
French and Indian War Brochure RubricUsing the information from your Graphic Organizer, you are going to present the information you have learned in class in the form of a brochure. The organization of your brochure should be as follows:Front Panel- Cover: 1. Title of Brochure 2. A relevant image or graphic 3. Your NameBack Panel- Work Cited Page: 1. Heading 2. Sources used and properly cited 3. A relevant image or graphic1 Panel- Why the war began: 1. Heading2. A narration in your own words as to why the war began. Be creative and engaging! 2 Panels- Goals and Battles: 1. Headings for each panel 2. The goal of each country in the war 3. A brief summary of each side’s 3 most important victories 4. The year of each battle and the outcome 5. A relevant image or graphic on each panel. 1 Panel- Effects of the war: 1. Heading2. Describe the impact of the war on the British, the French and the colonists 491490011430000 3. A relevant image or graphic ValueScoreCategory20Historical Content and Accuracy: Project should be full of accurate historical content.20Requirements: All necessary requirements of the project should be met.20Clarity : The information presented should be clear and free of spelling or grammar errors20Creativity and effort: Your project should be unique and show a great deal of effort.20Neatness and organization: Your project should be neat and well organized. The information should be straightforward and easy to locate.French and Indian War Brochure Checklist- Check off the items you complete!COVER- ________ Title of Brochure ________ Image or Graphic ________ Your nameBACK PANEL- ________ Citations properly cited ________ Image or GraphicWhy the war started panel- ________ Heading of the panel________ A narration as to why the war began. ________ Ask yourself, “Is this narration exciting? Does it hook the reader in?”French Panel- ________ Heading of the panel________ The goal of this country during the war________ A brief summary of this country’s 3 most important victories________ The years of the battles.________ A relevant image or graphic.British Panel- ________ Heading of the panel________ The goal of this country during the war________ A brief summary of this country’s 3 most important victories________ The years of the battles.________ A relevant image or graphic.Effects of the War Panel- ________ Heading of the panel ________ How did the war effect the French, the British and the Colonists? ________ A relevant image or graphic ................

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