Document Title - Sanjeev Sabhlok's blog

Notes on the question of

Intelligence Quotient and “Race”

Being extracts from a book (BFN) and two manuscripts (Scientific Hinduism Books 1 and 2)

Sanjeev Sabhlok

Draft 1 October 2013

In summary, I believe there IS a small genetic component to differences in IQ across different populations. But MOST of the differences are explained by environmental factors such as the level of dignity/ freedom/ nutrition.


1. Discussion in the book, Breaking Free of Nehru 1

1.1 People in Free Societies live Longer, are Taller and Smarter 1

1.2 Discussion in Online Notes 2

1.2.1 Freedom increases intelligence 2

2. Hypothesis: Vegetarianism partly explains low Indian IQ 7

2.1 Chidren’s early nutrition is related to brain development and intelligence 7

2.2 Severe malnourishment in Indian children 7

2.2.1 Nearly half of India’s small children are malnourished 7

2.2.2 Adolescent anemia in Indian children today 7

2.3 Low Indian IQ – an explanation 8

2.3.1 Indians have perhaps the lowest IQ in the world 8

2.3.2 Social oppression and vegetarianism are a lethal combination 9

2.3.3 Vicious cycle: poverty leads to lower IQ 9

2.4 Objections to the hypothesis that vegetarianismis linked to low IQ 9

2.4.1 Why are SOME Indian vegetarians smart? 9

2.4.2 If meat and IQ are related, why scientific advance after the agricultural revolution? 10

2.4.3 Why do intelligent children apparently become vegetarian in later life? 10

3. Deliberate lowering of intelligence of the oppressed? 11

3.1 Indian average national IQ is extremely low 11

3.2 How can we explain the superior (on average) intellectual performance of the Brahmin ‘caste’? 15

3.3 Self-perception of the Dalits 17

3.4 My revised model of IQ that includes pre-birth IQ factors and links with freedom, to explain GDP 18

3.5 Increase in IQ expected among the Dalits once oppressions is eliminated 18

3.6 Narrowing the IQ gap with China 19

3.7 Disproving the myth of race will require abolishing caste 19

Discussion in the book, Breaking Free of Nehru

1 People in Free Societies live Longer, are Taller and Smarter

Freedom also drives the vital indicators, namely, things like height and longevity. These are impacted primarily through the effect of freedom on wealth and then on nutrition. Genetic factors obviously play a limiting role.[i] The effects of nutrition on human height are relatively well-documented and quite startling. For example, young Koreans were roughly the same average height across the Korean peninsula before South Korea decided to expand its freedoms while North Korea choose to shut them down. As a result of this difference in freedom, young South Koreans are now 7 cm taller, on average, than their North Korean counterparts – a change brought about in merely two generations. Similarly, wealthier countries are healthier, as measured by longevity; noting that it is possible for shackled countries like Cuba to also do well in healthcare while underperforming in everything else.

Most problematically for India, freedom also impacts intelligence. Despite intelligence quotient (IQ) being only a relatively modest predictor of success, and despite its well-known limitations being a construct, as well as difficulties in measurement, the average IQ of a society’s population surely counts for something. While the average IQ of an average Western society is standardized to 100, the average IQ of Indians living in India is around 85, which is very low. This figure is based on measurements conducted in India by a range of different researchers over decades. Despite the methodological issues that the underlying data may raise, I have little doubt that this IQ difference is real (I would be pleased to be proven that this is an error.) We can’t simply shrug aside a difference of this magnitude; we should try to explain it. The model in the diagram below explains this difference from the perspective of freedom. For a fuller discussion of the model, with a detailed discussion of the pathways, please see the Online Notes.[ii]

The model is underpinned by a simple argument. India and the West were very similar in income levels till 250 year ago. What has changed in the past 250 years is the way the Western people use their brain; not the genetic makeup of their brain. Free societies have moved from tribalism and coercive restraints on human thought to free thinking, thus significantly increasing their IQs.

