RFP Template - MTS

Purchasing documentation on

Open Request for Proposals for Contract Awarding to Provide CRM License to “K-Telecom” CJSC for the Period of Year 2010




Company Profile 3

1. General Provisions 4

1.1. General information on Request for Proposals 4

1.2. Legal status of procedures and documents 4

1.3. Appeal 6

1.4. Other provisions 6

2. Subject of RFP 8

2.1. The subject of RFP is as follows: 8

3. Order of execution of Request for Proposals 10

3.1. Preparation of Proposals 10

3.2. Requirements to Applicants. Approval of compliance with the presented requirements 12

3.3. Submission and acceptance of Proposals 14

3.4. Amendment and call back of Proposals 15

3.5. Evaluation of Proposals 16

3.6. Decision-making 19

3.7. Agreement conclusion 19

3.8. Rights of the Applicant that provided the best offer for RFP 19

3.9. Notification of Applicants about the results of Request for Proposals 20

4. Samples of standard forms of documents, included in the Annex 21

4.1. Letter about offer submission (Form 1) 21

4.2. Technical/Commercial Proposal on provision of works, goods or services (Form 2) 23

Applicant’s Questionnaire (Form 3) 24

Technical specification of the EXISTING hardwares (Annex 3) 26

Oracle Licenses (Annex 4) 27

Implementation and professional services (Annex 5) 28

Company Profile

“K-Telecom” CJSC (VivaCell-MTS), is Armenia’s leading mobile operator with over 2 million subscribers. Starting its activity on July 1, 2005, VivaCell-MTS spearheaded the development of the telecommunication sector in Armenia, offered innovative mobile voice and data products and services, and tailored solutions for different market segments. On September 14, 2007, the Company became the subsidiary of “Mobile TeleSystems” OJSC (MTS), one of the world’s largest multinational mobile operators.

VivaCell-MTS has become the choice of remote mountainous villagers, housewives, youth, middle-class, as well as travelling business people. VivaCell-MTS also paved the way and leads the partnership with the society through its Corporate Responsibility: everywhere hand in hand with all Armenians in social, cultural, health, sports, educational and humanitarian activities.

General Provisions

1 General information on Request for Proposals

1. “K-Telecom” CJSC (legal address: 4/1 Argishti str., Yerevan, Armenia), (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer), with the public notification posted on its website at mts.am/procurement on conducting Open Request for Proposals, has invited IT organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Applicants) for submission of Proposals with the right to conclude agreement on CRM License with “K-Telecom” CJSC for the Year 2010

2. For further information, please apply to the Organizer

Contact person: Rousanna Apoyan

Analytical Officer

Administration Services Department

Purchasing Unit

“K-Telecom” CJSC (VivaCell-MTS)

4/1 Argishti Street

Yerevan 0015, Armenia

Tel.: +374 93 298507

Fax: +374 93 298541

E-mail: procurement@mts.am

3. The complete information on participation in open purchasing process is posted on the Organizer’s website at mts.am/procurement.

4. The procedures as well as instructions on participation and preparation of Proposals for open purchasing process are provided in the Section 4.

5. No fee is foreseen for provision of RFP Documentation.

2 Legal status of procedures and documents

6. The Open Request for Proposals (RFP) is not a tender and the given procedure of Open RFP is also not considered as a public tender. It is a collection of respective offers available in the market, as a result of which the best offer might be accepted. The process of the Request for Proposals is not regulated by the Articles 463-465, 1043-1044 of RA Civil Code and Law “On Public Auctions”.

7. Publication of RFP in compliance with point 1.1.1. with its indispensable annexes is the invitation to submit Proposals and must be considered by the Applicants as such.

8. Applicant’s Proposal has legal status of offer, which should include all the essential terms of the given contract and shall be considered by the Organizer in compliance with this Document. The Organizer reserves the right to determine Applicants’ Proposals, as firm offers, which are not subject to further changes except for the cases foreseen by this Document.

