That Witch Life – A Podcast on Living as a Witch in Today ...

Unknown Speaker 0:00 (Intro music) 20 years ago, three young friends realized they were witches. They scattered to different parts of the world following magic and spirit. Now, they're back in their hometown to share what they've learned. Welcome to That Witch life podcast: your home for living as a witch in today's world.Kanani 0:48 Well, hello everybody and welcome to another episode of That Witch Life Podcast. I am joined by my lovely co hosts, Hilary and Courtney. Courtney 1:00 Hi, did you introduce yourself for our new listeners? Kanani 1:03 Everybody knows who I am.Courtney 1:04 Okay, everybody knows who Kanani is. This is Kanani.Kanani 1:08 Lover of blizzards! And no one else. That is who I am. Courtney 1:12 Is that your "Game of Thrones' name? Kanani 1:14 It should be! Lover of Blizzards. Yes!!!Hilary 1:19 Kanani who believes that the whole world knows who she is rather than our set of followers that already listen.Courtney 1:25 It's possible.Kanani 1:26 That's true. Courtney 1:27 I've believed in stranger things over the years. Kanani 1:29 Yeah, true. Um, so we're just kind of checking in and how's everybody's last few weeks been? Courtney 1:38 Very interesting. My husband and I are in the process of destroying our house. This was--here's the thing. The the gods will send you blessings in a very strange way and so on Imbolc, we did our ritual which is asking the goddess Brigid please bless this home from famine and fire which is a traditional way to invoke her on Imbolc, which is the first weekend in February, or the first the first day of February. But in Oregon, Brigid is also about protecting you from mold. So the next day after our ritual, we discovered we had mold crawling up the walls behind the drywall in our bathroom. So we've been demo-ing and then by bringing in a team, they looked at our ceiling and said, you know, your ceilings in these two bedrooms are cracking and peeling and there's probably lead paint up there which you're probably breathing in while you sleep. Hilary 2:31 So that's good. Courtney 2:32 So then it's like, oh, okay, thank you, Brigid. So just hopefully she'll also send the money along.Hilary 2:37 So it's like "Thank you Brigid" but it's also like, Goddamn it, you know?Courtney 2:40 It's like, okay! But that's how that's how these things work. Hilary 2:43 Yeah, but, but it's good to know! Courtney 2:45 It is good to know Hilary 2:46 Because mold can be really dangerous. Courtney 2:48 Yeah, we don't have the dangerous mold. Hilary 2:50 But still. Courtney 2:51 We have the sneezy mold. Hilary 2:52 Yeah. But you don't want sinus problems. It's just better to have it out of there.Courtney 2:57 I just don't want living organisms behind the wall.Hilary 2:59 The really dangerous mold is scary.Courtney 3:00 Yeah, it is scarier. Fortunately we don't have that. But I'm also going to say: Witch Update For Me. So as we know, this last full moon and two episodes ago, I was talking about how this was a really like, the week of Valentine's Day was a really important time for clarifying relationships. So I felt really good about all the relationships that I know. But speaking of Game of Thrones, I'm thinking about Braun where he said, "Me and the boys rounded up all the known thieves. It's just the unknown thieves we have to worry about. So I was wondering, let me do a spotlight to see Is there any one relationship in my life that I have that is not serving my best interests? Hilary 3:01 It was me, wasn't it? Courtney 3:44 It was. Get out.Kanani 3:45 Damnit! That's my space. I'm supposed to be the one... Courtney 3:50 And so I'm leaving the podcast today. Bye, y'all. I'm out.Hilary 3:54 You're like, "I'm announcing to the world, I'm quitting."Courtney 3:56 No, actually, both of you were super nice to me in the days after that, not even knowing I'd done the spell so the universe was saying, hey, those two girls as mean as they are to you on your show are actually on your side. Kanani 4:06 Lies.Courtney 4:08 But the next morning, someone exposed themselves as someone who does not have my best interests at heart. For their privacy, I won't say what happened, but I went, "Okay, this is not someone I'm going to continue to have in my life." And so I told them to go away.Hilary 4:29 Are you able to tell our listeners kind of what you did?Courtney 4:32 Yeah, absolutely. So we did the spell work that we talked about with the with the bowl of water that you know, you bless it and then wash your eyes to see you can see. I included in the water, the stone I had charged at the Winter Solstice because it shines light on things. I then also prayed, from the Bible, the passage, Isaiah 47, which is about uncovering something. And so using those, those three things together to expose someone in my life who was not supposed to be there. Kanani 5:07 What do I have to do to make the list??? Courtney 5:10 Try harder. You're too lazy to do that, so...Kanani 5:14 I know! That's the problem! I'm too lazy and I get too distracted by shiny pretty things!Courtney 5:18 You're like, "Ugh...I have to make a new friend...."Kanani 5:21 I want a new friend? Courtney 5:22 "I don't want to have to deal with someone else... Hilary 5:24 That would need effort. Courtney 5:25 "...they probably don't bake me Brie on demand or make me cupcakes for my birthday and lend me their leopard coat when I want to look fabulous. So..."Hilary 5:34 On the other hand, maybe they'd be nice enough to give her that coat.Courtney 5:39 Well, she would need a new friend because that's not gonna happen.Kanani 5:44 New people? That just sounds long....Courtney 5:49 That's been me. Witching it up. Exposing the hidden enemies. Yay, witchcraft. Blessed be, motherfuckers.Kanani 5:56 Hilary, what about you?Hilary 5:58 So I've kind of had an unfortunate bit of time here. The first weekend in February I was in a car accident. I was hit pretty hard by an uninsured unlicensed I'm pretty sure intoxicated motorist who sent me flying into another car. Ah, no plates, he like got out and was like, "Here's, I'll give you my info, I'll take care of this." I'm like, "Dude, there's like easily three to $4,000 worth of damage." He was like, "I'm trying to do the right thing here." And I'm like, "Well, the right thing is to have insurance, you know, to not be illegally driving, and also to wait for the police," which he did not. He was like, "Well, if the police come they're gonna arrest me." And I was like, "What? You know, I'm really sorry, sir. But like you've injured two people" because it sent me flying into another car, and that woman was injured. And then the police came and they were jerks. Like the guy was a total jerk. Refused to file a report from it and just the whole thing was like so ridiculous. So I've been in quite a lot of pain. I have like a low back injury So, you know, it could have been a lot worse. I could have been way more hurt. It was definitely not the best but it could have been way worse. I'm grateful that I'm okay and that no one else was injured. Even this guy that hit me I'm grateful that he wasn't he didn't seem too hurt. His car I kind of don't give a shit about but you know, but um so that's kind of been a bummer but um, but otherwise I think things have been okay. I have a show coming up in at the end of this month and it's one on the 27th in Los Angeles with a cellist that I tour with, Cellista, and it's going to be a really incredible show. I'll post about it on on our website, but I'm getting really excited for it. We're also going to be touring Europe in October. So I'm really excited to have been working with her and, and I feel like a lot of the work that I, Magick work that I did mid-to-late last year and early into this year to bring in more artistic opportunities has just exploded. Like, I just have like all these these things, these opportunities that I haven't had before come up so that's really cool. Courtney 8:08 Were you doing spell work for this or did this just happen?Hilary 8:09 I did spell work for that specifically. So I had done a prosperity spell with some candle magic and as well