This model suggests that it is our lack of freedom as well as our deeply entrenched caste system, through which nearly half of our population suffers from a sense of inferiority, that has made us relatively less intelligent as an entire nation.[iii] India therefore underperforms in every way relative to their potential. The good news is that this can be reversed simply by increasing the level of freedom in India, which will also help to break down the caste system. A study reported that the IQ of Indians living in the UK was 96, which is close to the Caucasoid mean, demonstrating that with greater freedom, normal IQs should re-emerge in India.[iv]

In concluding this section we note that India has tremendous scope to become far more free. We also note that if India does opt for becoming free, everyone in India will become enormously better off not only in health and wealth, but also in mental capacity.

2 Discussion in Online Notes

1 Freedom increases intelligence

Freedom also impacts intelligence. Despite the intelligence quotient (IQ) being only a relatively modest predictor of success, and despite its well-known limitations as a construct well as difficulties in its measurement, a society’s average IQ surely counts for something. The average IQ of an average Western society is standardised to 100. The average IQ of Indians living in India is around 85, which is considered to be very low. This figure is based on measurements conducted in India by a range of different researchers over decades. Despite the methodological issues the underlying data may raise, I have little doubt that this IQ difference is real (I would be pleased to be shown my error of understanding.) We therefore can’t simply shrug aside a difference of this magnitude; we should explain it.

I have a hypothesis for this difference, but before I present it, I would like to outline a 2002 research finding.[1] This research asked the question: Does a nation’s IQ determine its national income? The researchers found a small correlation between these two variables, and claimed that IQs of countries can ‘predict’ their economic success. Their proposed pathway is essentially shown below.

If IQ is genetic alone, and if income is caused directly by IQ, then India cannot do anything about it, and is presumably destined to eternal poverty. But in my view this model is wrong. Just because two variables are correlated doesn’t mean that one causes the other. Or if there is a causality, it may not be in the direction hypothesized. A good econometric model requires a theory to explain its hypothesis; else one can start ‘proving’ causality of the most absurd sort. The relationship depicted in the diagram is wrong: IQs don’t ‘cause’ income. Income is caused by an interplay of genetics and freedom. Let me explain why this model is wrong first, before suggesting the more likely model.

• Even people with high IQs, ie, those who would be classified as geniuses today, could barely light a fire and create stone tools 40,000 years ago. Their income would be close to zero. If we imagine they had a barter economy and convert their ‘income’ into current PPP values, we could say their income was about $300 (this is a very crude approximation!).

• About 1000 years ago England was a primitive tribal society, and India was a prosperous and advanced civilisation. Let us say the average English tribal earned half of what an average Indian earned at that time.

• By 1750, according to Adam Smith’s deductions, there was no significant difference between the per capita wealth of India and England despite initial advances in freedom in England. At the overall level, the world’s wealth was distributed: namely, with greater India at the top, China a close second, and the rest of the world a distant ‘also-ran’. Let’s say by 1750, all major societies of the world had roughly the same per capita incomes.

• Today things are different, with the English earning about 10 times more than an average Indian.

Cross-section data (ie, data extracted at one point in time) are potentially quite misleading. By making a time series we can often get a better understanding. I have created a table below of these hypothetical comparative incomes over the past 40,000 years.

|Year |England |India |

| |Per capita income* |Per capita income* |

|40,000 years ago |$300 |$300 |

|1000 AD |$500 |$1,000 |

|1750 AD |$1,000 |$1,000 |

|2008 AD |$40,000 |$4,000 |

*A crude guesstimate with purchasing power parity or equivalent dollars.

