Learn - Care Courses

[Pages:32]Care Courses

Offered by The Care Courses School, Inc. Distance learning for early childhood professionals


Terrific Training!


the courses are


affordable, and you


so much

Caring for caregivers, for the future is in their hands

Online Courses

with Printable Course File

See page 2 of this catalog or visit

to learn more.


with Optional Online Content

See page 3 of this catalog or visit

to learn more.

2017 C O U R S E



The Care Courses Gazette

Welcome to Care Courses!

For over 25 years Care Courses has been offering distance-learning courses for early childhood professionals and parents. Committed to children's well-being and happiness, we believe caregivers have one of society's most important jobs. Convenient and affordable, Care Courses can help you advance your childcare and business skills, meet many state training requirements and complete training to apply for or renew a National CDA, or renew a NECPA NAC. Study our courses at home or at work, learning when and where it's convenient for you.

Choosing a course

Interested in getting or renewing your National CDA? Please see pages 24-29 for more information. Need courses for your local licensing training requirements? Visit pages 22-23 to ensure that the course you wish to take is accepted in your area.

The Course Descriptions section on page 6 of this catalog includes information and symbols to help you choose what's right for you. A symbol key is provided on page 5. Try an easier course if you are new to distance learning or new to childcare. Great Beginnings and First Steps in Child Care are specifically written for those just starting in childcare. If you are an administrator or director you might choose a course written specifically for you. You can also choose courses based on the age of the children you work with. Or, you could join thousands of caregivers who started with one of our most popular courses: Keeping Infants Safe, Imagination at Play, or Discipline in Child Care. If you need your course immediately and are comfortable with computers, please try an online course; if you prefer to have training you can carry around with you, please choose our CourseBook format. If you need assistance making your choice, our friendly staff is always happy to help!

Online Courses

Online Courses are great because they are accessed quickly on your computer and can be read on your screen or printed to paper (every Online Course also includes a printable PDF course file). Please note that you must have a personal email address and personal online Care Courses account to take the online courses. Order courses directly from our website:

Getting Course Credit

Our Online Courses and CourseBooks all work basically the same way. Read the course material, answer "open-book" assessments based on the reading and submit your answers to us. Questions on your coursework? Unlimited free support is available via phone and email. We encourage students to work together in study sessions but require that all work and quiz answers be that of the individual student. Students must sign (or digitally acknowledge) our Honor Code & Study Strategies Policy included in every course indicating that all work is their own. All courses include reading material and assessments, and we always offer free grading. Specific instructions are included with each course. You must score 70% or better on each individual lesson to pass. If you score less than 70% on any individual lesson or assignment you are given a second chance to get a passing grade. Failure to pass the second time will result in no certificate. Official certificates are mailed to you (they cannot be faxed or emailed) and indicate both clock hours and IACET CEUs. Replacement certificates are always free; please call for assistance.

It was by far one of the best courses I've taken in a long time. I've been doing this for almost 30 years and while I'm required to take classes, they are the same ones over and over and this was so refreshing. Thanks so much and rest assured this is where I'll be coming for all of my trainings in the future.

Lori Fascilla, Boise, Idaho




CourseBooks are great because you can read them when and where you please, they are professionally printed, and when you are finished you can create a course library to refer to later. You can take our CourseBooks without ever using a computer at all. Order by phone or mail and submit all your coursework by mail. But... Want your work graded more quickly? Login to your personal online account and take your assesments online!

Books are sent by free standard shipping to your home or office address in the US or Canada, usually arriving within 10-15 business days from the day we receive payment. Faster US shipping is available as indicated on the chart on page 31. For international shipping, please check our website.

About Care Courses

Our friendly staff is committed to exceeding your expectations via phone during business hours 9-5 ET, M-F, and by email days, evenings and weekends. Our support is always free and unlimited. Please contact us when you have questions as we love to help.

Care Courses offers IACET CEUs, and our courses come in both book and online format. Our highly acclaimed curriculum developed primarily by education and child care experts Clairece Feagin (EdM, Harvard University) and Maxine Cornwell (PhD, University of Nebraska) provides practical, real-world information, insight, instruction and examples. Clairece, with her extensive background in writing distance-learning courses at the university level, has been writing courses for caregivers since 1986. Maxine, who retired in 1993 after 21 years as the Director of the Dept. of Child Development at N.E. Oklahoma A&M College in Miami, Oklahoma, spent years working with Head Start, as a CDA instructor and as president of the Oklahoma AEYC.

