Quiz rounds - Alzheimer's Society - United Against Dementia

[Pages:9]Quiz rounds

Challenge Dementia


General knowledge

1What is pogonophobia a fear of?

2Four US states begin with the letter I. What are they?

3Which was the busiest airport in the world for international travel in 2017?

4 Who wrote Moby Dick? 5 Who is the Greek God of War? 6The world's biggest spider in

terms of mass is named after a biblical character. Which one?

7What year did the UK join the EU (then known as the European Economic Community)?

8What is the chemical element for mercury?

9At the end of 2017, the top 10 most popular Instagram accounts had over 1 billion followers combined. But who topped the list?

10What are the first names of the 4 sisters in Louisa May Alcott's novel `Little Women'?



1There are currently how many people living in the UK with dementia? a) 250,000 b) 850,000 c) 550,000

2How many people who are under 65 years old are living with dementia in the UK? a) 42,000 b) 27,000 c) 54,000

3By 2025 it is estimated there will be how many people living with dementia in the UK? a) 900,000 b) 700,000 c) 1000,000

4What is the financial cost of dementia to the UK every ear? a) ?26 billion b) ?14 billion c) ?7 billion

5Family and carers of people with dementia save the UK how much each year? a) ?5 billion b) ?11 billion c) ?84 million

6What is the percentage of people living in care homes who have a form of dementia? a) 50% b) 75% c) 64%

7In 2016/2017 the Alzheimer's Society National Dementia Helpline dealt with how many enquiries? a) 39,787 b) 25,494 c) 50,202

8Since 1990 how much has Alzheimer's Society invested into dementia research? a) ?50 million b) ?10 million c) ?20 million

9Which of the following statements is true? a) Dementia is a natural part of ageing b) Dementia is a progressive disease c) Dementia affects everyone in the same way

10Which of the following are symptoms of dementia? a) Memory loss b) Difficulty thinking things through and planning c) Problems with language d) Being confused about time or place e) Visual perceptual difficulties f) Mood changes or difficulties controlling emotions


Populations: Higher or lower

Start this round by letting everyone know the population of Kenya 50,539,375.

Then read each country listed below and ask teams to guess whether the population is higher or lower than the previous country.

1Germany (is the population of Germany higher or lower than Kenya)

6Turkey (is the population of Turkey higher or lower than Australia)

2Canada (is the population of Canada higher or lower than Germany)

7South Africa (is the population of South Africa higher or lower than Turkey)

3Peru (is the population of Peru higher or lower than Canada)

4Poland (is the population of Poland higher or lower than Peru)

5Australia (is the population of Australia higher or lower than Poland)

8Italy (is the population of Italy higher or lower than South Africa)

9Thailand (is the population of Thailand higher or lower than Italy)

10UK (is the population of the UK higher or lower than Thailand)

Guess the year of the historic events

1 The Berlin wall fell

6 Google was founded

2The first man landed on the moon

3 The film Titanic was premiered 4Guy Fawkes attempted to blow

up parliament

5The Victoria tube line was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth

7 Queen Victoria was crowned 8 The Channel Tunnel opened 9Queen released Bohemian

Rhapsody for the first time

10Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights was first published



Collective nouns

Identify the animal from the collective noun. Read out all four options and ask teams to guess which is the correct answer

1 A BASK OF... Cats Turtles Pidgeons Crocodiles

2 A RAFT OF... Budgies Hamsters Ducks Chickens

3 A SWARM OF... Eels Owls Rats Otters

4 A COLONY OF... Wombats Frogs Donkeys Vipers

5 AN ARRAY OF... Hedgehogs Lambs Ponies Moose

6 A PRICKLE OF... Pufferfish Bears Porcupines Llamas

7 A CREEP OF... Kittens Boars Foxes Tortoises

8 A GANG OF... Swans Elk Skunks Yaks

9 A RABBLE OF... Butterflies Snails Falcons Voles

10AMISCHIEF OF... Ferrets Turkeys Dolphins Mice



1What is the highest grossing movie of all time (as of March 2018)?

7Which television series is set in William McKinley High School, Lima, Ohio?

2 8 How many episodes of Fawlty Towers were created?

Who played Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter films?

3 9 How many UK number 1 songs did The Beatles have?

Who was the voice of Dory in the film Finding Nemo?

4What was the name of the snake in The Jungle Book?

10How many series of the TV show `Friends' are there?

5How many Oscars did the film Titanic win?

6Who headlined at the first ever Glastonbury festival in 1970?



1Gossima was the original name for which sport?

2In Athletics, what is the last event of the Decathlon?

3What colours make up the Olympic rings?

4Who was the manager when England won the 1966 World Cup?

5In which sport would you use a Mashie or Niblick?

6Identify the famous sports star from this anagram: park farmland

7How many times have Brazil won the football world cup?