This table leads to great problems for our 2002 researchers! If income is caused by IQs, then we can deduce from this table that 40,000 years ago the average IQs of England and India were similar. Indian brains then mutated and doubled in IQ by 1000 AD. English brains then mutated and doubled in IQ between 1000 and 1750 AD to equal India’s. Thereafter English brains mutated in the past 250 years and increased in IQ by 10 times. In this manner the English IQ must increased 20 times over the past 40,000 years. I am of course simplifying things given that IQs are not linearly measured but are distributions. Either way, this mutation theory is ludicrous. Hence the model (and its conclusion) is wrong.

But then what is the true relationship? I have outlined a model in the diagram below to show that if we simply look at correlations, income and IQ are definitely correlated; but the relationship is complex and works the other way around than postulated in simplistic model above.

What has changed in the past 250 years is the way people in free societies use their brain. During this period, free societies have moved from tribalism and coercive restraints on human thought to freedom and free thinking. Yes, there is a genetic component in IQ, just as there is a genetic component to height. But what really makes a difference to IQ is the level of freedom in the society. Freedom helps an individual to achieve his or her fullest IQ, exactly as it helps a South Korean to achieve his or her maximum potential height.

A feedback loop also operates in my model (not shown in the diagram). If a person achieves his or her highest level of intelligence, then that person becomes more likely to provide greater mental stimulation to his or her children, which then increases their freedom, hence innovation, and hence wealth. Freedom creates a virtuous cycle of success. Indeed, if my hypothesis is valid, we should find that the IQ of the pre-industrial world was around 15 to 20 standardised points less than the average IQ in those societies today, and that the measured (and real) IQ of the human species will hereafter continuously increase with freedom, though at an far slower, even insignificant, pace. The pathways from freedom to IQ are discussed below.

• Pathway 1. First, wealth (proxied above as ‘income’, to match with the researchers’ model), which is the natural by-product of freedom through the channel of innovation, leads to a nutritional advantage for children in free societies. Wealth also leads to improved educational opportunities for children of wealthier parents which means more intellectual stimulation. These two—nutrition and mental stimulation—then lead to an across-the-board increase in IQ.

|Box 6 |

|Evidence that IQs increase with wealth |

|IQs have increased by up to 21 points in 50 years in some countries in the West (Flynn effect) as these societies have grown |

|wealthier. Since Western nations have not mutated at an alarming rate in these 50 years, good nutrition and better education |

|is clearly causing this change. Studies also show that when children from very poor families are adopted into wealthy |

|families, their IQs become, on average, dramatically higher than their parents. |

• Pathway 2. Second, the culture of openness and discovery in a free society leads to innovative thinking. Release from dogma and inherited conditioning alone should boost IQ significantly. The greater the flexibility in our thinking, the greater are the number of brain connections formed in our brains, hence higher the IQ. This ‘softer’ cause of differences in IQs can be understood by comparing the different methods of teaching in India and countries like Australia.

Much of intelligence is about lateral thinking; Einstein’s ideas were all about lateral thinking and making connections between radically different ideas. Such thinking is liberally supported by free societies by encouraging each child to ask questions and to conduct independent research virtually from kindergarten; reliance on rote learning is discouraged. Rote learning does, perhaps build the main connections or ‘highways’ in our brain, and certainly affects some dimensions of IQ. As a result, Indians who are primarily taught through rote learning, are good at mental maths which is predominantly linear. However, it is the openness and critical thinking that leads to the laying down in the brain thousands of neuron branches and millions of extra connections: pathways that the typical Indian child simply does not have in his head because of the emphasis on rote learning. Consequently, the average Australian enjoys a higher overall IQ and is disproportionately better on creative thinking. In that sense, freedom causes greater freedom.

Pathway 3. The third pathway is through the regard for each individual’s dignity in free societies. Its opposite, eg, caste based discrimination, has been shown ‘to reduce’ IQs. For instance, it has been found that the Buraku, or the ‘lower castes’ of Japan, do as well as any other Japanese after migration to USA when discrimination against them drops. This aspect perhaps relates to our self-image: to deny that self-image matters is to deny our very identity. Our brain perhaps thinks most creatively only when it is not blocked by a deep sense of inferiority. This sense of dignity and regard also explains why the first born has, on average, higher IQ than children born later in a family.[2] The first born simply expects more from himself or herself.