9. The Agreement concluded on the basis of RFP Process results, stipulates all agreements reached by the Parties.

10. In the course of determination of Agreement terms with the Applicant that submitted the best offer the following documents are used with the strict order of the indicated hierarchy (in case of their controversy):

a) Notification about conducting Open RFP and this Documentation on Open RFP for all the executed stages including all the addenda and clarifications;

b) Applicant’s Proposal with all the attachments and clarifications in compliance with Requirements of the Organizer.

11. Other documents of the Organizer and the Applicants do not define the rights and obligations of the parties with regard to the current Open RFP.

12. In all other cases, which are not regulated by the Notification about conducting the Open RFP and current Documentation on Open RFP, parties are governed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia (RA).

13. Upon the authority of submitting Proposal and in case of waving the right to call them back according to the procedure stipulated by the given Document and RFP, the Applicants shall agree with the procedures and provisions prescribed by the given Document and RFP.

3 Appeal

14. All disputes and disagreements, arising as a result of conducting the RFP, including the one, concerning execution of obligations by Organizer and Applicants, should be resolved through negotiations. When one of the parties receives a claim, it shall send the response to the other party within 10 working days from the moment of its receipt. In case disputes are not regulated after 30 days of their commencement, they should be regulated according to the rules and procedures of RA legislation.

4 Other provisions

15. The Applicants independently incur the expenses with regard to the preparation and submission of the Proposal, whereas the Organizer is not responsible for those expenses and has no obligations regardless of the course and results of the purchasing process.

16. The Organizer provides reasonable confidentiality regarding all the information received from the Applicants, including the one described in the Proposal. This information may be provided to other Applicants or to a Third Party only in cases directly stipulated by the existing legislation of RA or the given RFP Documentation.

17. The Organizer reserves the right to reject the Proposal if he/she ascertains that the Applicant expressly or by implication gave, agreed to give or offered the Organizer’s employee reward in any form: job, service, any value as a stimulus that can influence the decision-making to define the best offer.

18. The Organizer has the right to reject the Proposals of the Applicants, which came to an agreement with each other on the determination of best offer or for the purpose of having impact on that process.

19. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the purchasing process on conducting an Open RFP at least 3 days prior to the closing date of this Open RFP (as specified in item 3.3.4.), respectively notifying about it the Applicants via posting of this information on mts.am/procurement webpage. The Organizer bears no responsibility for the expenses incurred by the Applicants or Third Parties as a result of such cancellation.

Subject of RFP

1 The subject of RFP is as follows:

VivaCell-MTS is seeking for licenses and implementation of CRM on existing hardwares for its telecom’s network. The primary objective for VivaCell-MTS is the implementation of corporate sales module of Oracle-Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This will be integrated with the billing and charging system via the Microsoft BizTalk server 2009 using SOAP/XML web. This means maximize sales effectiveness in real time by accelerating the quote-to-cash process, aligning sales channels, increasing pipeline and win rates, and raising average transaction values.

For detailed technical specification of the existing hardwares please refer to Annex 3.

For License requirements please refer to Annex 4.

For Implementation and professional services requirements please refer to Annex 5.

20. Technical part

• Requirements to the resources ( qualified personnel, certified specialists);

✓ Work experience of Sun M5000 series servers’ installment and deployment;

✓ Sun Certified engineer for Sun M5000 series;

✓ Sun certification with authorization to support and deploy entry-level SPARC, X64 servers and storage

2. Commercial part

• For applicants registered in RA It is recommended to submit proposals in AMD, VAT excluded (if the prices are mentioned in other currency the RA Central Bank’s of data will be used for further calculation according to the daily exchange rate);

• Applicants registered outside of RA should specify product price in USD (DDU, Yerevan);

• All fees related to the certification in the RA for the equipments delivered under the scope of this RFP, will be settled by the Applicant. As well any document, technical information or even factory test for the equipment will be the responsibility of the Applicant and the cost of such shall be included in their offer.

The commercial part may contain conditions that are critical for the given Purchasing activity. In this case, the participants of the purchasing procedure have to specify their consent/disagreement with those conditions.

