Homework 1

Morehead state universityHomework 1ITCD 415/615 Advance Machine DesignTravis Fisher9/12/2012Choose five products that continually annoy you. Identify the needs (in separate steps) the developers of this product missed. Why do you think these needs were not met? Do you think the developers deliberately ignored these needs?3075305154940Xbox 360 "Ring of Death" -An image showing various error codes of the original model Xbox 360.The Xbox 360 video game console is subject to a number of technical problems and failures that can render it unusable. However, many of the issues can be identified by a series of glowing red lights flashing on the face of the console; the three flashing red lights (nicknamed the "Red Ring of Death" or the "RRoD") being the most infamous. There are also other issues that arise with the console, such as discs becoming scratched in the drive and “bricking” of consoles due to dashboard updates. Most failures are the result of the use of the wrong type of lead-free solder. The Microsoft Ed Tech used lead-free solder as a result of a European Union Mandatories, which critics say was imposed despite the fact that a small minority of people do not believe in the environmental benefits. There has been legal action taken attempting to hold Microsoft responsible for the Xbox 360's failure rate and provide compensation for those affected. Microsoft has never officially released any information indicating the true cause of the problem. Therefore, any information available to the public has come only from speculation and third party analysis. Electronics industry newspaper EE Times reported that the problems may have started in the graphics chip. Microsoft designed the chip in-house to cut out the traditional ASIC vendor with the goal of saving money in ASIC design costs. After multiple product failures, Microsoft went back to an ASIC vendor and had the chip redesigned so it would dissipate less heat.German computer magazine blamed the problem primarily on the use of the wrong type of lead-free solder, a type that when exposed to elevated temperatures for extended periods of time becomes brittle and can develop hair-line cracks that are almost irreparable.Also another problem with the 360 is that tilting or moving consoles with these drives, when operating with a disc spinning inside, can potentially cause damage to the disc, in some cases rendering the disc unusable. Discs have also been scratched by stationary consoles during normal use. One side of the disc can also be scratched by the disc tray if it malfunctions by closing with the disc in an odd position. Also, technical engineers already knew about the problem before release confirms this with Microsoft with a list of solutions. According to Microsoft, decreasing the disk rotation would take too much time to load a game and bumpers in the disk tray would cost 25 cents per console—a total of about 11 million dollars and a delay of the Xbox release. In 2005, they were accused of many technical Xbox 360 problems and a poor lack of solutions and warranty. According to reports in news media the new Xbox 360 S still scratches disks when the console is moved while spinning the disk, however the 360 S ships with a sticker informing users that moving the console while powered on risks this.I think that Microsoft has neglected many customer needs here. I personally have had to send my Xbox in for repairs due to the “RROD” twice, so I can valge for these product flaws. One reason these product defects were overlooked is because Microsoft’s Xbox has not monopolized the video game console, they are in a race with Sony’s Playstation 3. So when it comes down to putting out a flawless system or hastily putting out their work in progress to the people they will push their defected product out to the market every time just to keep up. First of all once Microsoft got wind of the problems with the lead free solder that was being used they should of halted production and shipping. Xbox users are die hard customers and they should be treated with respect, and I know of many people that have switched to Sony’s Playstation because of the faulty Xbox. Also it is true that the system scratches the discs, especially if it is moved at all while it is turned on. I have also witnessed this defect personally. This is something else that has been avoided by Microsoft due to their own selfish pursuits.In my opinion, the needs that were not met were:-Properly functioning system- Prompt and long lasting repair jobs (the repairs did not last long before product failed again)- Customer identification and understandingI think these needs were deliberately ignored because the problems were not detected until the majority of the systems were already made. Instant recall would have cost 11 million dollars and if they would have not made their release date of 2005 consumers may have grown impatient and went ahead and bought the Playstation just to have the newest existing game console. By putting out a product on time even if it didn’t work properly the customers would buy it and if it began to have problems they would have been out of luck. This ensured the company sales, they would deal with the repairs later once the customers were basically stuck with their product. Skateboard Bushings – Bushings are rubbery rings that are fit into skateboard trucks. Skateboard trucks usually have two bushings per truck. One bushing is in the heart of the truck, and provides the flex and springiness of the truck, for turning and what not. The other bushing is smaller, and set right beneath the head of the kingpin, allowing the trucks to be tightened or loosened easier, and to a more specific degree. Some skaters like tighter trucks, usually for more tricks, while some skaters like looser trucks, often for cruising. However, tight or loose trucks have more to do with simply what feels right to the skater than anything else. 1222375-290830396240488950396240276860The problem with bushings is that they often need to be replaced in your skateboard trucks, because they break down and stop giving good feedback and springiness. This is a more frequent occurrence if the person riding the skateboard is a heavier set person, or if they land on the board hard often. For a design improvement I am suggesting the instead of using these rubber joints per say, maybe there should be some sort of pneumatic device implemented instead. This would still allow the two degrees of freedom that the rubber joints allow, but they would possibly reduce force of impact while lasting longer and needing less maintenance. There are many different companies that provide these bushings, but where the brand names change, the designs basically