USD 416

December 2007

202 Aquatic Drive, PO Box 399

Louisburg, KS 66053


LHS Homepage: Volume 10 No. 4

Principal’s Perspective

Almost ten years ago I made a decision to apply for the principal’s position at Louisburg High School. Part of that decision was based upon Louisburg's reputation for having a sense of community. Louisburg has not disappointed me and has surely lived up to that reputation.

Over the last month I have witnessed our entire town exhibit what it means to be a true community. Young and old, alike, have drawn together and participated in a multitude of activities. The adults have supported our youth, and our students have supported their elders. When we watched our soccer team compete in the quarter finals of state competition, I saw parents and patrons there who chose to come because they believed in our team--not because they knew all of the ins and outs of the sport. This year's musical was not a success merely because of student attendance; it was the adults in the community coming to support their youth that made the audience numbers grow. And this was not an easy thing to do when competing with the Chiefs on a Sunday afternoon! And, of course, it is very obvious the kind of community support our football team has received throughout this season. And this support has not just been for the play-off games, but for the entire season.

In reverse, I have watched our school support its citizens. When we open our doors to our older patrons for the Senior Citizens' Thanksgiving dinner, many of our students are eager to assist. When students are called in to the office to be asked if they would be greeters for the event, the smiles on their faces are priceless. Our students also took the initiative to openly support the veterans of our community. The speech classes eagerly tied yellow ribbons through the community and organized an entire-school-district fundraising drive to support our troops overseas.

Community--in the dictionary it is spelled C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y. In my mind it is spelled L-O-U-I-S-B-U-R-G. What drew me here to begin with has proven to be reality. Keep it up, Louisburg.

“Skip Day” Is Coming

This year, as a part of the LHS early out program, students will be able to earn a legitimate "skip day", based on grades and attendance. Students must have a 3.0 semester GPA and no more than 24 class absences or tardies in order to earn this day. This year's skip day will be on Monday, December 10, 2007. Students will be notified of their eligibility on Thursday, Dec. 6.

Progress Reports

Progress reports were given to students November 19th and 20th. If you have any questions, please call 837-2941.

Early School Dismissal

1:00 on December 5

School will not be in session for students from December 24th through January 2nd. School resumes on January 3rd.

November Students of the Month Selected

Carlie Houchen, freshman, and Taylor Brown, sophomore, were selected as the November Students of the Month. Both young women are very involved in activities.

Carlie enjoys sports year-round. She will be playing on the freshman basketball team and was on the freshman volleyball team this fall. She also plans to play softball this spring. Her participation in these sports, however, did not just begin in high school. She has played softball and basketball for six years and volleyball for three years. Carlie also finds time in her busy schedule to take piano lessons, which she has done for nine years.

In middle school Carlie received the KSHSAA Citizenship Award and was the recipient of the LMS Eric Price Sportsmanship Award. She has received a I rating at state piano competition the last two years and headed to State this year on November 10.

Taylor's interests are many. For the last two years she has been a member of Student Council and her class's vice-president. She is also a member of LHS Crimestoppers and Teens against Tobacco and can be seen performing with the Select Choir.

Athletics are a part of Taylor's life from fall to spring. She is a member of the Wildcat volleyball team, as well as the basketball team. Taylor's athletic interests do not stop there, however. In the spring she will be playing softball for the Lady Wildcats.

Congratulations to these two young women on being selected to represent their classes as the November Students of the Month.

Anti-bullying Efforts Instituted

at LHS

With the passage of legislation last year requiring all school districts to have bullying policies in place by January, 2008, LHS has begun an additional focus on this issue. When visiting with the Student Advisory Council, members felt that bullying was not a major issue at LHS. This was good news, but we also realize that some does exist. Students on the council stated that they thought some of the actions classified as bullying were not really meant to be that way, but that students thought they were simply teasing. Thus, what is the difference between bullying and teasing? Perhaps the best way to define the difference is by looking at the intent of the individual. Bullying behavior is meant to hurt another person--whether physically or emotionally. Teasing is an action that is done good-naturedly, with both people involved laughing about the verbal exchange. Obviously, sometimes teasing moves into bullying without that intention. This is where it is important for our students to understand the difference between hurting someone and teasing them. Beginning the first of December, students will have two means to report bullying within the school.