Indian low caste children are brought up with a sense of inferiority so they are unlikely to think as much of themselves, and therefore unlikely to challenge the limits of their minds. Similarly, blacks in USA perform poorly in IQ tests because they have experienced discrimination cumulatively for hundreds of years. They perhaps grow up with group memories of slavery even now, memories that make their brains cringe. As expected, with greater levels of equality, black and white IQs are now starting to converge.[3] It will take a few more decades to confirm this convergence. Similarly, in India, when discrimination is removed, IQs of low caste children should rebound to normal levels.

This model suggests that it is our lack of freedom and our deeply entrenched caste system with nearly half of our population suffering from a sense of inborn inferiority, that has made us relatively less intelligent as an entire nation.[4] Indians therefore under-perform in every way relative to their potential. The good news is that this can be reversed simply by increasing the level of freedom in India, which will also help to break down the caste system.

A study reported that the IQ of Indians living in UK was 96, which is close to the Caucasoid mean, demonstrating that with greater freedom, normal IQs should re-emerge in India.[5] I have not the slightest doubt that if and when India achieves its goal of being the world’s leader in freedom, average Indian IQs will potentially exceed the average IQs found in the West.

Hypothesis: Vegetarianism partly explains low Indian IQ

Based on linking a number of facts together, I propose that at least part of the extremely low IQ of Indians can be explained by their vegetarian fanaticism. The problem with the freedom hypothesis that I have outlined in BFN is that it doesn’t explain the high Chinese IQ despite low levels of freedom. I’m adding the following hypothesis to the freedom hypothesis, with the hope that these two could, in combination, explain much of the IQ variation between different nations of the world.

1 Chidren’s early nutrition is related to brain development and intelligence

IQ is related to what babies eat. "The rapidly developing brain is more vulnerable to nutrient insufficiency yet also demonstrates its greatest degree of plasticity. Certain nutrients have greater effects on brain development than do others. These include protein, energy, certain fats, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, vitamin A, choline, and folate." .

The World Bank: "In developing countries, where few children live to see their situation improve, once the effects of undernutrition are established in early childhood, they typically become permanent. The intellectual potential of such children at school entry most likely is already damaged irrevocably." [Source]

Also: Lynn R., Jindal S. Positive correlations between brain size and intelligence: Further evidence from India. Mankind Quarterly. 1993;34:109–123.

2 Severe malnourishment in Indian children

1 Nearly half of India’s small children are malnourished

"Nearly half of India’s small children are malnourished: one of the highest rates of underweight children in the world, higher than most countries in sub-Saharan Africa". (Read my article on this subject here.)

2 Adolescent anemia in Indian children today

The fastest cure for iron deficiency is to have red meat. But India is largely vegetarian, so we have massive anemia.

Country-wide war on adolescent anaemia: Such poor nutritional outcomes were not present in ancient India where people at a HEALTHY mixed diet (including ALL meats). India's vegetarian mania has surely added to the severe problems of brain and bodily development observed across the poorer sections of India.

|Comments by others on FB |

|Sharad Bailur I had this to say a very long time on this subject: We believe in simple living and high thinking. The appeal |

|to vegetarian food, to teetotalism and to ceremonious adherence to religious ritual, I suspect, began with the helplessness |

|of a Hindu population put upon by Muslim rulers and later by the British or more likely their Indian vassals who had |

|themselves become degenerate and tyrannical dinosaurs. It resulted in extreme levels of poverty (hence the vegetarianism), |

|and a feeling of helplessness that had lasted hundreds of generations (hence the pursuit of religion and ritual as a form of|

|escapism) and the inability to band together resulting from extreme economic deprivation. |