I put a rose of Jericho on my altar and specifically with the intention to bring in, like, artistic prosperity because a lot of the stuff I was getting offered was either uninteresting, or, you know, didn't really pay anything. And I also I also did some clearing work. So I had had some disappointing, you know, artistic experiences over the last couple of years where I felt like I put effort in and they didn't really come to fruition so I spent a lot of time doing clearing around kind of the webbing of what that was, and that the kind of negative energy I held around it. I think I was putting myself out there less because I was like Frustrated by this experience, and what it meant actually was I ended up needing to do some like cutting of ties, magic and work. I used an herb concoction oil into a candle and, and wrote this particular person's name and kind of info on there. It's a person that I, you know, I think it's a person that I definitely care about, but I just needed to cut that type of interaction with that person because I think it was bringing me down creatively, just because I was disappointed in the interaction. So...Courtney 9:39 Yet here I am, I'm still here. Hilary 9:40 You follow me everywhere. Kanani 9:42 Like a fungus. Or mold, if you will. Hilary 9:45 I wonder if there's a company you can call it to get rid of a Courtney.Kanani 9:48 That's right. I've moved multiple times I lived on on different continents and (whispers) HERE SHE IS...I have added, so we have discussed on previous podcasts that I am a bonafide plant killer. I don't know how I came to this realization...Hilary 10:10 Yeah, but did you kill a rose of Jericho? Because Courtney 10:13 No, but Courtney did. Hilary 10:15 How do you even do that?Courtney 10:17 Mold, actually. I let it mold.Hilary 10:19 Ah, it got too wet?Courtney 10:20 It got too wet. Kanani 10:21 Yep. Um so I actually replaced...I had a bunch of succulents that I had bought last year, and they had all died. And I had kind of had these empty planters really cute planners that I had bought for them just kind of cluttering up the house. So I'm like, you know what, I'm going to get new succulents. I'm gonna figure this out. So I went in, I bought some more. I talked to the guy and I found out I was way over watering them. Hilary 10:47 Oh, yeah, they don't require very much.Kanani 10:49 No, so that was what I was doing. So I have replanted all those planters and put them around and they are still alive. And it's been a month and I'm very proud of myself that somehow they have lasted an entire month in my house. Hilary 11:00 Oh my God.Kanani 11:00 Not sure how much longer they have. But so far they're doing well. I actually put a timer on my calendar of when to water them. Because otherwise, I always think, "oh, I don't think I've watered them." What happens is I think "I haven't watered them a long time or thought about them, I should give them water." And then I would give them water but I was doing it like every four or five days, which seems you know, okay, except for they need even less water than that. Yeah. And so, so hopefully I will keep these alive. I'm excited at the prospect because I think they look cute, and I've got one in everyone's room. And we've just been kind of, I've been, I have the early spring cleaning bug and so I've just been going through stuff like a crazy person and just trying to kind of get rid of the clutter, get things ready for the new year. Everything seems to be going really well with the kids. My husband and I had a great Valentine's we went out for dinner the night after and had a good Time and I'm just I don't know, I'm trying to feel really positive about the coming year and so I'm just trying to bring as much positive energy as I can, stocking up on all my witchy supplies. I always buy nag champa in like two boxes at a time because I go through it so fast. I'm already out so I need to buy more and have just been kind of looking to find new uses for some of the stuff that I have. But I think the other thing that's been really fun as I've started getting back into my crafting, which is something I have done since high school and by crafting I mean like paper crafts and I used to scrapbook and make cards and do all kinds of that kind of stuff. I don't even want to know how much money worth of craft supplies I have in my closet. And so I've started breaking them out and doing stuff with my daughter and getting a lot more active in that and it's funny because I had told my husband previously and I don't think he ever thought about it and it's not something I think about but every once while in life you have these moments of clarity. Courtney 11:03 I don't. Nope. Not me.Kanani 13:11 Well I have realized that when I am doing my best, I craft. And when I'm not crafting, it's usually because I'm not happy. Courtney 13:22 If you're not crafting, then it's crap? Hahaha! Kanani 13:24 Yeah. It doesn't rhyme. Hilary 13:26 To those of you who have come to our Etsy shop to buy stuff, you will see the fruits of that labor because she's really like...Courtney 13:34 We all provide the spells but Kanani actually is the one who puts them together.Hilary 13:37 My god, they look so beautiful. Kanani 13:39 I think that's what helped spark that craftiness back in me was our spell cards.Hilary 13:44 It's great, because I remember... Courtney 13:46 Craft or crap? Craft or crap.Kanani 13:48 (sighs)Courtney 13:49 She's so irritated at me right now.Hilary 13:51 when she was like, "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna do this thing. And I'm going to put this on here and we'll look how pretty" and I'm probably like, "Man, that seems like a lot of effort." And Courtney was like, "just let her do it. She loves it" Courtney 14:00 Just stand back.Hilary 14:01 move out of the way.Courtney 14:02 Hillary was like, "do we need to do an intervention because she's going a little nuts." I'm like "this is actually really positive. Let her do it."Hilary 14:08 Because well then she explained to me then Kanani explained to me how much she enjoy it? Kanani 14:13 Oh, I love it. Hilary 14:14 See for me, it was like, "Oh my god, that just sounds like another thing on a list of 1000 things that I need to do. Kanani 14:18 I love it. I love it. But I mentioned it to my husband, probably like eight years ago or something. But I do notice that in times when I'm at my best, I'm crafty. I do crafts. It's something I do and it's fun. And when kind of like, you know, with my witchcraft, when I'm not doing as well or I'm anxious or stressed or life has just been weighing me down, you pull away from those things, you know, that bring you joy, and my witchcraft and also my craftiness bring me joy, so I'm very, very happy. Also so the spell cards are kind of the best of both worlds because it's my craftiness and it's my witchcraft. So it's doubly fabulous. Courtney 15:02 So do you need to pull a card for March now?Hilary 15:04 Yes!Kanani 15:05 I suppose...Courtney 15:05 All right. So I'm pulling from the Alchemical Visions Tarot. My husband loves this deck. Kanani 15:10 That deck is awesome. Courtney 15:11 It's big and beautiful. It's wonderful. Again it's called the Alchemical Visions Tarot by Arthur Taussing and "78 keys unlock your subconscious mind" Kanani 15:24 That process sounds like a dangerous process.Courtney 15:27 It could be. The last time I did acid I said "I'm never doing it again." I saw too much of what's in my head. Yeah, a lot of muck up and it is scary. But anyway, it's a it's full of images from the unconscious. So you've got a lot of room for interpretation. So our card for March is the king of wands, which looks like a Roman Emperor kind of guy with a lion's head over his head, and you've got a lot of colors of red but also gray and the King of Wands is Typically a card of a lot of inspiration and creation. So I think this is a really good sign we're getting this card at the end of winter in the beginning of spring Yeah, that now is the time I think for anyone who's listening right now it's a message that what you've been germinating it's time to start putting it out into the world. Yeah