2.2. The Applicants’ Proposals should be elaborated in accordance with Forms in Section 4.

Order of execution of Request for Proposals

1 Preparation of Proposals

21. General requirements to Proposal

The Applicant who wishes to respond to the RFP must prepare a Proposal, which shall include:

1. Letter about offer submission in the form and according to instructions, stipulated in this Documentation (Form № 1 );

2. Technical/Commercial Proposal for provision of goods, works or services in the form and in accordance with instructions, stipulated in this RFP (Form № 2);

3. Price proposal in accordance with instructions indicated in this RFP;

4. The draft Agreement in accordance with instructions stipulated in this RFP;

5. Documents, which prove the Applicant’s compliance with requirements of this RFP (subpoint 3.2.).

22. The Applicant shall submit all documents in hard copies. The Applicant shall also submit electronic version of the proposal to procurement@mts.am e-mail address prior to RFP submission deadline. The electronic version of the file shall be protected by password of at least 12 characters combined of letters, numbers, symbols etc. The password of the proposal shall be enclosed in the envelope of the hard copy of the Proposal submitted to Organizer. The Applicant bears responsibility for non-compliance to this request.

23. The Applicant is entitled to submit only one Proposal. In case of violation of this rule, all Proposals of this Applicant are rejected without consideration of their merits.

24. If there are multiple lots, the Participant prepares an individual Proposal for each lot applied. All Proposals shall be filled in according to this purchasing Documentation and have to be placed in different envelopes and shall be sealed with the stamp of the Applicant. The lot numbers have to be specified on the envelopes. Afterwards the envelopes have to be inserted into the envelope of the Applicant.

25. Each document, included in the Annex, should be signed by the person who, pursuant to RA legislation, is entitled to act on behalf of the Applicant without power of attorney, or the person duly authorized by the Applicant on the basis of notarized power of attorney. In the second case, the original of the power of attorney shall be fixed as an Attachment.

26. Each document, enclosed in Applicant’s Proposal, must be sealed with Applicant’s seal.

27. Documents (sheets or informational envelopes), included in Proposal, should be fixed or packed in a way that would prevent documents or informational envelopes from accidental loss or replacement.

28. Applicant shall prepare one original and one copy of Proposal in each language (if multiple languages are applied), on which the words “original” and “copy” should respectively be indicated.

29. Neither of corrections in the Proposal text has legal force, except for the cases, when these corrections are authorized by handwritten script “corrections are verified” and personal signature of the authorized person is indicated next to each correction.

30. Requirements to the language of Proposal

1. All the documents, included in the Proposal, should be prepared in Armenian and/or English with the exception of the following:

The documents original copies of which were presented to the Applicant by Third Parties in another language, may be presented in the original language, with attached translation of these documents into Armenian and/or English (in specially envisaged cases the translation must be apostilled), for authentication of which the Applicant is responsible. In case of revealing discrepancies between the translation and the original of the document, the Organizer makes a decision on the basis of the translation.

31. Clarification of Documentation on Request for Proposals

1. Applicants are entitled to apply to the Organizer for clarification of this RFP. The requests for clarification of RFP should be submitted in the written form with the signature of the head of the organization or another responsible person authorized by the Applicant.

2. Organizer, within reasonable period, should provide an answer to any question received not later than 2 days prior to the deadline of Proposal receipt (point 3.3.4.). If, in Organizer’s opinion, the given question is of interest to all the Applicants, the answer copy (without indication of the question source) should be announced to all the Applicants via the same communication means used for posting this announcement.

32. Amending Documentation on Request for Proposals

1. The Organizer is entitled to amend this Documentation on Request for Proposals before the deadline for submission of the Proposals but not later than 3 days prior to the submission deadline, except for the cases when these amendments do not change the significant conditions indicated in RFP.

2. All Applicants shall be immediately notified on the matter of such amendments via the same communication means used for posting this announcement.

