Quiz Typing - BBC



Level A Circle the right answer for each question.

1) The letters on most computer keyboards are in this order. A) QWERTY B) MNJRYT C) FTYUPE

2) The letter G is above the letter T on a computer keyboard. A) True B) False

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? BBC 2012

3) You can type numbers on a computer keyboard. A) True B) False

4) To go on to the next line when typing on a computer keyboard, what do you press? A) Delete B) End C) Home D) Enter

5) To type a capital letter, what do you press? A) Esc B) Ctrl C) Caps Lock

6) The letter E is above the letter D on the computer keyboard. A) True B) False

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? BBC 2012



Level B Circle the right answer for each question.

1) When we type an email we do not need to type today's date. A) True B) False

2) What does www stand for? A) world web for women B) world wide web C) web with world

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? BBC 2012

3) Web addresses all end .com A) True B) False

4) What do you type in to find the BBC website? A) ww.co.uk.bbc B) w.w.w.bbc.co.uk C) bbc.co.uk

5) Each website has more than one address. A) True B) False

6) Where could you go to watch a video? A) B) w.w.w.you_ C) http.you.tube.co.uk

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Level C Circle the right answer for each question.

1) When would you use a search engine? A) To write an email B) For instructions for using the computer C) To find a website

2) What is Google? A) a search engine B) a newspaper C) a video

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3) To use a search engine, you use the search box to type in ... A) an email address B) key words to find the website you want C) a web address

4) The letters on a computer keyboard are in alphabetical order. A) True B) False

5) The middle row of letters on a computer keyboard has the letters ... A) z x c v B) y u i o C) a s d f

6) What do you press to make a gap between words? A) the space bar B) caps lock C) Esc

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Quiz - answers


Level A

1) The letters on most computer keyboards are in this order. The correct answer is A. Most computers have the QWERTY keyboard. You can find the letters QWERTY on the top row.

2) The letter G is above the letter T on a computer keyboard The correct answer is B. The letter G is not above the letter T on a computer keyboard.

3) You can type numbers on a computer keyboard The correct answer is A. You can type numbers and letters on a computer keyboard.

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4) To go on to the next line when typing on a computer keyboard, what do you press? The correct answer is D. To go on to the next line when typing on a computer keyboard you press enter.

5) To type a capital letter, what do you press? The correct answer is C. When you press the Caps Lock key, all the letters you type are in capitals.

6) The letter E is above the letter D on the computer keyboard The correct answer is A. The letter E is on the top row of letters. The letter D is in the middle row.

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