Marketing Plan: Part B

Matthew Garcia


Digital Marketing


3: Channel Selection Page

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Page 3

Digital Public Relations Page 4

Social Media and Viral Marketing Page 6

Unused Digital Marketing Channels Page 10

Role of Mobile Page 11

4: Campaign Management Page

Conversions Page 12

Value of a conversion Page 12

Optimization Page 12

3: Channel Selection

Campaign Objective:

The campaign objective is to raise awareness about the game studio Game Company A, its personnel, and the launch of its first video game.

Campaign Slogan:

“Games for All!”

Channel Implementation Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Budget: $1,000 Hours: 100

Game Company A’s SEO efforts will primarily send its traffic towards the company’s landing page, which will contain the icons for its various video games. From there a visitor can click on any of the icons and be directed to the landing page of their game of choice. Content wise the Game Company A’s website will lean towards the company’s launch title Game A. The video game is the main priority because it is the company’s main product and to put it flatly if the game is not known, no one will care about the company. Basically, the popularity and success of the game is directly tied to the company.

Three long tail key phrases will be utilized to promote the company’s SEO efforts. They include indie games, video game developers, and role-playing games. These three keywords directly relate to both Game Company A and its product Game A. Game Company A is a video game developer and is under the independent category. The independent category means the launch title Game A is classified as an indie game. Game A falls under the role-playing game genre. These keywords should appeal to fans of the genre and the indie developer movement, which is a fast growing niche of gamers.

|Keyword |Monthly Search Volume |Competition Level |Average Cost per Click |Source Citation |

|Indie Games |18,100 searches |Low |$4.29 |(Google Adwords, |

| | | | |2013) |

|Role Playing Games |9,900 searches |Medium |$1.35 |(Google Adwords, |

| | | | |R.P.G. 2013) |

|Video Game |1,600 searches |High |$4.93 |(Google Adwords, |

|Developers | | | |V.G.D. 2013) |

Game Company A’s main competitors Capybara Games, Zynga, and 5th Cell tend to use the names of popular video games that are in their portfolios. For Capybara Games there are “sword and sorcery” and “super time force” both are related to titles of their games. (SpyFu C, 2013) Zynga, on the other hand, has a broader collection of keyword usage with their top 3 organic keywords being “mafia wars”, “play online games with friends” and “zinga”. (Spyfu Z, 2013) Again the most widely used keywords are games in their library. 5th Cell continues this trend with their most popular game series “Scribblenauts” as a main keyword. (SpyFu, 5. C.) Unfortunately, short of affiliate marketing there is no way to associate the Game Company A with the competitions brands in the search results.

Game Company A will increase its number of backlinks by using a separate blog page and a YouTube channel with demo coverage and trailers for Game A. It is also suggested that bloggers such as be contacted and given a demo for them to talk about and critique. The KPI of the SEO campaign is to be in the top of the search results with a target being in the top 5 of Google’s search results.

Digital Public Relations

Budget: $ $100 Hours: 50

The main objective for the PR campaign is to raise awareness for Game Company A and Game A, which is the same objective as the other channels. By reaching out to bloggers and video game news outlets, which normally have large audiences, should encourage interest and bring in gamers who do not follow indie games closely.

The campaign message for Game A is to appeal to gamers that are fans of role-playing game genre and the Legend of Zelda series. This is done so gamers can easily relate other games to Game A. It leaves them more open minded to purchasing a new game while being surrounded with familiar concepts they enjoy.

One primary news source being utilized is a news site that covers games by independent game developers. Another primary source is () a large gaming news network. A secondary source would be () who typically interview upcoming studios with features on their pages. To encourage bloggers Game Company A is giving bloggers free copies of their games as well as an exclusive interview if they are interested.

Game Company A KPI will be the number of news articles and blogs that post about our game and backlink to . The target of the PR campaign is to have at least one article on a primary resource and at least two blog posts.

Below is an example of a press release that will be sent out to respective resources.


Social Media and Viral Marketing

Budget: $ 2,000 Hours: 200

Game Company A will use social media to engage consumers so that they learn about the company and Game A. To do this Game Company A will have a blog available on their website. The blog will contain interesting tidbits on the design of the game such as art examples and screenshots. It will also track the overall progress of the game so the fan base can eagerly guess on the game’s release date. The blog acts as a gateway for the consumer. If he or she likes the information provided they will hopefully use other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. With Facebook and Twitter consumers can directly engage and interact with Game Company A. There they can talk to workers from a variety of disciplines from artists to programmers. They may also offer their feedback on any games Game Company A is currently developing. There will also be a YouTube channel where trailers of Game A will be placed for consumers. There they can catch some glimpses of the game in action and discuss with others in the comment section. These platforms support our campaign in that they not only keep consumers informed but also engaged and interacting with the company and each other.