and and move forward with that. So also Yes, links to where you can get this deck will be on on our website. This is also a very busy time magically, we're in the middle of mercury in retrograde. So this is typically when things are tough, especially with communications. It's not generally a good time to start things but it's a very good time to finish things. The decluttering that Kanani is talking about seriously great the work that Hillary's putting in for her shows this is good. So magically speaking, if you have spells that aren't quite completed, like the half burnt candles we all have in our stash and you forget what they're for. Now is the time to go ahead and finish those. So light the candle burn it down. If you're not sure, and you're nervous something feels like I probably don't want to tap back into this energy it's a good time to break it. So one tactic is if you do have these unburned candles, you break them away from you and then you just throw them away. So that's a way to like okay, this is over it didn't wasn't going as I plan. So that's also if you don't have herbs that aren't labeled, maybe consider disposing of them, say a prayer over them, let them know their work is done. If you don't know what they are, yeah, and then put them in a compost or something like that. That's Um, so if you're someone who likes to collect some chaotic energy it's a good time to carry a rock or a stone when you're out and about to absorb some of those energies. So it's not on you so it's not on you but it's also if you want to throw chaos at a situation Oh, yeah, so it's it's it's somebody who is you know, micromanaging you or is like standing over you. Some people don't like this kind of magic, but hey, you guys take from it what you will or if there's some Someone who's harassing you, you know, you need to feel like you need to inject some chaos into a situation, this is the way to do it. Now we have a very strange Full Moon coming up on Monday, March 9. So if you did any work, clarifying your relationships last month like I did, it's a really good time to do a boost to that work, because Mercury is going to come right back round on Monday the night so it's going to go direct. But the clarity you're probably going to get isn't going to be comfortable. Emotions are going to be high because it's a Scorpio moon. And because the moon is opposing Neptune, there's going to be elements of gossip or other news. So things may come to light that perhaps you or others wish they wouldn't, but it's going to be helpful to clarify your relationships. Also, because the moon is trine Mars, which is a good time for restoring harmony in relationships. So you might find this as a good time to do some peace working but understand it's not like peace, we're going to sit there and Zen, it's that we got to get through some uncomfortable thing to get in order to have peace. The Moon is also trine with both Jupiter and Pluto both our positions which are about implementing good ideas. So if you're looking to strengthen relationships particularly with your co workers or fellow students or creative partnerships, these are the relationships that will benefit the most. But because the moon is opposing the sun, it's a really good idea to write down the ideas of the things you want to do, or again clarify who you want to do them with. But it may not be the best day to actually start them this I think a little bit closer to springtime the spring equinox will be better because when the moon is opposing the sun, it offers hard work but little gain, okay, so have your plan in mind. Have your you know your co conspirators figured out but you're actually starting the work later in the spring. This is a really good time to do the honey pot spell for yourself at work. So drawing those to you who are going to be most beneficial to your creative or career endeavors. So writing your name down all with your company's name or your whatever is the the line of work that you do, stick it in a jar of honey So that the people in your work environment will sweeten to you this is a very good time for that.Kanani 20:05 Is that how you're trying to get me to be nice to you? Is that what's going on?Courtney 20:07 I do that every day. Never worked.Hilary 20:10 I find this, I find that the jar of honey is a super useful tool. I've used it for people who have who I've, I just wanted to be a little nicer and also and also in work environments. And it's been really useful. So I always I always think that that's a good one.Kanani 20:25 So we actually came across an article that was shared on Facebook from our friend, Mat Auryn. And it was an article about a new show coming out, a new kids cartoon on Disney. So Courtney, you want to talk about that? Courtney 20:42 Yeah, it's called 'The Owl House' and it was premiered in January on the Disney Channel. And the Christian Perspective News Network, wrote something that said, "this is so beyond Cinderella. It's not even funny. Disney has come up with a new cartoon about a teenager who, in their own words, finds herself stuck in the demon realm and battles the forces of evil alongside a rebellious witch and a pint, pint sized warrior. Then folks, if you think the latest "Owl House" show is just fantasy and fun, think again. Over the years, Disney has gone farther and farther into the darkness of the spiritual world that opposes the living God, coming up with programming and characters that lead the vulnerable into the dark world of deception." Now immediately upon reading this, Kanani did what any good parent would do and immediately sat her kids in front of the show and made them watch it!the opening remark of if "step aside, Cinderella" just like literally kills me.Kanani 21:45 (to her kids) So guys, what show did we just watch?Kanani's Kids 21:47 Owl House. Kanani 21:49 on what channel? Kanani's Kids 21:50 on Disney.Kanani 21:51 Disney Channel. And did you guys like it?Kanani's Kids 21:53 Yeah,Kanani 21:55 And what was your favorite part?Kanani's Daughter 21:57 Probably when she said "Us weirdos need to stick together."Kanani 22:00 When she said us weirdos need to stick together? that was pretty cool. What was your favorite part?Kanani's Son 22:04 When she slept with a demon.Kanani 22:07 So the King of Demons in the show is a kitty cat, a cute little kitty cat that wears a skull for his head. And at the end, he curls up on her sleeping bag. like a cat would Yeah. I have some reservations about the fact that the witch was paired with a demon as far as one of the reasons that some non witches are going to freak out over the show. But do you think that this show would make kids more interested in witchcraft?Kanani's Daughter 22:38 Probably. And it was also kind of weird when she was walking in, and the witch was like, Oh, I have like a roommate. And then at first when he's walking in the hall, it looks like a big giant and he growls...Kanani 22:53 you think he's gonna be scary?Kanani's Daughter 22:54 Yeah, and then he growls, then like there's a huge reflection on the wall. But then when it comes to He's just so tiny and cute. And then the girls like "oh you're so cute!" and then picked him up. And the little cat was like "What the heck????"Kanani 23:10 Yeah, you think the demon's gonna be scary but then he's just an adorable kitty cat that she cuddles with? Kanani's Daughter 23:15 Yeah. Kanani 23:15 Yeah. Do you think that this show reminded you of the kind of witchcraft mommy does?Kanani's Daughter 23:22 Sort of because like, you do some of the stuff she does, but you do some of the stuff she doesn't. Like you do spells Kanani 23:30 I do spells. Yeah. Kanani's Daughter 23:32 You don't could buy like, a staff.Kanani 23:37 I could buy a staff.Kanani's Daughter 23:37 But like, it wouldn't turn into a broom.Kanani 23:39 Yeah, probably wouldn't turn into a flying broom or have a real owl on top of it.Kanani's Daughter 23:44 That would twist on.Kanani 23:45 Yes, that would twist on, that's true. Kanani's Daughter 23:48 That's be cool. Kanani 23:49 That would be very cool. Do you think that it made Witches look good or it made Witches look bad?Kanani's Kids 