Landforms lesson for kindergarten


Landforms lesson for kindergarten

This post may contain affiliate ads at no cost to you. See my disclosures for more information. My kids and I have been doing a variety of geography activities this year. Although geography was never something I had much interest in before, I have to say that geography has been one of our favorite subjects. I was so excited to get into the Montessori landforms lessons with my kids. I had seen so many cool ideas for teaching landforms and I was excited to introduce them to my kids. In this post I'm sharing 5 different Montessori-inspired activities we did to learn about landforms. Note: You can find more kid-friendly geography activities on my Geography Unit Study page. Most of geography activities have come from KHT Montessori geography manual. After doing several activities to learn about the seven continents (see this post, this post, and this post), we have moved on to learning about landforms. 1. Reading about landforms One of the first activities we did was to read about landforms. I purchased the Land and Water Form photo book from Montessori Print Shop and shared it with my children as an easy introduction to landforms. 2. Looking at landforms on a globe While we were reading about landforms, my kids had the idea to grab our globe and look at landforms on our globe. QBoy immediately started making connections between the shapes of the land on our globe and the shapes of the landforms described in our book. He even started sketching some of the forms on our Crayola Dry Erase Activity Center. 3. Matching photographs of real landforms The Land and Water Form photo book from Montessori Print Shop included photographs of real landforms, and I printed out a second set of land and water form photographs from The Helpful Garden to make a matching activity. Rather than having to match two copies of the same photograph, I had my kids identify the landform in the photo and match it to the same landform as depicted by a different photo. Here is what their work looked like when they were done. 4. Matching photographs of landforms with illustrations of landforms After matching two sets of real photographs, I introduced a set of landform illustrations, also from The Helpful Garden. In many ways, it was easier for my kids to identify the landform in the illustrations than in the pictures. They worked to match each illustration to the real photograph of the landform. Here is their completed work. 5. Building landforms with sand Finally, we got around to building landforms ? the activity I had been most looking forward to! I provided my kids with a small plastic container and some wet sand they could use to create each landform. Although this worked, I really wish I had made a batch of brown play dough for this activity instead because my kids were kind of annoyed with all the sand sticking to their hands. Despite this, they took turns selecting a card and then creating the landform with sand in their plastic containers. This was a really excellent, hands-on way to help them learn their landforms. Since building our landforms with sand, QBoy has also enjoyed either finding or creating landforms with his food. For example, if the sauce from one dish spills over into another, he'll declare that he's seen a gulf. Or if he eats his rice in such a way that he leaves a hole in the middle, he'll announce that he's created a lake! He has really taken to our geography lessons and has had so much fun identifying landforms wherever we are. More geography resources More geography posts from Gift of Curiosity: You can find more kid-friendly geography activities on my geography unit study page and my Geography Activities for Kids Pinterest Board. Follow Katie @ Gift of Curiosity's board Geography activities for kids on Pinterest. Products mentioned in this post: Students will identify and describe at least four different types of landforms. Introduce the lesson by telling and discussing with students interesting facts about the Earth. For example: One-fourth of the Earth's surface is covered by land. The land on the Earth is not the same everywhere. These different physical features found on the surface of the Earth are called landforms. Landforms can affect the weather, climate, and lifestyle of a community. Develop a definition of landforms that includes some examples through discussion. Discussion should include the impact of landforms on a community. For example, landforms affect where people live and build their communities. Travel routes are often designed according to landforms such as mountains. Write down the definition your class develops where all students can see it. Have students write down the vocabulary word landform and the definition in their notebooks. What is a landform? The usual definition is that a landform is a natural feature of the solid surface of the earth. Mountains, deserts, oceans, coastlines, lakes, creeks, rivers, waterfalls, islands, rainforests, plains, grasslands, canyons, bays, and peninsulas are