Birmingham City Council Homepage

Suggestions for Online Safeguarding Training

We have complied a list of safeguarding training and reading that you may want to direct staff to as tasks to complete either at home or in school. The list is not exhaustive and we have not necessarily quality assured all of them, but all are from reputable training providers or government agencies. We will add to this list over the coming weeks and would be interested to hear of any recommendations.

All the training listed below is free of charge.

|Topic |Description | Link |Cost |

|ACES |Online accredited with certificate. | |FREE |

| | | | |

|ACES |Short animated information video | |FREE |

|Anti-bullying |Free online training with certification | |

| | |ls-and-teachers/free-cpd-online-training | |

|CSE |20/30 minute introductory course by the Virtual |about-cse/keep-them-safe/ |FREE |

| |College. | | |

|FGM |Home Office offers free online training for | |FREE |

| |front line professionals in identifying and | | |

| |helping girls at risk of FGM. | | |

| | |Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | |

| | | | |

|FGM |Factsheet |.uk/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/. |FREE |

|Forced Marriage |Home Office - aims to raise awareness, challenge| |FREE |

| |perceptions and inform practitioners of the | | |

| |correct actions to take |Forced Marriage | |

|Harmful Sexual Behaviour |Website – Reading for staff to familiarise |.uk/our-work/category/sexual-behaviours-traffic-lig|FREE |

| |themselves with. |ht-tool | |

|Modern Slavery | Home Office - The resource contains basic |.uk/modern-slavery-training-resource-page |FREE |

| |awareness raising materials | | |

|Prevent |Training package is for anyone who may be asked | |

| |to contribute to a Channel Panel. | | |

| | | | |

| |Introduction to the Prevent duty. | | |

| | | | |

| |Resources | |

| | |d-training-school-leaders/ | |

|Mental Health |Self-Harm and Risky Behaviour online module |.uk |FREE |

| | | | |

|Mental Health |Virtual College & Self harm UK ||FREE |

| | |-young-minds | |

|Diabetes |Virtual College - Supporting children with type |Type 1 Diabetes Training |FREE |

| |1 diabetes | | |

|Anaphylaxis and Allergies|Website with useful info for schools | |FREE |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Link to online training | | |

| | | | |

|Asthma |Website with information and resources | |FREE |

| | | | |

|Contextual Safeguarding |Videos and information | |

| | |-podcasts | |

| | | | |

|Birmingham Children’s |Resources and information relating to Birmingham| |FREE |

|Safeguarding Partnership |including Early Help and Right Help Right Time. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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