23:58 Good.Kanani 24:00 Because she was nice.Kanani's Daughter 24:01 Yeah. And she was really sweet. Yeah, she must be sweet.Kanani 24:04 She was a sweet Witch. Yeah, I agree. I think that this was this was the fun show. Yeah. Would you guys want to watch it again? Kanani's Kids 24:11 Yeah.Kanani 24:12 Definitely? Yeah, I put it on series record. So we will be watching more of it. But I definitely think that the premise of the movie is to respect each other and that it's okay to be different and embrace each other's differences. It's cool to be different. Not everyone has to fit in. Does that sound about right? Kanani's Kids 24:31 Yeah. Kanani 24:31 Is that what you got out of it? All right, well, we're gonna go so can you guys just say Blessed be?Kanani's Kids 24:40 Blessed be!Kanani 24:42 So that was my kids' review of the Owl House. It is now being recorded every single episode. So we've watched every single episode. My kids love it. They think it's fantastic. I love it. I think it's fantastic.Hilary 24:56 STEP ASIDE, CINDERELLA! Kanani 25:01 The fact that I mean, I guess people will find anything to be angry about. But the fact that the entire premise of the entire movie is to respect other people and their differences and be comfortable being who you are and the people actively fighting against this concept...Courtney 25:20 IT'S EVIL. (laughs) STEP ASIDE, CINDERELLA. Kanani 25:23 It's horrifying!Hilary 25:23 I feel like we need to re-post the picture of you and I, Courtney, in "Cinderella" for our listeners. As the evil stepsisters,Kanani 25:31 So it's a great show. So I recommend everybody watch the show. Let's make it the most popular show on Disney. Have your children watch this show! It's an absolutely adorable show. And that is the premise of the show is respect other people in their differences and be who you are and be proud of who you are. Heaven forbid!Hilary 25:50 So definitely, step aside Cinderella. Definitely awful. And watch out parents of the world. Oh my god.Kanani 25:59 We are super excited to welcome on our guest this afternoon. Her name is Amy Blackthorn. She is the author of "Blackthorn's Botanical Magick" and "Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies And Purify Body, Mind and Spirit" and has been described as an arcane horticulturalist for her lifelong work with magical plants and teaching. She incorporates her experiences in British traditional witchcraft with her horticulture studies. She has a certification in aromatherapy and is ordained through the Order of The Golden Griffin. Amy's company, Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends creates tea based 20 plus years working with old hoodoo herbal formulas. She lives in Delaware. And you can view her tea shop at .Courtney 26:51 So Amy, do you remember that review I wrote of "Sacred Smoke" where I said that you shouldn't lend this book to any of your friends because you're never going to get it back?Amy Blackthorn 26:59 Yes. Yes, I do!Kanani 27:01 I stole it!Courtney 27:02 I wrote that with Kanani in mind.Kanani 27:05 She's never gonna see it again!Courtney 27:08 Also I knew it was totally her speed. Like, we'd all want to interview you but I knew that she would nab the lead host position on the interviewHilary 27:16 And here we are! Courtney 27:17 And here we are. And I was like, yeah, I'm not going to see it again. It's already dog-eared and marked with her notes, which means I'm not getting this one back. Kanani 27:24 No.Amy Blackthorn 27:25 That's fantastic.Kanani 27:28 Well, we've talked about kind of we all have our different our different tools and things that we use and I've talked about in the past. My big thing is is candles and scent and incense and the smelly goods. I love you know, sage and and incense and resins and things of that nature and candles. So they've everything about the book, you know, really spoke to me and I absolutely loved it. One of the things we always kind of start with is We ask our guests, how did you know you were a witch? Or kind of how did you come across beginning to practice magic?Amy Blackthorn 28:11 Oh, that's fantastic. So those are those would be two different answers. I didn't know I was a Witch as a as a as a very small person. But I did you know, with it when my parents started sending us to the closest church that was available pretty much as soon as they could. If it was close enough for us to walk, they just, you know, we got up on Sunday mornings and we put our shoes on we went we walked. While my parents were asleep. "Just go do your thing." So when I concentrated really hard on a particular outcome, and Christians would refer to it as prayer. The thing that I needed that I wanted that I intended would happen. It's like, "Oh, this is awesome. I'm a super awesome Witch and that's, that's fantastic. Why doesn't everybody do this? And when I found right about I was probably 11 years old. I shared a bedroom with my older sister Holly who was three years older than I was. She came home with her best friend Christine one day. And anyone who has a younger sibling can tell you. The fastest way to get them into your business is to tell them to get out.Courtney 29:30 All of us are oldest children.Amy Blackthorn 29:33 Yeah, yes. I am smack in the middle of four girls. So there's five girls I'm right in the middle. So I have so I have double duty I've been the bratty younger sister and I've been the snotty older sister. And so they came into the bedroom and they kicked me out. "Oh, super secret" "giggle giggle" their hysterical giggles draw me like a moth to a flame for the rest of the afternoon. They're secreting Holly's backpack and it's super serious on their end. So I've got to figure out what's in there. So that evening after everybody went to bed, I'm slithering out of my bed like a pink panther, tippy toeing on my toes across the room to find her book bag. And I creep it open one zipper tooth at a time just to make sure not making any noise. And once I open her backpack and peek in, there's a copy of Scott Cunningham's Wicca guide for solitary practitioner. So I sneak it back over to my bed and I curl up under the covers and I'm reading it by the light of the gas station a block down the street. 11 years old hiding under the covers with Scott Cunningham. I read it in like two hours. I was not only engrossed but it had me by the face. Everything that I had thought everything I had felt in the back of my soul and I didn't know how to name it had a name and so I sneak it back into her book bag. And I had always been allowed to just walk down to the local library. So I spent every day going to the local library wandering around the nonfiction section looking for anything about this Wicca stuff. Yeah, you head to the 133s. And you see what's available in there. And my my library was about the size of a good sized living room. So the only thing on witchcraft in that section at all was one of those old Sarah Lynn Morrison Modern Witch's Spell book books. There's volumes One, two and three. And I'm thinking, Okay, there, there's got to be more than two books in the world on this stuff. So I just started reading and consuming every bit of media I could concerning Wicca and witchcraft and paganism. And it wasn't until the I was probably 16 or 17 that I started finding more and more shops. Not necessarily in my area, but very close by. When I was 15, I decided to tell my mom and my stepdad. And I psyched myself up for hours, you know, "there's going to be a screaming fit or somebody's going to kick me out" or there's you see these horrible stories online, you know, in the in a very, very early 90s. Okay, so all these kids trying to figure their way around. And so I go. It's dinnertime I still light out, so it's gotta be late spring. And I tell them. My mom's cooking dinner. She's got her hands full so she can't hit me with something.Kanani 32:42 I hear that, sister. Amy Blackthorn 32:44 Strategic Planning is important! Kanani 32:46 Yes. Amy Blackthorn 32:47 I say "Mom, I'm a witch!" She says "Oh, really? Okay. That's nice. Have you told your dad this?"Hilary 32:57 lovely honey great.Amy Blackthorn 