Care Courses offer great convenience and flexibility. Our courses come to you, so you need not travel or find lodging, spend your weekends away from home, or worry about cancelled workshops. We encourage you to complete the courses when it is convenient for you, spending as much time as you need to fully understand the material.

Happy Studying!

Care Courses is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU.

Thank you for Care Courses! It fits perfectly into my hectic schedule. It allows me to study at my own pace. I am able to further my education, while teaching and managing my center.

Molly Brown, Middletown, Maryland

Table of Contents

Page 2 The Care Courses Gazette 4 Frequently Asked Questions 5 Course List 6 Course Descriptions 22 US and Canada Information 24 National CDA & CDA Renewal 30 Ordering Information

Prices in this catalog good through December 31, 2017


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact Care Courses?

Office hours: M-F, 9-5 Eastern Time Phone: 1-800-685-7610 Please leave a message if you get our voicemail. We will return your call as soon as possible. Email: info@

Where do I go for these courses? Our courses come to you either in the mail or online. It's easy, fun, and you'll learn a lot.

Can I take a Care Course on my computer? Yes. Order a CourseBook and get access to optional online components, or order a fully Online Course and complete all the reading and assesments on the computer.

Can I do an Online Course on my tablet or smartphone? Yes, you can access our Online courses on tablets and smartphones. However, we do not recommend trying to complete a course on a small screen.

Do I need both the Online Course and a CourseBook? No. Order only one format: Online Course or CourseBook. Wondering which format is best for you? Call us and we can help!

How do I order Online Courses? On our website:

Can we share a CourseBook and just buy extra tests? No. Each Care Course tuition fee is per student.

What are the prerequisites for Care Courses? You must be able to read and write English fluently.

I need my certificate right away. Help! Certificates should arrive within 5-7 business days if you submit your work online, and 10-15 business days if you submit your work by mail. Please email or call our offices for faster certificate processing and delivery options.

How do I print my certificate? Care Courses issues official original certificates mailed to you through the US mail.

Do you offer any free courses? Yes. See page 13 for our free online course, A Joyful Life of Caregiving.

Is Care Courses IACET accredited? Yes. Care Courses is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). We comply with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices.

Are the courses accepted in my area? Care Courses are accepted for the National CDA in all states. They are accepted in most states for ongoing professional development training. Please see pages 22-23 for more information.

I need training topics, core knowledge areas, competencies, or other specific training areas for my state. Help! Find specific training topics and requirements for your area on our website by clicking on the North American map on our homepage and then selecting your area. Can't find what you need? Call or email us. We are happy to help!

May I use Care Courses to get or renew a National CDA? Yes. Please see pages 24-29 for details.

May I use Care Courses to renew my NAC?

Yes. Courses marked with the NAC icon are approved by the NECPA for NAC renewal. Please let us know if you are renewing your NAC so we can create the special NAC paperwork for you.

Does Care Courses offer college credit toward a bachelor's or associate's degree? No. Care Courses grant clock hours and IACET CEUs.

Does Care Courses accept purchase orders? We accept purchase orders from school districts, federal agencies and Head Starts. Please contact our billing department to inquire about ordering with a purchase order: billing@

How long do I have to complete my coursework? We recommend that you complete your coursework within 12 months of purchase.

How can I stay updated? Learn what's new at Care Courses by subscribing to our email newsletter and blog and by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Access all of these on our website:



Course List

Symbol Key

Easier Course

Perfect for students who have never taken distance learning courses before. Full of excellent information, these courses are also a great introduction to childcare.

Management Hours

These courses are particularly relevant for center directors and administrators.

NAC Approved

These courses are approved for continuing education requirements to renew the NECPA National Administrator Credential. Care Courses may not be used to obtain a NAC.