33. Prolongation of the deadline of Proposals acceptance

1. If necessary, Organizer has the right to prolong the deadline of Proposals acceptance, stipulated in subpoint 3.3.4. with notification to all Applicants in compliance with the procedure, stipulated in

2 Requirements to Applicants. Approval of compliance with the presented requirements

34. Requirements to Applicants

1. Any legal entity has the right to submit Proposals in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in this Documentation. In order to qualify for the best offer and for the right to conclude Agreement, Applicant should comply with the following requirements at the moment of the Proposal submission in compliance with this Documentation on Request for Proposals:

a) Work experience in the relevant market not less than 1 year(s);

b) Sustainable financial situation of the company;

c) Work experience in the CRM development and implementation area not less than 5 years;

d) Organization should not be filed for bankruptcy, liquidation or reorganization; its property should not be arrested;

e) Company Profile ( Experience, Quality Approval);

f) General Requirements (Support, Performance, Configuration and Maintenance, Project plan, Acceptance tests and reports);

g) Organization should not be filed for bankruptcy, liquidation or reorganization; its property should not be arrested;

h) Oracle licenses should be based on MTS Group discounts.

35. Requirements to documents, which prove the compliance of the Applicant with the presented ones

1. Applicant should include in the Proposal Documentation the following documents certifying its compliance with the above mentioned requirements:

a) copies of constituent documents;

i) copies of state and tax registration and certificates;

j) reference about payment of the charter capital, signed by the organization head and chief accountant;

k) reference certifying absence of court procedures in connection with liquidation or reorganization or arrest of its property signed by the head of organization;

2. Special requirements:

l) Other documents, which, in Applicant’s opinion, certify his compliance with the set requirements, with the respective comments, elucidating on the purpose of submission of this documentation;

m) List of companies and contact persons that can provide information/reference.

3. All the indicated documents shall be attached to the Proposal by the Applicant.

4. In case, when for some reasons, Applicant cannot present the required documents, Applicant should propose a reference elaborated in a free form, which explains the reason why the required document are missing, as well as gives warranties to Organizer about Applicant’s compliance with the given requirements.

3 Submission and acceptance of Proposals

36. Prior to submission, the original Proposal and its copy should be properly sealed in the envelopes (packages, boxes, etc.). The Proposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope with “Original Proposal” indication. Copy of the Proposal should be sealed in envelope, indicated with words “Copy of Proposal”. The following information should be indicated on each envelop:

• “K-Telecom” CJSC (legal address: 4/1 Argishti str., Yerevan, Armenia);

• Full business name of the Applicant and its mail address;

• Full name of the RFP or the lot for which the Proposal is submitted.

It is advised to submit Proposals and other related documents and envelopes made of recycled paper.

37. Sealed envelopes with the Proposal and its copy are enclosed in one external envelope, which should be sealed as well. The following information should be indicated on the external document:

• ”K-Telecom” CJSC (legal address: 4/1 Argishti str., Yerevan, Armenia);

• Words: “Do not open before 17:00 o’clock (Yerevan time) 11/08/2010. It can be opened only at the Tender Committee meeting”.

• Complete name of the RFP or a lot for which the Proposal is submitted.

38. Applicants should provide the delivery of their Proposals to the Organizer’s location: “K-Telecom” CJSC (legal address: 4/1 Argishti str., Yerevan, Armenia). In case of sending the Proposal by courier mail, it is necessary to notify the courier service representative or courier about this order of Proposal delivery.

39. Organizer stops accepting Proposals at 17:00 o’clock (Yerevan time) 11/08/2010. Proposals, received later than the term indicated above, will be rejected by the Organizer without consideration of their essence.

40. Organizer submits the reference to the person, who delivers the envelope, about its receipt with indication of receipt time.

4 Amendment and call back of Proposals

41. The Applicant is entitled to change or call back already submitted Proposal provided that a respective written application is received by the Organizer three days prior to the deadline for Proposals submission (item 3.3.4.). The changing of the Proposal is carried out in accordance with the procedure stipulated by this Documentation on Proposal submission. The applications for changing of the Proposals received after the deadline, set forth by the given item, would not be considered and the Proposals will be considered by Organizer with their initial content.

42. In the case of change of the Proposal, the Applicant has to prepare and submit the following documents:

• Application to the Organizer with the request to change the Proposal, which has to be provided on the letterhead of the Applicant;

• List of changes to be made in the Proposal specifying the documents of the original Proposal, which are affected by the change;

• New versions of the documents that are to be changed.

