
Do you need CEUs/refresher credits for renewal of your certification?The Department has over 60 free courses available online that have been approved CEUs by the State’s EMS Medical Director. Successful completion of any of these courses will count toward the required 30 hours which includes two (2) hours in pediatric emergencies for renewal of your certification.The below listed courses are available through the Florida Department of Health’s Official Learning Management System. You must first create a TRAIN Florida account by going to on “Register,” which appears underneath the login on the left hand side of the screen. Review and accept the Terms and Conditions. Fill out all the necessary information on the subsequent pages.?When you have finished, click “Continue” to enter the site. You can search courses by their Course ID number in search box found in the upper right corner.If you have questions or need assistance setting up your account, accessing courses or question about completion certificates contact the Florida Department of Health Learning Management System at mailto:dohlmssupport@ Course IDCourse NameCEUs1050094Accessing information about chemicals and chemical hazards11058935Addressing Disaster & Emergency Stress beyond First Responders21023199Alternative Standards of Care in Disaster51004363Applied Epidemiology of Terrorist events51057308Assess & Manage of Travelers and returnees to the US from countries w/Ebola11037542Basic Epidemiology41005838Biological Response Preparedness for Emergency Medical Services41012706Bioterrorism: Factors for Emergence/reemergence of Infectious Diseases61012405Bioterrorism: Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Public Health Surveillance61012708Bioterrorism: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control41012705Bioterrorism: Infectious Disease Transmission Dynamics61012403Bioterrorism: Principals of Emerging Diseases81012399Bioterrorism: The Agents4Course Id1012139Course NameBioterrorism: The Public Health threatCEUs61058238CDR HEPC Pediatric Trauma11058234CDR HEPC Pediatric Decontamination11058233CDR HEPC Pediatric Disaster Mental health11058242CDR HEPC Pediatric Infectious Diseases11058239CDR HEPC Respiratory Problems in the Pediatric Patient11031530Clinical challenges in the Community Management of Patients with Special Needs in Disaster11006082Communications Gap: Linking First Responders and First Receivers21030495Community Management of an Epidemic Outbreak121027467Community Management of High-Dose Radiological Events1.51059852Cultural Competence in Emergencies11059113Cultural Competency for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response91037220Disaster Responder Health and Safety61031523Decision Making in Disasters: Lessons from the Field81023253EM 142: Incident Command System for healthcare with NIMS11023264EM 151: Patient Movement during Evacuations11018145EM 220.1: Best Practices for the Protection of Health Care-Based First Receivers - Hazard Awareness11018148EM 220.2: Best Practices for the Protection of Health Care-Based First Receivers - PPE11018150EM 220.3: Best Practices for the Protection of Health Care Facility-Based First Receivers (Decon)11023258EM 260: Geriatric Preparedness, Triage and Treatment in Disasters11061101Emergency Preparedness for Hospital Clinicians61019203Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response121042347Ethics and Public Health: How Public Health Reacts Ethically in a Disaster11012816Explosion and Blast Injury21058942Facing Fear: Crisis Communication and Disaster Behavioral Health21003880Food as an Effective Weapon of Terrorism31050815HAZMAT Awareness for First Responders11048173Health, Medicine & Reunification in School Disaster11048051Introduction to Mental Health Preparedness3Course ID1041124Course NameLatinos during Emergencies: Cultural Considerations impacting Disaster PreparednessCEUs11012716Mass Casualty Incident Triage41058944Medical Needs Sheltering21053279Not just small adults: Health resources on children in Disasters and Emergencies11043227Nuclear Power Plant Safety and the Public Health Response21057648Outbreak Update 2014-201511060767Packing your Digital Go-Bag: Essential Disaster Health Information on your mobile device11012718Pediatric Issues in Disasters and Emergencies71032690Pediatric Trauma and Disaster41008945Personal Preparedness11051588Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)11010709Planning for a Mass Casualty Incident; START Triage31004365Practice-Based scenarios for recognition, detection and exposure assessment of Chemical Terr Agent31022214Psychological First Aid (PFA) Online51047388Radiation Disaster Issues in Children: An Approach to the Patient21028062Radiological Events in a Community: Low Dose21058943Supporting Children in Times of Crisis21023200The Management of Epidemic Disease51004362The Terrorist threat to Global Food, Water and Agriculture Infrastructure: What can we do31060321Transportation Triage During Emergencies11015350Understanding and responding to the needs of Children after Large-Scale Disasters21013353Vectors of Disease in Disasters4 ................

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