Course Titles

Clock Hours

6 Abuse and Neglect


6 Active or Hyperactive?




7 After-School Programs


7 The Art of Child Care


7 Biting Hurts!


7 Caring for Children in Your Home


8 Child Care Administration


8 Child Development and Guidance


8 Children with Special Needs: Autism Spectrum Disorder


8 Children with Special Needs: Physical Disabilities


9 Children's Challenging Behaviors


9 Conferencing with Parents


9 Creating Schedules and Routines


9 Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Programs


10 Day by Day with Toddlers: Curriculum Planning for Ages 12-24 Months 15

10 Discipline in Child Care


10 The Early Childhood Professional


10 Early Childhood Stress: Serious Stress in Children's Lives


11 Facilitating Staff Skill Development


11 Family Diversity


11 First Steps in Child Care: An Orientation


11 Friendly Environments, Safe Environments


11 Fun and Fitness: Addressing Childhood Obesity


12 Great Beginnings: An Introduction to Child Care


12 Great Days with Kids: Curriculum and Lesson Planning


12 Hiring the Best: Staffing Solutions for Early Childhood Facilities


12 Imagination at Play


12 Improving Staff Performance


13 Inclusive Early Childhood Programs


13 Infants in Child Care


13 A Joyful Life of Caregiving


13 Keepings Infants Safe


13 Language Development in Infants


14 Learning Centers


14 Let's Play Outdoors


14 The Magic of Play


14 Making Learning Fun


15 Managing Health and Safety in Child Care


15 Many Ways to Learn for Toddlers and Preschoolers


15 Mixed-Age Groups in Early Childhood Programs


15 Nurturing Children's Self-Esteem


16 Observing, Recording, and Assessing Children's Development


16 Parents and Child Care


16 Partnerships with Parents


17 Preschoolers in Child Care


17 Preventing Child Abuse and Helping Its Victims


17 Principles of Child Development and Learning


18 The Road to Reading


18 Safe Baby, Safe Child


18 Sanitation for Disease Prevention


18 School-Age Children: Spatial Intelligence


19 Social-Emotional Development in Young Children


19 Stress and Day Care


19 Sun Safety


19 Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care


19 Toddlers in Child Care


20 Toilet Learning


20 Transitions and Other Troublesome Times


20 Transportation Safety


20 Understanding Children


21 Understanding Each Other: Families, Staff and Community


21 Witnesses to Violence: Helping Children Cope in a Violent World


21 The Workplace Environment


Prices in this catalog good through December 31, 2017


Course Descriptions

Before choosing a course, please check pages 22-23 to learn more about which courses are accepted in your area.

Most courses cover information on a variety of topics, breakdowns of which can be found on our website by clicking on the course listing and/or the location map. Learning outcomes for each course can be found in the course descriptions on our website.

Clock hours and IACET CEUs (1 CEU = 10 clock hours) are indicated on all certificates.

Questions? Call 1-800-685-7610 or email us at info@. We are always happy to help!

Abuse and Neglect

5 Clock Hours

This course applies to children of all ages.

Learn ways to recognize various forms of child abuse and neglect, reasons for and results of child abuse and neglect, typical traits of abusive or neglectful parents, the caregiver's responsibility in reporting child abuse and neglect, and ways caregivers can help children who are the victims of child abuse and neglect. Also learn specific strategies to strengthen families to reduce the risk. Note: The material in this course also appears as Lesson 3 in the 12-clock-hour Care Course, Managing Health and Safety. Nevada caregivers please see our Nevada section on p. 22.

Format CourseBook:

Online Course:

Course ID# AAN-13A9


Tuition per student Tuition: $34.00

Tuition: $34.00

Active or Hyperactive?

30 Clock Hours

This course applies to preschool and school-age children.

Learn reasons behind many of children's troublesome behaviors. Examine the traits of active alert children and those who are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Learn to recognize and appreciate each child's unique qualities, ways to interact in a helpful manner with children whose behaviors are difficult, and ways to provide the love, affirmation, and acceptance these children need. This course includes two books, Active or Hyperactive? and Living with the Active Alert Child. Both books are included in the $70 tuition price. This course is not available in the Online Course format.

CourseBook with Textbook: AHY-83A9

Tuition: $70.00

ADHD10 Clock Hours

This course applies to preschool and school-age children.

Explore factors that can contribute to the difficult behaviors that are characteristic of ADD or ADHD and become familiar with a variety of treatments for ADD and ADHD. Learn ways to interact in a helpful manner with children whose behaviors are difficult. The course also identifies and describes a number of strategies and therapies that are available for helping overactive, impulsive, and inattentive children. Note: The material in this course also appears as Lessons 5 and 6 in the 30-clock-hour Care Course, Active or Hyperactive?

CourseBook: Online Course:


Tuition: $48.00

Visit Tuition: $48.00



After-School Programs

8 Clock Hours

This course applies to school-age children.