|This deprivationist approach could not have succeeded ordinarily but it had to, as a result of the loss of self-confidence |

|that must have become the norm. The only way this could be made to happen was to elevate it into a high religious and moral |

|principle. What evolved over hundreds of years cannot be taken away in the fifty or so years of Independence. Our present |

|hypocrisy is merely a hangover that refuses to go away, having pickled our collective brains for those deprived centuries. |

|Kenneth Allen Hopf Given the popularity of vegetarianism in India, I've often wondered why they don't have more health |

|problems than they do. |

|Hemanth Pothula Most of Indians now, are eating nutritional deficit diet, even though they can get better food for the same |

|rupee. It is better to eat a kg meat, than chuck down a costly laddu/sweet, or 5kg rice or any grain. It is better to eat an|

|egg and two bananas than pongal rice, or puri, or any grain related food. |

3 Low Indian IQ – an explanation

1 Indians have perhaps the lowest IQ in the world

Sahana Singh Can you also point me to studies showing that Indians have the lowest IQ in the world?

Sanjeev Sabhlok Re: Indians and low IQ, I studied this through publicly available data and wrote thus in BFN:

"This figure is based on measurements conducted in India by a range of different researchers over decades. Despite the methodological issues that the underlying data may raise, I have little doubt that this IQ difference is real (I would be pleased to be proven that this is an error.) We can’t simply shrug aside a difference of this magnitude; we should try to explain it."

My report on Indian IQ is accurate as at 2007 - based on review of EXTENSIVE number of studies. I suspect it wouldn't have changed much since then.

Sahana Singh What is BFN? Has your study about IQ of Indians been 'peer reviewed'? Is there a hyperlink to it? Also did you eliminate other factors such as pre-existing illnesses, genetic disorders etc? In one of the articles you posted about meat-eating causing increase in brain size, it says "From health to the environment, there are many reasons to go vegetarian, go vegan and even go raw, but evolution isn't one of them." We have apparently been having this brain size for quite some time now. As for iron, zinc, B-12 etc, it is possible to get them from fortified vegetarian sources. One has to always eat wisely and include items such as nuts, yeast etc. Of course vegetarianism could involve unhealthy eating of fried foods too. That is why right eating is important.

Sanjeev Sabhlok Sahana, re: IQ please search the internet. I had studied and did not keep a record, but my notes are based on my studies. Indian children in villages are NOT getting food that is "fortified" with necessary vitamins. I'm against any extremism, and vegetarianism is a kind of fanaticism that's unsustainable.

2 Social oppression and vegetarianism are a lethal combination

The following simple model perhaps explains a significant extent of the variation:


With 40 per cent of the population oppressed socially and a vegetarian diet which prevents proper brain development, what IQ can be expected in India?

3 Vicious cycle: poverty leads to lower IQ

"being poor can impair cognitive functioning, which hinders individuals’ ability to make good decisions and can cause further poverty.” [Source] This adds interesting information to the IQ debate although it may not explain why poor countries like China do so well in IQ tests. Nutrition still must play a role, as well as SOCIAL oppression (which is typically found in India, not in China).

4 Objections to the hypothesis that vegetarianismis linked to low IQ

1 Why are SOME Indian vegetarians smart?

Sahana Singh I suppose the physicist CV Raman, mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam, engineer-statesman M Vishveshwariah, Philosopher S Radhakrishnan and scores of luminaries from India had pea-sized brains and were unsmart as a result of their vegetarian diet?

Sanjeev Sabhlok Sahana, in statistics we talk about averages. Standard deviations in ALL distributions ensure that there will be some very smart people even in poor average populations. Indians' average IQ is 85, but that doesn't mean that people with 150+ IQ wont' exist - particularly given the hundreds of millions of people involved. You are better advised to study average IQ of vegetarian populations vs. average IQ of non-veg populations; average brain size of vegetarians vs that of non-vegetarians; average longevity, average muscle power (including ability to win prizes in athletics/ olympics, etc.). Even these won't prove causality but they might disprove the view that vegetarian diet is healthy.

