
|Session: Music making and lyric writing |

|Date: |Venue: |

|07/05/2016 |PT centre/Achieve club room/Team room |

|Aim: |Description: |

|To work together in a group (or individually depending on the group) to create lyrics |An LLN focused session to create lyrics to go with music |

|using different literary devices including simile, alliteration, metaphor, hyperbole and | |

|personification. Young people will then choose an instrumental and sing or rap the lyrics | |

|to the music. In some cases young people might decide to create an original piece of music| |

|( depends on experience with music software) | |

|Learning outcomes: |Resources required: |Opportunities for LLN: |Opportunities for STEM: |

|Recognise and use a range of literary devices |Paper and pens |Recognise and use a selection of literary|Use of audio recording and editing |

|: alliteration and simile |Computer, projector and internet (can be |devices : alliteration, simile, metaphor,|technology |

| |adapted if technology is not available) |hyperbole and personification |Use of music creation computer software |

| |Music software | | |

|Session cost: | | | |

|N/A | | | |

|Young people: |

|Max number of young people: |Session benefits young people who need: |

|8 | |

|Gender: | |

|Mixed | |

|Delivery |

|Name of Delivery Partner/Service provider: n/a |

|Has a Competency Checklist been completed and a Service Agreement in place? n/a |

|Site-Specific Risk Assessment or Special Activity Authorisation Form required?: n/a |

|Review |

|What went well? |

| |

|It would work better next time if… |


|Day/Time |Description of Activity |Resources |Venue |Learning outcome |

|10:20 – 11:00 | | | | |

| |Introduce literary devices and their use in pop music. Make the |PowerPoint and You Tube | |Recognise and use: |

| |connection between the uses of these devices in pop music and in |videos | |Alliteration and simile |

| |poetry and literature. The PowerPoint attached goes through | | | |

| |alliteration, simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification. It | | |( Extended : recognise and use metaphor, hyperbole and |

| |depends on the group how many devices I cover. Alliteration and | | |personification) |

| |simile are really good to use with most groups. You could use the | | | |

| |other devices for differentiation. The PowerPoint shows examples of| | | |

| |pop music lyrics using literary devices | | | |

| |After each topic I get the young people to try and come up with | | | |

| |examples of alliteration or simile etc. For some groups you could | | | |

| |cut up lines of songs containing simile and alliteration and get | | | |

| |them to rearrange them. How much of the PowerPoint you use depends | | | |

| |on the group you work with | | | |

| | | | | |

|11:00 – 11:15 |Break | | | |

|12:15 – 12:45 |Lunch | | | |

| | | | | |

|13:45 – 2:00 |Break | | | |

|14:15 – 15:00 |Perform, record and edit: | | | |

| | | | | |


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