The Branch

Dear Parents and Friends of Redwood School,

Spring is here which means our last nine weeks of the school year is under way! I am amazed at how fast this school year has gone. We have begun preparation for next school year. We are currently in the process of picking important dates, establishing grade level sections, and gathering data for class lists. This is a reminder that Redwood does not take teacher requests. Please know that all students are hand-selected for classroom assignments on an individual basis. Several factors go into making class assignments including teacher input, student’s data, as well as a desire to balance classes evenly throughout the grade level. We appreciate your support on this for next school year.

We enjoyed meeting with you at parent-teacher conferences last month. Continue to dialogue with your child’s teacher about their progress in school, and do not hesitate to initiate further conferences or phone calls as needed. Constant communication between home and school equates to a successful school experience for children.

Mark your calendars for some great events that our PTA and Redwood has planned. Saturday, April 18th will be our Family Fun Night at the high school from 6-8PM. We will have Marco’s pizza box night for second, third, and fourth grades on April 28th.

Our third and fourth grade students are working hard in preparation for the state assessments. The schedule will be as follows:

April 21 Grade 3 Reading OAA April 30 Grades 3 and 4 Math Unit 2 PARCC

April 28 Grade 4 ELA PARCC May 5 Grade 4 Social Studies AIR

April 29 Grades 3 and 4 Math Unit 1 PARCC

As with any other school day, it will be important for your child to arrive to school on time. A good night’s rest, a healthy breakfast, and a positive attitude will assist your child in performing their best on the OAA’s. We ask that you not make any appointments on this day. If your child is sick on the testing day, please use your best judgment on keeping them home. We want every child to be able to perform to the best of their ability.

As baseball and other extra-curricular activities commence at this time of year, please keep school a priority by making sure your child’s homework assignments are completed and checked each evening. Don’t let the warmer temperatures and extra hours of daylight get your family out of the good routines you have established! We appreciate your continued support and hope to see you actively involved at Redwood this spring!

Our eagle nest continues to grow, and local naturalist believe that this nest will be their permanent home. We had a school wide naming contest for the eagles and appropriately they will be named Stars and Stripes. We hope to have some eaglets in the middle of April and have another naming contest. We have a camera that shoots live footage of the nest, and soon hope to have a web address to share with the public. Please feel free to contact me at the school office or via email (tj.ebert@) if you have any questions or concerns. On behalf of the entire Redwood Staff, I wish everyone a wonderful Easter holiday and spring break!


T.J. Ebert

Redwood Elementary Principal


Happy Spring!

We are already 3 quarters down, with 1 left in this school year…can that really be possible? March was a great month at Redwood, with a successful Scholastic Book Fair and Family Reading Night. It was an amazing site to see so many families in the gym, reading and listening to stories together. A special thanks to Stephanie Athey for coordinating the book fair and Heather Wiley for coordinating the family reading night. I also want to extend a thank-you to all of the parents who were able to provide their time to help with the book fair, as well as Kindergarten registration.

As we begin to wind down the year, I want to take a minute to let you know what we have been able to accomplish this year. As a PTA we have been able to assist in the purchase of Chromebooks for 4th grade, give our students 2 assemblies, provide a former Redwood student a $500 scholarship, donate towards the Avon Lake PTA Council scholarship fund and provide the teachers at Redwood with supplies they were in need of. The PTA was also able to provide the 3rd and 4th grade students snacks during PARCC and OAA testing, as well as provide teachers a meal during parent-teacher conferences. I am beyond proud that we have such a great relationship with our school and teachers. My goal for next year is to continue to strengthen our relationships and grow our PTA membership and volunteerism.

At our last meeting, we discussed ways to increase parent participation, membership, fundraising and adding more free family activities to the school. As we begin to plan for next year, please feel free to contact me on any ideas you may have.

Finally, our next PTA sponsored event is quickly approaching. We hope you are able to join us for Family Fun Night at the high school where light refreshments will be served and music will be playing. This is such a fun, free activity for all families.

I wish each of you a restful Spring Break and Easter holiday.

Nicole Slivinski


Book Donations

I would like to thank the following for donating books to our school library:

Ryan Sartoski

Ava Shildwachter

A.J. and Grace Jagels

Logan King

Alexis Lorek

Marissa Parkison

Anna Mae and Sean Dougherty


The students will love checking out these new titles.

Barnes & Noble Book fair

I would like to thank everyone who attended the Barnes & Noble Book fair. The amount earned will be posted as soon the total is received. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to the following families for donating books from the book fair:

Sophia Margiotti

Brooke and J.J. Bradley

Andrei Toader

Kathy Butts (Eastview Librarian)

Kaylin Whatley

Emilia & Tera Sansotta

Audrey and Eli Bullins

Clay Broadhurst

Sadie VanDerbosch

Etta and Janis Rowe

Jeff Kessler (B & N gift card)

End of Year Check Out

The last week to check out books will be May 4th – 8th. All books will be due the following week. This is necessary to get all the books back and take inventory.