We believe that many bullying issues can be taken care of without disciplinary action. Students who choose to report bullying--either of themselves or of someone else--will first visit with either Mr. Lundblad or Mr. Southard in Student Services. However, if the inappropriate behavior continues, the next step will be to move to the administration and disciplinary measures.

Students may report bullying by two means--either via e-mail or via the STOP Box in Student Services. If a student elects to use e-mail, he/she should e-mail nobully@, explaining what is occurring and who is involved. The same information is also necessary for the STOP Box, but the reporting student must also sign the report.

Recycling Program

to Begin at LHS

Beginning in December there will be two new additions to the grounds of LHS--yellow and green recycling bins. One will be located in the northeast corner of the north student parking lot. The other will be behind the school. Thanks to Bernadette Stevens' environmental science classes, recycling became a stronger focus first semester; but her students had to take the school's recycled paper to the elementary school. Now we will be able to recycle paper goods on our own campus, as well as provide recycling bins for the community-at-large.

We welcome you to recycle your newspapers, magazines, shopping catalogs, office and school papers and mail in the bin in the student parking lot. The school will focus on the one behind the school. Abitibi Paper Retriever will empty the bins every two weeks so fill free to join efforts to save the environment, as well as provide funds for LHS by adding recycling to your errand route once a week. In simple terms, “Keep on filling them up!"

Freshman Washington D.C. Trip

Just a reminder that the December payment for the Washington D.C. trip is due on the 15th. Also, there is still room if you wish to experience this fabulous rip with us. Contact Patty Sauber at sauberp@ if you have any questions.

Seasons Greetings


Cat’s Alley


Great Gift Ideas


Long Sleeved T-shirts



Sweat Pants

Capri Pants


Women’s Sweatshirts

Adult (Sm-2X)


7:40 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

11:50 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.

Holiday Hours:

Open ½ Hour prior to all

District Christmas Concerts

Located: Louisburg High School Room 113

Inclement Weather and School Cancellations

Winter is around the corner and thoughts of “snow days” begin to enter our minds. In most cases, the decision to call school off is usually made after driving the roads, conferencing with the local road officials, and talking with area school leaders. Calling school off for the day is a difficult decision and one that is not taken lightly.

When weather threatens the safe operation of our buses and there is need to cancel school for the day, almost all area radio stations and television channels, including Channels 4, 5, 9, 41 and 62 carry USD 416 school closing information. Sometimes, when the call is made to cancel school, the stations and/or channels do not always get the information broadcast in a timely manner. This is regrettable, but we will do everything that we can to be sure all parents are notified in a timely manner.

You can also get weather alerts on your cell phone or by email by signing up to Wildcat Alerts. Go to and click on Wildcat Alerts Sign Up.

Why Do We Encourage Those Doctor's Notes?

Sometimes we have questions from parents about why we request that a doctor's note be brought to the office when your child has a doctor's appointment. This is certainly not mandatory but by bringing in an appointment card we are more easily able to work with your son or daughter once they hit the eight-absence maximum for the semester.

We do NOT want you going to the doctor to get verification if you do not need to go during these first eight absences. We merely suggest that your student bring one in to give to the office if there was a trip to the doctor. If we have these on file and your child reaches that magical eighth absence, we are able to work with them and not automatically have to count those over-eight absences as automatically unexcused without a doctor's note.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

First Semester Finals Are Approaching

Students are required to take finals in each of their eight classes. The one-hour finals will be spread over a three day period from December 19 through December 21. Students will be released from school at 12:05 on Dec. 19, 11:25 on Dec. 20, and at 10:15 on December 21. The purpose of this release time is to provide the opportunity for students to study for their upcoming finals.