43. In the case of call back of the Proposal, the Applicant has to submit a respective request to the Organizer on the letterhead of the Applicant.

44. The request on alteration or call back of the Proposal together with all the documents that are to be attached shall be sealed in the envelopes, executed in accordance with the items 3.3.1. – 3.3.2. The envelope shall additionally be marked “Alteration of the Proposal” or “Call back of the Proposal”.

5 Evaluation of Proposals

45. General provisions

1. Evaluation of Proposals is executed by the Committee created by the Organizer and other authorized persons (Purchasing Unit, Working Group, experts and specialists), involved by the Organizer.

2. Evaluation of Proposals includes screening stage, negotiations (if necessary), and evaluation stage.

46. Screening stage

1. Within the framework of the screening stage the Organizer verifies:

• Accuracy of Proposals elaboration and their compliance with essential requirements of this RFP Documentation and RA legislation;

• Compliance of Applicants with requirements of this Documentation;

• Compliance of Commercial and Technical Proposal with requirements of this Documentation.

• In case of Agreement submission, the compliance of the Agreement provisions with the RA legislation and requirements of the Organizer.

2. Within the framework of the screening stage, Organizer may request Applicants for clarifications or additions to their Proposals, including submission of the absent documents that do not affect the terms of the Proposal.

3. During the review of Proposal execution accuracy, the Organizer has the right to ignore minor drawbacks and mistakes, which do not affect the essence of the Proposal, which refer to the due execution of the Proposal. The Organizer, upon the written consent of the Applicant, is also entitled to correct the apparent arithmetic or grammar errors.

4. Based on the results of screening stage the Organizer has the right to reject Proposals, which:

• Significantly do not comply with requirements to the elaboration of this Documentation;

• Are submitted by the Applicants, that do not comply with requirements of this Documentation;

• Contain provisions, which do not essentially comply with technical, commercial or contractual requirements of this Documentation;

• Contain obvious arithmetic and grammar errors, with corrections of which Applicant did not agree;

• Do not comply with the RFP requirements;

• Do not comply with the requirements of RA legislation.

The Organizer is entitled to reject Proposal at any stage, if it becomes evident that the Applicant had provided false data, and all Proposals, if none of them meets the requirements set forth in relation to the Applicants or execution of the Proposal.

47. Conducting negotiations

1. After the consideration and evaluation of Proposals, the Organizer is entitled to conduct negotiations with any Applicant on any provision of this Proposal.

2. Negotiations are held in one or several stages. The succession order of negotiations is defined by the Organizer. While conducting negotiations, the Organizer should avoid disclosing any information on the content of the received Proposals, as well as the process and content of the negotiations to other Applicants, except for the cases when such Proposals have status of public offer.

3. Any negotiation between the Organizer and the Applicant is deemed to be confidential.

4. None of the Parties, without consent of the other Party, shall disclose any technical, price or other marketing information, which relates to those negotiations to any other person.

5. As a result of the negotiations, the Organizer may propose:

- To any Applicant, to act as a general executor and involve as a co-executor another Applicant, or an external organization;

- To particular Applicants to join in a collective Proposal.

6. Each Applicant has the right to refuse this Proposal without any consequences and participate in the further procedure of RFP independently in case of Proposal execution prescribed by the item

48. Evaluation stage

Within the framework of evaluation stage the Organizer evaluates and compares Proposals (the evaluation of each lot is conducted separately, if there are multiple lots), and ranges them according to the degree of preference for Organizer, on the basis of the following criteria:

Commercial Criteria:

a) Price index (weight 80%)

Technical Criteria:

a) Quality Index (weight 20%)

6 Decision-making

49. At the closed executive session the Tender Committee established for RFP processes makes a decision on conducting additional stages, or on determination of the best offer and Agreement conclusion, or about closing the given procedure of RFP without determination of any Winner, if none of the Applicants meets the requirements of this procedure and/or RA legislation.