In order to measure the effectiveness of this campaign Game Company A will examine its main KPI, which is the number of followers on Twitter and Facebook. The target is to reach 1,000 followers on Twitter and Facebook within the span of three months.

The examples provided below demonstrate the type of feel Game Company A would like to emulate with its own blog posts. This blog post provided by Capybara Games offers a tip of the iceberg offering regarding one of its upcoming games. (Capybara Games, STF TRADING CARDS: MEET AIMY MCKILLIN) The post gives basic details and some art for consumers to enjoy.




For an example of using Twitter Game Company A looks to Peter Molyneux’s Twitter feed. (Molyneux, Peter Molyneux Twitter Feed) Although it lacks direct interaction with consumers it does offer insight into what the developers are thinking and their current activities.


Unused Digital Marketing Channels

Game Company A has decided not to use several channels such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, digital display advertising, and paid search advertising. Unfortunately, Game Company A is a start up company and some of the aforementioned resources are not available due to monetary reasons. Digital display advertising and paid search advertising are two such mediums that Game Company A does not have the financial backing for. As for email marketing and affiliate marketing the company does not have an email list yet nor is it popular enough to be affiliated with other video game companies.

Role of Mobile Marketing and Mobile Integration

Game Company A is optimizing for mobile use to attract a more casual audience. The website will use larger icons and font, which should be easy to read and select. A mobile application is being developed and is essentially a simple puzzle game to attract a casual free to play audience. This should get them interested in the company’s larger game projects out of curiosity. To drive offline visitors to the Game Company A website the company will begin incorporating a QR code scavenger hunt on convention floors, such as The Penny Arcade Expo. It will take them on a tour of the whole show leading to the Game Company A kiosk. The hunter’s mobile devices will be sent to a landing page that is obscured and is revealed piece by piece. Each piece reveals a clue when a new QR code is found. When the end is reached and the hunter arrives at the kiosk a code is revealed and they receive a free t-shirt. (, QR code)


(, QR code)

4: Campaign Management

Product /Service that the campaign is promoting:

The campaign is promoting Game Company A’s role-playing game Game A.

Price per sale or contract signed:

The price per sale for a single download is $10 dollars.

Profit per sale or contract signed:

The over all profit will be $7 dollars after the distributors 30%.

Campaign Conversion Analysis

|Channel |Number of Conversions |Channel Budget |Conversion Cost |Conversion Value |Channel Profit (Conversion|

| |per Channel | |(Channel Budget/Conversions) |(Profit per |Value x Conversions) |

| |(estimations) | | |Conversion) | |

|SEO |3,000 |$1,000 |$ 0.33 |$7 |$21,000 |

|Social Media |4,500 |$2,000 |$ 0.02 |$7 |$31,500 |

|Digital PR |500 |$100 |$0.20 |$7 |$3,500 |

Channel Optimization

Digital PR appears to be the weakest of the channels. This came to light due to the low volume of news articles and blog posts about Game A. This is most likely because of the popularity of the primary resources being used. The larger gaming news networks like IGN tend to overlook smaller indie titles. In order to properly adjust this, Game Company A will refocus from major news websites to bloggers as well as video bloggers on YouTube.


Capybara Games. (Photographer). (2013, August 22). STF TRADING CARDS: MEET AIMY MCKILLIN [Web Photo]. Retrieved from – It's Getting There.webarchive

Gamasutra. (2013, September 27). Gamasutra feature page. Retrieved from

Google Adwords. (2013, September 26). Adwords indie games keyword search. Retrieved from Home?__c=4842661971&__u=4962586251&__o=cues

Google Adwords, R. P. G. (2013, September 26). Adwords role playing games search. Retrieved from Home?__c=4842661971&__u=4962586251&__o=cues

Google Adwords, V. G. D. (2013, September 26). Adwords video game developers search. Retrieved from Home?__c=4842661971&__u=4962586251&__o=cues (Artist). (2013, September 27). QR code [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

IGN. (2013, September 27). Ign homepage. Retrieved from

Indie . (2013, September 28). Indie games homepage. Retrieved from

Molyneux, P. (Photographer). (2013, September 28). Peter Molyneux Twitter Feed [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

SpyFu, C. (2013, September 26). Spyfu capybara games keywords. Retrieved from

SpyFu, Z. (2013, September 26). Spyfu zynga keywords. Retrieved from

SpyFu, 5. C. (2013, September 26). Spyfu 5th cell keywords. Retrieved from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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