Free spy apps for cheaters

Free spy apps for cheaters

The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post both ran breathless exposes in the past week detailing how iPhone apps -- horrors! -- collect your personal data and send it God-knows-where.(Image credit: Tom's Guide)"In a single week, I encountered over 5,400 trackers" on an iPhone, the Post's Geoffrey Fowler wrote."Most [iPhone apps] are littered with secret trackers, slurping up your personal data and sending it to more places than you can count," wrote the Journal's Joanna Stern.MORE: 15 Best Mobile Privacy and Security AppsTo which I say: Duh. This is what third-party smartphone apps do. We Android users are used to this. And many of know better than to rely on Google's assertions that everything is perfect with Android's privacy settings.Likewise, you shouldn't believe Apple when it tells you it will protect your privacy on an iPhone. It won't. It can't.Why not? Because you're on a smartphone. James Bond's gadget guy Q couldn't have designed a better surveillance device.The heart of the problemYour smartphone always knows where you are, where you're going, what you're reading, what's going on around you, whom you're talking to and what you're saying. It has a broadband internet connection for transmitting all that data to the entire world.Almost every app you download from the App Store or Google Play store will use those surveillance features to make money. Mostly, the apps will show you ads. But the ads themselves are keeping track of where you are and what you do online. The more the ad brokers know about you, the more they can charge for the ads that pop up on your phone, and the more money the app makers earn.Last fall, I saw a presentation at a security conference in which a researcher showed how, for about $100, he could locate and track any individual through smartphone ads. He used an Android phone in the demonstration, but the same technique will work on an iPhone.Google and Apple swear up and down that they screen their app stores to weed out developers who abuse this sort of thing. And they do kick out the most abusive ones -- often after those app developers are singled out in the media as abusive.But Google and Apple can't stop all personal-data collection by third-party ads. App developers need to do this to make money. That's how they can afford to give the apps away, or charge just a few bucks (of which Apple and Google take a big cut) to each user.What you can do to protect your privacySo what can you do about this? Well, you can accept that apps will harvest a lot of personal data about you. This entails accepting that your privacy is already gone, as a speaker at a different security conference put it, and that you just haven't realized it.Or you can try to minimize the exposure, even if you can't entirely eliminate it. You can install only those apps you know you really will use. If there's a choice between a free version and a paid version, choose the paid version of an app -- it may be less intrusive, although the Journal's Joanna Stern didn't see any difference. You can also regularly audit the apps you have installed and remove those that you no longer use.You can also minimize the tracking by turning off features you don't need, such as GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, when you don't need them. Your phone uses those to figure out where you are, and some retail establishments use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals to track shoppers moving through a store or a shopping mall.Your phone will still be able to get a general sense of your vicinity by noting which cellphone towers you connect to, but that's much less fine-grained that GPS or Wi-Fi-based location tracking.The nuclear optionIf that's not enough, you can eliminate third-party apps altogether. Google's and Apple's own apps will track you, too, but at least you know who's getting the data. You can still access many of your favorite services, such as Facebook or Amazon, through the mobile browsers that come with each device.Or you can ditch the smartphone altogether and get a feature phone with the most basic calling, texting, calendar and maybe email functions. I've met security researchers who do this (although most use iPhones). Some celebrities have been spotted using feature phones in the past few years too. Maybe they know something we don't.Best Encrypted Messaging Apps Smart companies keep a close eye on their competition. Now a new iOS and Android app called Perch claims it can make that task dead simple.Instead of hopping between Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, and various daily deal sites to track what your competitors are up to, Perch shows you all of this data in one place.Perch is powered by Foursquare so it's location-aware. When you first launch it, the app asks you to identify your company either via a list of nearby businesses to choose from, or by manually entering it into the search bar. From there, Perch provides a list of relevant companies near your or company's location.You can put your rivals on a watch list that will show you at a glance if they've put out a recent promotion or social post. You can also set Perch to email you daily or weekly reports that summarize what your competition has been up to online.A New Kind of Competitive ResearchPerry Evans, CEO of Closely, the digital marketing firm that developed Perch, says during the process of creating it the company followed the behaviors of about two dozen small businesses, looking at things like how they digest digital marketing noise, evaluate competitor activity, and determine what they should do themselves.He says Closely found small businesses are very focused on several themes of relevant marketplace information.Social media is one. "They either feel like they don't understand it or they feel inadequate in their current Facebook marketing or Twitter marketing. They don't quite get what they should be doing so they're very curious to see what other people are doing," he petitor promotions and daily deals are another big thing companies like to track. "We had one restaurant owner that spent over two hours a day going from site to site seeing what his competitors were doing on their Yelp profile and promotions, browsing through email lists of daily deals to see who's doing a deal today," Evans says. As a result, Closely designed Perch to include a relevant stream that combines location and category so owners can monitor promotions and social marketing. It also aggregates daily deal information from more than 800 sites across more than 110 cities through a Yipit integration.Closely also found that small businesses react viscerally to Yelp data. "Watching reviews of their own business but also watching reviews of their competitive businesses was very important to them."Get Perch for free at in the Apple App Store or in Google Play. Spying on others using your phone may sound sneaky and nefarious, but there are legitimate (and non-creepy) reasons you may want to do so, such as ensuring the safety of your kids or pets, keeping an eye on service providers, or nabbing burglars. If you're thinking about using a spy camera app, be sure to check local laws to ensure you're not breaking any. Once these spy camera apps are installed on your phone, they can capture photos or videos, without giving themselves away with sound or visual cues. This app requires two devices, which is easy if you have an old mobile phone or tablet lying around. Install the app on both, and the old one becomes the "camera" that surveys the area you want to monitor. The other, your regular phone, is the "viewer" through which you can see what's being picked up by the camera. Passively view what's happening in the camera area, or record parts of the action. Use the walkie-talkie feature to talk between the two devices or scare away intruders. Alfred is free to download and has in-app purchases. Download For: Designed for stealth photo ops, this Android app helps you take silent photos of your sleeping baby, a hushed library, outdoor wildlife, or in any other quiet environment. The silent operation, in conjunction with secret screen settings, is also helpful for taking spontaneous photos without friends or family knowing you're doing it. Silent Secret Camera HD is free with in-app purchases One of the best video recording apps for Android, Background Video Recorder (BVR) records video with an option to disable camera sounds so others around you won't know you're recording. You can also schedule a recording for a future time. The app has additional features that allow you to use your front or back camera, trim videos after you record them, store videos, and set the maximum video recording time. BVR is free with in-app purchases. Use the video recorder shortcut or the pink floating button within the app to easily start and stop recordings. Use this app to capture photo and video images on the sly. It uses fake on-screen images (such as a web browser or a clock) to hide the fact that you're using it. Leave the camera set up in a particular location (such as a room in your home), and it will record when any motion happens there. Or, set it up to automatically capture photos every few seconds. Your photos and videos remain secure in a password-protected folder. SP Camera costs $9.99. This home security solution enables you to use an old device as your in-house camera along with your current one to monitor it. Set it up to monitor activities in your home and get motion alerts in real-time. Unlike some of the others on this list, Presence is compatible with wireless sensors that can detect window and door entry, water leaks, temperature, and more, for an even more advanced security system. You can even set up the app to control other electronic devices in your home. Presence is free for the basic version, or upgrade to Pro for additional features. Download For: Thanks for letting us know! Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day Subscribe Tell us why!

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