32:58 "I'm busy, here! Go do something else." So I go outside to go to the backyard and my stepdad is working in the garden. He's putting in a trellis for clematis. And he's he's all very dramatic with his plants. I come by it honest. And so I say, Dad, "I'm a witch." He says, "Oh, that's nice. I dated a Witch in high school. How was your day?"Kanani 33:23 That's adorable! Amy Blackthorn 33:27 It's like, "I got nothing here."Hilary 33:28 And you're like, I'm really confused. Kanani 33:30 You're like, anti-climatic, much? Courtney 33:33 That was not what we expected, but okay.Amy Blackthorn 33:37 Yes, it was really the greatest thing. And I even to this day, I'm sure she still thinks it's a phase but it it took me a lot to come out to her and say, Hey, this is this is what's going on. It never it never changed my mind. It never changed one step. It turns out that her best friend in the whole world was a Witch the whole time and never told her never felt comfortable telling anybody. So the minute mom told Melanie, then all of a sudden I had a witchy friend who we could go to witchy stores and we could go and find things with so I was able to go and explore books and stores and shops and things in a way that I couldn't with my mom who's just sort of tapping her foot waiting for me to be done because she thinks this is a phase.Kanani 34:25 So did your So then after you came out to your mom, her friend came out to your mom as well, then? Amy Blackthorn 34:32 when my mom told Melanie, "Amy's a witch," she said "oh guess what? so am I." It was so validating. Kanani 34:41 So not only did that and I'm sure that that helped also with your mom kind of not taking a turn and worrying because if here's someone she loves and cares about and is one of her best friends, you know, it's kind of validating that lifestyle. It kind of I think would make it less scary for her to picture you doing it. Yeah, absolutely. And then like you said, Now you have a partner in crime now you've got someone to go around with and shop with and learn from.Hilary 35:07 Yeah,Amy Blackthorn 35:08 yeah, we could we would, you know, I'd spend the night down there, she lived about a half an hour away. I could go and spend the night we go shopping, we'd have, you know, very serious, solemn rituals. Um, it was, it was the best. My mom and step dad could go off and have a weekend by themselves for you know, great time.Kanani 35:29 That's awesome. So, just, I mean, I think you kind of like you said, you kind of came by, you know, your love of plants and horticulture, you know, through through your family and through your upbringing. So, I guess what kind I mean, it seems like a very natural bridge to go from, you know, horticulture to kind of what you talk about in "Sacred Smoke." But what kind of made you want to write this book for people?Amy Blackthorn 36:00 Sacred smoke was a really neat time. So we'll say, two-ish years ago, I started working out the idea for incorporating all of the incenses, all of the really beautiful raw materials that I have been using my practice in an organic way. Because "Botanical Magic" was originally it was going to be an encyclopedia of just aromatherapy and magical application. But when I was writing it, I started adding more and more incense recipes, because I wanted people to be able to experience not just the ritual of aromatherapy, but the ritual action of plants themselves as a whole being, I guess. In working those together, I realized I kept taking them out and like I want to put them in and then "oh no, this is aromatherapy. I'll take it back out." And there was a lot of back and forth and finally I just decided, like this needs to be its own thing because they deserve to have a voice. The number of people who come to a magical practice or you know, intention, you know, in the New Age community. Yeah, nine out of 10 people say "oh, we Sage Sage for everything." And that's, that does a real disservice not only to that plant, but to all the other ones that are ready and waiting to develop a relationship with us. There are so many other really incredible things. I mean, there's an entire section in "Sacred Smoke" on stuff you find in your yard that is incredible to use. So I really wanted to give light to everything else that's out there.Hilary 37:44 I think that's so great because I agree. I think a lot of what people see and hear about is Sage, and I mean Sage is a beautiful herb but it it stresses that resource because there's so much usage but also sage was the first herb that I was also introduced to but as I came upon other herbs to use and resins, and I just opened my mind and they all provided, they provided me with even more specific means, I think, which was really great. So more focused intention.Kanani 38:16 Well, it's the it's kind of, it's kind...Sage is Scott Cunningham's "Witchcraft for solitary practitioners." It's kind of your intro, to me. Amy Blackthorn 38:27 Yes! Kanani 38:27 But it's not the end all be all. Like, it's not the only thing. It might be the thing that gets you into learning how to, you know, use sacred smoke and things like that. But then you expand then you find new things and you learn about other things. And it's, it's not the only thingHilary 38:45 but it's also the kind of popular culture thing at the moment. Yeah, so it's when people are like, "oh, sage, oh, sage, sage, sage," and it's like, actually, there's a lot of other herbs out there that aren't over-harvested that that don't impact community, you know, don't impact the environment. Courtney 39:01 So I have a question. Amy, what is your favorite herb to burn?Amy Blackthorn 39:06 That changes probably once a week. If we're including resins in the category of herbs, I'll say dragon's blood because, yes, amazing. If we're drinking dried herbs, probably rosemary.Courtney 39:23 Yeah, when you burn Rosemary, What, what, what purposes Do you use it for?Amy Blackthorn 39:28 I love it for purification, above all else. It's great for protection. I love it, that it helps cement concrete knowledge. When you're working in it with it in ritual, there are things you know, and there are things that, you know, you're sort of on the edge of your brain, but working with rosemary, it has, not just because of the memory connotation, but because of its association with knowledge and with Mercury. It has those really Strong impacts to help you really cement that in your knowledge base, not just your brain, but in your readily accessible memory. When we cement our memories with a scent, and with the number of senses you can incorporate at one time, the more readily it's accessible to ourselves to our, you know, our waking mind. There's a difference between knowing something and then knowing in the back of your mind, and it's sort of there. Two different things.Kanani 40:31 I agree. For me, I think one of the kind of even before I started, I'll say, accepting the fact that I was doing spells and practicing magic and things. One of my first steps into it was actually aromatherapy, which Courtney's mentioned before, I absolutely loved learning about aromatherapy and learning about different oils and how you can use them and for me personally, everything is so interconnected with smell. Just everything. I love making things smell, I love making a room smell. I love you know, wearing things that I enjoy the smell of it just to me smell is so transformative to either past memories, or just your, your current mood and how it impacts you. It just to me, it's one of those things that just kind of can take me to a whole different place. And so I just, I love you know, learning about kind of going from the aroma therapy side of scents and essential oils and things like that and kind of going into more of the realm of incense smells and resin smells and and things of that nature and herbs that you can burn and all that stuff. I just think it's for me, I just I can totally get all kinds of geeked out with that stuff because it to me it's just it's so impactful on on a person's feelings at the moment.Amy Blackthorn 42:08 Yeah, whether it's mind body spirit, I mean, there's so many books