50. In case, the Proposal of any of Applicants appears significantly better than other Applicants’ Proposals, and this Proposal completely complies with the Organizer’s requirements, Organizer determines this Applicant as the best offer provider and signs an Agreement with this Applicant.

51. If, in the opinion of the Tender Committee, no opportunities for improvement of Applicants’ Proposals are envisaged and conducting further stages is pointless, the Tender Committee is entitled to make a decision about closing the RFP procedure.

52. Decision of the Tender Committee is documented by the Protocol based on the minutes of the Tender Committee Session.

7 Agreement conclusion

53. Agreement between Organizer and Applicant that provided best offer is concluded within 30 days after the end of RFP procedures and the execution of the Protocol on its results, or within other time limits defined in RFP or within the period specified by the Organizer.

54. Terms of Agreement are defined in accordance with RFP and requirements set forth by legislation.

8 Rights of the Applicant that provided the best offer for RFP

55. The Applicant that provided the best offer of the RFP process is granted with the right to conclude agreements for provision of works, goods or services specified in the lots (Section 2). The agreements for provision of works, goods or services are concluded for the period of 1 (one) year or other timeline agreed by both parties with extension possibility, within the terms stipulated by the Organizer or the given Documentation.

56. The Applicant that provided the best offer before the date of conclusion of agreement on provision of specified works, goods, or services has to submit to the Organizer a confirmation letter of contract conclusion.

57. In the case the Applicant that provided the best offer due to whatever reason refuses to conclude the contract, he forfeits his right and is obliged to reimburse the damages caused to the Organizer as a result of avoiding the Agreement conclusion. In case all Applicants that provided the best offer refuse to conclude the contracts, the Organizer may repeat RFP procedure within 45 days or cancel the RFP procedure.

9 Notification of Applicants about the results of Request for Proposals

58. Organizer within three working days following the determination of the best offer publishes the information about RFP results on its website which indicates:

a) Title and address of the Applicant that provided the best offer;

b) Brief description of the subject, place, date and number of protocol of the Tender Committee.

Samples of standard forms of documents, included in the Annex

1 Letter about offer submission (Form 1)

59. Form of letter about offer submission

Beginning of form



Dear Sirs!

Having studied the Notification on holding the Request for Proposal processes, which has been published in K-Telecom CJSC website at mts.am/procurement on dd/mm/yyyy and Documentation on the Request for Proposals on (Subject of RFP)___________, and accepting the requirements of Request for Proposals stipulated by them,


(Applicant’s full name with indication of organizational-legal form)

Registered at


(Applicant’s legal address)

Wishes to participate in the RFP process with a Proposal to conclude an Agreement on provision the following works, goods or services:


(Brief description)

In accordance with Technical/Commercial Proposal, Schedule on provision the works, goods or services, Cost Estimate, which are the integral parts of this letter and which jointly with this letter constitute the Proposal for the total amount of

| | |

For applicants registered in RA

|Bottom-line price of Proposal in AMD, VAT excluded |________________________________ |

For applicants registered outside of RA

|Product/service price of Proposal |________________________________ |

|Taxes if apply |________________________________ |

|Transportation and/or other costs if apply |________________________________ |

|Discounts if apply |________________________________ |

This Proposal has legal status of offer and is valid until “____”__________________.

This Proposal is complimented with the following documents, including the integral annexes:

1. Technical/Commercial Proposal for provision of works, goods and services (Form 2)- on ____ sheets

2. The draft Agreement - on ____ sheets;

3. Documents, which prove Applicant’s compliance with the established requirements - on____ sheets;

4. Password of the electronic version of the documents submitted.


(Signature, stamp)


(Full name and position of the Signatory)

End of form

60. Instructions for filling in the form:

The letter should be executed on Applicant’s official letterhead form. The date and number should be indicated by the Applicant in the letter in accordance with the rules of document flow established in its organization.

Applicant should indicate its full title (with indication of organizational-legal form) and legal address.

Applicant should indicate the cost on provision of the works, goods or services in figures and words, in VAT exclude (applicants registered in RA) and in USD (applicants registered outside of RA).