Students will not be allowed to remain in the building after the last final of the day unless permission is obtained from a specific teacher or if they ride the bus and do not have another means of transportation from school. Those students will report to the commons and will be under staff supervision.

Parents are strongly encouraged to make vacation arrangements that don’t interfere with finals. However, if an unavoidable situation occurs, students may not take finals before Dec. 19th. They may take them after school is released on Dec. 19th, 20th, and 21st or on January 2nd. Arrangements must be made with their individual teachers.


Wednesday, December 19th: Finals in blocks 1, 2 and 3

Block 1: 8:45-9:45

Block 2: 9:55-10:55

Block 3: 11:05-12:05

School dismissed at 12:05

Thursday, December 20th: Finals in blocks 4, 5 and 6

Block 4: 8:05-9:05

Block 5: 9:15-10:15

Block 6:10:25-11:25

School dismissed at 11:25

Friday, December 21st: Finals in blocks 7 and 8

Block 7: 8:05-9:05

Block 8: 9:15-10:15

School dismissed at 10:15

College Representatives

The following college representatives are scheduled to visit Louisburg High School this month. Interested seniors must sign up in Student Services no later than the day before the scheduled visit:

December 11th – Fort Scott Community College

Graduation Requirements

We urge parents to check with Mr. Lundblad concerning graduation requirements. The staff of the guidance department tries very hard to keep a constant check on the status of seniors concerning graduation. This does not, however, take away your responsibility, or responsibility of students, to know where they stand in reference to graduation.

College Entrance Test Date Schedules

Seniors planning to attend college next year should plan to take the college entrance tests. Scores from these tests may be used to determine certain scholarships. The two entrance tests are the American College Test (A.C.T.) and the Scholastic Abilities Tests (S.A.T.) These will be given six times during the year. Students who plan to apply for college scholarships must take one of the two earliest test dates. The dates of the tests and their registration deadlines are:


Registration Deadline Test Date

|January 4, 2008 |February 9, 2008 |

|March 7, 2008 |April 12, 2008 |

|May 9, 2008 |June 14, 2008 |

|SAT | |

|Registration Deadline |Test Date |

|December 26, 2007 |January 26, 2008 |

|January 29, 2008 |March 1, 2008 |

|April 1, 2008 |May 3, 2008 |

|May 6, 2008 |June 7, 2008 |

Health Wave/Health Connect

Health Wave/Health Connect is a low cost or free health insurance program for children age 19 and under living in Kansas. Some families may pay $10-$15 depending on income. Services cover regular check-ups, shots, office visits, dental care, pharmacy, hospital care, prenatal care and delivery, vision and hearing, mental health and substance abuse services. There are no co-pays.

An Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Agency

Louisburg Unified School District #416 does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, handicap, or age in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities.

Any questions regarding the district’s compliance with Title VI, Title IX, or section 504 may be directed to the Title IX and Title VI Coordinator, Rick Doll at 913-837-2944 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Pam Best, at 913-837-2944, 29020 Mission Belleview, Louisburg, Kansas 66053.

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Students, their parents/guardian, and the employees of Unified School District #416 are here by notified that this school district complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Board of Education policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, handicap, age, race, creed, color or national origin in district programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning Unified School District #416’s compliance with the policies is directed to contact the following designees who coordinate the district efforts to comply. Title IX and Title VI—Rick Doll; Section 504—Pam Best. Both phone numbers are 837-2944. Offices are located at 29020 Mission Belleview, Louisburg, KS 66053.

Notice for a Drug Free Workplace

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substance is prohibited in Louisburg USD #416. Violators will be prosecuted.



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Louisburg High School

202 Aquatic Drive– P.O. Box 399

Louisburg, KS 66053


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