
Lesson plan 1

Subject: “WWF – let’s safe the animals”

Group characteristics:

Age: 5 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 14


- Learner knows what WWF is

- Learner reviews names of the animals

- Learner watches and understands the film

- Understands term “endangered”

- Learner listens to the interview and reads it


- Animals vocabulary

- Practice of listening, reading and writing

Teaching aids: laptop, prezi presentation prepared by teacher, a film from WWF website, Student’s book “New Friends 2”, CD “New Friends 2”


1. Teacher starts with prezi presentation (it’s attached). She shows Ss only the logo of the organization and asks do they know what organization is it and what do the letters mean. Ss can answer in L1. T follows the presentation and reviews information in English. WWF means Word Wild Fund for Nature (writes it on the blackboard). It’s a charity organization, they work to safe wild animals, especially endangered species (writes endangered on the blackboard and asks for translation into Polish). They want people live in harmony with nature. They collect money and educate.

2. T stops presentation before showing the pictures of animals and asks to watch a film:

Asks Ss to concentrate at endangered species enumerated in the film. They watch it for the second time, they have to write down the animals

T gets back to the presentation and asks to check their answers with the pictures. Asks to name the animals in the pictures.

3. T asks them to listen to the interviews with a boy who joined WWF. They listen to it twice, first with their books closed, then following the text (Save the animals!) They underline and ask questions about the words, they didn’t understand.

4. T asks to do an exercise – put a tick or cross next to the sentences connected to the text.


Ss were interested in and actively participated in the lesson. They especially liked the presentation. Ss didn’t manage to do last exercise – it was a homework.

Lesson plan 2

Subject: Describing the animals

Group characteristics:

Age: 5 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 14


- Learner knows the names of animals

- Learner can divide animals into groups

- Learner creates his/her own animal on the website

- Learner describes the animal


- Animals vocabulary

- Practice of writing

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, notebooks.


1. Teacher asks to brainstorm in pairs the names of animals that they remember. Ss write down the names.

2. T explains that we can divide animals into groups like amphibians, birds, insects, mammals, reptiles. T shows Ss pictures as an examples. Each pair has to choose at least one animal that can be assigned to each group. If they don’t have an animal from one of the groups they can check it on the internet. Then all of them give their answers and fill in the chart.

3. T says that these are real animals, but on the internet we can create our own animal by switching parts of different animals. Asks Ss to go to the website: and create animals. T asks to listen to her. When they decide on the animal they have to describe it. T gives an example how to describe the animals. My animal has got head of donkey, body of a bear, legs of an ostrich and tail of fish. It’s name is Donk-be-fish. If somebody finishes reads the description. In case of not enough time they are finishing at home.

|amphibians |birds |insects |mammals |reptiles |

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The division of the animals was too detailed, they had some problems with amphibians, but in this way they ‘ve learnt some new words. At the beginning I thought that this website is too childish, but after laughing that it’s for children they had fun in creating their own animal. I think that such an exercises are required as well, students just won’t admit it.

Lesson plan 3

Subject: What time is it?

Group characteristics:

Age: 4 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 12


- Learner can ask and answer the question: What’s the time?

- Learner uses abbreviations a.m. and p.m.


- Vocabulary connected with telling time.

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, notebooks.


1. T shows the clock and explains how to tell the time in English. She says that if we divide the clock to two parts what’s on the right is “past” and on the left “to”, similar like in Polish “po” and “za”. She also says that in Polish there’s 18 and in English it’s always 6, only a.m. or p.m. A.m. is in the morning and in the afternoon it’s p.m.

2. T asks Ss how do we ask about time (“What’s the time?” or “What time is it”) and the expression “o’clock”. T writes this on the blackboard and “quarter”, “half”. Gives examples using the clock: It’s one o’clock. It’s quarter past one. It’s half past one. It’s quarter to two. It’s two o’clock. T asks to write the examples down. T says that with other minutes it’s similar: It’s ten (minutes) past one. It’s five (minutes) to seven etc.

3. T sets the clock and asks “What time is it?” Volunteer answers. T writes down the sentence on the blackboard and asks Ss to copy and draw a clock.

4. T asks them to practice and play a game on the website

Ss have to read time in words and stop the clock when the hands are in the correct position. They can choose the hand speed (what gives them more or less time to think.

Comment to lesson plan 3:

I think this online clock was a good idea. Especially practice was nice, because they could have adapt difficulty level to their abilities. In this way nobody failed. It’s important, especially in case of children with learning problems.

Lesson plan 4

Subject: What time is it? Practice

Group characteristics:

Age: 4 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 9


- Learner practices to tell time

- Reviews weather vocabulary


- Vocabulary connected with telling time and weather

- Description of the weather and time in the cities around the word.