out there, you walk into the aromatherapy section of your, your local independent bookstore. There's an entire shelf of stuff that's labeled aromatherapy. And there might be one book that talks about the emotional component of aroma therapy, maybe. There was it was so important to me to focus a lot on the emotional impact in aromatherapy, especially because members of our community tend to be healers tend to be, you know, they are members of the clergy. The impact of what we're doing isn't just physical. There's not just the emotional there's so much trauma that we're dealing with that especially when you're reaching out for your friends, your family, that unresolved trauma that keeps coming back. I mean, we need to be heading this face-to-face. Just head on.Kanani 43:09 One of the chapters that you wrote that I thought was really tremendous, you titled it "Hearth and home," and it says keeping your family whole in trying times. Can you kind of talk a little bit about what inspired you to write that chapter? Amy Blackthorn 43:26 Absolutely. When we look at the way that our families relate to each other currently, there's a lot of not relating happening. There's a lot of screentime that gets in the way, there's so much more...there's the availability of things to take our distraction away from the here and now are pretty prevalent, whether they're a younger family with toddlers and you don't have a minute to your own brain. Or it's, you know, running kids to soccer practice. There's there's so much that happens that takes us away from who we are inside, it makes us It makes it impossible to relate to the person sitting next to you. It's gotten more popular to do, you know, device free meals and things like that to connect. But that's only, you know, we'll say half an hour to an hour a day. That's not a lot in the grand scheme of things. So in making, making sure we have the availability to connect to our children or family or pets, as a whole family unit is so important. But then making sure that they're safe is even harder. You know, whether you're, your spouse is going to work, your your friends are going to conferences, and there's so many pieces that pull us apart. It's really important to be able to pull us back together in a healthy way.Courtney 44:50 So how do you see that the use of smoke and magic can be an asset to that kind of work?Amy Blackthorn 44:56 Home is Either a room or a building, but making it be the right space for everyone involved, especially now that we's more prevalent to have non traditional family units. That's great. By filling it with smoke and clearing out that space, it allows us to bring in things like helpful communication and really healthy habits for our family as a unit. You cleared out the space you've brought in, you know, some of that light and some of the those healthier sorts of vibes. It gives us that minute to ground and center as a whole, not just me and my individual work. You can look at your household. The things that are already on hand are ready and willing to be allies in your journey. Stuff that you have right at hand, the bread or wine or salt. You could just grab it and add it to your smoke practice and have the whole house be centered and whole and healthy.Kanani 46:09 You list a lot of really great spells in here that use incense, which I really, really loved. And you also talk about different plants that you can grow and that help with different things. And I like that there's also a part where you kind of lists different stones, and you list different herbs and the helpful uses of those which I thought was was really awesome, but yeah. I really loved the...I feel like a lot of spells have like people a lot of times will use incense while doing a spell but the incense isn't necessarily an important part of the spell. Whereas I feel it's like of like an add-on, and I feel like with yours, it's a much more central component to making the spell powerful. And so I really, I really enjoyed that. And like I said this the different examples that you give for stuff like that. What is something that kind of you do in your own home for your own practice that is something helpful that you think people would, you know, benefit from from starting to do themselves?Amy Blackthorn 47:32 When we look at books, we'll we'll pick on Cunningham's, as we've been talking about. You see layouts of altar spaces. People say, "Oh, yeah, you can do it however you want. It's great. It's just an idea." But in most of those books, they just make incense out to be a square on a piece of paper, instead of the beautiful transformative properties that they have. I mean, there's a difference between a stick of incense that doesn't have traditional oils and it doesn't have been sort of kind of dry and dusty smelling and creating something from plants to utilize that smoke. But it shouldn't just be a you know a box you tick off on your list. "Okay, I have incense, I have a candle, I can have a ritual now." the ability to look at it as its own component its own spellwork I mean we we do this we don't do it so much with candles because it's really looked at different. We do have candles on our altar spaces, but there are entire books dedicated to using candles for magic. But the idea of incense, "Oh i can i can get that at the gas station and I just checked that off the list." It gets to the point where people don't understand how powerful it can be. So in my practice at home, I really make sure that when I'm lighting my altar, when I'm setting time with Deities, I actually I try and make the incense that I'm working with right then and right there, because it's what I need this moment. I look at it a lot like the way I do with Tarot. The cards that are being given to me the cards that are being shown to me are the ones that I need right this minute, I'm going to get the message that I need right now. And I look at the same way as the incense that I make for the ritual that I'm doing. I'm reaching for the things that I do now and blending these things in a way that I am because this is what I need right this minute. So I always try and blend a little bit of incense right there on the spot because it not only connects me and reminds me that I have agency in this operation this time and this, whatever situation is, but our green allies are here for a reason.Kanani 49:44 Do you have a certain form of incense that you prefer using over others?Amy Blackthorn 49:49 A lot of what I do is with dry plants. I have a dedicated mortar and pestle that's for it actually found it marshals I think and it's probably a foot across and it weighs probably 50 pounds it just lives on the altar is it part of its part of the setup. But it's giant and it's heavy and can make a ton of incense on it. And it's, it's really always going, there's always something in it, I could just add to it, whatever needs to be added for whatever I'm doing at the moment, there's always some incense and there's always something I can reach for and have it in a moment's notice.Courtney 50:23 So a question though, if we had if you had someone who say they were running late to the ritual or there's someone that they don't have access to a lot of plants and what they do have access to is the dried stick incense at the grocery store. Do you have a process in restoring that kind of magic that you're talking about to that sort of incense or is that even possible? Amy Blackthorn 50:50 Absolutely. Just like we imbue just about anything, we work with the taking that stick incense, because they're easy to have on hand. They're gonna be really nice their blends their brands like essential essences that are pagan owned, which is fantastic. Grab the whole package, close your eyes, center that feeling in your heart that you want it to have and push it into your hands push it into the sticks you know empower them as their own magical beings just like you would with your candles or your crystals or your your your beauty statues, imbue them with their own life the same way you would these other things that remind them that they are still natural, there's just because they may have blends