The letter should be signed and sealed according to requirements of subpoints 3.1.5.

2 Technical/Commercial Proposal on provision of works, goods or services (Form 2)

61. Form of Technical/Commercial Proposal on provision of the works, goods or services (Form 2)

Beginning of form

Annex 1 to the letter about offer submission

dated “____”_____________ city, №__________

Technical/Commercial Proposal on provision of the works, goods or services

Applicant’s title and address: _________________________________

(Here Applicant in free form describes its Technical/Commercial Proposal on provision of the works, goods or services in accordance with requirements of Section 2)


(Signature, seal)


(Full name and position of the Signatory)

End of form

62. Instructions for filling in the form:

Date and number of Proposal should be indicated by the Applicant in accordance with the letter about offer submission. Applicant indicates its business name (including organizational-legal form) and its address.

Technical/Commercial Proposal describes all points of Section 2. Applicant has the right to indicate, that it agrees with the draft Technical specification, indicated in Section 2.

Applicant’s Questionnaire (Form 3)

63. Applicant’s Questionnaire form

Beginning of form

Attachment 2 to the letter about offer submission

dated “____”_____________ city, №__________

Questionnaire for Applicants

Applicant’s title and address _________________________________

|№ |Title |Applicant information |

| |Applicant’s organizational-legal form and business name | |

| |Founders and Shareholders (specify the names and the | |

| |organizational-legal form or the full name of all the shareholders | |

| |whose share in charter capital exceeds 10%) | |

| |Certificate of registration in the Uniform State Register of Legal | |

| |Entities | |

| |(date and number, issued by) | |

| |Applicant’s tax code | |

| |Legal address | |

| |Postal address | |

| |Branches: name all the branches and their e-mail addresses | |

| |Bank details (name and address of the bank, number of the Applicant’s | |

| |bank account, bank telephones, other bank details) | |

| |Applicant’s phone numbers | |

| |(with the indication of the city code) | |

| |Applicant’s fax number | |

| |(with the indication of the city code) | |

| |Applicant’s e-mail address | |

| |Full name of the Applicant’s head who is entitled to sign pursuant to | |

| |the Applicant’s constituent document, with the indication of the | |

| |position and contact telephone | |

| |Full name of the Applicant’s Chief Accountant | |

| |Full name of the Applicant’s responsible person with the indication of | |

| |the position and contact telephone | |


(Signature, stamp)


(Full name, position of the signatory)

End of form

64. Instructions for filling in the form:

Date and number of Proposal are indicated by the Applicant in accordance with the letter about offer submission.

Applicant indicates its business name (including its organizational-legal form) and address.

Applicants must fill in the above mentioned table in all positions. In case of absence of any data, indicate the word “none”.

In row 8 “Bank details…” are indicated the details, which will be used during Agreement conclusion.

Technical specification of the EXISTING hardwares (Annex 3)

|Node |Type |Description |Quantity |

|WEB1, WEB2 |Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server Base, 1 * 8 Co re |WEB front-end |2 |

| |1.4GHz UltraSPARC T2 processor with 16 GB RAM | | |

|AS1, AS2 |Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server Base, 1 * 8 Core |Application servers |2 |

| |1.4GHz UltraSPARC T2 processor with 16 GB RAM | | |

|DB1, DB2 |Sun SPARC Enterprise Server CPU Module, 2 x 2.53 GHz |Oracle Database server (Active and Standby with Sun |2 |

| |SPARC64 VII Quad-Core Processors, 5.5MB On-Chip L2 |Cluster) | |

| |Cache with 32 GB RAM | | |

|TEST |SunFire V890 servers, 4 x UltraSPARCIV@1200MHz, 32 GB |Test environment |1 |

| |RAM |(Multiple Solaris zones) | |

| |Sun StorageTek 9985v |Storage of 10 TB space |1 |


Oracle Licenses (Annex 4)

|Licenses |Quantity |

|Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM Base Option |60 |

|Siebel Tools |5 |

|Siebel CTI |60 |

|Siebel CME Quote and Order Capture |60 |

|Siebel CME Contracts |60 |

|Siebel Contract Terms and Conditions |60 |

|Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Enterprise Edition for Solaris with |As per the hardware DB1 and DB2 |

|partitioning option | |

• Oracle licenses should be based on MTS Group discounts.