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, notebooks.


1. T asks Ss asks Ss to review material.

T asks Ss to prepare for each other exercise. They write 5 hours and daytime like 11.15 (evening). They exchange and partner writes sentences, in case of this one – It’s a quarter past eleven p.m.

2. T asks Ss questions:

What’s the time now? (in Warsaw)

What’ the weather like?

What’s the weather like in summer? (shows picture)

What’s the weather like in winter?(shows picture)

3. Go to site

Look on the top of the site are continents: Africa, America, South America, Asia, Australia. T asks to choose one city from each continent and write down the current time there. T says that if they click on the continent they will see the list of cities. T asks to click on Africa, then click on Agadir. There’s local time there and weather description. T says that Ss also have to describe weather in each city. Gives example: It’s 10 o’clock a.m. in Warsaw. It’s morning. It’s sunny.

The same with another cities.

4. T asks to read their descriptions.


This website is very good. Stronger Ss can look at weather pictures and write it by themselves and weaker one can use a short description, which is already there. I was surprised, but for some of Ss it was hard to navigate this site.

Lesson plan 5

Subject: Days of the week - practice

Group characteristics:

Age: 3 grade of elementary school

Level: beginners

Number of students: 23


- Learner practices days of the week and food vocabulary

- Learner sings a song


- Food vocabulary, days of the week

- Listening and singing to the song

- Practices written form of the vocabulary

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, blackboard, copies of the song


1. T asks volunteers to say days of the week. Asks to write down days on the blackboard in the correct order. Writes on the blackboard “before” and “after”, says what does the words mean in Polish. Asks questions like “What the day is before Sunday?”, points to the day.

2. T asks them to go to the website and in pairs play a game similar to hangman. Asks to try to read the hint, however if they don’t know they can guess the letters.

3. T says that they are going to learn a song but before they have to do an exercise, try to read words and match them with pictures. To check T reads the word and volunteers say the answer in Polish. T asks them to look and listen to a song. T asks them whether they understood the text. Listen for the second time and try to remember the names of children. They are given the text and have to fill in missing words (days and names of children).

4. After checking they try to sing the song.

Text of the song

M………… night M………. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

T……………. night T………….. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

W………………… night W………….. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

T……………… night T……………….. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

F……………………. night F…………….. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

S……………………. night S………………… had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

S………………… night S……………….. had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Pizza and chips!

I’m going to eat you with pizza and chips!

Comment to lesson plan 5:

In case of computers I believe that for younger Ss pair work is a good idea. Weaker were with the stronger ones. I checked whether they equally take part in the exercise. They had fun, but there were some quarrels as well. The song has one big advantage, there’s a film so it was easier for them to understand the words.

Lesson plan 6

Subject: What can it do?

Group characteristics:

Age: 2 grade of elementary school

Level: beginners

Number of students: 15


- Learner practices to write about abilities (can)

- Learner reviews action verbs

- Learner watches and understands the film


- Action verbs (play football, jump, dance, fly etc.)

- Writing a description

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, MS Paint


1. T asks to review the words from dictionary in the end of their book. Asks one of Ss to show an action and the rest has to guess what is she/he doing.

2. T says a few sentences about herself, for example I can read, I can’t sing.

Asks Ss questions, What about you, can you read? They answer with Yes, I can, No, I can’t.

3. T shows Ss short film on YouTube - What can you do?

They talk about the film for a while.

4. T says that they watched film about special pumpkin. Asks Ss to imagine a special fruit, thing or animal, like SuperCat. They have to draw it (using Paint) and write a few sentences what it can do. When they are about to start writing T gives them hints: This is my…. It can…

Comment to lesson plan 6:

Some time ago I conducted similar lesson to this one. However they draw a picture in their notebooks. Using a computer was far more interesting. There were no problems during the lesson.

Lesson plan 7

Subject: Alphabet - practice

Group characteristics:

Age: 3 grade of elementary school

Level: beginners

Number of students: 15


- Learner practices the letters of alphabet

- Can find graphics on the internet


- Alphabet letters, words spelling

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, notebooks


1. T plays the “Alphabet song” and asks to sing it. T shows them flashcards with letters and asks “What letter is it?” Everybody has to name the letter.

2. T writes some words on the blackboard: (banana, milk, robot, book, ruler, cat) and asks Ss to spell it.

3. T asks them to use internet to find letters. In pairs they can decide what letters they like or are hard for them to remember. They make a list of this 6 letters. T explains how to find the letters. Asks Ss to click on Google graphic and write down “letter a”, choose the image of letter they like most, for example a letter with the picture that starts with this letter, like this


T shows them some examples. Then they copy the picture to Word program.