Sahana Singh Can you kindly refer me to a "peer reviewed study" citing low IQ to vegetarianism and isolated for all other factors that could cause low IQ?

Sanjeev Sabhlok Sahana, this is my hypothesis based on two well documented facts:

FACT 1: Hominid brain size increased DRAMATICALLY after we became capable of eating meat (due to control over fire), and

FACT 2: Indians with the world's most vegetarian population have THE lowest IQs in the world. Despite comparable poverty, Chinese average IQ has always measured in the range of 100-105. Chinese children eat ALL kinds of meat, thus nourishing their brain. [“We have actually done Pisa in 12 of the provinces in China. Even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average.” [Source]]

The fact that Indian children are so malnourished, and also score deplorably on cognitive functions is a strong indicator of the link. Also, that historically the human species evolved a better and bigger brain during hunting gathering era when cooked meat was a main part of the diet.

Sahana Singh Ah so it's your hypotheses we were discussing all along. No peer reviewed studies yet apparently.

Sanjeev: Yes. This is how hypotheses start – and then they get tested.

2 If meat and IQ are related, why scientific advance after the agricultural revolution?

Even in European nations, the SIZE of humans AND their intelligence has increased dramatically over the past 200 years as nutritional intake as improved. Finally, the last time humans were this big was when they were hunter gatherers. Humans SHRANK after agricultural era started. Only now, as nutrition has improved, they are growing back to what they were during hunting gathering days. 98 per cent of human evolution took place as hunter gatherers. Only recently has agricultural era come into effect.

Question by Sahana Singh Do you have any explanation for why most of the scientific and technological advances made by humans happened after the brain size supposedly shrank from the hunter-gatherer to the agricultural stage?

Answer: Most Indian advance took place during the meat and beef eating era. The healthier/wealthier people of the agricultural era were NOT vegetarians. They were at the forefront of such advance.

But in Europe, much scientific advance took place after freedom increased in late 18th century, followed by increased prosperity and increased nutrition for the general population.

There remains a very strong correlation between brain capacity and good nutrition. Good nutrition INCLUDES meat all over the world.

3 Why do intelligent children apparently become vegetarian in later life?

Sahana Singh “Intelligent children are more likely to become vegetarians later in life, a study says” [Source]

My response: This further confirms that these children were LIKELY intelligent because they ate meat when they were children. That their so-called intelligence is not well developed enough to allow critical thinking, probably leads them to the cult of vegetarianism.

Deliberate lowering of intelligence of the oppressed?

Those under the control of Brahmins don’t even know they are being controlled since their intelligence has beey systematically degraded over the centuries.

1 Indian average national IQ is extremely low

The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of Indians is around 80-85, with SIGNIFICANT potential to increase

|A few years ago, while writing Breaking Free of Nehru, I had come across data that showed that Indians had a particularly low |

|average IQ (of around 85). I'm fully aware of the HUGE problems with IQ tests and the fact that it is very hard to arrive at |

|substantive data on IQs. Also, other methodlogical issues. |

|But I do think there is something "indicative" or useful in these tests. Based on this I wrote in BFN: |

|"This figure is based on measurements conducted in India by a range of different researchers over decades. Despite the |

|methodological issues that the underlying data may raise, I have little doubt that this IQ difference is real (I would be |

|pleased to be proven that this is an error.) We can’t simply shrug aside a difference of this magnitude; we should try to |

|explain it" |

|I thought that's a given. No one has questioned the data since 2008 when my book was published. Tens of thousands of copies |

|have been downloaded, and most people on FTI claim to have read it. |

|However, Shantanu Bhagwat of FTI has now stated on FB: "Sanjeev: I completely disagree with your assertion on low Indian IQ. |