associated with them. They're still made from living plants. They're still made from bamboo and pine sawdust. Just remind them that they are plant materials, they are natural, and just remind them what they need to do. It's just how is it there's there's a great method for...they talk about waking up their ingredients. It's a similar idea, making sure that they know that they're still alive, they're still they're still magical, they still have some spark is is the first step in reminding them that they're, they're viable parts of your practice. There's also the not just natural materials not just picking those up, there are things like Fred Solls incense. Fred Soll is a brand it's out in the desert. He actually takes individual sticks and dips them in melted resin so you're actually burning resin on a stick. It's a fantastic way and you don't need charcoal, you don't need to babysit it the way you would a lot of other materials. It's ready and waiting for you. So you can have dragon's blood on a stick and it'll burn for an hour or two because it's so thick and it's real resin. There's no sawdust in it at all. And it'll burn for a good long while you can have one even a lot of the my my coven has a lot longer rituals you can keep them going for a good amount of time.Kanani 53:06 That's awesome. I haven't actually heard of resin that way. So that's that's really cool to know you can find stuff like that.Amy Blackthorn 53:12 Yeah, Fred Soll. They sell them online they have a great shop there they cost about $1 a stick, but you don't have to babysit it during ritual you don't have to with the tongs and the spoon. You can just put it in a regular incense burner and let it go. That's what I use. For high festivals. They're beautifully done. There's a lot of variety in their, in their flavors.Kanani 53:35 What um, do you have a preference yourself of how you burn resin.Amy Blackthorn 53:41 If I have the Fred Solls on hand, I'll use it. But if I'm burning something that I made, that a really beautiful pottery Chalice that's got metal screening in the bottom, so it actually gets the incense has 365 degrees worth of access all around It for making sure that airflow keeps going. If I didn't have that a lots of lots of new age shops sell the brass ones with the screen. Those are great. My only problem with those is if you're not careful you can lose resin down into the ash catcher. Oh yes but the making sure that I have the windproof lighter. The traditional just flame lighters, it still takes a while to light charcoal. But the windproof lighter, it sounds like a little jet engine taking off when you light it, has it lit in a second.Hilary 54:35 I'm like perking up over here because I've literally been like trying to light something inside my hoodie trying to get it from the wind so like I'm a big...Courtney 54:43 that was our our deal at the beach last year.Hilary 54:46 It's like, "This is never going to light!"Kanani 54:48 You had one job, Hilary! Light the resin!Hilary 54:56 Yeah, those those little torch lighters are like they're the They're really good. Kanani 55:00 They're the business.Amy Blackthorn 55:02 They really are. And I love that they're refillable, cuts down on waste. I am, I'm all about it. And especially since who is either Zippo or burns actually has the windproof candle lighters with a little bendable neck? So you're not trying to burn yourself? And it's great. It's just all around, everyone's using their thinking caps here.Kanani 55:23 So we actually had a live recording for our one year podcast anniversary a few weeks back. And we had actually had someone that had typed in a question that we weren't able to see at the time. And we thought that we might direct the question to you, and see what insights you might be able to provide. And their question was, how do you find a mentor in very isolated areas, especially with the internet being so unpredictable?Amy Blackthorn 55:53 That's a great question. Especially since the end of the year, "The Witches' Voice" went away. Yeah. Used to be that you could just look up your state and see who was in your, in your area available for teaching. And you just pull up your state and click on clergy or adults and you you could find a list of people. And it's not the same as you know, just going and joining, you know, on Facebook, and hoping that there's somebody available for you. Right? It's gotten, there's a lot of difficulty and just miracleing in the one, you know, in the old days, they used to say, you know, just "the right teacher will appear at the right time." And that's kind of hokey, because you want to know right now, you don't want to know a year from now. There, it's not like you can just walk up to someone and order them to teach you. That has happened. It doesn't work for them.Hilary 56:54 And I think too in some areas like it might not be safe for you to go up and approach someone you know, that you think might be a Witch. You might find it might, you know might not work out well for you.Amy Blackthorn 57:04 Absolutely. There's always the danger of outing someone in a in a rural area but is it could be physically dangerous for them. My first publication was actually at 16. I got a paper published in a peer reviewed journal about witchcraft, holy festivals, and it comparing them to Christian ones and I got death threats from people in my town who found out this was what I was doing. Yeah, I was I was in high school and I had kids try and stone me getting off the bus.Hilary 57:36 Oh, my God, that's terrifying. See, that's I mean, I think it's a reminder, I mean, that for people that are in big Metropolitan metropolitan areas, it's a reminder that like not all space are safe. You know?Kanani 57:53 Not everyone has resources, open resources that that we have in your bigger population center.Amy Blackthorn 58:00 Yeah, you might have to go to a bigger population center to find someone, you know. Living in a small town, you might have to drive a little bit, you may have to travel a little bit to get somewhere. Finding your local witchy shop, you know, your local might be two hours away,Courtney 58:16 say that it may be, at least for this person's stretch of their journey, they may just not be able to have a mentor and they're going to have to just read and trial and error on their own.Hilary 58:26 I was going to say maybe a good approach...So if I feel like I'm trying to put myself in that perspective, if I was somewhere where I couldn't find a person in person, you know, I think my instinct would be to find a writer, or or someone that has published works that resonate with you, and use their works to guide you in place of their person. So some writers have multiple books, you know, this is a good example here. So it's like, maybe fine, the writer that hasn't A lot of works out that really calls to you and use those works as a guide you know in place of a person in personKanani 59:06 another option that's not and it's not it's not a mentor per se but you know there are online witchcraft and Wicca schools. it's saying but what they were saying is not that they didn't want to use the internet, but that it can be unpredictable.Courtney 59:23 But she said spotty--means that they don't always have internet access.Kanani 59:28 Oh, yeah. It means her ability to use the internet is unpredictable. Courtney 59:32 Yeah, that's the challenge.Kanani 59:33 Then, yeah, I would agree with Hilary. You're kind of at that point. You're looking at texts, you're looking at books, things resources you can get your hands on, and you might not be able to get your hands on a person. Courtney 59:42 I think Amy's suggestion is certainly probably not the easiest for or even possible for everyone, but it might just be the reality that it's going to take some travel but if travel is not possible, it's going to be reading and sometimes I think we put such an emphasis on finding the right mentor. It puts a lot of pressure on the person who is mentoring.Kanani 1:00:02 Oh 100%.Courtney 1:00:02 Remember that as as a student, you've got to pull from a lot of different sources and not just wait for that one person. One