
Wednesday & Thursday, March 25 & 26 2020Reading – I’ve taken pictures of our leveled readers and added a link on our weebly page. Choose one of the books to read today and the other will be read Thursday. Answer the discussion questions at the end of the story with an adult. *You can write them down or just discuss with an older sibling or adult. Writing – Let’s focus on the story element of characters this week. We meet some interesting characters in Cynthia Rylant’s story Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper’s House. Please complete 1 of the character work pages each day. I can’t wait to see the amazing and interesting characters you create! Spelling - There are 5 new Spelling City assignments. I’ve included a few videos this time too. I’ve also included a practice spelling test to give yourself on Friday.You Tube video on suffix ending ful & ly HYPERLINK "" – I have added RIT band cards to our website. The students are familiar with these. I use them at math centers as we practice our skills for MAP testing. Each day, pick 1 of the 4 categories, and practice a few cards. If the 181-190 cards seem easy for your child, try the 191-200 cards in the same category. There is a Think Central assignment for today alsoS.S. – This week will be focusing on your business still. How is your project coming along? Check out the rubric and make sure you’re working towards a 4.4 – student has a clearly defined business with a name prices are set and visible (on paper or poster)there is a variety of productsthere are enough products to sell to others3- student’s business is confusing and not clearly definedprices are not clear there is only 1 product to sellthere are not enough products to sell to others2 – can’t tell what your business islittle to no products to sellthere are no pricesAre you sure you completed the project at all?Religion – We now have free online access to our Sadlier Religion book. You can follow this link to the projects for the week HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" is the student page that has some saints listed HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" you’d like access to the entire textbook the website is HYPERLINK "*W4d7ctF87jgZQW1mQGWS7jz7VV0/*W7rjJWR6t0pfKW8s9_7r6p08QL0/5/f18dQhb0S1Xp6XvtZcKp7JjjJ2-Vn3RZM2nN64LVP4pvs5mD-GkW8F95D38Q-3WwW1KCQCR8MDG4XW2RgRFp5nMkCdW2MwbW27_MTsxW9kggXP2w04xVW9f7jSF99BlxqW7TZHTJ8H9YdPW3VqkjM4XxZw1N59v4kxKB8F-W6GJh-p4_kKMQW2rktBl2y9JFjW56N4vl4MD7j5W56-zdW2kc0D2W5q2zzn45PLc6W54yM8s2N_ZVxW7X9k5Y1dCpqyVkyyLh3bHlklW6VHQ1_2ltRvxVFlX_B7TNFJYW6f3BXj5zWgKmW5k7Z654HcpzYT4Jby59LWnLV-HkZ04ZQtx7W5GjG-225vRbkW6LNK-Y8-0qzZW1vCV5v6RY82cW8TmM0J5VmVw1W7J4_fc4lMgLpW1352VM2rbmQ0N7-TBh_c0_l6N47X5w0k_4v8W42WQXW62R1tXW9kjNn89l0sB_W2_bsPF7Gqpy2W8MrlG694Hq5dV41vf74RKG3_W7d-KSf5Q8R-BW7skmjc6yLC87W8ytNHY9h6G3ZW1b_P0t4hNw3GW30Bhx97cSQfSf1r7PXV11" \t "_blank" are the We believe series for 1st grade. You have to scroll down a bit on the page to find our book. ................

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