Name _______________________________________________US1 EXAM REVIEW SHEET: The Road to the American Revolution and Declaration of IndependenceTopics to study…Causes and effects of the French and Indian WarSalutary neglect, mercantilism, Navigation ActsWhat were the relations like between the British, French and Native Americans before the French and Indian War?Why did the French want the Ohio River Valley so bad?Why did the British want the Ohio River Valley so bad?What were the 3 major causes of the French and Indian War?What happened to George Washington in the beginning stages of the French and Indian War?Reasons for Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” cartoon – why was it rejected? (Albany Plan of Union)Turning point of the French and Indian War (Battle of Quebec)What did the Treaty of Paris 1763 state? Who did it give land to and where?Causes of the American RevolutionHow did the English colonists react to British laws and taxes placed upon them following the French and Indian War? (know the different laws and taxes put in place by the British crown) – Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Acts, Writs of Assistance, Intolerable ActsStamp Act Congress – why did it meet? What did they accomplish?Sons of Liberty and the actions they took against tax collectors (like tarring and feathering!)Boston Massacre EFFECTS and the effect of Paul Revere’s “Bloody Massacre” cartoon Boston Tea Party > Causes (Tea Act) and Effects (Intolerable Acts)The American RevolutionThe meeting of the First Continental Congress (what did it want to achieve and why didn't it work?)Patriots vs. Loyalists CAUSES and EFFECTS of the Battles of Lexington and Concord on the Americans and British (Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride and the Shot Heard Round the World too!)The final plan of the Second Continental Congress (Continental Army/George Washington/Olive Branch Petition/Ambassadors to France)Reaction by King George to the Olive Branch Petition (he REJECTED IT and sent mercenaries to control the colonists!)Influence of John Locke and Thomas Paine (Common Sense) on the Declaration of Independence – Life, Liberty and Property vs. Jefferson’s Pursuit of HappinessMembers of the Declaration of Independence committee (who drafted the Declaration?)Strengths and Weaknesses of the British Army vs. Continental ArmyPeace of Paris (Treaty of Paris 1783) and what it negotiatedGOOD LUCK STUDYING! ................

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