stay the same. I do believe that these bushing designs do basically meet the needs of the consumer, but I think that either the design could be better by implementing pneumatic struts, or by researching more efficient rubber materials for the existing bushings. In my opinion, the needs that were not met were:Customer satisfaction of productCustomer safety (if these bushings fail, at high speeds the user is more prone to wreck)User abilityI don’t think these needs have not been met due to lack of try, I just think that these designs and material research are the best that have been accumulated so far. The sport of skateboarding is still somewhat new so this is understandable; innovations are still to be made. In my opinion, these desired needs have been deliberately ignored just because complete redesign of the skateboard truck is not ready to be made, I don’t think. Clothes hangers – I chose this object because of my personal experience when trying to keep an organized closet. I have tried different types of hangers but it seems like they always manage to get tangled and moreover ruin the shape of my clothes. Also, when trying to get ready in a hurry, I try to pull my clothes from the closet fast and almost always the hangers get attach to each other. I have different types of clothes and it seems like no matter what size of hanger I use, they always create a problem to my clothes. For instance, they stretch the material or damage the original shape of my clothes. I have come to the conclusion that even though hangers can be useful, they also can be completely annoying. An even bigger problem with these hangers are the damage they do to the environment. Ninety percent of America's clothes are now imported, and most garments that come in from overseas comes in on a plastic hanger — 30 to 40 billion of them each year. Laid end to end, 40 billion coat hangers would stretch about 8 million miles, far beyond the orbit of the moon. Worse, most of these hangers are plastic and have a lifespan of one season — about three months, and very few are recycled.The problems are twofold. Not only do a great many plastic hangers use metal hooks, but most have tissue paper, foam, fabric and bits of soft clear plastic (all imported garments arrive in plastic bags) still stuck to them. The results are a materials menagerie that most recycling centers can't process.On top of that, hangers are made from seven different types of plastic. Individuals and store clerks rarely bother separating the K-resin from the polystyrene No. 6, and it is far too time consuming for recyclers to separate a mass of tangled hangers and our recycling machines can't handle blends.That's why 85 percent of plastic hangers end up in landfills, leaching toxins like benzene and bisphenol-A into the ground water along the way, according to studies.The Organic Consumers Association estimates that 3.5 billion wire hangers are used each year. This amounts to 195 million pounds of steel used for wire hanger production. According to the Steel Recycling Institute, in North America more steel is recycled than glass, aluminum, paper and plastic combined. Yet, when it comes to recycling metal hangers, this proves difficult due to the plastic coating used to protect clothing from rusting metal, the hooks catch on equipment causing jams and the most centers refuse to accept hangers due to the low percentage of steel reclaimed per hanger.Only about 10 percent of wire coat hangers ended up getting reused or recycled, according to industry statistics. The rest, roughly 88 thousand tons per year, remain in closets but eventually end up in landfills. That is roughly 4000 semi loads. In my opinion the following are the needs that original developers missed when developing the product:1. Hangers that will not damage the original shape of your clothes:2. The hanger’s shape will not create difficulties when being stacked in one’s closet.3. Hangers that will not be so hard to recycle.I believe that these needs were not originally met because the developers did not think of a product that could be beneficial at all times. Even though their original product, indeed helped to organize a closet it still did not take away how fast they can make a closet messy just for the sole reason they get tangled when moved around. I do not think that the developers originally ignored this needs. The history of hangers begins sometime in the 1800, with industrial revolution people were trying to make life easier with the invention of different kinds of products. The original developers probably believe that the shoulder-shaped wire hanger, which is nowadays most commonly used, had already the best shape and did not need any type of improvement. I do believe however that nowadays this product could be improved. 4.) Antivirus-This product particularly annoys me because constantly, I have to buy different antivirus programs in order to keep my computer safe from external damage, up to date, or from other people intruding in my personal files. In my opinion, the needs that were not met were:1. To keep all personal computers 100% free of virus regardless of where you use your device.2. They failed to keep the updates more convenient.3. To become interrupting sources of work. If you are in the middle of writing a paper or searching the web, a window will pop out and interrupt your work. Unfortunately, not too many people are knowledgeable on computers and antivirus so they tend to trust any product that’s offered. I think the developers originally ignored this needs because they want all their customers to depend on them to make new updated products. If customers are constantly reminded that their product is at risk because of a particular website or because the computer is being use in a public they will want to protect their product by purchasing any antivirus that is offered in the market. This occurrence brings more profit to the developing companies but becomes a financial burden when a customer is forced to buy these products just to feel safe from getting viruses in their computers.5.) iPhone 4 “Grip of Death” – The Death Grip problem with the iPhone occurs when someone is holding it in a way that their hand covers up the black strip on the edge causing your signal strength to suddenly plummet. 3571875455295I have an iPhone 4 currently, and even now I still witness this Grip of Death, especially if I am already in areas with weak signal. 