|Since when did entire populations/ segments of society start having low IQs?" |

|Well, for Shantanu and many others who might not have come across this what I assumed was widely known information, I've |

|quickly reviewed the literature again and here are my results: |

|Sources |

|IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Dr. Richard Lynn and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen. See also the scattergram at |

|. Also see: |

| |

|See tables: |

|National IQs calculated and validated for 108 nations by Richard Lynn and Gerhard Meisenberg, Intelligence 38 (2010) 353–360 |

|Wikipedia: |

|The consistent hierarchies of IQ and achievement reported in Lynn's synthesis can be summarized as follows: |

|East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans) (Average IQ of 105) |

|Europeans (Average IQ 100) |

|South East Asians (Average IQ 87) |

|North Africans (Average IQ of 84) |

|Sub-Saharan Africans (Average IQ of 67) |

|Australian Aborigines (Average IQ of 62) |

|National IQ and National Productivity: The Hive Mind Across Asia by Garett Jones, George Mason University |

|[pic] |

|Also: Richard Lynn “Race differences in intelligence: A global perspective,” in Mankind Quarterly, Spring 1991, Vol. 31 Issue |

|3. |

|A further article notes: "In the detailed data for South Asians, there is a distinct smaller cluster between 90 and 100, and |

|another bigger cluster between 80 and 90, closer to 90. But then there are a bunch of scores that go as low as 75 which bring |

|down the average to 84." [Source] |

|On the I.Q. of Nations; Smart, Smarter and Smartest? |

|Also read this: |

| |

| |

|This is particularly eye-opening (and problematic):    |

|What this article needs is a robust rebuttal based on the argument I've provided in BFN (self-respect/liberty based). I do not|

|see "Dalit" IQs being "stagnant" or low in the future with greater liberty and dissolution of the caste system. |

|I recall having read a major list of Indian IQ studies that spanned decades. Let me list whatever I can find now: |

|Fitzgerald, J.A. and Ludemall, W.W. 1926 The intelligence of Indian children. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 6, 319-328 |

|Sinha, U. 1968 The use of Raven's Progressive Matrices in India. Indian Educational Review, 3, 75-88. |

|Kamat, V.V. (1964) Measuring Intelligence of Indian Children, 4th ed. Bombay, Oxford University Press. |

|Das, Jishnu & T. Zajonc (2010) India shining and Bharat drowning: comparing two Indian states to the worldwide distribution in|

|mathematics achievement. Journal of Development Economics 92: 175-187. |

|Anupama Bhave, Roli Bhargava and Rashmi Kumar,  Validation of a new Lucknow intelligence screening test for Indian children |

|aged 9 to 15 yr, J Pediatr Neurol 2011; 9(2) |

|KULKARNI SD, PATHAK, NR, SHARMA CS. Academic Performance Of School Children With Their Intelligence Quotient. NJIRM. 2010; |

|1(3): 12-15. |

|Badaruddoza and Afzal  M (1993). Inbreeding depression and intelligence quotient among North Indian children. Behaviour |

|Genetics 23: 343-347. |

|Badaruddoza (2004). Effect of inbreeding on Wechsler intelligence test scores among North Indian Children. Asia Pacific |

|Journal of Public Health 16(2): 99-103 |

|Dr. Analpa Paranjape (2004). A comparison of performance on Indian Child Intelligence Test (ICII) of children with mental |

|retardation and learning difficulties. |

| |

|Bhatt MC. Adaptation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children for Gujarati population [PhD dissertation]. Ahmedabad |

|(Gujarat): Univ. of Gujarat; 1971. |

|Ranganath, Priya and Sayee Rajangam (Bangalore). Intelligence quotient in mental retardation. Disabilities and Impairment |

|Vol.21 (1) 5-9. In the present study, the IQ level was test on 426 children (261 boys and 165 girls) with MR who visited |

|the Division of Human Genetics, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, IQ levels of ................

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