person may come along who can mentor you, but they will be one piece of your witchcraft journey and it should not be the defining element.Amy Blackthorn 1:00:19 And look outside the traditional witchcraft shop. I mean, I was in a living in such a secluded area. There's a little shop on our main street that catered to tourists and had flags and mugs, but they happened to carry time candles. And that just blew me away as a teenager to find anywhere that had time candles much less. You know, I didn't have to go to Walmart or Kmart or whatever to find supplies. It was right there on Main Street, you know, they were 10 for $1 or something. And they were the greatest thing I could have possibly thought of at that point. I mean, I thought I was utterly alone and here, I find it a candle so I know that I'm not alone.Kanani 1:01:03 Definitely. So we usually we used to close out our podcast Hilary 1:01:08 We haven't done it in a whileKanani 1:01:08 And we haven't done it in a long time, we used to close it out by doing something we called As Below, So Above. It's a play on "As above, so below." And so what we discuss is we each kind of name something that we would like to bring in to our lives. And we each name something that we would like to let go of, and we write down what we would like to let go of, and we put it in our cauldron and we burn it later after the after the episode. Um, so would you like to do that with us?Amy Blackthorn 1:01:41 I would! Kanani 1:01:43 All right, we'll let Courtney start so you can you can ponder on something Courtney 1:01:47 "Let" equals "make." Make Courtney do something. I'm going to let go of self criticism. I've caught myself in quite a habit lately of being really hard on myself for absolutely nothing. And I want to let that go and I want to bring in order in my physical home because it's pretty chaotic right now with all the all the destruction that has to happen. Very much a first world problem. I'm very thankful to have a home that I can do demo on and but I would really really welcome the blessing of order and restoration in the home. So mote that shit.Hilary 1:02:28 so I found myself caught in really like being over concerned of other people's opinions of me recently and just like I'm so I'm letting go of I can't always...not everyone is gonna like me or see my value. Courtney 1:02:46 I like you!Hilary 1:02:47 I appreciate that. And that that's okay. Kanani 1:02:49 That means nothing. Hilary 1:02:51 And rather than focusing on that, I'm letting go of trying to make people that are difficult, that don't like me, and bringing in gratitude for the huge community of support that I have. And, and also bringing in, please for the love of everything, hopefully my back gets better.Kanani 1:03:16 Amy, do you wanna? Do you want to go? Or do you want me to go next?Amy Blackthorn 1:03:20 Your call.Courtney 1:03:21 You go next, Kanani! Give her the last word.Kanani 1:03:24 I'll give her the last. So I can think of a lot of things I want to bring in. I'm trying to think of what I want to let go of. And I want to let go of, it's so funny, I think back to when we first started this, and I'm in such a different place right now. And I'm so grateful for that. And I would I would like to continue to let go of the feeling of like I constantly need to be doing something. I still kind of have that lingering, nagging feeling of you know, it's still kind of hard to relax even though now I have moments where I can relax. I still feel kind of anxious and like I should be doing something right now. And I would like to bring in things coming together. I've had a lot of things that I've worked towards and that I'm working on. And I would like to see some of those things finally come to fruition and manifest and think see those things close. So and just bring in more of, of my creative energy and my creative focus and things like that. Courtney 1:04:34 Amy, you're up!Amy Blackthorn 1:04:36 I would like to let go of imposter syndrome. I just finished my third book and I feel like I have gotten that under my cords, so to speak, but I'm trying to start my own podcast. I'm trying to start all these really great creative projects. And I'm still dealing with that, you know, am I am I good enough? Can I do this ?And I thought for a hot minute I was the only one until I heard Neil Gaiman talking about overhearing Buzz Aldrin talk about imposter syndrome. And he's and he said, you know, if the second man on the moon has imposter syndrome, like maybe we all do, maybe this is something everyone deals with. And in which case, I can't make a mistake, because I'm still new, you know, we're all we're all new at something at some point, and I need to just let go and give it a shot. Otherwise, I'll always be new in it because I wouldn't have tried it again. I would like to bring in some organization, it's spring is coming. I'm starting that spring itch to paint the entire house and rearrange all the furniture, and it's still only half done. So I'd like to see my space in a more orderly way and move forward with those projects that I keep thinking about starting without ever actually doing.Hilary 1:05:57 So mote that!Kanani 1:05:58 So mote that. Absolutely. Well thank you so much for joining us and like I said, I mean I would very much recommend everyone you know get the book "Sacred Smoke" by Amy Blackthorn. I actually ordered your other book "Blackthorn's Botanical Magick" because I enjoyed this one so much so I actually am getting your other book as well.Hilary 1:06:22 Courtney's gonna have to order another copy of that book....Courtney 1:06:25 It looks like you were chewing on it Kanani 1:06:30 I'm pretty sure your dog did that.Courtney 1:06:32 Oh right, oh yeah.Hilary 1:06:34 the thing is is like that is actually a compliment, Amy, because her dog has very good taste in books.Kanani 1:06:39 In the books he eats? Yes. Courtney 1:06:41 If you follow me on Instagram, you will see my dog's book reviews.Amy Blackthorn 1:06:46 I can give you a hint about something if you'd like. So I have just finished my third book and is currently at the copy editor as we speak, which means in somewhere about October over you should perhaps be looking at your pre orders because a third book will be out the last I heard the title is black thorns botanical brews and it's a potions' book. Kanani 1:07:17 just saying my birthdays in OctoberHilary 1:07:30 Oh my gosh, that's so exciting. Congratulations.Courtney 1:07:33 Kanani's staring me like BIRTHDAY. BIRTHDAY. BIRTHDAY.Kanani 1:07:35 I'm sending you my birthday vibes. BIRTHDAY VIBES.Courtney 1:07:39 That and the Sasquatch lamp. You have this whole list of things you want for your birthday.Kanani 1:07:43 Oh! The Sasquatch lamp! I want the Sasquatch lamp. We're gonna we're going to have your your book, link and everything on our website for people to check out. I loved it. It really it spoke to me and it gave me so many good ideas and whatnot. So I highly recommend it. And just thank you so much for being on our podcast.Amy Blackthorn 1:08:05 Thank you so much. Have a great day.Kanani 1:08:09 Thank you guys for joining us on our podcast. If you have questions for us to answer on the show, please email us at thatwitchlifepodcast@. If you liked us, please rate and review us on your streaming station of choice so that way we can kind of see where people are listening to us from and it helps us kind of get some positive feedback because we all have crazy low self esteem and we need to know that you guys actually like us.Courtney 1:08:35 I just need attentionKanani 1:08:37 Mostly Courtney needs attention. And please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And don't forget to check out our Etsy store to see all the goodies that we have available and have a great week everyone. ( Exit Music) Join us on the first and third Mondays of the month for magickal tools, tips and stories about living as a witch in today's world. Find us at for archived episodes or to ask your burning questions for us to answer on a future podcast. So mote it be! Transcribed by ................

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