Happy reading! (


What’s Happening Around the Gym?

Walking Club

What a success Walking Club was this year. We had a record number of students participate in Walking Club …..over 155. As we walked this year we visited many of our national parks and learned a little something about them. Our culminating activity was a Glow Walk. Many of our members joined in and walked the themed hallways as music played. The themes were beach, patriotic, Frozen, disco and they followed the yellow brick road to visit Oz.

A big thank you goes to our faithful weekly walking club volunteers. Club would not be successful without you! Also thank you to the 35 + volunteers who helped with the Glow Walk.

Jump Rope for Heart

Quack, Quack. Ducks dominated our Jump Rope for Heart this year. We would like to thank the over 150 families that donated $6,808 to the American Heart Association. All students who donated received a series of ducks for their lanyards. Students also had their name called on the morning announcements and were able to place their name on the duck pond. Every student participated in a grade level jumping event. We are all more confident jumpers and know the importance of keeping our heart healthy. Thank you so much to the volunteers who were able to reschedule their day to help out at our jumping events.

Field Day

It is not too early to clear your calendar for Redwood’s Field Day. This year it will be Friday May 29th. There will be both morning and afternoon sessions. As always parent volunteers will be needed for both sessions. Look for detailed information to come home in early May.


Wednesday, April 1st 7:00 p.m. Spring Concert at Redwood



Wednesday, April 1st

Spring Program for 1st and 2nd Grade

9:15-9:45 1st Grade and Choir

10:45-11:15 2nd Grade and Choir

This program will be held in Redwood’s Gymnasium.


DID YOU KNOW…Redwood is collecting Labels for Education (Campbell’s labels)??

With these easy steps, you can help!

1. Clip and save UPCs and beverage caps from participating

Labels for Education products.

(See the attached flyer for participating products)

2. Give the UPCs and beverage caps to your child’s teacher.

3. Redwood can redeem points for FREE educational resources!!

Any questions, contact JoAnne Bellamy at 930.8978 or joannebellamy@


[pic] Redwood Elementary participates in the My Coke Rewards for Schools in order to purchase physical education, sports, technology, arts and/or classroom supplies for Redwood. Below is information on how you can donate Coke points to Redwood.

1. Log in at and go to the "Donations" tab on the header.

2. Click "Get started" to navigate to the schools search page.

3. Search and select Redwood Elementary.

4. If you would like to donate points, choose how many points you would like to donate and click "Donate Points", and confirm your donation. You can donate any number of points (minimum of 3 points) as long as you have that number of points in your My Coke Rewards account.

It’s that easy. Any questions, please contact JoAnne Bellamy at 930.8978 or joannebellamy@




The Branch

The Newsletter of the Redwood PTA

April, 2015


Birthday Book Club

Thank you to the generosity of the following students for donating books to our library:

Lena Richardson 2/9-Holly Horse and the Great Quest

Olivia Slivinski 2/23-Stallion By Starlight

Leprechaun in Late Winter

Isaac Richardson 2/24-Crossover

Kayci Balog 3/21-Lego Friends Jungle Adventure

Grace Jagels 7/25-Minnie’s Rainbow


Book Fair News

Thank you to all who made our spring book fair so successful! A special thank you to all of the people who helped by working a shift and especially the ones who helped to set up the fair and take it down. Your help and generous donation of time was greatly appreciated. Through your support we helped our school library and classrooms receive free books! Look for the next fair to be held sometime in the fall!

We Appreciate Our Teachers!!!!

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4th-8th this year and we want our Redwood Teachers and Staff to know how much they are loved!

We will be sending home lots of great information as the week approaches, and we would love your help in a number of ways!

You can:

-Volunteer an hour of your time during Teacher Appreciation Week

-Contribute gift cards from local restaurants, shops and businesses 

-Make a baked good or other yummy treat

-Send in notes & share stories of your child’s teacher


Details will be sent home during April, so please watch for them!  If you already know you would like to help out that week, please email Erin Jagels at erinjagels@.


Thanks in advance for making our teachers feel appreciated this year!



Erin Jagels & Michelle Polinko



Special Project for Retiring Teachers!!  Do you have a special memory or favorite quote from any of Redwood's Retiring teachers?  This can be from current students, parents of students, alumni, and fellow teachers.  Send your replies to Lori Howard at lorihoward@ .  Feel free to share with anyone you think might be able to contribute to this special project.

Arline Gray  - Lynn Ladikos 

Renee Stuart - Barb Darkow

- Karen Minnich  - Nancy  Blankenship - Beth Meister


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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