Dear Llanmadoc Open Gardens Committee,

Newsletter 11

November 2017

Keep up to date with all our news by visiting knelston.

Follow us on Twitter - @KnelstonPrimary

Dear Parent/carer,

Last week was another fun packed exciting one. The children did a great job interviewing our lead creative school candidates and have chosen a story teller and sculptor to help us with our project after Christmas. They will begin planning out the project this week.

Thanks to all our spots and crazy hair we raised £139 for Children in Need on Friday. A big thank you for your generosity for this great cause..

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Jenkins

After School Yoga Classes

We have an offer from a local yoga trainer to run after school yoga classes for the children. At this point we are gauging the level of interest to see if the classes would be viable. The trainer has offered to do some free taster sessions to see if the children would be interested. Last chance to let us know if your child is interested.

Book Fayre

The book fayre arrives in school today and will be open for business from this afternoon. The Fayre will be open before and after school and the children will get a chance to browse with their class during school time.


Our competition winners last week were Mrs Twitchett’s class with 99.2%. Well done! As a school we were 94.9%. Not such a good week.

102 children got 100% attendance last week. What a fantastic effort. Well done to everyone for trying to reach our target.

Our winners for 100% competition this week were Jack Oliver, Harrison and Liam.


Term-time holidays

Please ensure that you complete the notification of absence during term time form 2 weeks prior to the dates that you wish to take your child or children out of school during term time. Forms are available from the school office.

Pupil Voice

Rights Respecting Ambassadors:

We are starting our new mission given to us by Sally Holland. It is linked to the anti-bullying week and we have to raise awareness of bullying. We are making an anti-bullying display and are running a competition in school for children to design posters and make videos to make sure children know what to do.

School Council:

We have looked at last year’s school improvement plans and updated how well we did. We also led the parent session for school improvement where we shared all the things we are doing in school to help to make it even better. We are also organizing a coffee and cake event to support Macmillan Cancer this Thursday.

Clwb Eco:

We found out all about how plants can be used as symbols of power and change. We have focused on the poppy and will be planting a patch of poppies in memory of the centenary of the end of World War I. We will be asking the children to bring in pictures of relatives who lived through the war to display alongside the poppies in the spring.

Dinner Money

City and County of Swansea have now moved all schools onto a new cashless system called sQuid. Please ensure that all dinner money is now paid via the sQuid system. Letters were sent out at the end of last term with instructions on how to do this. If you require any assistance then please get in touch with Stef in the school office and she will help you set it up.

Please note that any credits from balances last year will be transferred to your sQuid account. We will also be contacting you if there are any monies owing from last term to settle these accounts.

Easy fundraising

Thank-you to everyone who has registered and joined easy fundraising to collect donations. We currently have 41 supporters and have raised a total of £908.06. So a big thank-you to everyone who is collecting donations and if you are not yet registered then please follow the steps below.

We are raising money for Knelston Primary School – Swansea via easy fundraising.

It’s so simple to get going all you have to do is:

1. Go to

2. Sign up for free

3. Get shopping and start raising

No catches, no hidden charges and Knelston Primary School - Swansea will be really grateful for your donations. It would be fantastic if you could join me and really help make a difference.

PTA Events


Christmas Masquerade Ball: 7pm Friday 8 December - plans are well underway for this exciting night!! Tickets are on sale now from the school office at £10 per person including a meal.  For catering purposes this will be a ticketed event so please buy your tickets well in advance.


Christmas Disco: Thursday 21 December - the end of term Christmas Disco promises lots of festive fun for the children!

Music Lessons

For those pupils who are having music lessons with Mrs Charlotte Gibbs, lessons are on a Tuesday so please remember to bring in your instruments and music books.

Mr X Christmas Appeal

This year we would like to support the Mr X appeal in Swansea which gathers Christmas gifts for children in social services care. We have been given 10 children to buy gifts for ranging from 5 years old to 9 years old.

We are looking for donations of toys and clothes to be used as Christmas gifts for the children. Please see the below suggested list of items that can be donated for the children:-

Pyjamas or onesie

Hat, gloves and scarfs.

Selection boxes

Arts and crafts – toys or colouring

Stationary sets

Reading books

Toys cars and trucks


Soft Toys

Board games – depending on ages

If you are able to buy or donate any of the suggested items then please bring them to the school office where they will be distributed to the children. We will be sending our items to social services week commencing the 4th December 2017.


|Date |Year Group |Club |

|Monday 20th November |All |Minecraft Club 3:30-4:30pm |

|Wednesday 22ndNovember |Y3-6 |Science Club 3:30-4:30pm |

|Thursday 23rd November |Y4-6 |Netball Club 3:30-4:30pm |

| | |Ukulele Club 3:30-4:15pm |

|Friday 24th November |Y5&6 |Football Club 3:30-4:30pm |

Forthcoming Dates

|Date |Year Group |Activity |

|20th – 24th November |All |Scholastic Book Fayre |

|Tuesday 28th November |All |School Photographs with Creative Photography |

|Friday 8th December |All |PTA Masquerade Ball at Reynoldston Hall 7pm till late |

|Tuesday 12th December |Foundation Phase |Christmas Concert 1:30-2:30pm |

|Wednesday 13th December |Foundation Phase |Christmas Concert 6-7pm |

|Thursday 14th December |All |Christmas Lunch & Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children |

|Monday 18th December |Foundation Phase |School Trip to Gower Christmas Trees & Winter Wonderland |

|Wednesday 20th December |Y3-6 |Christmas Pantomime – Jack & the Beanstalk |

|Thursday 21st December |All |Christmas Disco 3:30-5pm |

| | | |


|Date |

|Monday 8th January |

|Monday 16th April |

|Monday 4th June |

Term Dates

School term and holiday dates 2017/18

|Term |Term begins |Term ends |Mid-term holiday |Term begins |Term ends |Total days |

| | | |Begins |Ends |

|Spring 2018 |Monday |Friday |Monday |Friday |

| |8 January |16 February |19 February |23 February |

|Summer 2018 |Monday |Friday |Monday |Friday |

| |16 April |25 May |28 May |1 June |

|Total: |195 |


Right of the month: Everyone who works with children should always do what’s best for them


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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