In the end of the lesson they change their seats and look at the letters their classmates has chosen.

Comment to lesson plan 7:

Surprisingly, it wasn’t easy to plan this lesson and to find suitable activities. In case of alphabet there are a lot of printable exercises. Others I found like better to do at home. I know that if children do something by themselves they memorize it better. That’s why I decided that they should find the letters. I gave them a hint that they should choose not only their favourite ones or the easiest, but the hardest as well.

Lesson plan 8

Subject: “How to practice the vocabulary?”

Group characteristics:

Age: 5 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 10


- Learner practices the words chosen by teacher

- Learner listens and writes the words using exercises on the website

- Is able to use the program by himself, while studying at home


- Vocabulary: adjectives, furniture, jobs.

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access.


1. T says that they are going to work using really helpful website to practice vocabulary. Asks them to log in to the website

And there’s Spelling + Vocab Program, that they are going to use. If they want to use it at home they have to create an account. Program is free. However now they just have to log in. It’s in the right lower corner of the page. She gives Ss password. They have to select program now.

2. Click on the Spelling + Vocabulary. T says that here they can create a word list and explains how to do that. There’s already a list of words, she wants them to practice. She asks them to click on Word introduction. First they are going to listen to sentences with the word, then read them. They also have to write down the word. Asks them to skim the list.

3. Asks to click on Spelling Bee. They are going to listen to the word and sentence, they have to spell the word to fill in the sentence. If the answer is wrong, there will be the comment.

4. T asks them to click on the Crossword puzzle. In pairs they have to fill in the crossword. They try to do it by themselves, then they check the answers.

5. T asks them whether they liked the exercises. Gives them time take a look at another exercises available in this program. Asks Ss to practice some other words using this website at home.

That’s how the program looks:



Some students had a problem to navigate the program. I tried to help them. For some of them the exercises were too advanced. I tried to avoid it and that’s why I wanted them to do crossword in pairs. However I think that for stronger students it’s a good tool to review vocabulary.

Lesson plan 9

Subject: Do you like…?

Group characteristics:

Age: 4 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 15


- Learner can answer the question: What’s your favourite food?

- Learner can answer the question: Do you like…? Does he/she like?

- Listens to the story from the book


- Food vocabulary, Present Simple questions

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, books “New Friends 1”


1. T asks Ss to listen to a story “Crazy pets”. They should open their books and follow the text while listening for the second time.

2. T asks to do an exercise 2. Put tick in case of true sentences and cross in case of false sentences. They check it out loud.

3. T shows Ss a poster with children on the picnic. They have to name the food, which they know. If they don’t know T gives the answer. To practice T points to food, they all give an answer.

4. T asks to look at Language box. Reads it and gives some more examples of questions Do you like…? and Does he like…? and answers. Asks some volunteers. Asks if they remember question: What’s your favourite food? And how to answer this question (they should know it from the lower grades).

5. T asks Ss to do a class survey on their computers. They have to choose one answer and in last question answer with one word. When they finish, T collects responses and they analyze the results. (survey is attached)

Comment to lesson plan 9:

This time I’ve learnt that it isn’t easy to combine regular lesson with the computer one. There isn’t enough space on the tables. Next time I would probably give them survey as the homework. We analyzed results at the next lesson.

Lesson plan 10

Subject: The longest river

Group characteristics:

Age: 6 grade of elementary school

Level: elementary

Number of students: 10


- Learner knows the comparative and superlative form of adjectives and adverbs

- Learner understands text about rivers

- Knows the names of rivers in English


- Comparative and superlative forms

- Information about rivers

Teaching aids: computers with the internet access, handout, world map


1. T gives each pair of students word cloud. Ss have to find adjectives or adverbs among other words and write the comparative and superlative form. They read forms out loud to check their work. T asks what word is the biggest and why is it so big?

2. T explains that they will talk about the longest rivers in the world. Asks them if they know which river is the longest? T divides them into 3 members group and tells them to pick a piece of paper. On this paper there’s the name of the river they will investigate.

3. T tells the group that selected Nile to visit (they can also try to find some more information by themselves)

and Amazon, Yangtze and Mississippi to visit

4. They have to read the information about the river, fill in the handout and find the river on the map. Then they share the information with their classmates. T reminds them that they don’t have to understand every word and if they want to check the word they can use Google Translator or one of the online dictionaries.

Word cloud



Name of the river ……………………………………………………………………….



How long is the river? Is it the longest?


Which countries does the river flow through?


Other interesting information




Comment to lesson plan 10:

This lesson was an ambitious one. Texts weren’t easy and we didn’t manage to do everything that I planned. The level was a bit too high.


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