all landforms, whether they are mostly made up of land or water, provided they were made naturally, and can be found on the solid surface of the earth. It seems rather odd to call an ocean a landform since it is obviously made up of a great deal of water and doesn't seem very solid, but that is its general geographical name - an ocean landform. Over 70% of the earth's surface is ocean. Oceans were formed naturally. A gas, like oxygen or hydrogen, is not a landform because it is not a feature of the solid surface of the earth. A man-make lake or hill is not a landform because it was not formed naturally. To decide if something is a landform, ask yourself three questions. Can you draw a map or point at something and say there it is, and there it has been for the last hundred or thousand or million years or so? Was it made naturally? Is it a feature of the solid surface of the earth? If you answer yes to all three questions - it probably is a landform. Geographers usually refer to a landform along with what type of landform it is - for example, a lake landform, an ocean landform, a mountain landform, or a desert landform. It is not a requirement. It helps to keep things clear. Types of Landforms (cartoon youtube video for kids) Match the Memory game, interactive (mrpolum) Plum's Island Explorer, interactive (pbs) Landform Example: Mountain Landforms (Donn) 30 different kinds of landforms (Mr. Nussbaum) For Teachers Landforms Lesson Plans and Lesson Ideas World Landforms Lesson Plans with assessments Free Presentations in PowerPoint format about Geography Learning about landforms can be a lot of fun! Here are plenty of interactive ideas and activities to teach landforms for kids. If you're working on landform vocabulary, then you're sure to find these videos, worksheets and even experiments to help.Be sure to click on each idea to see the original source and get additional information on making these landform lesson plans happen in your classroom.Landform Activitiessource: Building With Sand ? Make an interactive sand tray that is individual sized. Have students use their fingers to push the sand aside to form each landform.source: Erosion Experiment ? Use some basic materials and a simple setup to explore how erosion is responsible for various types of formations ? makes it memorable!source: larremoreteachertips.Edible Landforms ? This simplified version is edible and memorable.Salt Dough Landforms ? Make and paint salt dough ? forming the most popular one. Just in case you're in need, here's a good how to make salt dough tutorial.Naming the Types of Landformssource: Matching Real and Illustration Landforms ? Real life examples can be tricky to identify. Use these free illustration cards and real world examples to help make connections.source: Matching Forms and Descriptions ? Match each formation of the Earth to a card with it's descriptive characteristics. {Free printable}Smartboard Game ? A quick quiz of 25 questions to answer which type of landform is shown on this free smartboard game.Geographical Landformssource: firstgradewow.Worksheet Set ? Worksheets for first grade with a geographical theme.source: gingersnapstreatsforteachers.Landforms Flipbook ? Create a flipbook by coloring pages of landform layers and labeling them.My Landforms Booklet ? Write 3 sentences about each of 5 land forms in this free printable booklet.source: thefirstgradefairytales.lConstruction Paper Landform Layers ? Get the free printable patterns to trace and a vocabulary sheet to paste in the back of this layered craft. You could easily add writing onto the back of each landform or mention a real world example.Landforms for Kids VideosLandform Song -Covers waterfall, river, lake, valley, glacier, volcano, cliff, plains, island, and mountain.Exploring Landforms ? What are landforms? Natural features of the earth's surface.What is Erosion? ? Find out the answers in this guided video.Landform Crash CourseAll Over the WorldSongs and simple illustrations from a fellow teacher to help teach land formations.Types of Landformssource: adventuresoffirstgrade.Illustrating the Landforms ? When learning the types of land formations, having students illustrate them can be helpful ? this one includes a free assessment. Or you could have them make landform posters.source: brincaintobilingualnicolau.Paper Version ? Cut out shapes to create each landform and label in English or Spanish.source: msjennifers2ndgradeclass.Dinosaur Landform Review ? Use the image of a dinosaur to help students remember what each type of landform looks like. Clever!source: snippetsbysarah.Landforms Freebie ? Draw a picture of each landform in this free visual vocabulary worksheet.See? Teaching geographical features just got a little easier with the help of these fantastic ideas from other teachers. What fun ideas ? I'm all about the hands-on lesson plans to make it more interactive.You should also check out these 15 Fun Activities and Ideas to teach Rocks for Kids.More Science for Kids

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