺ Storage

Memory Unit

Control Unit

Arithmetic & Logic Unit

Input Unit

Output Unit

☺ Memory Unit - MU

☺ Control Unit - CU

☺ Arithmetic and Logic Unit - ALU

4+5-1x 6

12 x 5+8-4/8

☺ Floppy Disk

☺ Hard Disk

☺ Compact Disk

☺ Primary Memory

☺ Secondary Memory

4 Bits

8 Bits

1024 Bytes

1024 KB

1024 MB

1024 GB







1 Nibble

1 Byte

1 Kilo Byte [KB]

1 Mega Byte [MB]

1 Giga Byte [GB]

1 Tera Byte [TB]

(NOTE: Computer’s are mainly used in public places such as Railways, Bank, Hospitals, Airports and Meteorology etc.,



(NOTE: A file is a collection of records. Files in Linux serve many purposes. Data created and accessed by a user in the computer is stored in what is called a file.

(NOTE: For security reasons, a dot is displayed for every character entered in the password field.

(NOTE: As with any password, your Fedora account password should be kept private and not shared with anyone or written down in plain view.

(NOTE: Your username and password are case-sensitive.

☺ The Menu Panel

☺ The Desktop Area

☺ The Window List

☺ The Show Desktop button

☺ The Workspace Switcher

☺ The Trash icon

(NOTE: Use the key combination [Alt]+[Tab] to switch between open windows. Holding down the [Alt] key while you tap the [Tab] key allows you to cycle through all open applications..

(NOTE: Help on KDE applications is available by clicking the blue book on the desktop panel.

(NOTE: If the character doesn't appear in your document, you may be using an application that doesn't support that character. Try a different character or try to insert it in a different application.

(NOTE: It’s fun, semi-educational, and could definitely have used an image overhaul.



Colour Tablet

Tool Box

Main Menu

Colour Similarity Selector



Colour Similarity Selector


[Free Form]


(NOTE: Unlike other tools, the erasers draw in the background color. To draw in the foreground color, use the right mouse button. The eraser only has square shapes. To draw with other shapes such as circles use the Brush and the right mouse button.

(NOTE: Unlike other tools, the erasers draw in the background color. To replace pixels of the background color with the foreground color, use the right mouse button. You can configure the eraser size.





Flood Fill

Colour Erase


Connected Lines

Rounded Rectangle






Colour Picker

Spray Can





Colour Tablet

Colour Palette


Educomp Solutions Ltd.

Educomp Solutions Ltd.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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