Learn the characteristics and needs of school-age children, the elements of high-quality afterschool programs, and how to establish a pleasant, fun atmosphere that meets children's needs. This course includes strategies for dealing with cliques, bullying, disagreements and fights; ideas for implementing an anti-bias curriculum; and age-appropriate games and activities.

Format CourseBook: Online Course:

Course ID# ASP-13A9 Visit

Tuition per student Tuition: $44.00 Tuition: $44.00

The Art of Child Care

20 Clock Hours

This course applies to children of all ages.

Learn the characteristics, qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of an effective early childhood professional; young children's learning goals; the importance of developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education; the importance of caregiver-child interactions for children's feelings of self-worth; ways to help children develop pro-social behaviors; and ways to facilitate children's learning through field trips and nature study activities.

CourseBook: Online Course:

ACC-13A9 Visit

Tuition: $57.00 Tuition: $57.00

Biting Hurts!

2 Clock Hours

This course applies to infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Learn why young children bite; strategies to prevent biting; appropriate ways to intervene in biting incidents; and how to talk to parents about biting.

CourseBook: Online Course:

BHU-13A9 Visit

Tuition: $18.00 Tuition: $18.00

Caring for Children in Your Home

20 Clock Hours

Written specifically for family childcare providers.

This course will help you view yourself and your work positively and professionally. This course presents many suggestions to help organize a home childcare business; create appropriate learning environments and plan fun activities to meet children's developmental needs; provide for children's health, safety, and nutrition; and develop positive relationships with parents. Record-keeping forms are included.

CourseBook: Online Course:

CFC-13A9 Visit

Tuition: $57.00 Tuition: $57.00

I've almost finished with my course ADHD; just taking my time to absorb and learn. My granddaughter has ADHD (grown now), so I already know a bit about it. I really, really like your courses! I like studying my book, then taking the test online. By the way, I never liked labeling children, so I really enjoyed the writings on Explorers (Hunters) and Farmers. I believe in this because I've seen SO many students in my 80+ years find their niche and really bloom. I'll keep on teaching as long as I can, so you folks keep on teaching us!

Lanelle Hearn, Lewes, Delaware

Prices in this catalog good through December 31, 2017


Course Descriptions

Child Care Administration

20 Clock Hours

Written expressly for the early childhood facility administrator.

This course explores the many facets of the job, including developing personnel policies; interviewing and hiring; communicating effectively; motivating staff; conducting staff meetings; evaluating staff, solving problems; managing change; planning and managing finances; and working with a board of directors.

Format CourseBook:

Online Course:

Course ID# CCA-13A9


Tuition per student Tuition: $57.00

Tuition: $57.00

Child Development and Guidance

20 Clock Hours

This course applies to infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

Learn the typical developmental characteristics of children from birth to six years of age, positive guidance techniques, as well as how to use daily routines and schedules to meet developmental needs, manage transitions with ease, plan a developmentally appropriate curriculum, and promote development through interesting activities. (For New York only: Before ordering this course, check our website for clock hours granted in New York.)

CourseBook: Online Course:


Tuition: $57.00

Visit Tuition: $57.00

Children with Special Needs: Autism Spectrum Disorder

16 Clock Hours

This course applies to preschoolers.

Study the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder; how children with autism learn and how their ways of learning differ from those of typically developing children; the reasons for unusual behaviors of children with autism; and strategies to help children with autism achieve their highest potential in an inclusive classroom. A section on interacting with families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder is included. This course includes two books, Children with Special Needs: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Both books are included in the $55 tuition price. (For New York only: Before ordering this course, check our website for clock hours granted in New York.)

Note: This course includes activities to be done with children. The children do not need to have Autism Spectrum Disorder to do the activities. You may do these activities with ANY children -- those in a child care or preschool setting, your own children, neighbors, relatives, etc., but you must do the activities with children to get credit for this course.

This course is not available in the Online Course format.



Tuition: $55.00

Children with Special Needs: Physical Disabilities

8 Clock Hours

This course applies to children of all ages.

All children have needs. Some have more specialized needs than others. Learn the goals of early education for children with special needs, the characteristics of common physical disabilities, how various disabilities affect children's ability to function, and curriculum adaptations to meet the needs of children with physical disabilities and help them develop and learn. (Illinois caregivers please see our Illinois section on p. 22.)

CourseBook: Online Course:


Tuition: $44.00

Visit Tuition: $44.00




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