Implementation and professional services (Annex 5)

5.1 Project Management

The scale of the work required to successfully install and integrate these systems is fairly significant. VivaCell-MTS requires that vendors submit information on how, should they be offered the contract, they intend to approach the successful implementation of the project.

The approach to this project should include the following, but vendors should recognize that only a high level overview is required at this stage:


Details of a project manager who will provide coordination of efforts for the successful implementation of the system. This should include their relevant qualifications and experience in the implementation of systems and their integration with other applications.


Details of the resources to be involved in the project should also be provided.


The vendor should identify the individual who will project manage the implementation of that system. This may be the same person as above. Their experience with the vendor’s system and project management experience should be detailed.


The approximate amount of work required by the vendor’s employees on site at VivaCell-MTS and the work that can be undertaken remotely or at the offices of the vendor.


A detailed project plan will need to be prepared, with VivaCell-MTS, outlining timescales and key milestones for the implementation. This will highlight the critical path for work to proceed including the required prerequisites before work can begin on each phase.


The vendor will be responsible for project managing the complete implementation of the entire solution and all its components.


Fortnightly updates will be expected from the vendor’s project manager on the progress of implementation as well as any delays and reasons for delays. This may be delivered as an electronic report or in person.


A detailed user acceptance testing plan and handover schedule will be required to be submitted by the Vendor for evaluation by VivaCell-MTS. VivaCell-MTS will determine any additional areas that are to be incorporated into the acceptance-testing plan.


VivaCell-MTS will only sign off each part of the system when they are fully satisfied that the system meets the functionality for that part of the system as detailed in the Vendor’s response to this RFP.

5.2 Experience


Vendors should provide VivaCell-MTS with a summary of their experience in the implementation of operational CRM in telecoms operators, particularly mobile and GSM operators.


Vendors must provide VivaCell-MTS with three references that VivaCell-MTS can contact to request information on the functionality and performance of the CRM system. This should include contact name, address, phone number and e-mail address.


Descriptions should also be provided, outlining the business case used to justify the purchase of the system, an evaluation of the return on investment and the after sales support provided. No system or software version will be considered if it is not operational in the field with live networks.


The vendor shall supply details of customers who have their system installed.

5.3 Business Analysis

Average number of users to use CRM Corporate Sales system: 30


Requirements collection and analysis of the current corporate sales processes and procedures


Design of the corporate sales GUI interfaces based on the analysis


Development of the GUI interfaces

5.4 Installation

The Oracle modules will be installed on the existing hardware as defined in annex 3. The installation includes

- Oracle Siebel CRM modules

- Oracle database

- Oracle Siebel development tools

- Sun clustering

5.5 Integration, Development and Deployment


Integration with the current billing and charging system via the existing ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) using SOAP/XML web services.


Migration of the current sales CRM data to the Oracle-Siebel CRM database.


Development of ETLs (Extract Transform Load) to synchronize data between the source systems and the CRM.


Loading of data from the source systems to the CRM.


Integration to back office systems such as Exchange mail server and Outlook.


Deployment of the modules on test and live servers


Deployment of the developed code on test servers

5.6 Quality Assurance

QA to be integral part of the project and the system integrator.


The project should undergo quality auditing and QA by the integrator at least once every 2 months


The project and the integrator will undergo quality auditing and QA by Oracle Advanced Customer Services: Technical Account Manager (TAM)


Regular QA sessions to ensure alignment of business with the CRM implementation.

5.7 Quality Approval


Vendors should state whether the company has a defined quality policy and how it is implemented and supported by company management.


The RFP should include an indication of the key performance measures monitored including: What are the target standards for these measures?

What is your success in achieving these targets over the last year?

5.8 Training


Training to administrators both beginner and advanced level


Training to software developers both beginner and advanced level


Training to billing support personnel both beginner and advanced level


Training to sales agents and personnel


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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