8How many gold medals did Great Britain win at the London 2012 Summer Olympics?

9Which British tennis player was the first man to win all four Grand Slam titles?

10How many players are there in a volleyball team?

Food and drink

Part 1

Name the country where this cheese comes from:

1 Gouda 2 Jarlsberg 3 Halloumi 4 Gruyere 5 Gorgonzola

Part 2

Each year, which country produces the most:

6 Olives 7 Coconuts 8 Avocado 9 Almonds 10 Bananas



Art and Literature

Part 1

Part 2

1In which H.G. Wells novel do invading aliens get killed by the common cold?

2Who wrote the poem The Owl and The Pussycat?

3Which famous Spanish surrealist painted the picture The Persistence of Memory?

4What is the longest running show on London's West end?

Who created the following characters?

1 The little Mermaid 2Katniss Everdeen 3Huckleberry Finn 4 Atticus Finch 5Rubeus Hagrid

5Who wrote Madame Butterfly and La Boheme?


Picture round

Visit .uk/challengedementia to print picture round sheets for your teams

Part 1

You can probably name the country, but can you name the capital?







2 3



Part 2

Work out the TV show from the initials. Hint: They are all famous British comedies

1 O.A.H. 2 T.R.F. 3 G.A.S.

4 T.V.O.D. 5 O.F.A.H.


Bonus rounds

Why not throw in some bonus rounds to make things more interesting:

Paper aeroplane contest


Give each team a piece of paper and ask them to create a paper aeroplane in an allotted time. Once complete, get each team to throw their plane from the same spot and the one that travels the furthest gets a bonus point.

Sound round

Create a playlist of 10 songs. Play the first 10 seconds of each and ask teams to identify the song and the artist.

Act out some films, TV shows or books and award a point to everyone that guess correctly.

Tin foil challenge

Provide each team with some tin foil and ask them to create a replica of a famous landmark (think the Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, the Taj Mahal). Award the best one 5 bonus points.

Tie break bonus question

If two teams score the same wining score, why not ask a tie break question to determine the winner. The nearest answer wins: How long is the River Thames in miles? Answer: 215 miles



General knowledge

1 Beards 2 Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa 3Dubai international airport

(88.2million people passed through) 4 Herman Melville 5 Ares 6 Goliath 7 1973 8 Hg 9Selena Gomez: She has over 130 million followers 10 Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy


1. B 850,00 2. A 42,000 3. C 1000.000 4. A ?26 Billion 5. B ?11 Billion 6. C 64% 7. A 39,787 8. A ?50 million 9.B Dementia is a progressive

disease 10. All of the above Statistics are based on the Dementia 2014 report

Populations Higher or lower Figures based on United Nations estimates March 2018. 1 Higher: Germany (82,236,210) 2 Lower: Canada (36,848,259) 3 Lower: Peru (32,428,012) 4 Higher: Poland (38,125,846) 5 Lower: Australia (24,669,121) 6 Higher: Turkey (81,541,032) 7 Lower: South Africa (57,180,108) 8 Higher: Italy (59,312,960) 9 Higher: Thailand (69,136,652) 10 Lower: UK (66,448,172)

Guess the year of the historic events 1 1989 2 1969 3 1997 4 1605 5 1969 6 1998 7 1838 8 1994 9 1975 10 1847


Collective nouns 1 Crocodiles 2 Ducks 3 Eels 4 Frogs 5 Hedgehogs 6 Porcupines 7 Tortoises 8 Elk 9 Butterflies 10 Mice

Entertainment 1 Avatar 2 12 3 17 4 Kaa 5 10 6 T.Rex (replaced The Kinks) 7 Glee 8 Richard Harris 9 Ellen DeGeneres 10 10

Sport 1 Table tennis 2 1500m 3Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and

Green 4 Alf Ramsey 5 Golf 6 Frank Lampard 7 5 8 29 9 Fred Perry 10 6

Food and drink Part 1 Guess the country the cheese is from: 1 The Netherlands 2 Norway 3 Cyprus 4 Switzerland 5 Italy

Part 2 Each year, which country produces the most: 6 Spain (5,276,899 tonnes) 7 Indonesia (18,300,000 tonnes) 8 Mexico (1,520,000 tonnes) 9 USA (898,167 tonnes) 10 India (27,575,000 tonnes)

Art and Literature Part 1 1. War of the Worlds 2. Edward Lear 3. Salvador Dali 4. The Mousetrap 5. Puccini

Part 2 1. Hans Christian Andersen 2. Suzanne Collins 3. Mark Twain 4. Harper Lee 5. J.K Rowling

Picture round Part 1 1 Bucharest 2 Stockholm 3 Vilnius 4 Vienna 5 Brussels

Part 2 1 Open All Hours 2 The Royle Family 3 Gavin and Stacey 4 The Vicar of Dibley 5 Only Fools and Horses




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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