504825223520The needs that were not met:1. Functionality of the phone. The phones number one feature is to be able to make calls.2. Convenience for the customers.I don’t think that Apple did this purposely. I think that it was a sincere mistake that was realized once the product was being released. Plus different service providers will also affect the signal these phones have. Also they did take several measures to correct the problem, although I do not agree with offering a new phone that is completely fixed as a solution like they did with the 4s. The updates they put out for download did make the situation a lot more manageable though, and because of that I think they did all they really could with that phone.2. Explain the type of development process that you expect to find in established companies that successfully make the following products.9842510160When developing a product, the steps above are the fundamental format widely used. Each step is one that the can be found behind the development of any successful product. But, for every different product these steps will be incorporated in much different ways. For example:(a) Residential air-conditioning units:Planning – Here they would begin gathering resources for access to raw materials and decide locations to begin production.Concept Development – This is where they would collect and brainstorm ideas in small focus groups about what this product should consist of. In this case the group would discuss what kind of settings the AC unit should have.System Level Design – The first step here is task definition. Here they would discuss what exactly the product should do. In this case the idea of the AC unit is to provide cooler temperatures in residential buildings.Detail Design – Detailed design transforms concepts alternatives, preliminary physical architectures, design specifications, and technical requirements into final, cross-disciplinary design definitions. These designs are further refined and all accompanying documentation required for manufacturing is completed in order for timely delivery to the customer of a fully defined, complete product. In this case the groups would be making more permanent decisions about the overall look of the AC unit.Testing and Refinement – Here is where there is either a final product or a working prototype to run tests on and fine tune any malfunctions in the AC unit.Production Ramp-Up – Here is where surveys may be taken from customers using the product or more tests may be taken of the product and the AC unit is improved based on the findings.(b) Racing wheelchairsPlanning – for wheelchairs that are meant to race the development stages will be very critical. In the planning stages there will be a very extensive material search. These wheel chairs have such a small wheel base and low center of gravity that at high speeds it will be hard to keep them balanced. Also the material makes a difference because obviously the idea is to make the wheelchair as light as possible to make it easy for the person to accelerate. Concept Development – I’m sure that with racing wheelchairs there is a lot of brainstorming that can be done about what the product would look like. Even once this product is complete I feel like there will always be modifications that can be made to make the product work better.System-Level Design – We know that for racing wheel chairs the number one idea is for the chair to be able to move fast and probably do so in a very smooth fashion.Detail Design – This is when the final design for the wheelchair would be decided upon. This, like most products that would be something that would likely change in the ramp up stage or some other time in the future seeing that more innovative ideas are always being discovered. Testing and Refinement – For this product I think this stage is very important. The users of this product are already handicapped, so I think it would be crucial to be able to ensure the safety of the product and this is the stage that you will do though sort of safety tests and possibly improve the product if need be. Production Ramp-Up – This is where the wheelchairs will be observed in action, and malfunctions will be noted for future improvements. (c) PizzaPlanning – I think that most pizza places probably already have their basic plan as far as who their consumers are and similar issues. What could be planned here though are possibilities for different types of pizza and any specials they could run.Concept Development – Here they would brainstorm what they want the pizza places to consist of. Maybe they would discuss branching out from just making pizza and trying to accommodate to more customers. System-Level Design – This is where they might discuss what the company might be able to do to further accommodate there customers. Detail Design – This is exactly what the pizza will look like. For instance Pizza Hut is known for the deep dish and Ci Ci’s Pizza is known for its all you can eat pizza buffet. Testing and Refinement – Here they would probably change the ingredients until they were just right. Production Ramp-Up – Here is where the company would look for feedback from the customers to decide what would be better for future improvements.(d) Nail polishPlanning – Here they would gather the chemicals needed to create the product. This is probably something that would require licenses since these are a lot of harsh chemicals so the planning stage would be vital for success.Concept Development – here the company will determine the type of nail polish they will use like one with glitter or one that is just clear. System-Level Design – Here they would determine that the nail polish should specifically decorates a womans fingernail.Detail Design – This is where the exact look of the containers would be decided. Maybe there would be a small container for portability and a big one to keep at home. Testing and Refinement – Here the cocktail of chemicals will be adjusted to suit the woman better.Production Ramp-up – According to the feedback from the women the company may make changes to the product. (e) Barbie dolls -Planning – The company will brainstorm what the age group they are targeting would be. Also maybe what message they want these toys to send to the children.Concept Development – Maybe this is where the company what these dolls would consist of such as what accessories they could come equipped with. System-Level Design – We know that these dolls are meant to entertain children. Maybe they could also try to make these dolls educational as well. They could also make these products for collector items for adults. Detail Design – Here is where they would determine exactly what these dolls would look like, such as what ethnicity they would be. Testing and Refinement – Here is where any design flaws would be handled.Production Ramp-up- Once the company gets feedback from all the parents they may decide to improve on the product. ................

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